AP flash: Profound levels of misery under Obama


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Well.....you cant get any more crappy than this!!! It would appear Hope and Change has turned into historic levels of misery for 4 out of every 5 adults in America.

But don't take my word for it.......so says the AP today.........

WASHINGTON (AP) — Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend

Exclusive: Signs of declining economic security

Of course, those who can connect the dots and who are well informed will not find this surprising!!! When you have a jerk-ass obsessed with making America into the next Europe, of course people are going to lose all hope as their economic condition crashes and burns.

Yup.....ahhh ( takes long toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary style!)..........but thought the conventional wisdom is that America is on a comeback??:coffee:

But you see......this is the exact gameplan folks. This president WANTS trickle=up poverty economics to be successful = more Americans dependent on government. Its been the plan all along s0ns!!!
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The drop into the abysss is slow but steady for this fraud. He will far eclipse Carter when all is said and done and even I didn't think that was possible. We wont make 2016 before the SHTF.
lol pathetically trying to keep your stupid thread afloat while blaming it on "the kooks"


And those parasites want to add 12 million third worlders to take whatever wealth is left! I am so glad they love this country :)
waitI could have sworn obama JUST said everything is rosey..

guess you get what u vote 4....
waitI could have sworn obama JUST said everything is rosey..

guess you get what u vote 4....

some want him impeached. Not me......we've had 3 wheels fall off over the past 4 years......I want the country to see that all the wheels fall off when you put a hate America guy in charge. You still cant dupe the majority and the less informed are obviously going to have to endure a significant amount of pain to realize the level of fraud we are living with. Outside of wartime, this is going to end up being the darkest 8 years in our nations history and will be spoken of along with the 1929 - 1937 period.
"no more spending cuts" these are damn fools and so are the anti americans that support them
waitI could have sworn obama JUST said everything is rosey..

guess you get what u vote 4....

some want him impeached. Not me......we've had 3 wheels fall off over the past 4 years......I want the country to see that all the wheels fall off when you put a hate America guy in charge. You still cant dupe the majority and the less informed are obviously going to have to endure a significant amount of pain to realize the level of fraud we are living with. Outside of wartime, this is going to end up being the darkest 8 years in our nations history and will be spoken of along with the 1929 - 1937 period.
I agree. if he did get impeached we woukd have to impeach the whole admin. and start over. biden? ahhhhhhh!
our first white african pres. sure is going to have a terrible legacy
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