Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head can't even tell when a video is incomplete on sled rocket propelled test so of course you wouldn't be able to recognize...oh wait...which position are you claiming today? Yesterday you said you maintained the position it was wrong to kick her in the head then said you didn't say that. You know what? I don't give a fuck either way. I'd say you are pathetic but im not in a complimentary mood.
wrong, dipshit, i said what he did was wrong
i never agreed to the "kick in the head" part
you are a fucking moron troofer
fuck off

Maybe he thinks Profitt was wrong because he didn't stomp on her head

I'm not saying it's so, but given the response so far, it is a possibility
Profitt was wrong to put his foot on her at all
again, how is anyone supposed to know she was unarmed
again, if it had been Obama you can be DAMNED sure she would have been put on the ground by the secret service

Do you ever pay attention or has your dishonesty left you too broke to do that? Puttng her on the ground was the right move but kicking her in the head was assault. The fucker who kicked her tried to blame the police! Fuckwad idiot.
which is what i have said and maintained through out this entire thread, troofer moron

Hahahahaha....fucking dishonest divebitch strikes again!
Do you ever pay attention or has your dishonesty left you too broke to do that? Puttng her on the ground was the right move but kicking her in the head was assault. The fucker who kicked her tried to blame the police! Fuckwad idiot.
which is what i have said and maintained through out this entire thread, troofer moron

Hahahahaha....fucking dishonest divebitch strikes again!
twisting what i said into something i didnt
he assaulted her by putting his foot on her shoulder
he didnt kick her in the head like morons like you have claimed
again, how is anyone supposed to know she was unarmed
again, if it had been Obama you can be DAMNED sure she would have been put on the ground by the secret service

Do you ever pay attention or has your dishonesty left you too broke to do that? Puttng her on the ground was the right move but kicking her in the head was assault. The fucker who kicked her tried to blame the police! Fuckwad idiot.
which is what i have said and maintained through out this entire thread, troofer moron

No comment needed.
Do you ever pay attention or has your dishonesty left you too broke to do that? Puttng her on the ground was the right move but kicking her in the head was assault. The fucker who kicked her tried to blame the police! Fuckwad idiot.
which is what i have said and maintained through out this entire thread, troofer moron

No comment needed.
as you continue to attempt to make it say something it DIDNT
fuck off you troofer moron
again, how is anyone supposed to know she was unarmed
again, if it had been Obama you can be DAMNED sure she would have been put on the ground by the secret service

Do you ever pay attention or has your dishonesty left you too broke to do that? Puttng her on the ground was the right move but kicking her in the head was assault. The fucker who kicked her tried to blame the police! Fuckwad idiot.
which is what i have said and maintained through out this entire thread, troofer moron

Haunting isn't it? This is an example of what happens when you live in a cave of dishonesty. Once in a while light shines in and burns like eyes swimming in gasoline. After they were set on fire.
Do you ever pay attention or has your dishonesty left you too broke to do that? Puttng her on the ground was the right move but kicking her in the head was assault. The fucker who kicked her tried to blame the police! Fuckwad idiot.
which is what i have said and maintained through out this entire thread, troofer moron

Haunting isn't it? This is an example of what happens when you live in a cave of dishonesty. Once in a while light shines in and burns like eyes swimming in gasoline. After they were set on fire.
you are a pathetic PoS and a liar
As Steven Colbert just said...

If you don't want a Tea Party member to stomp on your head you need to carry a flag that says "Don't tread on me"
And where was her Male Minder? Women are not permitted to be out in public unaccompanied by their Male Minder. That offense alone is punishable by the lash. I think she actually got off easy. Her awful behavior was not in accordance with Sharia. Her punishment was justified. Praise be Allah.

Quick question you hermaphrodite prick, who the fuck is YOUR minder?

Wanna know why I call you A Pack of Lips Howling? Because, not only does it come close to your handle, but you continually whine like a little bitch.

