Apologies to President Trump

you are beyond stupid and weird. did you even read what you linked? the headline for one was- I'm sorry you are a terrible president!! and you call that an apology? and your other link was to the Murdoch owned NY POST!! and they didn't claim anyone apologized, they just spewed their own slanted opinions about pundits who they claim got it wrong! i watch CNN and MSBNC almost exclusively, except maybe Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith, for any kind of actual information and news, and i never heard any pundit claim they knew Mueller's report would indict or charge Trump or any of his cronies with any crime whatsoever. you are a gullible loser. what else is new?

Why have you allowed Satan - Allah to possess your body with demons?
Why have you not renounced your evil and called upon the Name Of Jesus Christ?


you are beyond stupid and weird. did you even read what you linked? the headline for one was- I'm sorry you are a terrible president!! and you call that an apology? and your other link was to the Murdoch owned NY POST!! and they didn't claim anyone apologized, they just spewed their own slanted opinions about pundits who they claim got it wrong! i watch CNN and MSBNC almost exclusively, except maybe Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith, for any kind of actual information and news, and i never heard any pundit claim they knew Mueller's report would indict or charge Trump or any of his cronies with any crime whatsoever. you are a gullible loser. what else is new?
you watch MSNBC and CNN "almost exclusively" - that's the saddest thing i've heard in years.
you are beyond stupid and weird. did you even read what you linked? the headline for one was- I'm sorry you are a terrible president!! and you call that an apology? and your other link was to the Murdoch owned NY POST!! and they didn't claim anyone apologized, they just spewed their own slanted opinions about pundits who they claim got it wrong! i watch CNN and MSBNC almost exclusively, except maybe Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith, for any kind of actual information and news, and i never heard any pundit claim they knew Mueller's report would indict or charge Trump or any of his cronies with any crime whatsoever. you are a gullible loser. what else is new?

Your lack of using capital letters is disturbing and hence I cannot understand your ramblings.
sorry you are so easily confused. so lack of bigger letters at the beginning of some words confuses you? can you tie your own shoes? what other tiny mental tasks do you have so much trouble with, sonny?

You cannot even capitalize letters in the beginning of sentences so you really cannot insult anyone else's mental prowess.

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