Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Iraq was already named. and it was listing conflicts not the other BS you named

there were no lies about Iraq
it was FAULTY intel, moron

yo, hand-picked faulty intel.

damn, what a bad luck they had.
yeah, sure
thats why most of the countries in the world all believed he had them
including most of his military leaders
they only knew THEY didnt have them in their group, but they believed other units did many other countries believed he had them so much they gleefully passed a UN Res for the invasion. Fucking dumbass.
Beruit, grenada, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, bay of pigs
not in order, but still conflicts

Iraq, lies about WMDs, Republican shit, giving Saddam weapons and support to fight his dirty war against Iran, Republican shit.
Iraq was already named. and it was listing conflicts not the other BS you named

there were no lies about Iraq
it was FAULTY intel, moron

Is that why six months before the invasion Rumsfeld said one of he problems with invading iraq was not finding wmd?

Is that why 8 months before the invasion the CIA's European Chief went to the white house to tell them there was no wmd?

Like I said....bush was in for eight years but most of his supporters are infinitely stoopid.
which is what i have said and maintained through out this entire thread, troofer moron

So you said you maintained it was wrong to kick her in the head and now you are saying she was never kicked in the head.........what a stoopid fuck.
what happened to her was wrong
she was NOT kicked in the head
unless you have some new video showing that she was

Keep flip floppy lying jackass. It's totally expected from you.
More may be charged:

A quick review of the video shows that multiple men dragged the victim -- Lauren Valle -- to the ground and one, ironically clad in a "don't tread on me" button, held her there while Profitt emphatically pressed her head into the ground with his foot.
A number of blogs have suggested that the pin-clad culprit is Mike Pezzano -- a Paul supporter and open-carry law advocate. But police have thus far made no official determination.
Kentucky Police Consider Charging More Paul Supporters In Stomping Case | TPMDC
Wow!!! This thread is depressing.

The progressives think that the left never committs any acts of violence and when confronted with link after link after link after link proving otherwise they simply say, "Thats a lie!!!!" or "Faux news tripe"

Why are these guys dismissing all this evidence? There was another thread about Soros where I posted about 6 or 7 links from MSM reports about Soros' MO and they completely ingnored it.

Actually, acts of violence are committed by both sides from time to time. Does that mean that this guy gets a pass for stomping on that girl's head?

I will note that in the case, I am confident the authorities will sort things out as to who did what to whom, who broke what laws, etc.

What is disgusting is the excuse making and cheering I see HERE for someone stomping on someone else's head while they are being held down.
Violence is wrong.

But Republicans LOVE violence. Guns, war, hatred of brown people, gets Republican hearts a flutter.

I concur...

A Republican President freed slaves jackass

While I disagree with the statement that Republicans love violence, you might not want to use that as an example....that Republican President set off the bloodiest war in our history. Not a good example, eh?
So is beating up a man for selling flags.

Violence is wrong.

But Republicans LOVE violence. Guns, war, hatred of brown people, gets Republican hearts a flutter.

All you guys have is sterotypes of conservatives. You all say the same thing. We are all violent and racist.

You guys have to come up with something new.

WWI- Wilson democrat
WWII-FDR democrat
Korean War- Truman democrat
Vietnam war- JFK democrat
Iraq I - Bush Republican
Kosovo- Clinton Democrat
Afgan- Bush Republican
Iraq II- Bush Republican

Looks like the dems are winning 5 to 3 in the war department.......

You blaming WWII on FDR?
so hack Democrat cops building taxpayer waste of time charges against people forced to react because the hack Democrat cops can't do their job, and some hack Democrat judge will be hard pressed to make sense of the charges. After a gazillion dollars of wasted taxpayer money, charges dismissed. The little MoveOn pig and her brown shirted friends denied.

My prediction.
where did i say that you liar

in the video it doesnt show her head being stomped
but her shoulder and back

Which part of "Earlier in the thread" do you not understand?

And when CurveLight said Proffitt kicked Valle in the head, you replied

which is what i have said and maintained through out this entire thread, troofer moron

Now you're doing another 180 and claiming she wasnt kicked in the head.
the video doesnt show her being kicked in the head asshole

The video shows the brownshirt putting his foot on her shoulder, then sliding it over and and administering a stiff downward blow to her head/neck area with that foot.

Fair enough?
so hack Democrat cops building taxpayer waste of time charges against people forced to react because the hack Democrat cops can't do their job, and some hack Democrat judge will be hard pressed to make sense of the charges. After a gazillion dollars of wasted taxpayer money, charges dismissed. The little MoveOn pig and her brown shirted friends denied.

My prediction.

Democrat cops....ok...I'm glad you've done such in depth research that you know the political parties of the police in this case.
Which part of "Earlier in the thread" do you not understand?

And when CurveLight said Proffitt kicked Valle in the head, you replied

Now you're doing another 180 and claiming she wasnt kicked in the head.
the video doesnt show her being kicked in the head asshole

The video shows the brownshirt putting his foot on her shoulder, then sliding it over and and administering a stiff downward blow to her head/neck area with that foot.

Fair enough?
no, i didnt see his foot anywhere near her head
More may be charged:

A quick review of the video shows that multiple men dragged the victim -- Lauren Valle -- to the ground and one, ironically clad in a "don't tread on me" button, held her there while Profitt emphatically pressed her head into the ground with his foot.
A number of blogs have suggested that the pin-clad culprit is Mike Pezzano -- a Paul supporter and open-carry law advocate. But police have thus far made no official determination.
Kentucky Police Consider Charging More Paul Supporters In Stomping Case | TPMDC
that statement is not true, the video shows it wasnt like that

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