AOC: In US ‘If You Don’t Have A Job You Are Left To Die’

on the "minimum wage"? i thought it was supposed to only be a temporary lifestyle choice.

That's what I thought however you think differently, so get it so I can retire, between your $15 an hour our Social Security and pensions, we will do fine. Thanks for the help.
You don't need unemployment compensation if you are already receiving social security. You already have an income.

But you claim the more I make the more taxes I'll pay and we will be able to fund infrastructure. So should I just take unemployment and continue to pay into SSI?
what is wrong with social security?

Unemployment will pay us more. What's wrong with me getting more money for not working? Pretty unfair that I wouldn't get unemployment for working my whole life while younger people that choose not to work get paid. I'm trying to help build the economy, isn't that the basis for getting unemployment, I'm trying to spur the economy and now you don't think I should get both SSI and Unemployment? What happened to sparking the economy and helping with infrastructure?
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.
It is a fact that what AOC said is a staggering, flagrant LIE, either stated out of ignorance or deceit...or hatred for this country.

AOC doubled-down on this theme recently by claiming America is 'Garbage'. Yes, only in a 'garbage heap' like America can an ignorant BARTENDER get elected as a member of the House of Representatives and IMMEDIATELY gain access to more / better benefits than 90% of the American people who are paying for all of it.

Any attempted defense of this moron only proves how stupid her defenders are.
The Anti-Majority Constitution Is a Death Warrant for Democracy

The fact that such a bimbo can get elected by people who never should have been given the right to vote is what actually is turning America into garbage. You've been manipulated into accepting the root cause of AOCí, Se Puede's ascendancy when you illogically claim that it is exactly what makes us great. Equally disgusting is the claim that GIs in Vietnam were fighting for the right of the Campus Commie Scum to protest.

Which people should not be given the right to vote? At any given time one might have said the Irish, Italians, Germans, Russians, Asians and African citizens did not deserve the right of suffrage. You must be special, a WASPF.

only American citizens over the age of 18 should be allowed to vote, and they should be required to prove who they are before voting. The people that elected AOC (if they were all legal voters) made that choice. We shall see if they do it again in 2020.
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.
Sorry, like millions of other Americans, the federal government seized money from my personal paycheck for years (without my having a say so) with the understanding that I would get back MY MONEY they were so graciously investing for ME on my behalf. I want MY money.

At this point the govt could keep the interest on that money. I would gladly take a check right now for exactly the amount of MY money they took all these years.
It is a fact that what AOC said is a staggering, flagrant LIE, either stated out of ignorance or deceit...or hatred for this country.

AOC doubled-down on this theme recently by claiming America is 'Garbage'. Yes, only in a 'garbage heap' like America can an ignorant BARTENDER get elected as a member of the House of Representatives and IMMEDIATELY gain access to more / better benefits than 90% of the American people who are paying for all of it.

Any attempted defense of this moron only proves how stupid her defenders are.
The Anti-Majority Constitution Is a Death Warrant for Democracy

The fact that such a bimbo can get elected by people who never should have been given the right to vote is what actually is turning America into garbage. You've been manipulated into accepting the root cause of AOCí, Se Puede's ascendancy when you illogically claim that it is exactly what makes us great. Equally disgusting is the claim that GIs in Vietnam were fighting for the right of the Campus Commie Scum to protest.

Which people should not be given the right to vote? At any given time one might have said the Irish, Italians, Germans, Russians, Asians and African citizens did not deserve the right of suffrage. You must be special, a WASPF.

only American citizens over the age of 18 should be allowed to vote, and they should be required to prove who they are before voting. The people that elected AOC (if they were all legal voters) made that choice. We shall see if they do it again in 2020.

The only fraud of consequence has been exposed in N. Carolina and yet the brainwashed set of trump supporters continue repeating the BIG LIE, one of many BIG LIES which thrive in the swamp of Republican lore.

If voter fraud was rampant, why didn't the Congress pass a bill or trump order a national emergency immediately after the 2016 election?
That's what I thought however you think differently, so get it so I can retire, between your $15 an hour our Social Security and pensions, we will do fine. Thanks for the help.
You don't need unemployment compensation if you are already receiving social security. You already have an income.

But you claim the more I make the more taxes I'll pay and we will be able to fund infrastructure. So should I just take unemployment and continue to pay into SSI?
what is wrong with social security?

Unemployment will pay us more. What's wrong with me getting more money for not working? Pretty unfair that I wouldn't get unemployment for working my whole life while younger people that choose not to work get paid. I'm trying to help build the economy, isn't that the basis for getting unemployment, I'm trying to spur the economy and now you don't think I should get both SSI and Unemployment? What happened to sparking the economy and helping with infrastructure?
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.

