AOC Proposes Bill to Deprogram Trump Supporters and Stolen Election "Conspiracy Theorists"

Actually... It seems like many people, including posters here, WANT to have a civil war. I just can't figure out why they are doing these things unless they are trying to get people riled up.

I would love to see the lefts reaction to a Republican saying we need to de-radicalize or de-program BLM people. You'd be going nuts.
Well... I would be saying the same thing actually.
There should be some nice land in the countryside that Pol Pot would approve of for the re-education camps.

View attachment 443791
Well, that's stupid. I would like to say there must be more to the story but it's AOC. There usually isn't. She truly believes that there is this huge swath of people that are white supremacists.

While I think her proposal is ridiculous...the Q-anon cult is making subtle but alarming inroads.

Actually... It seems like many people, including posters here, WANT to have a civil war. I just can't figure out why they are doing these things unless they are trying to get people riled up.
There should be some nice land in the countryside that Pol Pot would approve of for the re-education camps.

View attachment 443791
Well, that's stupid. I would like to say there must be more to the story but it's AOC. There usually isn't. She truly believes that there is this huge swath of people that are white supremacists.

Uh.... hello?? Have you even so much as read this board?

It's also worth noting that nowhere was Cortéz quoted using the term "de-program". Nor did the article link to it. Nor is she quoted on any assessment of how big a "swath" white supremacy is anyway, merely calling it "nihilist".

Uh....hello?? Have you seen my ignore list on this board?

She used de-radicalize which is a thing and de-program is what it does. It's a thing used in other countries to "de-program" terrorists. There are several. For example, the prisons in Italy use them because that is where many individuals become radicalized.

How would I see your Ignore list?

I'm just saying, the title is taking leaps. It's taken from the source article headline, which also takes leaps. The quote is not in there. Check me.

When somebody -- in this case the New York Post, not exactly a bastion of objectivity -- sees fit to change somebody's words into what they would have liked them to say, they're being dishonest.
It's implied and in this case it's accurate.

(Because I post my list every once in awhile)

Maybe the first time was posted in Croation, I dunno, but you DON'T get to change somebody's words to what you wish they had said. That subject chose the words they chose and did not choose the words they didn't. Therefore morphing somebody's terms IS dishonest. PERIOD.

Fer fuxsake this is a bait headline used to sell papers, or today, clicks.
Therefore, we shall focus on The New York Post and completely ignore what she is suggesting.

Therefore let's go back to your initial post which reads:

I would like to say there must be more to the story but it's AOC. There usually isn't. She truly believes that there is this huge swath of people that are white supremacists.

Indeed there was more to the story, "more" being "less". I pointed that out, and noted that there was no quantification given, nor was there a "de-program".

Go read it for yourself. Prove me wrong.
No. I know what she meant because I already have knowledge of those programs. Thanks for playing Pogo.

Whatever you have knowledge of, isn't part of the story.

I always find amusing the argument that "don't tell me what you mean, *I* will tell you what you mean".
Critical thinking is a lost art.

It's deprogramming.

As I said ........... amusing.

Know why posters here are not allowed to change another poster's words?

What is amusing is that you are spending a hell of a lot of time avoiding what the woman is talking about. That is funny as all get out. Don't you agree?

Nape. I'm more amused that you can't admit you overstepped. The psychology is curious.

I overstepped nothing. Again. Thanks for playing.

Did you find any quote saying "deprogramming" in the article?

Did you find any quantification in there as you claimed?


Well then you overstepped. And so did the New York Post.

Again as far as what the subject said or didn't say, as I pointed out WAY back the article gives no link to it, so we just have to take their word for it.

That's again, the word of the New York Post. A tabloid.
If this is not your cup of tea then you are free to go to another thread and pretend there that nothing is occurring.

I see, so you're one of these people who just has to get the last word huh. Okay go ahead, I don't care.

Ooops, I ruined that one didn't I.

It's worth noting at this point that this is not the first time you and I have done battle over your proclivity to assume facts not in evidence. Think it might be a pattern?

Okay, last word. Go.

It's not the first time you have attempted to hump my leg?

You have a tendency to avoid the topic. Indeed, you go out of your way not to address the topic. Your pattern is pretty obvious.

Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.
It's the right thing to do. We can't leave all the brainwashing victims to suffer.

Brainwashing comes from the left, not the right. It starts in public school. As they grow up, they watch left-wing Hollywood movies and shows. When they get a little older they go to left-wing social media. If they like sports, they watch left-wing basketball and football games. They get into college, and the indoctrination continues there.

If anybody needs deprogramming, it's the left, not the right.
Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Do you think you can find the issue? Focus. You can do it. I know you can.
Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.
Wait, we're supposed to pay attention to the actual words she used, but only pay attention to what the hate merchants claim TRUMP! said in his infamous speech?

Yes, his infamous speech that started 20 minutes after the riot began according to the FBI. Piglosi was well aware of it I'm sure. I have no idea why she isn't arrested and prosecuted for treason since she used her power to try and overthrow our government.
Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.

It starts right at about 36:28. Hit it.
Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.

It starts right at about 36:28. Hit it.

So you actually sat through 90 minutes of video just to try to find a way out of having to admit you overstepped the bounds of the OP? UNreal.
AOC Proposes Bill to Deprogram Trump Supporters and Stolen Election "Conspiracy Theorists"
It's the right thing to do. We can't leave all the brainwashing victims to suffer.
Unfortunately, like the vast majority suffering from acute paranoid delusion, the RWNJs see everyone unlike themselves as delusional, in that rational people are not cognizant of the "truth" offered by the RWNJs' fantasy reality.

The very thought of professional treatment to cure, or just have their mental illness under control, is unimaginably frightening to the RWNJs.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.

It starts right at about 36:28. Hit it.

So you actually sat through 90 minutes of video just to try to find a way out of having to admit you overstepped the bounds of the OP? UNreal.

I overstepped nothing. Your disinformation campaign ends right now.
Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Actually I went into it in way more detail than you did. That's how I knew that click-bait shit wasn't there.

But yes I do call out fallacies. So sue me. Or quit doing them.

You don't have any fallacies to call out, sweet pea. Look here's the issue:

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.

Do you think you can find the issue?

You want me to sit through an HOUR AND A HALF of Town Hall for a district I don't even live near, in a video sixty-six posts into the thread? Ain't gone hap'm. And that was never what the thread was about or what the OP cited. But in what the OP DID cite, there is no mention of "deprogramming" and there is no quantification of white supremacy. Those remain facts. Just admit it.

It starts right at about 36:28. Hit it.

So you actually sat through 90 minutes of video just to try to find a way out of having to admit you overstepped the bounds of the OP? UNreal.

I overstepped nothing. Your disinformation campaign ends right now.

Hey, the invitation remains open until it isn't. Find me anywhere in the OP article there's a quote about "deprogramming". Find me anywhere the subject quantifies white supremacists. Bring it here. Either one.

Say, you know what else isn't in there? Any mention of a "bill". See the thread title, third word. Not there.
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There should be some nice land in the countryside that Pol Pot would approve of for the re-education camps.

View attachment 443791
No. Pol pot would approve of the trumpkin fascist white supremacists
We keep hearing about the "white supremacists". Propaganda does work in political policy. But people who are smart enough to know survival, they remove themselves from the the heat.

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