Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Wake up people. She's a hateful hack who was paid to be an agitator. She is not from Kentucky. It's all just a sham. Hopefully she will be convicted on that Felony. Her voting rights might just be revoked. I hope so anyway. She had no business being in Kentucky. It was a set-up for sure.

OH! She wasn't from Kentucky! That settles it. She should have been beheaded then! Yeah, let's start using some of those 2nd amendment solutions already! My gosh, she probably wasn't even a believer in the dogma of the Tea Party. Obviously she was not worthy of breathing the free air of Kenturcky.

You need therapy. You realize that, don't you?
Wake up people. She's a hateful hack who was paid to be an agitator. She is not from Kentucky. It's all just a sham. Hopefully she will be convicted on that Felony. Her voting rights might just be revoked. I hope so anyway. She had no business being in Kentucky. It was a set-up for sure.

OH! She wasn't from Kentucky! That settles it. She should have been beheaded then! Yeah, let's start using some of those 2nd amendment solutions already! My gosh, she probably wasn't even a believer in the dogma of the Tea Party. Obviously she was not worthy of breathing the free air of Kenturcky.

You need therapy. You realize that, don't you?

You're missing the point.

She is a professional agitator from MA.

I doubt Kentuckians or anyone else, would appreciate the obvious attempt to disrupt their state's election.

But, we'll see in less than a week if I'm wrong:razz:
Wake up people. She's a hateful hack who was paid to be an agitator. She is not from Kentucky. It's all just a sham. Hopefully she will be convicted on that Felony. Her voting rights might just be revoked. I hope so anyway. She had no business being in Kentucky. It was a set-up for sure.

OH! She wasn't from Kentucky! That settles it. She should have been beheaded then! Yeah, let's start using some of those 2nd amendment solutions already! My gosh, she probably wasn't even a believer in the dogma of the Tea Party. Obviously she was not worthy of breathing the free air of Kenturcky.

You need therapy. You realize that, don't you?

You're missing the point.

She is a professional agitator from MA.

I doubt Kentuckians or anyone else, would appreciate the obvious attempt to disrupt their state's election.

But, we'll see in less than a week if I'm wrong:razz:

You forgot hired THUG...

Wake up people. She's a hateful hack who was paid to be an agitator. She is not from Kentucky. It's all just a sham. Hopefully she will be convicted on that Felony. Her voting rights might just be revoked. I hope so anyway. She had no business being in Kentucky. It was a set-up for sure.

OH! She wasn't from Kentucky! That settles it. She should have been beheaded then! Yeah, let's start using some of those 2nd amendment solutions already! My gosh, she probably wasn't even a believer in the dogma of the Tea Party. Obviously she was not worthy of breathing the free air of Kenturcky.

You need therapy. You realize that, don't you?

You're missing the point.

She is a professional agitator from MA.

I doubt Kentuckians or anyone else, would appreciate the obvious attempt to disrupt their state's election.

But, we'll see in less than a week if I'm wrong:razz:

The woman should have noted what she was signing on to when she took the job. On a human level? Sorry she got hurt. On an intellectual level? She should have known security would be tight. She got what she deserved.

Lesson learned. The rest of you Leftists? Take note.
Huh, and the same ole leftist playbook since the 1960's:

Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality.

how'd she instigate? by being there?

last i heard, victims don't cause their attackers to be violent.
She showed up playin the part of a 'republicorp' seeking to give an 'award' to Rand Paul and approached him and was stopped by the crowd. It's fairly obvious to anyone with half a brain that an obvious kook trying to give a candidate an unknown object, could be a threat.

This is the type of instigation that has been going on since Abbie Hoffman and the jackholes of the Chicago 8. 'Oh we're just innocently disobeying the police and acting all sorts of violently stupid and shouldn't be treated like criminals!'. 'If you convict us, you're just as guilty.' I'm sick of these defenses. They don't work from your kids, they shouldn't work from political terrorists pretending to be average citizens.
Huh, and the same ole leftist playbook since the 1960's:

Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality. Instigate, feign innocence, falsely claim brutality.

how'd she instigate? by being there?

last i heard, victims don't cause their attackers to be violent.
She showed up playin the part of a 'republicorp' seeking to give an 'award' to Rand Paul and approached him and was stopped by the crowd. It's fairly obvious to anyone with half a brain that an obvious kook trying to give a candidate an unknown object, could be a threat.

This is the type of instigation that has been going on since Abbie Hoffman and the jackholes of the Chicago 8. 'Oh we're just innocently disobeying the police and acting all sorts of violently stupid and shouldn't be treated like criminals!'. 'If you convict us, you're just as guilty.' I'm sick of these defenses. They don't work from your kids, they shouldn't work from political terrorists pretending to be average citizens.

It won't work in Kentucky either.

People are much more sophisticated than they were in Abbie Hoffman's day.

