AOC goes BERSERK on Clarence Thomas: RESIGN or face IMPEACHMENT

Newsflash to okwhine. Ginny Thomas is not on the bench. Justice Thomas is. What’s imaginary is your stupid ASSumption that he has any basis to recuse himself because of her political beliefs and expressions. You are quite ignorant.

Also, you dumbass, Justice Thomas wasn’t “appointed.” He was nominated and then subjected to the racism of shitheads like then Senator Biden in the guise of a confirmation hearing. Despite the Senate Democrat racist clown show, Justice Thomas was confirmed.

As always, your views are baseless and you are highlighted as the retard you are.
You can bitch till you're pissing your pants. Fuck off.
You can bitch till you're pissing your pants. Fuck off.
Stop crying. It’s unseemly of you. 👍

Meanwhile, Ginny is entitled to her views and entitled to express them and entitled to write to governmental officials about them. Nothing you can do about it. Ah. God bless that 1st Amendment.

And the Supreme Court giant, Justice Thomas, is under no duty to recuse himself just because his wife expresses those political views she has. Recusal isn’t even a valid ethical “issue.”

Have a pleasant day, okwhine.
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Not on your behalf asshole. I am holding ground on my opinion and if you don't like it that's your prerogative.
I don’t mind. Hold your ground! Mindlessly and baselessly. It’s not like we expect any open-mindedness or intelligence or honesty from you, okwhine.

But stop your incessant crying. It’s unseemly of you.
I don’t mind. Hold your ground! Mindlessly and baselessly. It’s not like we expect any open-mindedness or intelligence or honesty from you, okwhine.

But stop your incessant crying. It’s unseemly of you.
We? Not surprised at that. All you do is badger incessantly to fulfill your fear of being wrong. Give it a rest. It takes patience that you don't seem to have.
We? Not surprised at that. All you do is badger incessantly to fulfill your fear of being wrong. Give it a rest. It takes patience that you don't seem to have.
Lol. It’s not badgering you to actually respond on topic to a thread. You make idiotic claims and resort to ad hominems a lot; and when you get a bitch slap in return, you cry and whine and piss and moan and groan.

I’m not afraid of being wrong. Here, of course, I’m not wrong. You clearly are. And you can’t sack-up enough to admit it. That’s fine. You certainly can’t defend your own position in a factual and well-reasoned manner.

Logic and honesty aren’t fatal, okwhine. You really should try them someday.
The justices you mentioned... are they affiliated with the Jan 6 fiasco? Not like Ms. Thomas. You seem to think it's all imaginary what went down. Pretty sad.
You can have that so called justice Thomas. He should never been appointed in the first place. You can thank affirmative action for that.

He was qualified. Sadly people from both sides never see candidates as qualified when the "other side" appoints them.

The answer to "unqualified" candidates is to win elections.
Lol. It’s not badgering you to actually respond on topic to a thread. You make idiotic claims and resort to ad hominems a lot; and when you get a bitch slap in return, you cry and whine and piss and moan and groan.

I’m not afraid of being wrong. Here, of course, I’m not wrong. You clearly are. And you can’t sack-up enough to admit it. That’s fine. You certainly can’t defend your own position in a factual and well-reasoned manner.

Logic and honesty aren’t fatal, okwhine. You really should try them someday.
You may know that you have to be nominated to serve as a justice. Subsequently, Thomas was confirmed. Now nit pick on that you prick.

Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
The looney left have no boundaries for trying to get rid of a conservative justice to fill it with a looney left justice.
Wake up, dude!
The looney left have no boundaries for trying to get rid of a conservative justice to fill it with a looney left justice.
Wake up, dude!

A Supreme Court justice deciding that regulations do not apply to them (when it does) is a real issue.

Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
You do realize that it does take 2/3 of the Senate to remove a Supreme Court justice, right?
What do think the odds are that any republican senator would fall for this sham from the communists in the democrat party?
A Supreme Court justice deciding that regulations do not apply to them (when it does) is a real issue.
Only with conservative justices, right?
No laws have been broken, only wet dreams apply to this shenanigan for liberal power.
Make no mistake with this.
You may know that you have to be nominated to serve as a justice. Subsequently, Thomas was confirmed. Now nit pick on that you prick.
Nit pick? Why would I? That’s exactly what I said just a little while ago. Man, you’re a very special kind of retard, you cockgobbler.

But your new post doesn’t address the fact that Justice Thomas has no conflict of interest.
The looney left have no boundaries for trying to get rid of a conservative justice to fill it with a looney left justice.
Wake up, dude!
He sleeps in the same bed every night as an insurrectionist. Nothing loony about wanting this major conflict of interest booted out of the SCOTUS
Nit pick? Why would I? That’s exactly what I said just a little while ago. Man, you’re a very special kind of retard, you cockgobbler.

But your new post doesn’t address the fact that Justice Thomas has no conflict of interest.
So, you resort to flaming when it doesn't suit you. Grow up.
He sleeps in the same bed every night as an insurrectionist. Nothing loony about wanting this major conflict of interest booted out of the SCOTUS
So he's married and sleeps in the same bed with his wife. Got it. There's the law that is broken.
good grief! :cuckoo:
He sleeps in the same bed every night as an insurrectionist. Nothing loony about wanting this major conflict of interest booted out of the SCOTUS
She isn’t an insurrectionists. And he has no conflict of interest. So, to summarize:

you said two things and both were completely wrong and tragically stupid of you.
So he's married and sleeps in the same bed with his wife. Got it. There's the law that is broken.
good grief! :cuckoo:

Stop acting like over 1000 insurrectionists have not been arrested. I know you’re smarter than this.

SCOTUS judges cannot be on the bench if married to traitors

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