AOC not A-OK with Boston's Straight Pride Parade

Your upset over a straight parade in Boston?
Straight Pride Parades are Queer

Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?
The rich pay crap in taxes? JC how much money do you want to steal from them ? What do you need it for in a free country??
What do you know about taxes is a pure GOP scam. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. IRS statistics. And no there is no conspiracy against you except the GOP propaganda machine and the giveaway to the rich

Why do you care?

Still intrested in buying a BMW?
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.

“The rich” earn their money. You prefer to bitch because your life was and remains a complete failure. The Clintons are very rich as are the Obamas. So are they corrupt?

The rich decide how much others can make

They are allocating less and less to those who create the wealth
Obama had eight years to do something about that. The 1% did the best of any other group under Obama. Trump has raised wages, that means the rich are allocating more.
Your upset over a straight parade in Boston?
Straight Pride Parades are Queer

Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?
The rich pay crap in taxes? JC how much money do you want to steal from them ? What do you need it for in a free country??
What do you know about taxes is a pure GOP scam. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. IRS statistics. And no there is no conspiracy against you except the GOP propaganda machine and the giveaway to the rich

Why do you care?

Still intrested in buying a BMW?
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.

“The rich” earn their money. You prefer to bitch because your life was and remains a complete failure. The Clintons are very rich as are the Obamas. So are they corrupt?

The rich decide how much others can make

They are allocating less and less to those who create the wealth

Wrong. Everyone has equal rights. Make your own wealth. Start your own business. Get an SBA loan.
If he doesn't like it, he calls it propaganda. That's about as sophisticated as he gets.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Every respected media and law enforcement
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
Luckily they feel part of the country after Obama and they don't have disgusting parades like this anymore or the old lifestyles. They are married having kids etcetera etcetera f*** you.


They don’t have disgusting parades like that anymore
or the old lifestyles....YEAH, THEY DO


Disgusting bigoted b******* from the insane.



I couldn’t care less, what you say I am
I KNOW who God says I am

I am chosen
Not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me
Not against me
I am who You say I am

I’m a child of God, yes I am

You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don't belong, You say I am Yours

If I am a bigot because I refuse to accept
what I know is be it

I am proud to be a bigot

If I am disgusting and insane because I refuse
to buy the lie and follow the blind into a be it

I am disgusting and insane and proud of it

You continue working for your father promoting the lie
and I’ll continue working for my Father proclaiming the truth
Twisted religion you've got there...
One, I’m not into religion

Two, religion has nothing to do with anything

Any reasonable, decent person should have a problem with
freaking deviants being able to organize a parade
and allowed a public platform to strut around in perversity
Now that they can live in society they're getting married and jobs and kids, thank you very much idiot bigot. Try reading what psychiatrists and psychologists and experts say instead of whatever.
Straight Pride Parades are Queer

Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?
What do you know about taxes is a pure GOP scam. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. IRS statistics. And no there is no conspiracy against you except the GOP propaganda machine and the giveaway to the rich

Why do you care?

Still intrested in buying a BMW?
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.

“The rich” earn their money. You prefer to bitch because your life was and remains a complete failure. The Clintons are very rich as are the Obamas. So are they corrupt?

The rich decide how much others can make

They are allocating less and less to those who create the wealth

Wrong. Everyone has equal rights. Make your own wealth. Start your own business. Get an SBA loan.
worst inequality and worst upward mobility in our history thanks to you idiots. 35 years of giveaway to the rich doesn't work.
Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?
Why do you care?

Still intrested in buying a BMW?
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.

“The rich” earn their money. You prefer to bitch because your life was and remains a complete failure. The Clintons are very rich as are the Obamas. So are they corrupt?

The rich decide how much others can make

They are allocating less and less to those who create the wealth

Wrong. Everyone has equal rights. Make your own wealth. Start your own business. Get an SBA loan.
worst inequality and worst upward mobility in our history thanks to you idiots. 35 years of giveaway to the rich doesn't work.

Your hero was President from 2008 to 2016? Super Duper. He just bought a mansion in Martha’s Vineyard for $15mil. He cares about the poor as much as Scrooge McDuck.
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.