Amazingly, is not.
CaféAuLait;2897589 said:
Lauren Valle was arrested in May for Felony vandalism.

Activists Face Felony Charges

L.P.S.O. - Public Relations
not sure how that is related
even if she is found guilty of that it doesn't condone her being stepped on

She was arrested near New Orleans for breaking onto a ship and spray painting Anti-DOI Secretary Ken Salazar Slogans.

Greenpeace is known for pre-planning and coordinating similar protests to bring attention to environmental issues. Pictures of the vandalism appeared on the Greenpeace website within minutes of the arrest of the activists.
The implication is that she is a "professional" agitator.


• Lindsey Renee Allen (W/F, DOB 9/3/81, 149 Clayton Circle, Vacaville, CA)
• Lauren Valle (W/F, DOB 5/4/87, 415 Shorewood Drive East, Falmouth, MA)
• Emma Cassidy (W/F, DOB 6/4/85, 3653 13th St. Northwest, Washington, DC)
• David Pomerantz (W/M, DOB 8/23/85, 45 Beechwood Road, Irvington, NY)
• Georgia F. Hirsty (W/F, DOB 3/19/85, 1114 F Street, Northeast, Washington, DC)
• Scott Cardiff (W/M, DOB 6/9/77, 1215 Quincy Street Northwest, Washington, DC)
• Paul Kelley (W/M, DOB 2/20/84, 1114 F Street Northeast Apt 103, Washington, DC)
No one from LaForshe Parish, or Louisianna, or even the Gulf Coast, was involved: Greenpeace clearly sent Valle and the others on a mission to purposefully gain national attention.

She probably was at the Rand Paul Rally in Kentucky to do exactly the same thing: Both Kentucky and Louisianna are a long way from Falmouth, MA.
Nooooo... that wasn't prearranged. this is what pisses me off.

"who us? Oh we just HAAAAAPPENED to be here! But our cause justifies our terrorism! You can't arrest us! We don't recognize your authority cause you're all corrupt."

and then to have everything pre-arranged to have them quickly put online as martyrs for the 'cause'. I'm sick of people expecting to be exempted for the 'purity of their cause'. Their cause is far from innocent... it is diabolic at it's core.

One of these days, someone's going to try to 'innocently' agitate too far and someone's going to get hurt and killed (hopefully the agitator if this happens) They deserve it.
Last edited:
OH! She wasn't from Kentucky! That settles it. She should have been beheaded then! Yeah, let's start using some of those 2nd amendment solutions already! My gosh, she probably wasn't even a believer in the dogma of the Tea Party. Obviously she was not worthy of breathing the free air of Kenturcky.

You need therapy. You realize that, don't you?

You're missing the point.

She is a professional agitator from MA.

I doubt Kentuckians or anyone else, would appreciate the obvious attempt to disrupt their state's election.

But, we'll see in less than a week if I'm wrong:razz:

The woman should have noted what she was signing on to when she took the job. On a human level? Sorry she got hurt. On an intellectual level? She should have known security would be tight. She got what she deserved.

Lesson learned. The rest of you Leftists? Take note.

Take note what? Explain that.
The radical libs have not changed tactics since the Haymaker Square bombers and adapting Ghandi's tactics to their totalitarian ends.
You're missing the point.

She is a professional agitator from MA.

I doubt Kentuckians or anyone else, would appreciate the obvious attempt to disrupt their state's election.

But, we'll see in less than a week if I'm wrong:razz:

The woman should have noted what she was signing on to when she took the job. On a human level? Sorry she got hurt. On an intellectual level? She should have known security would be tight. She got what she deserved.

Lesson learned. The rest of you Leftists? Take note.

Take note what? Explain that.




Bodecea's trying to pay attention.
The woman should have noted what she was signing on to when she took the job. On a human level? Sorry she got hurt. On an intellectual level? She should have known security would be tight. She got what she deserved.

Lesson learned. The rest of you Leftists? Take note.

Take note what? Explain that.




Bodecea's trying to pay attention.

She'll have to take certain things out of her view and learn to pay attention. Her loss.
Wow!!! This thread is depressing.

The progressives think that the left never committs any acts of violence and when confronted with link after link after link after link proving otherwise they simply say, "Thats a lie!!!!" or "Faux news tripe"

Why are these guys dismissing all this evidence? There was another thread about Soros where I posted about 6 or 7 links from MSM reports about Soros' MO and they completely ingnored it.
The radical libs have not changed tactics since the Haymaker Square bombers and adapting Ghandi's tactics to their totalitarian ends.

I think a man stomping on the head of a small woman is pretty "totalitarian."
The radical libs have not changed tactics since the Haymaker Square bombers and adapting Ghandi's tactics to their totalitarian ends.

I think a man stomping on the head of a small woman is pretty "totalitarian."

So is beating up a man for selling flags.

Violence is wrong.

But Republicans LOVE violence. Guns, war, hatred of brown people, gets Republican hearts a flutter.

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