Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Oh Gawd are the Dummies still milking this one? Look it's real simple,no one with any common sense cares or has sympathy for their disgusting troll who got stomped. Those who hate usually only get hate back in return. is a hate organization. Its members are despicable cretins. This troll wasn't even from Kentucky. She was flown in from Massachusetts by to cause trouble. I guess she found the trouble they were looking for. She is also likely to be a convicted Felon very soon. She's no Saint. So sympathy? No way. Not gonna happen. So quit milking it.
More may be charged:

A quick review of the video shows that multiple men dragged the victim -- Lauren Valle -- to the ground and one, ironically clad in a "don't tread on me" button, held her there while Profitt emphatically pressed her head into the ground with his foot.
A number of blogs have suggested that the pin-clad culprit is Mike Pezzano -- a Paul supporter and open-carry law advocate. But police have thus far made no official determination.
Kentucky Police Consider Charging More Paul Supporters In Stomping Case | TPMDC
that statement is not true, the video shows it wasnt like that

ZZZZzzzzzz, your obviously in love with Profitt and his pathetic excuse for a goon squad. I declare you a 1rst Class Pussy for not denouncing a POS human being for attacking a girl. Why you would ever defend this hooligan in any shape, manner or form is beyond any reasonable thinking human. Looking down at your feet for help, isn't an answer.
Oh Gawd are the Dummies still milking this one? Look it's real simple,no one with any common sense cares or has sympathy for their disgusting troll who got stomped. Those who hate usually only get hate back in return. is a hate organization. Its members are despicable cretins. This troll wasn't even from Kentucky. She was flown in from Massachusetts by to cause trouble. I guess she found the trouble they were looking for. She is also likely to be a convicted Felon very soon. She's no Saint. So sympathy? No way. Not gonna happen. So quit milking it.

Well now, you're just a shiny ray of kittens and sunshine with the milk of human kindness squirting outta your ass, ain't ya?

By the way, the idiot DID stomp on her head. He placed his foot on the inside of her left shoulder, next to the spine and that is where his toe was. He then stomped down, landing his heel first on her neck, and then stomped again and his heel hit her head and put her skull into the sidewalk.

By the way, did you see this stupid fucker on television yesterday, asking for HER to apologize to HIM?

Fucking cowardly pussy was too scared to show his face, he insisted that the news crew taping him only showed him from the knees to the shoulders.
Oh BOO HOO! Now you Dummies are just being Drama Queens. She's a despicable little troll who isn't even from Kentucky. She's a paid hack sent in to disrupt. So go on whining for sympathy if you want to but no one with common sense is going to give you any. You guys got about one more day to milk this thing,so you better get to work. Most Americans could care less.
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You know Libocalypse, I hope some little tiny chick hears you smart off and walks up and beats your old tired ass.

By the's a good thing that I wasn't anywhere near these fuckers when they beat down this woman. Why? It's one of the only 2 ways to really get me to fight.......let me see some dude hit a woman and I'm on their asses like white on rice.

Never have liked cowardly pussies that beat women. Probably one of the main reasons I don't like you Libocalypse.
More may be charged:

A quick review of the video shows that multiple men dragged the victim -- Lauren Valle -- to the ground and one, ironically clad in a "don't tread on me" button, held her there while Profitt emphatically pressed her head into the ground with his foot.
A number of blogs have suggested that the pin-clad culprit is Mike Pezzano -- a Paul supporter and open-carry law advocate. But police have thus far made no official determination.
Kentucky Police Consider Charging More Paul Supporters In Stomping Case | TPMDC
that statement is not true, the video shows it wasnt like that
Her head was pressed into the ground. He used his foot. That his foot wasn't on her head does not change the fact that he pressed her head into the ground using his foot.
that statement is not true, the video shows it wasnt like that

ZZZZzzzzzz, your obviously in love with Profitt and his pathetic excuse for a goon squad. I declare you a 1rst Class Pussy for not denouncing a POS human being for attacking a girl. Why you would ever defend this hooligan in any shape, manner or form is beyond any reasonable thinking human. Looking down at your feet for help, isn't an answer.
moron, fuck off
you dont get to declare me anything
that statement is not true, the video shows it wasnt like that

ZZZZzzzzzz, your obviously in love with Profitt and his pathetic excuse for a goon squad. I declare you a 1rst Class Pussy for not denouncing a POS human being for attacking a girl. Why you would ever defend this hooligan in any shape, manner or form is beyond any reasonable thinking human. Looking down at your feet for help, isn't an answer.
moron, fuck off
you dont get to declare me anything

I see your feet didn't help.
Seriously though,i am a Muslim. Women who misbehave should be beaten. This woman should actually receive the lash for her petulance. Women must be subservient to their men. There can be no exceptions. Praise be Allah.
Seriously though,i am a Muslim. Women who misbehave should be beaten. This woman should actually receive the lash for her petulance. Women must be subservient to their men. There can be no exceptions. Praise be Allah.

LOL, even if it was true it simply backs up that all religions are dangerous....
Now go wash your hands dinner is almost ready Skippy.

Nice job having my posts you didn't like banned. I think I came close to home or spot on.
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And where was her Male Minder? Women are not permitted to be out in public unaccompanied by their Male Minder. That offense alone is punishable by the lash. I think she actually got off easy. Her awful behavior was not in accordance with Sharia. Her punishment was justified. Praise be Allah.
More may be charged:

A quick review of the video shows that multiple men dragged the victim -- Lauren Valle -- to the ground and one, ironically clad in a "don't tread on me" button, held her there while Profitt emphatically pressed her head into the ground with his foot.
A number of blogs have suggested that the pin-clad culprit is Mike Pezzano -- a Paul supporter and open-carry law advocate. But police have thus far made no official determination.
Kentucky Police Consider Charging More Paul Supporters In Stomping Case | TPMDC
that statement is not true, the video shows it wasnt like that can't even tell when a video is incomplete on sled rocket propelled test so of course you wouldn't be able to recognize...oh wait...which position are you claiming today? Yesterday you said you maintained the position it was wrong to kick her in the head then said you didn't say that. You know what? I don't give a fuck either way. I'd say you are pathetic but im not in a complimentary mood.
And where was her Male Minder? Women are not permitted to be out in public unaccompanied by their Male Minder. That offense alone is punishable by the lash. I think she actually got off easy. Her awful behavior was not in accordance with Sharia. Her punishment was justified. Praise be Allah.

Edited by Intense.
that statement is not true, the video shows it wasnt like that can't even tell when a video is incomplete on sled rocket propelled test so of course you wouldn't be able to recognize...oh wait...which position are you claiming today? Yesterday you said you maintained the position it was wrong to kick her in the head then said you didn't say that. You know what? I don't give a fuck either way. I'd say you are pathetic but im not in a complimentary mood.
wrong, dipshit, i said what he did was wrong
i never agreed to the "kick in the head" part
you are a fucking moron troofer
fuck off
that statement is not true, the video shows it wasnt like that can't even tell when a video is incomplete on sled rocket propelled test so of course you wouldn't be able to recognize...oh wait...which position are you claiming today? Yesterday you said you maintained the position it was wrong to kick her in the head then said you didn't say that. You know what? I don't give a fuck either way. I'd say you are pathetic but im not in a complimentary mood.
wrong, dipshit, i said what he did was wrong
i never agreed to the "kick in the head" part
you are a fucking moron troofer
fuck off

Maybe he thinks Profitt was wrong because he didn't stomp on her head

I'm not saying it's so, but given the response so far, it is a possibility

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