“The rich” earn their money. You prefer to bitch because your life was and remains a complete failure. The Clintons are very rich as are the Obamas. So are they corrupt?

The rich decide how much others can make

They are allocating less and less to those who create the wealth

Wrong. Everyone has equal rights. Make your own wealth. Start your own business. Get an SBA loan.
worst inequality and worst upward mobility in our history thanks to you idiots. 35 years of giveaway to the rich doesn't work.

Your hero was President from 2008 to 2016? Super Duper. He just bought a mansion in Martha’s Vineyard for $15mil. He cares about the poor as much as Scrooge McDuck.

And what's odd about that is it's going to be under water within the next 10 years. Why would he do that if he believed global warming was going to destroy his new home?
Your upset over a straight parade in Boston?
Straight Pride Parades are Queer

Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?
The rich pay crap in taxes? JC how much money do you want to steal from them ? What do you need it for in a free country??
What do you know about taxes is a pure GOP scam. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. IRS statistics. And no there is no conspiracy against you except the GOP propaganda machine and the giveaway to the rich

Why do you care?

Still intrested in buying a BMW?
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.

“The rich” earn their money. You prefer to bitch because your life was and remains a complete failure. The Clintons are very rich as are the Obamas. So are they corrupt?

The rich decide how much others can make

They are allocating less and less to those who create the wealth

Workers create one thing--work.

The people that create the wealth are those who made the investment to do so.

The rich don't decide what people make--the people do.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.

Oh please, Trump had the support of the police, and for the first time ever, an endorsement from the Border Patrol.

Authority knows that the left are against them. As soon as the MSM can find a way to get people to protest or riot, they are the ones throwing gas on the fire. The left hates our police, and the police know it. That's why they always take the criminals side against the police in any controversial matter.
Smartphones showed us that police brutality against blacks was a problem.the left does not hate the police and they are actually pretty much center while you people are off the end of flat Earth.

Smart phones don't tell the entire story. A criminal punches a cop, and the cop wrestles the criminal to the ground. During resistance, the officer has to punch the criminal to comply. The leftist MSM only shows the part where the officer had to punch the criminal.

The lying MSM depends on morons like you that will buy anything they sell. Much like what you did with the links I posted, you choose to ignore them and march in lockstep to what you were brainwashed to believe.
No it is a dumbass video. antifa idiot gets knocked out. Do you enjoy stupid s*** like that? Hateful stupid garbage
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Every respected media and law enforcement
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
What newspapers are still pretty good
The NYT and the WP are now tabloids.They both lied for three years. Worthless unless you have a bird to shit on them.
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Every respected media and law enforcement
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
What newspapers are still pretty good
The NYT and the WP are now tabloids.They both lied for three years. Worthless unless you have a bird to shit on them.

There is a reason more and more news outlets are losing customers.
What does that have to do with you calling everything you disagree with propaganda?

Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.

Oh please, Trump had the support of the police, and for the first time ever, an endorsement from the Border Patrol.

Authority knows that the left are against them. As soon as the MSM can find a way to get people to protest or riot, they are the ones throwing gas on the fire. The left hates our police, and the police know it. That's why they always take the criminals side against the police in any controversial matter.
Smartphones showed us that police brutality against blacks was a problem.the left does not hate the police and they are actually pretty much center while you people are off the end of flat Earth.

Smart phones don't tell the entire story. A criminal punches a cop, and the cop wrestles the criminal to the ground. During resistance, the officer has to punch the criminal to comply. The leftist MSM only shows the part where the officer had to punch the criminal.

The lying MSM depends on morons like you that will buy anything they sell. Much like what you did with the links I posted, you choose to ignore them and march in lockstep to what you were brainwashed to believe.
Your sources like Breitbart and the daily signal are crap. That's the problem real journalists are aghast at your propaganda machine. And you people believe it's unbelievable...
Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Every respected media and law enforcement
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
What newspapers are still pretty good
The NYT and the WP are now tabloids.They both lied for three years. Worthless unless you have a bird to shit on them.

