AOC goes BERSERK on Clarence Thomas: RESIGN or face IMPEACHMENT

Perhaps AOC will be the Democratic Party candidate for President in 2024. That will prove beyond the shadow of any doubt that the Democratic Party is batshit crazy.

In passing, why should justice Thomas have any say in what his wife is involved in? Should he tell her she should limited her activities to cleaning the house and cooking? If he did, the Democrats would be raising holy hell about thant.
You need more proof? :p

What can I say, these guys conspired with communists to violently disrupt every major population center in the United States.

What part of that is not batshit crazy?
Fair point.
AOC should be Jerry Springer's assistant, not an elected representative. She's a carney bitch.
I'd be very surprised to see Thomas resign. No one can make him, so why should he? What --- integrity, honesty, morality? Ha ha.

This "war" these people are in is fully out in the open now. No rules, no surrender, no admitting anything, no capitulation. Period.
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Thomas is not going to resign and any impeachment will not change that. The Senate will not convict him of anything.

AOC is just plugging her latest media soundbite for attention…

Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
AOC is a shit headed Valley Girl. SHE should be kicked out.
The only insurrection
ALL of the ones I mentioned were insurrection. ARMED insurrection. The Capitol? One WHITE woman ,unarmed ,was murdered by a Black Cop. On purpose.300 middle aged ,pot bellied folks rioting is NOT a goddam fuckin' Insurrection. It is a RIOT. In the ones I mentioned ,many got KILLED. Including COPS. Far as I am concerned ,COP lives matter. A lot more than BLM lives.

Clarence Thomas should resign. If not, his failure to disclose income from right-wing organizations, recuse himself from matters involving his wife, and his vote to block the Jan 6th commission from key information must be investigated and could serve as grounds for impeachment.

What are your thoughts? Should Clarence Thomas resign in shame, or should he protect his traitor wife?
She truly is a mental patient. She is the worst Congressman in US history and represents everything bad with politics and the new Democratic party.

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