Apologists for Terror Spread


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Islamic leaders, please more like instigators...
Apologists for Terror Spread San Bernardino Trutherism and FBI-phobia
The dangerous delusions "Islamic leaders" are promoting on campuses and in the Muslim community.
December 17, 2015
Lloyd Billingsley


In Southern California the FBI continues its investigation of the December 2 terrorist attack that claimed 14 victims, searching a San Bernardino lake where Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook may have dumped computer hard drives and other incriminating evidence. As the investigation continues, a prevailing narrative in the establishment media has been anti-Muslim rhetoric, with a new conspiracy theory unfolding.


The Middle Eastern Student Center enjoys the full support of UC Riverside. It purports to represent religious and regional diversity but in this video of the MESC founding Muslims clearly dominate. At the MESC launch party in 2013, the keynote speaker was Reza Aslan. Hysterical blame-shifting, meanwhile, is not a new development for Muslims.

In 1979, Muslims under the command of Juhayman al Uteybi, formerly of the Saudi National Guard, attempted to take over the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Islam’s holiest shrine. As Yaroslav Trofimov showed in The Siege of Mecca, Muslims across the Middle East blamed the United States. That led to anti-American violence in Pakistan, where mobs chanted “Death to American dogs!” The government of Pakistan under Zia ul Haq, supposedly an ally, failed to help the embattled Americans.

“The men who seized Mecca were true Muslims, innocent of any crime,” said Osama Bin Laden at the time. As it happened, the forces of Juhayman al Uteybi included two African American Muslim converts. The Saudis beheaded one but as Trofimov notes “the second prisoner was spared the executioner’s sword.”

The State Department refused to reveal his identity but, Trofimov wrote, “after a debriefing by the CIA, he was allowed to return home to the United States, a free citizen once again. He may well be alive and well today, resident in Anytown, USA.”

As residents of San Bernardino, California, might say, just like American Syed Farook and his Pakistani bride Tashfeen Malik. As the New York Times reported on December 12, Malik passed three background checks but “none of the checks uncovered the fact that she had openly discussed her views on violent jihad on social media. She said she supported it. And she said she wanted to be a part of it.”

The article noted that “immigration officials do not routinely review social media as part of their background checks, and there is a debate inside the Department of Homeland Security over whether it is even appropriate to do so.”

Apologists for Terror Spread San Bernardino Trutherism and FBI-phobia
The attempt to paint all of the Muslim religion as terrorists.

paint the religion as terrorists???? ------an ideology cannot be " TERRORISTS"
Adherents to an ideology can be terrorists. Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik
were terrorists based on the ideology to which they adhered
The attempt to paint all of the Muslim religion as terrorists.

Dear Old Rocks May I remind you that even back in the days after 9/11
When President George W brought in a Muslim representative to make it clear that Muslim Americans were recognized as allies to include and stand together, it was the far religious right that attacked even their own beloved President Bush for "embracing Islam."

Do not confuse the far far religious right with "all conservatives."
I understand there is a faction of conservatives that will even push legislation to ban mosques
along with "shariah" <-- which really refers to ALL practice and rituals in Islam, from the prayers to the charity.
What's wrong is mandating this by govt, but "shariah" itself is like the exercise of religion, and too broad to ban.

I agree with you that some people and groups take this TOO FAR, and blame Muslims collectively for tolerating and allowing this to happen. Similar to blaming all Liberals and Democrats
for what Obama does unconstitutionally because the party ISN'T STOPPING HIM but letting him do it.

I happen to be a Democrat on the verge of calling a national class action SUIT against my own Democrats. So I know the important it makes that I speak as a member of that class to stand up to the hijacking of political power to "violate the civil rights of others." But as a Democrat myself, YES I DO ACCEPT AND CRITICIZE the responsibility Democrats DO Share for the corruption going on of the Democratic Party, similar to how Muslims SHOULD stand up and not be complicit or appear to be. I recognize this IS the fault of Democrats collectively for empowering officials such as Obama and Pelosi to enforce unconstitutional mandates.

As a Democrat, I am on the side of the Constitution, yet I still fault myself and fellow Democrats "if we do not DO ENOUGH to stop the abuse of our Party to subvert the laws of the land."
Similar, this is why people blame Muslims who "do not DO ENOUGH to stand against terrorism
so it appears the majority "enable or allow it to happen."

