AOC says AIPAC coming after her

You expect that I will humor you? Why would you expect that?

I don't because I know you can't. You're a worthless piece of shit.

Hmmmm. You are very persistent.
She is certainly anti- establishment. So, I like that.
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism
I don't because I know you can't. You're a worthless piece of shit.

Hmmmm. You are very persistent.
She is certainly anti- establishment. So, I like that.
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism

I'm not convinced.
Hmmmm. You are very persistent.
She is certainly anti- establishment. So, I like that.
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism

I'm not convinced.
:auiqs.jpg:Color me surprised, LL.
She is certainly anti- establishment. So, I like that.
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism

I'm not convinced.
:auiqs.jpg:Color me surprised, LL.

You are absolutely certain that she is an anti-semite based on those comments?
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism

I'm not convinced.
:auiqs.jpg:Color me surprised, LL.

You are absolutely certain that she is an anti-semite based on those comments?
Even your own party knows it, LL. You want to stay blind.....go right ahead. Afterall, you know what's in her heart and her words mean nothing.
Prove it.
Consciously or not, Omar invoked a poisonous anti-Semitic narrative about Jews using their money to manipulate global affairs. This came just weeks after she’d had to apologize for a 2012 tweet in which she said that Israel had “hypnotized” the world, phrasing that also recalled old canards about occult Jewish power. Her words were a gift to Republicans, who seek to divide the Democrats over Israel, even as their president traffics in anti-Semitic imagery and stereotypes. The knives were out for Omar and she ran right into them.

On Monday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic leadership rebuked Omar and called on her to apologize for her “use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters.” It was a depressing fall from grace for someone who just weeks ago was being feted as a path breaker, a refugee from Somalia who, alongside Tlaib, rose to become one of America’s first two Muslim congresswomen.

Opinion | Ilhan Omar’s Very Bad Tweets

Sure sounds like anti semitism

I'm not convinced.
:auiqs.jpg:Color me surprised, LL.

You are absolutely certain that she is an anti-semite based on those comments?
Even your own party knows it, LL. You want to stay blind.....go right ahead. Afterall, you know what's in her heart and her words mean nothing.

That's not what I asked.
LoneLaugher said:
gipper said:
I don't because I know you can't. You're a worthless piece of shit.

Hmmmm. You are very persistent.
She is certainly anti- establishment. So, I like that.
Also, she is an anti semite, you probably like that, too.

If she is an anti-semite, I would not like that.

I'm not convinced that she is. But I cannot make that judgement with certainty.

Your judgment ain't worth a fuck anyways, asshat. Every post you've made in this thread has proven that.
Ocasio-Cortez fundraises off claim that AIPAC is 'coming after' her, Omar, Tlaib

Good thing the dems passed that anti semitism resolution, huh?

With this kind of attention to the meltdown of the Dem party, it's entirely possible the Jewish vote and larger percentages of the Black and Hispanic Dem plantation will create an election night map in 2020 much like this one....


Remember what year that was?? And Minnesota where Ilhan Omar is from -- ironically. LOL...

That said, this entire scuffle is bogus.. It is NOT anti-semitic to criticize Israel -- UNLESS you ARE an obvious anti-semite of course.. Omar, Tlaib will EVENTUALLY show their colors and support for extremism.. Folks should be patient and hold their outrage UNTIL the Jihadi flag comes out... Which it likely will...
What makes Israel so special? It's great to finally have some political leaders who won't kiss Israel's ass. Nutanyahoo is a terrorist. Bunch of land thieves and squatters.
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Good for the AIPAC, this AOC thing is a walking disease of arrogance combined with stupidity, I want that STINKING WHORE run out of town on a rail. Also, she has the same wide, inverted-crucifix-shaped nose as Obama, with buck teeth and eyes too far apart - how the fuck can anyone find this spidery-looking female-like thing attractive??
God made her that way. She is beautiful to many...but assholes will find and point out the ugly in others. In other words you are a ****.
Policies that will result in Israelis being genocided out of existence are indeed anti-semitic. Why is the loony Left so enthusiastic about mass murdering Israelis? Fashion and mindless parroting of old Soviet Cold War propaganda, the reasons they do anything at all outside of smoking weed and murdering babies.

Being Leftist and Anti-Semitic in Germany - Susanne Urban

"Student Radicalization
During the Six Day War, the New Left definitively transformed its hitherto moderate pro-Arab positions into full support for Arab states and the Palestinians, and its fragile pro-Israeli attitudes dissolved into anti-Semitic slogans thinly disguised as "anti-imperialist" criticism of a "fascist state."

After 1967, however, not only the radicals but large parts of the German Left turned their backs on Israel. This went hand in hand with protests against the Vietnam War, against the conservative mainstream in Adenauer's Germany and afterward the "Great Coalition" that was headed from 1966 by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, a former member of the Nazi Party.6 The New Left also idealized Communist China and Ho Chi Minh, despite their involvement in mass murder against their own people.7

Well-known intellectuals who were more moderate leftists tried to dissuade the New Left from its extreme positions. Ernst Bloch, Jean Amery, Herbert Marcuse, Iring Fetscher, and Jean-Paul Sartre argued with the radicals and discouraged blind solidarity with the PLO, as opposed to legitimate criticism of Israeli policies. They warned that notions of Israel's annihilation were intolerable and linked to National Socialist ideology. However, they were not heeded by the radicals."

... and more details at the link. France stepped away from its sponsorship of Israel, LBJ took over. LBJ was just months from crushing the Viet Cong, and the Israeli defeats of the Arab vermin invaders in 1967 and 1973 played a key role in the routing of Khrushchev's and Brezhnev's terror campaigns around the world, bankrupting the Soviets. After 1973 they were essentially a western client state, dependent on western wheat and fuel imports as they declined to a soft landing in the 1980's and 1990's.' Academics', on the other hand, have never abandoned a single line of the Pravda rubbish, and the majority of them are mentally ill to boot. Even the insane Arabs blamed the Soviets for their losses in the wars, a truly bizarre belief those morons probably still tell themselves to this day.
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Good for the AIPAC, this AOC thing is a walking disease of arrogance combined with stupidity, I want that STINKING WHORE run out of town on a rail. Also, she has the same wide, inverted-crucifix-shaped nose as Obama, with buck teeth and eyes too far apart - how the fuck can anyone find this spidery-looking female-like thing attractive??
God made her that way. She is beautiful to many...but assholes will find and point out the ugly in others. In other words you are a ****.
What makes Israel so special? It's great to finally have some political leaders who won't kiss Israel's ass. Nutanyahoo is a terrorist. Bunch of land thieves and squatters.
Washington redskin,
Stay in your lane
jealous are you?

Joseph Crowley got only 11,761 votes.
Democratic socialism believes that some parts of society may be better if they are democratically planned: mass transit, medical care, minimum wage, etc. Democratic socialism still believes the capitalist market is best for consumer goods and services.

By your standard, eisenhower world be a marxist.
Can I say that I love the obsession that you and your pals have with this millennial Congresswoman.

She's doing a pretty good job of making fools of her detractors with her outstanding social media skills. And she's only going to get better as she learns the ropes in her new job.
She is doing so good that in less than two months she is already under a campaign finance investigation. Keep it up. The three stooges are well on their way to losing the 2020 elections for Dems.

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