There is a reason more and more news outlets are losing customers.
The New York Times amd the Washington Post are our most respected media outlets here still. None of our news outlets spend the money the CBS News used to with Walter Cronkite. They don't have foreign offices and reporters. Just remember BBC and other National news like Reuters and AP all agree with us not you idiots.
Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Every respected media and law enforcement
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
What newspapers are still pretty good
The NYT and the WP are now tabloids.They both lied for three years. Worthless unless you have a bird to shit on them.

There is a reason more and more news outlets are losing customers.
Yes the internet.
Because that's what trolls do.

Antifa are a bunch of punks who cover their face and start trouble. Nobody covers their face unless they intend on committing a crime. I'm surprised that they didn't attend the straight pride parade. However other protesters did because they can't stand the thought of normal people participating in activities leftists are usually involved in.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Every respected media and law enforcement
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
What newspapers are still pretty good
The NYT and the WP are now tabloids.They both lied for three years. Worthless unless you have a bird to shit on them.

There is a reason more and more news outlets are losing customers.
All newspapers are pretty good unless they are owned by Rupert Murdoch. Just like news on TV is pretty good except for Rupert Murdoch and fox.
Every respected media and law enforcement and educated people around the world knowTrump is a chaotic mess. Spewing Fox propaganda. That's all he had to do to take over the GOP. Everything you know is wrong all phony scandals no basis in fact at all. We have great law enforcement institutions. 2 Straight arrow and overeager if anything.
Every respected media and law enforcement
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
What newspapers are still pretty good
The NYT and the WP are now tabloids.They both lied for three years. Worthless unless you have a bird to shit on them.

There is a reason more and more news outlets are losing customers.
The New York Times amd the Washington Post are our most respected media outlets here still. None of our news outlets spend the money the CBS News used to with Walter Cronkite. They don't have foreign offices and reporters. Just.remember BBC and other National news like Reuters and AP all agree with us not you idiots.
The New York Times amd the Washington Post are our most respected media outlets here still
No they aren't. And the BBC is a bias propaganda wing of globalists. And the others who agree share your freedom hating agenda.
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
What newspapers are still pretty good
The NYT and the WP are now tabloids.They both lied for three years. Worthless unless you have a bird to shit on them.

There is a reason more and more news outlets are losing customers.
The New York Times amd the Washington Post are our most respected media outlets here still. None of our news outlets spend the money the CBS News used to with Walter Cronkite. They don't have foreign offices and reporters. Just.remember BBC and other National news like Reuters and AP all agree with us not you idiots.
The New York Times amd the Washington Post are our most respected media outlets here still
No they aren't. And the BBC is a bias propaganda wing of globalists. And the others who agree share your freedom hating agenda.
globalism is a fact. The world is getting smaller fast. We need to train our people so they can get good techie jobs in manufacturing like Germany has. 6 million jobs going begging right now because... it's pathetic. Because of the GOP give away to the rich. End of story
Nobody respects our media and with good reason. And who supports law enforcement? Dousing cops in NYC and calling ICE agents criminals. You need to shut the fuck up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
What media are you talkin about? CNN MSNBC and fox are all stupid punditocracy. And fox is propaganda half the time. What newspapers are still pretty good. CNN MSNBC need to invest and fox need to invest in reporters and foreign offices so they can have news half the time at least. This is pathetic just divisive arguing LOL
What newspapers are still pretty good
The NYT and the WP are now tabloids.They both lied for three years. Worthless unless you have a bird to shit on them.

There is a reason more and more news outlets are losing customers.
The New York Times amd the Washington Post are our most respected media outlets here still. None of our news outlets spend the money the CBS News used to with Walter Cronkite. They don't have foreign offices and reporters. Just.remember BBC and other National news like Reuters and AP all agree with us not you idiots.
The New York Times amd the Washington Post are our most respected media outlets here still
No they aren't. And the BBC is a bias propaganda wing of globalists. And the others who agree share your freedom hating agenda.
No we do not hate freedom what the hell are you talkin about?

Your upset over a straight parade in Boston?

