AOC Hasn't DONE Anything, But She's Pushing For A Raise

You can put lipstick on a pig - even a brand new, younger pig - and it's still a pig.

The Democrats - especially Freshman AOC - have done nothing they were elected to do / have done nothing to help Americans...but the biggest legislation / issue they want to push for is a pay raise for themselves....

Some things never change...

Dems halt effort to secure pay increase for lawmakers, as contempt votes, funding drama loom


...but they are smart enough to know pushing for a pay raise and a phony contempt charge at the same time is a bad idea.
The pay raise is automatic unless it is stopped which is what the Dems have done. AOC has done nothing since the raises for legislative members rule was implemented a long time before she was able to vote.
Until Congress balances the budget, they should be facing automatic annual pay REDUCTIONS!

And that's the way it should be. I think they should get Zero.

If I could write the laws, I would have it if there is any deficit, then Congress is paid zero. The only exception would be in a time of declared war. That mean a declared war by the congress, not the president.

I guarantee that entitlements wouldn't be proposed as much.
More likely they would constantly have War declared in one place or another.

Since Democraps control congress.... whose fault is that?

It makes one wonder if AOC understands that campaign money and her salary are two different things.

In any case, it’s all a sign that, just months after arriving at the swamp, Ocasio-Cortez has already forgotten her roots. Even without a raise, she’s pulling down three times what the median household makes in her district.

So here’s a modest proposal. Tie AOC’s salary, and everyone else’s in Congress, directly to the incomes of the people they represent.

That would mean, rather than give AOC a raise, she would make just $58,331. That’s the median household income in her district, according to a cool Census tool called My Congressional District.

At that pay, AOC would truly represent New York’s 14th Congressional District. Exactly half the households would make more than her, and exactly half would make less.

Better still, if she wanted a raise, she’d have to see to it that her local economy is thriving and people in her district are gainfully employed, thereby pushing up the median income.
Since the chief reason most people go into politics is graft, there’s a reason why the Issues & Insights editorial board used the phrase “a modest proposal.”
Here’s AOC bringing up obvious (well known btw) flaws with our system

Now she’s saying the system is broken, which I think we all can agree is correct. Why hasn’t she done anything about it, other than grandstand?

In order for these clowns in congress to get a raise the people need to start seeing more bang for their buck, which is not happening. I wouldn’t give them one extra wooden nickel.
Here’s AOC bringing up obvious (well known btw) flaws with our system

Now she’s saying the system is broken, which I think we all can agree is correct. Why hasn’t she done anything about it, other than grandstand?

In order for these clowns in congress to get a raise the people need to start seeing more bang for their buck, which is not happening. I wouldn’t give them one extra wooden nickel.

They are all in it for the graft. Their pay should be the median pay in their district.
Here’s AOC bringing up obvious (well known btw) flaws with our system

Now she’s saying the system is broken, which I think we all can agree is correct. Why hasn’t she done anything about it, other than grandstand?

In order for these clowns in congress to get a raise the people need to start seeing more bang for their buck, which is not happening. I wouldn’t give them one extra wooden nickel.

They are all in it for the graft. Their pay should be the median pay in their district.

I agree. The problem people have with that, just playing devils advocate, is that would lead to Congress being more corrupt than it already is. My answer to that would be stronger oversight
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AOC deserves a raise just for living in the heads of all these knuckledraggers and making them wacko.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Already Demanding Higher Pay, and Says She Will Become Corrupt if Not Rewarded.

Alexandria’s current salary in Congress is $174,000. This is far greater than the US average salary of workers without a high school diploma ($27+K), or those who graduated high school ($37+K). Even looking at those with a college education she earns nearly triple the rate of $66+K annually. So here is the woman, who is concerned about the wage disparity, calling for herself to be granted an even higher salary, in direct opposition to her socialist bleatings.

To justify her demand AOC invokes the likelihood of politicians turning to outside interests, unless they get what is coming to them. The argument of “Pay us, or we’ll turn corrupt” is a disturbing piece of leverage for this newcomer to be invoking.​

Ocasio-Cortez, who makes $174,000, says she needs a raise like minimum wage workers: ‘Congress, retail workers, everybody should get cost of living increases to accommodate for changes in our economy.’ On the $4,500 raise she wants: ‘It’s not even like a raise.’”

