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AOC humiliated at a Town Hall: "You ran as a outsider but are voting to start nuclear war with Russia & China. you're a progressive socialist coward!"

We're being driven toward nuclear war on the completely fictional claim that Putin is a Hitler-like megalomaniac who's just invading countries completely unprovoked, solely because he is evil and hates freedom, and won't stop invading and conquering until he's stopped by force.

Warmongers suck. Particularly self hating Russians.
The left keeps telling me the Ukrainians are the Nazi’s. Can we fucking figure out who the Nazis are here?
Has AOC figured out how a garbage disposal works yet? Let’s start there before asking her opinion on world policy.
Take your little side rants somewhere else. Stop quoting my posts if you have no interest in actually addressing what they say.
Read this! Don’t be dumb forever!

In response to the 2014 U.S. coup in Kiev the Russian Federation supported ethnic Russian rebels in the Donbas region to resist that anti-Russian progroms with which the Nazi-controlled Kiev regime threatened them. This blocked U.S. plans to move Ukraine into NATO and to station U.S. missiles directly at the Russian border.

In 2016 the Democrats sought revenge by pushing fake claims of Russian interference in U.S. elections. To justify her loss in the presidential election Hillary Clinton created 'Russiagate', the false claim the Trump was somehow directed by Russia. She was supported by high ranking officials throughout the deep state and especially within the FBI. In hindsight their behavior was beyond belief:

An FBI supervisor repeatedly testified Tuesday that agents did not corroborate an explosive allegation from a former British spy of a “well-developed conspiracy” between the Kremlin and Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign before citing the claim as a reason to initiate surveillance of a former Trump campaign official.
The FBI used the unconfirmed report, Auten testified, to seek court approval of a secret surveillance warrant to monitor Carter Page, a Trump campaign adviser, and then successfully got that warrant reauthorized on three occasions, based in part on the same, uncorroborated claim.
Auten told the jury that shortly after receiving the first batch of Steele documents in the fall of 2016, a group of FBI officials met with Steele and offered him “anywhere up to $1 million” for information that would corroborate the claims in his reports. But Steele never did provide corroboration, Auten said in response to Durham.
Steele had been hired to produce reports by research firm Fusion GPS, which had been retained by a law firm that represented Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee.
'Russiagate' created a feverish anti-Russian atmosphere especially within the Democrats and their followers.
Moon of Alabama
Biden neither provoked nor started this war. This is ALL on Putin, and the consequences are going to be all on Putin as well. Putin was the guy who has been making all of the decisions, and the West has been reacting.

Putin is telling the Russian people that this is a war with the Americans, and that's a fucking lie. So why are YOU repeating Putin's propaganda?
Please get informed. It’s not hard. Read the following please.

Imagine if the Mexican army started bombarding American ex-pats living in Mexico with heavy artillery-rounds killing thousands and leaving thousands more wounded. What do you think Joe Biden would do?

Would he brush it off like a big nothingburger and move on or would he threaten the Mexican government with a military invasion that would obliterate the Mexican Army, level their biggest cities, and send the government running for cover?

Which of these two options do you think Biden would choose?

There’s no doubt what Biden would do nor is there any question what the 45 presidents who preceded him would do. No US leader would ever stand by and do nothing while thousands of Americans were savagely slaughtered by a foreign government. That just wouldn’t happen. They’d all respond quickly and forcefully.

But if that’s true, then why isn’t the same standard applied to Russia? Isn’t the situation in Ukraine nearly identical?

It is nearly identical, only the situation in Ukraine is worse, much worse. And if we stretch our analogy a bit, you’ll see why:

Let’s say, the US Intelligence agencies discovered that the Mexican government was not acting alone, but was being directed to kill and maim American ex-pats on orders from the Chinese Communist government in Beijing. Can you imagine that?

And the reason the Chinese government wants to kill Americans in Mexico is because they want to lure the US into a long and costly war that will “weaken” the US and pave way for its ultimate splintering into many pieces that China can control and exploit. Does any of this sound familiar? (Check out the Rand Strategy for weakening Russia here)

So, let’s say, the Chinese are actually the driving force behind the war in Mexico. Let’s say, they toppled the Mexican government years earlier and installed their own puppet regime to do their bidding. Then they armed and trained vast numbers of troops to fight the Americans. They supplied these warriors with cutting-edge weapons and technology, logistical support, satellite and communications assistance, tanks, armored vehicles, anti-ship missiles, and state-of-the-art artillery units all of which were provided with one goal in mind; to crush America in a proxy war that was concocted, controlled and micro-managed from the Chinese Capital of Beijing

Is such a scenario possible?

It is possible, in fact, this very same scenario is playing out right now in the Ukraine, only the perpetrator of the hostilities is the United States not China, and the target of this malign strategy is Russia not the US. Surprisingly, the Biden administration isn’t even trying to hide what they’re up-to anymore. They’re openly arming, training, funding, and directing Ukrainian troops to prosecute a war aimed at killing Russian soldiers and removing Putin from power. That’s the objective and everyone knows it.

And the whole campaign is based on the sketchy claim that Russia is guilty of “unprovoked aggression”. That’s the whole deal in a nutshell. The moral justification for the war rests on the unverified assumption that Russia committed a criminal offense and broke international law by invading Ukraine.
Some of Us don't think the Russian Invasion was 'Aggression.' Here's why.
The history is that American isolationism failed spectacularly and was long ago rejected. Maybe you should go and learn it.

There is reason they call it the American Century. America leads the free world, and the world has been better for it.
Ha! The anti - isolationist argument. Bush and Cheney could have used your support in ‘03
Nope! The question was - what did US do to facilitate this coup?

Want to try again?
Lol. Asking such a ridiculous question merely proves you’re terribly uninformed. Do even know of the multiple coups the US is responsible for since WWII? I suspect not. Iran? Chili? Iraq? Libya? Anything getting through your thick skull?
Dumbass you've said AOC ought to listen to her constituency and I'm telling you that you have no clue what her constituency suports (not just some one guy, but her constituency overall)
Where did I say she should listen to them? I said she campaigned as an outsider and now she isn’t and he const called her out. i also realize you are just trolling now. Thanks.
Where did I say she should listen to them? I said she campaigned as an outsider and now she isn’t and he const called her out. i also realize you are just trolling now. Thanks.

He called her insider for supporting Ukraine.

There is nothing insider about it.

Any more tortured nonsense?
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BBC: Considering Russia’s actions [Crimea, Salisbury], are the Russian authorities always ‘white & fluffy’ [whiter than white]?
Putin: Compared to the West, yes. [West] is prickly & aggressive. We have 2-3 military bases abroad. US has huge network [Also mentions military budget]
He called her insider for supporting Ukraine.

There is nothing insider about it.

Any more tortured nonsense?
Again, where did I say she should listen to him? Where did I say any percentages? You keep posting and moving goal posts.

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