Straight Pride Parades are Queer

Then what are gay pride parades and cross dresser parades, normal?

Lie of the Year: If You Like Your Healthcare Plan
You Can Keep It

One example: PBS Newshour interviewed a woman from Washington, D.C., who was a supporter of the health care law and found her policy canceled. New policies had significantly higher rates. She told Newshour that the only thing the new policy covered that her old one didn’t was maternity care and pediatric services. And she was 58.

"The chance of me having a child at this age is zero. So, you know, I ask the president, why do I have to pay an additional $5,000 a year for maternity coverage that I will never, ever need?" asked Deborah Persico.

That is ridiculous. He didn't even want a mandate. They made it that way two years later in Congress. What kind of lie's that --it's ridiculous. Meanwhile everything you know is a lie factual lie the rich pay crap in taxes, the middle class is going to hell inequality and upward Mobility are terrible, Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and he is ruining it as we speak. Another goddamn Republican moron.
The rich pay crap in taxes? JC how much money do you want to steal from them ? What do you need it for in a free country??
What do you know about taxes is a pure GOP scam. We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. IRS statistics. And no there is no conspiracy against you except the GOP propaganda machine and the giveaway to the rich

Why do you care?

Still intrested in buying a BMW?
because when you have a giant giveaway to the rich like we have had the last 35 years, there is no money to invest in infrastructure public universities you name it, brainwashed functional moron. Why? Because I care about the country so I care about the truth. GOP base idiot.... I prefer Alfa Romeos.

Brainwashed functional moron,
if there isn’t money to invest in
infrastructure, public universities and so forth,
what makes you think there is money
to support everyone that wants to come here?

There is money to invest in our country
it is mismanaged and spent improperly

What could we have done as far as infrastructure
with the 9+ BILLION that went to those detained at the borders?

How much more are we spending on public education?

Acquiring existing buildings or building new
pre schools, grammar schools and high schools
to ease the overcrowding of the existing schools
because of the influx of immigrant children...

Schools that have to be staffed,
buildings that have to be maintained
Curriculum that is modified for non English speaking students
More breakfasts, lunches, tutors

That money could have been used
to improve the existing schools in place
instead of taking money away from those schools
because it had to be diverted and spread out elsewhere

Now, what rationale explanation can you offer
for the following aid to just this 1 country
during the Obama administration
and during the worse financial crisis


2008 - $8.9 BILLION DOLLARS (2007 for 2008 under Bush)

2009 - $9.0 BILLION DOLLARS (2008 for 2009 under Obama)








2017 - $5.7 BILLION DOLLARS (2016 for 2017 under Obama)

2018 - $760 MILLION DOLLARS (2017 for 2018 under Trump)

2019 - $192 MILLION DOLLARS (2018 for 2019 under Trump)

Now, I’ve only listed 1 country
EVERY country receiving aid from us,
has had their aid drastically reduced
since Trump has been in office

Is it any wonder why foreign governments
have a problem with Trump

That is why upgrades and upkeep
for and within our country don’t happen...
we have been giving other countries
millions, hundreds of millions and billions of dollars

That is why we can’t provide ALL our own legal citizens
that were born and raised here and generational descendants
who are homeless, struggling or fallen on hard times
through no fault of their own or deserving of
the assistance and intervention necessary to make a difference...

Because we are helping foreigners not entitled to
government intervention with taxpayer dollars
and enabling the irresponsibility of our own
through government assistance with taxpayer dollars

Our government is obligated to us, no one else
If individuals want to help people struggling elsewhere
that is fine because that is how it is supposed to be

Furthermore, our government has no business
using tax dollars to support irresponsible individuals
who simply refuse to pull the weight of their consequences

No one is entitled to have their needs handed to them
in order to get their hands on what they want

Not being wealthy doesn’t mean
you’re entitled to someone else’s wealth

Just because someone else doesn’t have to struggle
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have to struggle either
So how many people do you think Franco has turned over to liberal ideals? My guess as poorly thought out his arguments are and his insulting others, I bet he has converted no one and has driven people further to the right because he is an asshole.

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