Apparently it's not easy to get laid in the capital if you're a Republican

Would you date your political opposite?

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I hope she finds her feman someday.

I hope everybody who wants to, finds love. But there was a poll in there - would you date across the aisle, or no?
My wife is my opposite. Holds several major positions I don' being legality of abortion. Been there done that for over 20 yrs.

How do you guys do it? I mean, my housemate is far right, my sister and I are far left (they are upper level, I am lower.) We just avoid ever talking anything remotely resembling politics.
Our life doesn't revolve around politics. While she supports abortion and had 2 before I met her she also realizes it's toll on her and deep down I think she regrets them . On things we disagree on sometimes I defer.....some are non-negotiable such as our daughters getting abortions.
Well, good luck. You do you. I would never interfere in my daughter's life choices like that - but we're past that stage, anyway.
Well, good luck. You do you. I would never interfere in my daughter's life choices like that - but we're past that stage, anyway.
Simply is no reason for them to be in a position to need one in this day and age don't ya think....I mean really simple steps to avoid it.
Well, good luck. You do you. I would never interfere in my daughter's life choices like that - but we're past that stage, anyway.
Simply is no reason for them to be in a position to need one in this day and age don't ya think....I mean really simple steps to avoid it.

Sure! Unless their parents are fundamentalist Christians who think they should "just say no" to sex, and then of course birth control isn't necessary because see above.
Well, good luck. You do you. I would never interfere in my daughter's life choices like that - but we're past that stage, anyway.
Like it would do any good if you interfered..

She's in her mid-thirties now, but I've always been very hands-off. I was raised by the BAD SEX, NO!!! people so. I had a pretty good handle on what doesn't work.
Well, good luck. You do you. I would never interfere in my daughter's life choices like that - but we're past that stage, anyway.
Simply is no reason for them to be in a position to need one in this day and age don't ya think....I mean really simple steps to avoid it.

Sure! Unless their parents are fundamentalist Christians who think they should "just say no" to sex, and then of course birth control isn't necessary because see above.
Something I deferred on...eventually.....pushed it to their late teens.....nothing wrong with teaching some self control.
Well, good luck. You do you. I would never interfere in my daughter's life choices like that - but we're past that stage, anyway.
Like it would do any good if you interfered..

She's in her mid-thirties now, but I've always been very hands-off. I was raised by the BAD SEX, NO!!! people so. I had a pretty good handle on what doesn't work.
I just know that you're damned if you do and damned if you don't...
My girlfriend right now isn’t into politics. I guess I would date a liberal, but not a passionate one.
If anyone is having trouble getting laid in D.C. just go over to "O" street and find a pimp....I did....
My political opposite would be an Islamist who does not want any separation between religion and politics, is extremely dogmatic, demands everybody think the same thing, hates western liberal societies and wants the whole world to live according to sharia law.

I only have one question to ask those who would suggest I date such a person.

Is she hot?
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Most conservative women are grateful lovers, due to conservative men are for the most part, latent homosexuals.
Even if you're not associated with the current administration or a MAGA-hat wearing Trump supporter, it can apparently be hard to lock down a date if you lean right. A reporter for a right-wing media outlet told the Washingtonian he recently went out on a date that crashed and burned once the woman noticed some conservative books on his shelf. Even though the guy told her he didn't vote for Trump and considers himself a moderate conservative, she ended things there.

"She was like, 'I have to get out of here. I can’t see you,' and left," he said. "The policies and these things that are attached to the right, whether or not you’re a supporter of Trump, have been pre-supposed on you, and it’s like a black mark."

Other lovelorn Republicans told the Washingtonian they've been getting people to agree to dates by avoiding any mention of their politics or their work at all costs on dating apps—essentially hiding who they really are until they meet someone in person. Some said they've gone out of their way to avoid meeting up with liberals altogether—like one White House staffer who said she won't match with anyone who went to a small liberal arts school, and sticks to swiping right for dudes from the South.

Conservatives Are Whining Because No One Wants to Date Them

The above article is based on the following article in the Washingtonian:

When she first moved to DC, a former Obama White House staffer who now works at the Aspen Institute was set up on a date with a Republican who worked on Capitol Hill. “We had a really nice time, but at the end of the date, he told me he didn’t believe in global warming,” she says. “I started laughing, because I’m from Colorado and didn’t realize people actually didn’t believe in global warming. But he was serious.” They didn’t go out again.

Republicans say it’s liberals who are more likely to turn down someone across the aisle. “Democrats are usually more vocal” about their opposition, the Trump staffer says, and therefore quicker to demonize all conservatives.

“I feel like they look at me and are like, here’s a tall white dude with brown hair wearing loafers, and he probably has a picture of Reagan and the NRA in his bedroom or something,” says one of the reporters from the conservative media company. “I just think they have a very hyperbolic view of what a conservative is.”

Why It’s Hard for Conservatives to Date in DC Right Now | Washingtonian

Or as a dear friend of mine said, "Hi, I belong to a group that believes you cannot make your own decisions about your body, that you should not be paid the same as a man, that you should not be believed when you report sexual abuse, and you should thank the lord when you get raped because it was God's will. Hey, where are you going?"

And now, for my .02 worth. From all indications here on this board, no conservative man or woman would ever date across the aisle. So I'm pretty sure there'd be no hard feelings if I said "Right backatcha, sunshine!"
Conservatives have only themselves to blame.

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