So, you would let those that paid and worked hard, contributed to their retirement be penalized and lose out on what they paid into? That seems pretty selfish, especially after your claim that giving this money to seniors and the unemployed would generate so much extra revenue for the country and help repair infrastructure. Are you backing off of this claim?
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.
Sorry, like millions of other Americans, the federal government seized money from my personal paycheck for years (without my having a say so) with the understanding that I would get back MY MONEY they were so graciously investing for ME on my behalf. I want MY money.

At this point the govt could keep the interest on that money. I would gladly take a check right now for exactly the amount of MY money they took all these years.
I agree with you that any changes would have to be "grandfathered in".
You don't need unemployment compensation if you are already receiving social security. You already have an income.

But you claim the more I make the more taxes I'll pay and we will be able to fund infrastructure. So should I just take unemployment and continue to pay into SSI?
what is wrong with social security?

Unemployment will pay us more. What's wrong with me getting more money for not working? Pretty unfair that I wouldn't get unemployment for working my whole life while younger people that choose not to work get paid. I'm trying to help build the economy, isn't that the basis for getting unemployment, I'm trying to spur the economy and now you don't think I should get both SSI and Unemployment? What happened to sparking the economy and helping with infrastructure?
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.

So, you would let those that paid and worked hard, contributed to their retirement be penalized and lose out on what they paid into? That seems pretty selfish, especially after your claim that giving this money to seniors and the unemployed would generate so much extra revenue for the country and help repair infrastructure. Are you backing off of this claim?
I am not suggesting that. There is no reason why anyone on social security could not stay on it.

Unemployment compensation will benefit the Youth of the Nation more than retired folks.
But you claim the more I make the more taxes I'll pay and we will be able to fund infrastructure. So should I just take unemployment and continue to pay into SSI?
what is wrong with social security?

Unemployment will pay us more. What's wrong with me getting more money for not working? Pretty unfair that I wouldn't get unemployment for working my whole life while younger people that choose not to work get paid. I'm trying to help build the economy, isn't that the basis for getting unemployment, I'm trying to spur the economy and now you don't think I should get both SSI and Unemployment? What happened to sparking the economy and helping with infrastructure?
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.

So, you would let those that paid and worked hard, contributed to their retirement be penalized and lose out on what they paid into? That seems pretty selfish, especially after your claim that giving this money to seniors and the unemployed would generate so much extra revenue for the country and help repair infrastructure. Are you backing off of this claim?
I am not suggesting that. There is no reason why anyone on social security could not stay on it.

Unemployment compensation will benefit the Youth of the Nation more than retired folks.

But wouldn't giving the seniors both bolster the economy more? You know, fix infrastructure, putting more into the economy. People worked hard and long for SSI and why should they be penalized, you don't make as much as unemployment.
what is wrong with social security?

Unemployment will pay us more. What's wrong with me getting more money for not working? Pretty unfair that I wouldn't get unemployment for working my whole life while younger people that choose not to work get paid. I'm trying to help build the economy, isn't that the basis for getting unemployment, I'm trying to spur the economy and now you don't think I should get both SSI and Unemployment? What happened to sparking the economy and helping with infrastructure?
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.

So, you would let those that paid and worked hard, contributed to their retirement be penalized and lose out on what they paid into? That seems pretty selfish, especially after your claim that giving this money to seniors and the unemployed would generate so much extra revenue for the country and help repair infrastructure. Are you backing off of this claim?
I am not suggesting that. There is no reason why anyone on social security could not stay on it.

Unemployment compensation will benefit the Youth of the Nation more than retired folks.

But wouldn't giving the seniors both bolster the economy more? You know, fix infrastructure, putting more into the economy. People worked hard and long for SSI and why should they be penalized, you don't make as much as unemployment.
let's say the unemployment compensation wage was fourteen dollars an hour equivalent and the statutory minimum wage to actually provide labor input was fifteen.

how long would it take You to learn how to invest on unemployment?
Unemployment will pay us more. What's wrong with me getting more money for not working? Pretty unfair that I wouldn't get unemployment for working my whole life while younger people that choose not to work get paid. I'm trying to help build the economy, isn't that the basis for getting unemployment, I'm trying to spur the economy and now you don't think I should get both SSI and Unemployment? What happened to sparking the economy and helping with infrastructure?
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.

So, you would let those that paid and worked hard, contributed to their retirement be penalized and lose out on what they paid into? That seems pretty selfish, especially after your claim that giving this money to seniors and the unemployed would generate so much extra revenue for the country and help repair infrastructure. Are you backing off of this claim?
I am not suggesting that. There is no reason why anyone on social security could not stay on it.