Oh yeah........and the Pack of Lips comes from the fact that you've got a vagina.
Beruit, (Reagan, R) Really? Peacekeepers? This is equivalent to say Korea even????
grenada, (Reagan, R) A fucking 'rescue' mission???? Stretchign much?
Panama, (Bush 41, R) This ranks only sleightly over Grenada.
Haiti ????? When did we send military troops to do violence in Haiti???
Somalia (Clinton, D) Now that was a clusterfuck bigger than Beruit
bay of pigs (Kennedy, D) left cuban nationals to die on the shores of cuba. CIA Op.
Beruit, (Reagan, R) Really? Peacekeepers? This is equivalent to say Korea even????
grenada, (Reagan, R) A fucking 'rescue' mission???? Stretchign much?
Panama, (Bush 41, R) This ranks only sleightly over Grenada.
Haiti ????? When did we send military troops to do violence in Haiti???
Somalia (Clinton, D) Now that was a clusterfuck bigger than Beruit
bay of pigs (Kennedy, D) left cuban nationals to die on the shores of cuba. CIA Op.
no one said they were equal to the others, but they were conflicts that the military were deployed for

and btw, the deployment to Somalia was started under Bush 41
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The radical libs have not changed tactics since the Haymaker Square bombers and adapting Ghandi's tactics to their totalitarian ends.

I think a man stomping on the head of a small woman is pretty "totalitarian."
Since it never happened, I find the lie perfectly in line with your Modus Operendi. Aka, revolting.

It's sad how parisanship rules over basic fucking honesty.
Her head was pressed into the ground. He used his foot. That his foot wasn't on her head does not change the fact that he pressed her head into the ground using his foot.
it was not, you fucking LIAR

Totally awesome debating skills.

If only he had included a reference to gay sex and a jpg of a funny looking person. It wouldv'e been the perfect wingnut response
I think a man stomping on the head of a small woman is pretty "totalitarian."
Since it never happened, I find the lie perfectly in line with your Modus Operendi. Aka, revolting.

It's sad how parisanship rules over basic fucking honesty.
you mean like the fact that this whole event was engineered by George Soros funded thugs? I love how SUDDENLY they have an ad going out about Rand Paul that is nothing short of Defamation of Character.

Perfectly innocent my ass. You're one to talk about partisan hackery, Curve.
Haymaker Square bombers = Ghandi tactics? :eusa_eh:
and adapting Ghandi's tactics

Reading comprehension issue?

The term "and"? No...I understand quite well what it I'll ask again.

Haymaker Square bombers = Ghandi tactics? :eusa_eh:
Violent agitators mixed among complicit non-violent activists combined with accomplices in the media engaged in asymetrical information warfare against a political structure and philosophy... aka the US and capitalism.

Violent agitators cause unrest and violence breaks out. Preferably fomented by the targets they agitate against. Even if the violent agitators are blamed and even killed, they are turned into martyrs by the media. The non-violent activists preach against the violence inherent to the system, which they blame on the victims of the violent agitators when they justifiably act against it.

This Republicorp bullshit is the Haymarket Square bombers. They get in their cause agitation, and maybe... MAYBE do something stupid 'for the cause' in an effort to get either a reaction or to do something to help 'move the discussion' (code word for push the dogma) forward. A very mild version of the bombers, but they do something to get a reaction that could be spun by their accomplices in the media into something that makes their target look bad. (the new ad coming out proves that). Now the non-violent nutjob can start howling over how bad this is and that the victims (the Rand Paul campaign) is actually responsible for this justifiable action against them, and their reaction was totally out of line and therefore requires some sort of concessions by the victim.

It is a nasty little combination emotional assault designed to play upon people's senses of fair play, shame, guilt and outrage all at the same time. Those utilizing this tactic try to steal victimhood status from those they attack, and then turn it into a weapon to essentially socially blackmail those they are attacking into surrendering to their wishes.

It's quite effective... as long as the target is unaware. And honey... the target is now aware to this game and is now able to see it for what it really is: a violation and manipulation of them.

Now do you understand?

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