AOC not A-OK with Boston's Straight Pride Parade

Bologna hateful right-wing propaganda. You are a poor citizen.

It's a video dumb ass. How can it be propaganda when it was all recorded? These little commies started trouble at a Blue Lives Matter gathering; you know, people who support your enemies, the police.

If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

Gotta love AOC

She nailed them on this one
She nailed nothing, more stupid talk for stupid people that believe human nature can be changed with words or laws.
And yet history is a series of human nature changes. You conservative idiots mainly figure it out finally. Just like Churchill said about Americans. "The Americans are wonderful people, they will always do the right thing, after exhausting every other possibility."
And yet history is a series of human nature changes.
What historical event changed human nature?
The way we handle minorities and different sex choices. Progress --you might have heard of it...
I asked for an event that accomplished that.
Bologna hateful right-wing propaganda. You are a poor citizen.

It's a video dumb ass. How can it be propaganda when it was all recorded? These little commies started trouble at a Blue Lives Matter gathering; you know, people who support your enemies, the police.

If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
Anti Fa is hateful, violent, and stupid and never criticized by the Left.
Bologna hateful right-wing propaganda. You are a poor citizen.

It's a video dumb ass. How can it be propaganda when it was all recorded? These little commies started trouble at a Blue Lives Matter gathering; you know, people who support your enemies, the police.

If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage

I enjoyed it.
Yep while you dupes obsess about antifa who never do anything, the only spike in violence is against lgbtq Jews blacks and Muslims. Great job

Right, they never do anything wrong.

VIDEO: 16 antifa protesters arrested after clash with Philadelphia police
I am guessing the cops started that. A joke either way. I'm not going to defend antifa the few times anything like this happens big farking deal.... The only spike in violence is right-wing violence against gays Jews blacks and Muslims.

You said antifa never does anything. Well I proved you wrong or a liar. But we know you're both no matter what.

So only Jews, blacks and Muslims are targets, huh?

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart
There was a bit of a ruckus in your link that is all nobody was injured relax. You have heard about every ruckus a hundred times at least, brain-washed functional moron. Breitbart is full of s***. Everybody in the world knows it but you dupes....

I see you didn't even look at the link; all you did was look at who posted it.

Well if you bothered to look at it, there are stories, with names, with dates, and links you cannot deny. It's going on all over the country and promoted by commies in your party.

For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

Gotta love AOC

She nailed them on this one
why do homos like you hate straight people ?
Just duped bigoted idiots like you....
bigot ???? i have no problem with the fact that you are a faggot !
How gay can you get
Your upset over a straight parade in Boston?
Straight Pride Parades are Queer

Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?
to gays like him they are ..... all modern democrats are homosexuals !
We are blasting these homos out of the water

And they mad as hell
Yep while you dupes obsess about antifa who never do anything, the only spike in violence is against lgbtq Jews blacks and Muslims. Great job
have you been beaten down because of your homosexuality ?

"Get him boys!"
Bologna hateful right-wing propaganda. You are a poor citizen.

It's a video dumb ass. How can it be propaganda when it was all recorded? These little commies started trouble at a Blue Lives Matter gathering; you know, people who support your enemies, the police.

If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?
Bologna hateful right-wing propaganda. You are a poor citizen.

It's a video dumb ass. How can it be propaganda when it was all recorded? These little commies started trouble at a Blue Lives Matter gathering; you know, people who support your enemies, the police.

If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Bologna hateful right-wing propaganda. You are a poor citizen.

It's a video dumb ass. How can it be propaganda when it was all recorded? These little commies started trouble at a Blue Lives Matter gathering; you know, people who support your enemies, the police.

If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Luckily they feel part of the country after Obama and they don't have disgusting parades like this anymore or the old lifestyles. They are married having kids etcetera etcetera f*** you.


They don’t have disgusting parades like that anymore
or the old lifestyles....YEAH, THEY DO


Disgusting bigoted b******* from the insane.



I couldn’t care less, what you say I am
I KNOW who God says I am

I am chosen
Not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me
Not against me
I am who You say I am

I’m a child of God, yes I am

You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don't belong, You say I am Yours

If I am a bigot because I refuse to accept
what I know is be it

I am proud to be a bigot

If I am disgusting and insane because I refuse
to buy the lie and follow the blind into a be it

I am disgusting and insane and proud of it

You continue working for your father promoting the lie
and I’ll continue working for my Father proclaiming the truth
Twisted religion you've got there...
One, I’m not into religion

Two, religion has nothing to do with anything

Any reasonable, decent person should have a problem with
freaking deviants being able to organize a parade
and allowed a public platform to strut around in perversity

Your upset over a straight parade in Boston?