At this point, I see more and more Muslims SPEAKING OUT and denouncing the terrorism and ISIS.
1. The French Muslims issued a video statement in sympathy and solidarity with their fellow countrymen in mourning
2. A Muslim organization issues a statement that in the case of Ahmed and the clock, the authorities responded as necessary to the potential threat, and they blamed the need for heightened security
on the hostile fear and hype, but not the police they supported in acting accordingly
3. A Muslim Imam also spoke up in agreement with Trump's call to halt immigration "until the security concerns are fully addressed"

This is very important that members of the Muslim community speak for themselves, so they help make this distinction.

If you me or others merely make the "same mistake" of BROAD BRUSHING the entire response as "blaming all Muslims" that's committing the same error.

That causes CENSORSHIP of the attempts to REPORT when Muslims ARE speaking out and representing OPPOSITION and DEFENSE AGAINST Terrorism.

Please do not feed into the "collective stereotype" on either side.

What we need to PROMOTE in the media are more examples of people in each group standing and speaking up for corrections. We need to promote the GOOD examples, and quit endorsing blanket stereotypes we oppose.
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you did it again EMILY---------you lied-----the accusation that people have been
some examples of anyone stating "ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS"?
All we really need to set us on the right opinion track is the muslim random attacks of France and the rapes of Sweden. We'll adjust.
you did it again EMILY---------you lied-----the accusation that people have been
some examples of anyone stating "ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS"?

No, I was saying that some people do blame "all Muslims" for not standing up more, enabling and letting their faith get hijacked, so they are seen as part of the problem collectively.

Some people do recognize there is something wrong with Islam if it is MISSING something
that allows self-check, and thus becomes too easily abused.

Personally I would not practice Islam or any other system without also
checking it by enforcing Constitutional principles.

Christianity that respects civil govt is checked.
Muslim followers who respect civil govt are checked.

The common factor I've found that instigates the dangerous cults is
overriding "due process" and exerting imbalanced power especially abusing govt WITHOUT check. So Islam without Constitutional checks is as dangerous as implementing Christianity through govt without Constitutional checks. Religious crusades by any name leads to genocide.

Sorry whatever I said was not clear, irosie91
I probably don't agree with anyone on this thread making broad generalizations
because I can likely find an exception to that. I thought that was clear already!

I can always find points where I can agree or disagree with each person,
so I see no reason to "attack or label PEOPLE" as liars or whatever in general!

I would rather discuss and agree point by point.
Not into calling people liars, sorry if I came across that way to you!

I worry about you are this quick to assume someone else is "lying."

You must still be extremely injured and distrustful because of the
abuses you and your husband know of firsthand.

Sorry if anything I said offended and hurt you by triggering these old wounds.

I pray for direct and mass healing of this and all other injuries caused by
political and religious abuse, cult oppression, torture, rape and killing.

We have a lot more work to do to eradicate the root cause of these ills.

Forgiveness protects us and casts out the fears that fuel unforgiveness and ill will.

I pray all such negative influences and energies be REMOVED
in Christ Jesus name for sake of Restorative Justice and Peace.

Amen and take care. Happy Holidays to you and your husband,
your community and friends I pray shall be uplifted and greatly blessed in abundance.

May the spirit of grace and healing enter in, bring in correction for all wrongs
and restitution and restoration of healthy balanced relations for the betterment of all humanity.

Thank you for being here and sharing your knowledge
so we realize how much work we really have to do to end the ills of war and bring peace.

Shalom, irosie91 and Best Wishes for
a Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year

Yours truly, Peace and God Bless
The attempt to paint all of the Muslim religion as terrorists.

Dear Old Rocks May I remind you that even back in the days after 9/11
When President George W brought in a Muslim representative to make it clear that Muslim Americans were recognized as allies to include and stand together, it was the far religious right that attacked even their own beloved President Bush for "embracing Islam."

Do not confuse the far far religious right with "all conservatives."
I understand there is a faction of conservatives that will even push legislation to ban mosques
along with "shariah" <-- which really refers to ALL practice and rituals in Islam, from the prayers to the charity.
What's wrong is mandating this by govt, but "shariah" itself is like the exercise of religion, and too broad to ban.

I agree with you that some people and groups take this TOO FAR, and blame Muslims collectively for tolerating and allowing this to happen. Similar to blaming all Liberals and Democrats
for what Obama does unconstitutionally because the party ISN'T STOPPING HIM but letting him do it.

I happen to be a Democrat on the verge of calling a national class action SUIT against my own Democrats. So I know the important it makes that I speak as a member of that class to stand up to the hijacking of political power to "violate the civil rights of others." But as a Democrat myself, YES I DO ACCEPT AND CRITICIZE the responsibility Democrats DO Share for the corruption going on of the Democratic Party, similar to how Muslims SHOULD stand up and not be complicit or appear to be. I recognize this IS the fault of Democrats collectively for empowering officials such as Obama and Pelosi to enforce unconstitutional mandates.