We’ve only got 12 years left, she’s assured us. Who can blame her for wanting to live as large as possible in the time we all have remaining?
...What an average worker makes is irrelevant...
Spoken like a true Lefty!

Usually it is the right defending high pay scales
Only for CEO’s and other corporate executives. If you happen to be a minimum wage employee, you are overpaid.

Whether you are paid enough, or too little, depends on who much a customer is willing to pay for your work. I have no interest in determine the pay scale of anyone.
Here’s AOC bringing up obvious (well known btw) flaws with our system

Now she’s saying the system is broken, which I think we all can agree is correct. Why hasn’t she done anything about it, other than grandstand?

In order for these clowns in congress to get a raise the people need to start seeing more bang for their buck, which is not happening. I wouldn’t give them one extra wooden nickel.

They are all in it for the graft. Their pay should be the median pay in their district.

I agree. The problem people have with that, just playing devils advocate, is that would lead to Congress being more corrupt than it already is. My answer to that would be stronger oversight

Congress, in my mind has grown far too powerful and they use that power to enrich themselves rather than serve us. Look at how many things the majority of Americans have wanted for decades that Congress simply refused to do. We want the budget balanced, we want a tighter rein by Congress on Military Adventurism, we want control over our borders, we want immigration and trade policy that focuses on OUR needs and not a bunch of self-righteous clowns claims about the world's needs.

My solution is a Constitutional Amendment that would allow a Majority of State Legislatures, that all passed an identical bill, to be empowered to send the bill to the President's desk for signing into law.

Once Congress realizes that we have a way to Legislatively implement OUR will, without them, I suspect they would very rapidly become more responsive toward us, and the State Legislatures of the States they supposedly represent.
You can put lipstick on a pig - even a brand new, younger pig - and it's still a pig.

The Democrats - especially Freshman AOC - have done nothing they were elected to do / have done nothing to help Americans...but the biggest legislation / issue they want to push for is a pay raise for themselves....

Some things never change...

Dems halt effort to secure pay increase for lawmakers, as contempt votes, funding drama loom


...but they are smart enough to know pushing for a pay raise and a phony contempt charge at the same time is a bad idea.

The Dumb Bitch tells us this will keep her and her buds honest....

Tards will be Tards....
You can put lipstick on a pig - even a brand new, younger pig - and it's still a pig.

The Democrats - especially Freshman AOC - have done nothing they were elected to do / have done nothing to help Americans...but the biggest legislation / issue they want to push for is a pay raise for themselves....

Some things never change...

Dems halt effort to secure pay increase for lawmakers, as contempt votes, funding drama loom

...but they are smart enough to know pushing for a pay raise and a phony contempt charge at the same time is a bad idea.

The Dumb Bitch tells us this will keep her and her buds honest....

Tards will be Tards....
A 2.5% pay raise after ten years is not excessive
True, but the perks-health insurance, pension.

Their health insurance is the same as any other federal employee.
How much of a raise would you give?

I wouldn't. Where did I indicate that I would? I merely pointed out the misconception that Congresscritters have some special health insurance.
AOC is fantastic and scares the crap out of wingnuts.

Alexandria auditioned for the Democratic Socialists Of America party funders. She is an empty-headed puppet which explains as to why she comes across as so clueless when she strays from the scripts her handlers gave her.

I am certainly not surprised that you got sucked both are kindred souls.

You can put lipstick on a pig - even a brand new, younger pig - and it's still a pig.

The Democrats - especially Freshman AOC - have done nothing they were elected to do / have done nothing to help Americans...but the biggest legislation / issue they want to push for is a pay raise for themselves....

Some things never change...

Dems halt effort to secure pay increase for lawmakers, as contempt votes, funding drama loom


...but they are smart enough to know pushing for a pay raise and a phony contempt charge at the same time is a bad idea.
If AOC hasn't done anything....why is she talked about by CRCs 24/7?

I want you to explain this CRC you keep blathering about because it makes no sense.
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Alexandra No Cortex is a true moron....and that's a good thing :muahaha:

AOC Winner “ Miss Flatulent of 2019 “ Bag of Hot Air. :happy-1:

the cow over there.... has more brain cells than her.

AOC is checking out a major source of global warming.

Wow! Two twats in the same photo!

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