Straight Pride Parades are Queer

Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?

Lie of the Year: If You Like Your Healthcare Plan
You Can Keep It

One example: PBS Newshour interviewed a woman from Washington, D.C., who was a supporter of the health care law and found her policy canceled. New policies had significantly higher rates. She told Newshour that the only thing the new policy covered that her old one didn’t was maternity care and pediatric services. And she was 58.

"The chance of me having a child at this age is zero. So, you know, I ask the president, why do I have to pay an additional $5,000 a year for maternity coverage that I will never, ever need?" asked Deborah Persico.

That is ridiculous. He didn't even want a mandate. They made it that way two years later in Congress. What kind of lie's that --it's ridiculous. Meanwhile everything you know is a lie factual lie the rich pay crap in taxes, the middle class is going to hell inequality and upward Mobility are terrible, Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and he is ruining it as we speak. Another goddamn Republican moron.
The rich pay crap in taxes? JC how much money do you want to steal from them ? What do you need it for in a free country??
What do you know about taxes is a pure GOP scam. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. IRS statistics. And no there is no conspiracy against you except the GOP propaganda machine and the giveaway to the rich

Why do you care?

Still intrested in buying a BMW?
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.


It's a video dumb ass. How can it be propaganda when it was all recorded? These little commies started trouble at a Blue Lives Matter gathering; you know, people who support your enemies, the police.

If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.

Oh please, Trump had the support of the police, and for the first time ever, an endorsement from the Border Patrol.

Authority knows that the left are against them. As soon as the MSM can find a way to get people to protest or riot, they are the ones throwing gas on the fire. The left hates our police, and the police know it. That's why they always take the criminals side against the police in any controversial matter.
It's a video dumb ass. How can it be propaganda when it was all recorded? These little commies started trouble at a Blue Lives Matter gathering; you know, people who support your enemies, the police.

If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Every respected media and law enforcement
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.

Oh please, Trump had the support of the police, and for the first time ever, an endorsement from the Border Patrol.

Authority knows that the left are against them. As soon as the MSM can find a way to get people to protest or riot, they are the ones throwing gas on the fire. The left hates our police, and the police know it. That's why they always take the criminals side against the police in any controversial matter.
Smartphones showed us that police brutality against blacks was a problem.the left does not hate the police and they are actually pretty much center while you people are off the end of flat Earth.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.

Oh please, Trump had the support of the police, and for the first time ever, an endorsement from the Border Patrol.

Authority knows that the left are against them. As soon as the MSM can find a way to get people to protest or riot, they are the ones throwing gas on the fire. The left hates our police, and the police know it. That's why they always take the criminals side against the police in any controversial matter.
Smartphones showed us that police brutality against blacks was a problem.the left does not hate the police and they are actually pretty much center while you people are off the end of flat Earth.
In comparison with every other modern country the Democrats ARe less left than any of them.
How gay can you get
Your upset over a straight parade in Boston?
Straight Pride Parades are Queer

Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?
That is ridiculous. He didn't even want a mandate. They made it that way two years later in Congress. What kind of lie's that --it's ridiculous. Meanwhile everything you know is a lie factual lie the rich pay crap in taxes, the middle class is going to hell inequality and upward Mobility are terrible, Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and he is ruining it as we speak. Another goddamn Republican moron.
The rich pay crap in taxes? JC how much money do you want to steal from them ? What do you need it for in a free country??
What do you know about taxes is a pure GOP scam. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. IRS statistics. And no there is no conspiracy against you except the GOP propaganda machine and the giveaway to the rich

Why do you care?

Still intrested in buying a BMW?
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.

“The rich” earn their money. You prefer to bitch because your life was and remains a complete failure. The Clintons are very rich as are the Obamas. So are they corrupt?

The rich decide how much others can make

They are allocating less and less to those who create the wealth
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.

Oh please, Trump had the support of the police, and for the first time ever, an endorsement from the Border Patrol.

Authority knows that the left are against them. As soon as the MSM can find a way to get people to protest or riot, they are the ones throwing gas on the fire. The left hates our police, and the police know it. That's why they always take the criminals side against the police in any controversial matter.
Smartphones showed us that police brutality against blacks was a problem.the left does not hate the police and they are actually pretty much center while you people are off the end of flat Earth.
How about the Blacks killing each other? You do not care if a black person dies unless a white man is involved.
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.

Dear AOC. If you don't like it, don't march in it then. And please keep making an ass of yourself.
Much easier to mock those who march in such parades

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