As a Democrat, I am on the side of the Constitution, yet I still fault myself and fellow Democrats "if we do not DO ENOUGH to stop the abuse of our Party to subvert the laws of the land."
Similar, this is why people blame Muslims who "do not DO ENOUGH to stand against terrorism
so it appears the majority "enable or allow it to happen."

At this point, I see more and more Muslims SPEAKING OUT and denouncing the terrorism and ISIS.
1. The French Muslims issued a video statement in sympathy and solidarity with their fellow countrymen in mourning
2. A Muslim organization issues a statement that in the case of Ahmed and the clock, the authorities responded as necessary to the potential threat, and they blamed the need for heightened security
on the hostile fear and hype, but not the police they supported in acting accordingly
3. A Muslim Imam also spoke up in agreement with Trump's call to halt immigration "until the security concerns are fully addressed"

This is very important that members of the Muslim community speak for themselves, so they help make this distinction.

If you me or others merely make the "same mistake" of BROAD BRUSHING the entire response as "blaming all Muslims" that's committing the same error.

That causes CENSORSHIP of the attempts to REPORT when Muslims ARE speaking out and representing OPPOSITION and DEFENSE AGAINST Terrorism.

Please do not feed into the "collective stereotype" on either side.

What we need to PROMOTE in the media are more examples of people in each group standing and speaking up for corrections. We need to promote the GOOD examples, and quit endorsing blanket stereotypes we oppose.

Three mosques shut down in anti-terror raids as officers seize 330 war weapons
The attempt to paint all of the Muslim religion as terrorists.

Dear Old Rocks May I remind you that even back in the days after 9/11
When President George W brought in a Muslim representative to make it clear that Muslim Americans were recognized as allies to include and stand together, it was the far religious right that attacked even their own beloved President Bush for "embracing Islam."

Do not confuse the far far religious right with "all conservatives."
I understand there is a faction of conservatives that will even push legislation to ban mosques
along with "shariah" <-- which really refers to ALL practice and rituals in Islam, from the prayers to the charity.
What's wrong is mandating this by govt, but "shariah" itself is like the exercise of religion, and too broad to ban.

I agree with you that some people and groups take this TOO FAR, and blame Muslims collectively for tolerating and allowing this to happen. Similar to blaming all Liberals and Democrats
for what Obama does unconstitutionally because the party ISN'T STOPPING HIM but letting him do it.

I happen to be a Democrat on the verge of calling a national class action SUIT against my own Democrats. So I know the important it makes that I speak as a member of that class to stand up to the hijacking of political power to "violate the civil rights of others." But as a Democrat myself, YES I DO ACCEPT AND CRITICIZE the responsibility Democrats DO Share for the corruption going on of the Democratic Party, similar to how Muslims SHOULD stand up and not be complicit or appear to be. I recognize this IS the fault of Democrats collectively for empowering officials such as Obama and Pelosi to enforce unconstitutional mandates.

As a Democrat, I am on the side of the Constitution, yet I still fault myself and fellow Democrats "if we do not DO ENOUGH to stop the abuse of our Party to subvert the laws of the land."
Similar, this is why people blame Muslims who "do not DO ENOUGH to stand against terrorism
so it appears the majority "enable or allow it to happen."

At this point, I see more and more Muslims SPEAKING OUT and denouncing the terrorism and ISIS.
1. The French Muslims issued a video statement in sympathy and solidarity with their fellow countrymen in mourning
2. A Muslim organization issues a statement that in the case of Ahmed and the clock, the authorities responded as necessary to the potential threat, and they blamed the need for heightened security
on the hostile fear and hype, but not the police they supported in acting accordingly
3. A Muslim Imam also spoke up in agreement with Trump's call to halt immigration "until the security concerns are fully addressed"

This is very important that members of the Muslim community speak for themselves, so they help make this distinction.

If you me or others merely make the "same mistake" of BROAD BRUSHING the entire response as "blaming all Muslims" that's committing the same error.

That causes CENSORSHIP of the attempts to REPORT when Muslims ARE speaking out and representing OPPOSITION and DEFENSE AGAINST Terrorism.

Please do not feed into the "collective stereotype" on either side.

What we need to PROMOTE in the media are more examples of people in each group standing and speaking up for corrections. We need to promote the GOOD examples, and quit endorsing blanket stereotypes we oppose.

Three mosques shut down in anti-terror raids as officers seize 330 war weapons
If the authorities would raid every mosque and 'peaceful muslim' home in just Dearborn the amount of weapons of war seized would be staggering. If the average American were to see the amount seized there would be a national crisis. And that's why Obama refuses.

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