AOC says Texas turning blue is inevitable during campaign stop

Lets see….

2012 Romney 59 Obama 44 percent……..15 percent
2016. Trump 52 Clinton 43……….9 percent
2020. Trump 52 Biden 46……..6 percent
Getting the power is different than having it. When you do destruction will expand. The Western World is living off of accumulated wealth and has blown a lot of it. Our Fiat Currencies are deemed safter than most pf the rest with the military guaranteeing it. But China and Southeast Asia is on the horizon. Tribal and regional living is our future at a minimum at this pace.
Good …Go with that

Have Republican candidates in Texas declare that Mexican citizens are from shithole countries
In your venom, did it ever occur to you that you have created American shithole cities? Cities that now need its financial fix from the taxpayers and shakedowns from private businesses to keep afloat. For if it slows down, the shithole will hit the fan. The cities than the suburbs will be consumed like locusts taking and destroying what the ants built and saved.
Texas culture is to “redneck “ for my taste and the weather sucks with all those big storms and humidity
Sure are and Republicans have lost 9 percent to the Dems in just 8 years

You also had Ted Cruz going from over 16 percent to just 2 1/2 percent in 6 years

Only a matter of time
Any. Day. Now.

Decade 2.
Happens here in MN. Basically the entire state is considered liberal because of three metro counties of the Twin Cities.
Omar, Franken or even Keith Ellison would never have wein an election here without the urban centers and the liberal mental illness that infects them.
Obama sent all of the Somali refugees there to keep it blue. They likely had concerns that it could become a swing state.
LOL....."There are many others like it but this one is mine" comes to mind when I think of the TX mega subdivisions.


San Antonio, Texas suburban housing development neighborhood.

Some of the biggest movers and shakers in TX state gop politics made (or are still making) their fortunes in TX real estate, selling out their state to the leftists, one lot at a time.

They make the weather and then have the gall to complain about it.


I would not live in that housing development if someone paid for the house for me. Could they put them any close and make them look any more alike?
I would not live in that housing development if someone paid for the house for me. Could they put them any close and make them look any more alike?
But just look at all the Mexicans that were employed in their construction. ;)

Whoo! If it's anything like the NOtVA blue-burbs I bet the whole area smelt of cut particle board during the build-out.
Texas will turn libertarian yellow long before ANY shade of blue.

Trust me. I live here. I watch things.

I am not a dumb fuck space cadet who stumbled out of a waiter job and into political seat.

She is not only stupid as fuck but she is wrong.

Bookmark this and come back in two decades. It will still be the same.
Are you old enough to remember Gov. Ann Richards?

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