Unemployment compensation will benefit the Youth of the Nation more than retired folks.

But wouldn't giving the seniors both bolster the economy more? You know, fix infrastructure, putting more into the economy. People worked hard and long for SSI and why should they be penalized, you don't make as much as unemployment.
let's say the unemployment compensation wage was fourteen dollars an hour equivalent and the statutory minimum wage to actually provide labor input was fifteen.

how long would it take You to learn how to invest on unemployment?

That has nothing to do with my question, why, if you believe giving people $14 an hour to stay home is going to better the economy, then why not use SSI and unemployment compensation to further expand the economy as you claim it would?
We could end social security if we use unemployment compensation.

So, you would let those that paid and worked hard, contributed to their retirement be penalized and lose out on what they paid into? That seems pretty selfish, especially after your claim that giving this money to seniors and the unemployed would generate so much extra revenue for the country and help repair infrastructure. Are you backing off of this claim?
I am not suggesting that. There is no reason why anyone on social security could not stay on it.

Unemployment compensation will benefit the Youth of the Nation more than retired folks.

But wouldn't giving the seniors both bolster the economy more? You know, fix infrastructure, putting more into the economy. People worked hard and long for SSI and why should they be penalized, you don't make as much as unemployment.
let's say the unemployment compensation wage was fourteen dollars an hour equivalent and the statutory minimum wage to actually provide labor input was fifteen.

how long would it take You to learn how to invest on unemployment?

That has nothing to do with my question, why, if you believe giving people $14 an hour to stay home is going to better the economy, then why not use SSI and unemployment compensation to further expand the economy as you claim it would?
it is a cost of living adjustment not simply more free stuff.
Sorry, like millions of other Americans, the federal government seized money from my personal paycheck for years (without my having a say so) with the understanding that I would get back MY MONEY they were so graciously investing for ME on my behalf. I want MY money.

Then you need to talk to Trump, he's the one trying to roll back payments to retirees so that Billionaires can get their tax cuts...

YOu really are a stupid person, aren't you?
Sorry, like millions of other Americans, the federal government seized money from my personal paycheck for years (without my having a say so) with the understanding that I would get back MY MONEY they were so graciously investing for ME on my behalf. I want MY money.

Then you need to talk to Trump, he's the one trying to roll back payments to retirees so that Billionaires can get their tax cuts...

YOu really are a stupid person, aren't you?
And kill puppies. Don’t forget to mention the puppies.
It is a fact that what AOC said is a staggering, flagrant LIE, either stated out of ignorance or deceit...or hatred for this country.

AOC doubled-down on this theme recently by claiming America is 'Garbage'. Yes, only in a 'garbage heap' like America can an ignorant BARTENDER get elected as a member of the House of Representatives and IMMEDIATELY gain access to more / better benefits than 90% of the American people who are paying for all of it.

Any attempted defense of this moron only proves how stupid her defenders are.
The Anti-Majority Constitution Is a Death Warrant for Democracy

The fact that such a bimbo can get elected by people who never should have been given the right to vote is what actually is turning America into garbage. You've been manipulated into accepting the root cause of AOCí, Se Puede's ascendancy when you illogically claim that it is exactly what makes us great. Equally disgusting is the claim that GIs in Vietnam were fighting for the right of the Campus Commie Scum to protest.

Which people should not be given the right to vote? At any given time one might have said the Irish, Italians, Germans, Russians, Asians and African citizens did not deserve the right of suffrage. You must be special, a WASPF.

only American citizens over the age of 18 should be allowed to vote, and they should be required to prove who they are before voting. The people that elected AOC (if they were all legal voters) made that choice. We shall see if they do it again in 2020.

The only fraud of consequence has been exposed in N. Carolina and yet the brainwashed set of trump supporters continue repeating the BIG LIE, one of many BIG LIES which thrive in the swamp of Republican lore.

If voter fraud was rampant, why didn't the Congress pass a bill or trump order a national emergency immediately after the 2016 election?
Voter fraud in minority poverty areas are not questioned.
I had no idea MSBC, CNN, CBS, NBC etc we’re right wing. When did this transition occur?

Wouldn't know. I rarely see her on those. But man, yesterday RedState started SIX threads on her, on top of two on Beto.
You’re a leftist because you’re ignorant. She’s always all over the news. Over 50 news articles on her just in the last 2 days.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacked the NRA immediately after the New Zealand terror attack, then pivoted amid pushback

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacked the NRA immediately after the New Zealand terror attack, then pivoted amid pushback

AOC rips NRA after New Zealand mosque shootings: ‘What good are your thoughts and prayers’?





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