AOC says AIPAC coming after her

jealous are you?

Joseph Crowley got only 11,761 votes.
Democratic socialism believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned: mass transit, medical care, minimum wage, etc. Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services.

By your standard, eisenhower world be a marxist.
Socialism has never been an long-term solution for anything but misery...
Can I say that I love the obsession that you and your pals have with this millennial Congresswoman.

She's doing a pretty good job of making fools of her detractors with her outstanding social media skills. And she's only going to get better as she learns the ropes in her new job.
She is doing so good that in less than two months she is already under a campaign finance investigation. Keep it up. The three stooges are well on their way to losing the 2020 elections for Dems.

Yeah. Campaign finance investigations are a real killer. Nobody can survive one of those.
Wait wasn't it just last week AOC was ranting about putting moderate democrats in the house on a list...and now she whining about suggestion that she won't be re-elected.
jealous are you?

Joseph Crowley got only 11,761 votes.
Democratic socialism believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned: mass transit, medical care, minimum wage, etc. Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services.

By your standard, eisenhower world be a marxist.
Socialism has never been an long-term solution for anything but misery...
jealous are you?

Joseph Crowley got only 11,761 votes.
Democratic socialism believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned: mass transit, medical care, minimum wage, etc. Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services.

By your standard, eisenhower world be a marxist.
Socialism has never been an long-term solution for anything but misery...

Long term it has 100% failure rate, only fools think that “this time” it’s going to work.... lol
jealous are you?

Joseph Crowley got only 11,761 votes.
Democratic socialism believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned: mass transit, medical care, minimum wage, etc. Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services.

By your standard, eisenhower world be a marxist.
Socialism has never been an long-term solution for anything but misery...

Long term it has 100% failure rate, only fools think that “this time” it’s going to work.... lol

jealous are you?

Joseph Crowley got only 11,761 votes.
Democratic socialism believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned: mass transit, medical care, minimum wage, etc. Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services.

By your standard, eisenhower world be a marxist.
Socialism has never been an long-term solution for anything but misery...

Maybe time for a showdown between the leadership of the two parties... trump vs AOC. Let's let them compare college grades to see which one did better. Hmm.... trump won't allow his grades to be shown even though he said he's brilliant, etc . In fact he'll sue the hell out of any school that reveals his grades. Ok... which one tells the most lies then. It's obvious trump is the champeen liar and winner by a knockdown.... link below.
The 'exhausting' work of factcheckers who track Trump's barrage of lies
Maybe time for a showdown between the leadership of the two parties... trump vs AOC. Let's let them compare college grades to see which one did better. Hmm.... trump won't allow his grades to be shown even though he said he's brilliant, etc . In fact he'll sue the hell out of any school that reveals his grades. Ok... which one tells the most lies then. It's obvious trump is the champeen liar and winner by a knockdown.... link below.
The 'exhausting' work of factcheckers who track Trump's barrage of lies

How about a showdown between real Americans, and leftist fuckwads? Hmm? How do you like that scenario?
Good for the AIPAC, this AOC thing is a walking disease of arrogance combined with stupidity, I want that STINKING WHORE run out of town on a rail. Also, she has the same wide, inverted-crucifix-shaped nose as Obama, with buck teeth and eyes too far apart - how the fuck can anyone find this spidery-looking female-like thing attractive??
INCEL misogyny ^^^

You don't even know what incel ,eans, do you?

Like a parrot you repeat what your masters say without knowing that it has nothing to do with your intended insult.
Maybe time for a showdown between the leadership of the two parties... trump vs AOC. Let's let them compare college grades to see which one did better. Hmm.... trump won't allow his grades to be shown even though he said he's brilliant, etc . In fact he'll sue the hell out of any school that reveals his grades. Ok... which one tells the most lies then. It's obvious trump is the champeen liar and winner by a knockdown.... link below.
The 'exhausting' work of factcheckers who track Trump's barrage of lies

Every single person can sue their schools for releasing their records. They would be violating a federal law by allowing anyone access to his records without his permission.
Can I say that I love the obsession that you and your pals have with this millennial Congresswoman.

She's doing a pretty good job of making fools of her detractors with her outstanding social media skills. And she's only going to get better as she learns the ropes in her new job.
She is doing so good that in less than two months she is already under a campaign finance investigation. Keep it up. The three stooges are well on their way to losing the 2020 elections for Dems.

Yep. They handed Trump a landslide in 2020, no doubt about it now. We should applaud every post her cutltists make here, just to encourage them to keep up the good work. I'm still hoping they nominate Maxine Waters, though, but AOC and the Muslim loons these gimp deviants elected are just as good for Trump.
Good for the AIPAC, this AOC thing is a walking disease of arrogance combined with stupidity, I want that STINKING WHORE run out of town on a rail. Also, she has the same wide, inverted-crucifix-shaped nose as Obama, with buck teeth and eyes too far apart - how the fuck can anyone find this spidery-looking female-like thing attractive??
INCEL misogyny ^^^

Narrow-minded, mindless arrogant drone who can only see everything in childish bullshit. ^^^^

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