AOC says AIPAC coming after her

great job in showing you havent watched the video.

did you know that cultural marxism was invented by anti-semites?

So what's your rationalization for embracing it so?

You hatey dee Joos, er wut?
cant embrace something that doesnt exist
I don't because I know you can't. You're a worthless piece of shit.

Hmmmm. You are very persistent.
She is certainly anti- establishment. So, I like that.
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism
If one dares to criticize Israel in any way, they are labeled an anti-Semite. It’s typical silencing of opposing opinions, and entirely anti-American.

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo
By Eric S. Margolis

March 9, 2019

“Tell me who you cannot criticize and I will tell you who is your master”. Attributed to Voltaire

....journalists learn this first commandment very early. Criticize, or even question, Israel at your own peril. Until recently, we journalists were not even allowed to write there was an ‘Israel lobby.’ It was widely considered Washington’s most powerful lobby group but, until lately, mentioning its name was seriously verboten.

Now, young Democratic stars Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a feisty congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, have suddenly broken the taboo and said what dared not be said: there is too much rightwing Israeli influence and there must be justice for Palestine.

Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have come to the defense of Ilhan Omar against the usual charges that she is anti-Semitic. So have black groups and smaller liberal Jewish groups. The Democratic Party, that once received half its financial support from Jewish sources, is badly split over the Palestine crisis. Its old guard is retreating and does not know what to do beyond issuing fiery denunciations of the heretical Miss Omar. The Democrat Party split comes just at a time when it is trying to bring down President Donald Trump.

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo - LewRockwell
Last edited:
Hmmmm. You are very persistent.
She is certainly anti- establishment. So, I like that.
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism
If one dares to criticize Israel in any way, they are labeled an anti-Semite. It’s typical silencing of opposing opinions, and entirely anti-American.

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo
By Eric S. Margolis

March 9, 2019

“Tell me who you cannot criticize and I will tell you who is your master”. Attributed to Voltaire

....journalists learn this first commandment very early. Criticize, or even question, Israel at your own peril. Until recently, we journalists were not even allowed to write there was an ‘Israel lobby.’ It was widely considered Washington’s most powerful lobby group but, until lately, mentioning its name was seriously verboten.

Now, young Democratic stars Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a feisty congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, have suddenly broken the taboo and said what dared not be said: there is too much rightwing Israeli influence and there must be justice for Palestine.

Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have come to the defense of Ilhan Omar against the usual charges that she is anti-Semitic. So have black groups and smaller liberal Jewish groups. The Democratic Party, that once received half its financial support from Jewish sources, is badly split over the Palestine crisis. Its old guard is retreating and does not know what to do beyond issuing fiery denunciations of the heretical Miss Omar. The Democrat Party split comes just at a time when it is trying to bring down President Donald Trump.

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo - LewRockwell
You people get all bent out of shape when it's your side being called out.
It seems eerily similar to the beating drums from your side calling out people
who disagree with you, racists.
The only difference is that we do have Omar's own words.
Last edited:
She is certainly anti- establishment. So, I like that.
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism
If one dares to criticize Israel in any way, they are labeled an anti-Semite. It’s typical silencing of opposing opinions, and entirely anti-American.

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo
By Eric S. Margolis

March 9, 2019

“Tell me who you cannot criticize and I will tell you who is your master”. Attributed to Voltaire

....journalists learn this first commandment very early. Criticize, or even question, Israel at your own peril. Until recently, we journalists were not even allowed to write there was an ‘Israel lobby.’ It was widely considered Washington’s most powerful lobby group but, until lately, mentioning its name was seriously verboten.

Now, young Democratic stars Tulsi Gabbard, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a feisty congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, have suddenly broken the taboo and said what dared not be said: there is too much rightwing Israeli influence and there must be justice for Palestine.

Presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have come to the defense of Ilhan Omar against the usual charges that she is anti-Semitic. So have black groups and smaller liberal Jewish groups. The Democratic Party, that once received half its financial support from Jewish sources, is badly split over the Palestine crisis. Its old guard is retreating and does not know what to do beyond issuing fiery denunciations of the heretical Miss Omar. The Democrat Party split comes just at a time when it is trying to bring down President Donald Trump.

Breaking Our Biggest Taboo - LewRockwell
You people get all bent out of shape when it's your side being called out.
It seems eerily similar to the beating drums from your side calling out people
who disagree with you racists.
The only difference is that we do have Omar's own words.
WTF are talking about? That post makes no sense.

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