Appeals Court Holds 18 to 20-year-olds Have Second Amendment Rights

Again, why would that kid need that gun?
Oh sorry, because he can. I forget that.
It’s not really a matter of ‘need’ but the fact that 18- to 21-year-olds have easy access to firearms other than via an FFL, which is why this is pretty much a non-issue.

Indeed, it’s only an ‘issue’ for FFLs to whom the 18- to 21-year-old market is unavailable.

And most 18- to 21-year-olds don’t have the cash for a new gun, they’re obtaining used firearms through private sales and new guns via gifting.
It’s not really a matter of ‘need’ but the fact that 18- to 21-year-olds have easy access to firearms other than via an FFL, which is why this is pretty much a non-issue.

Indeed, it’s only an ‘issue’ for FFLs to whom the 18- to 21-year-old market is unavailable.

And most 18- to 21-year-olds don’t have the cash for a new gun, they’re obtaining used firearms through private sales and new guns via gifting.

Are you stupidly using that crap as justification for young idiot lunatics getting access to guns?

You people never give up on your pathetic justification for guns. Are you all mad?
Are you stupidly using that crap as justification for young idiot lunatics getting access to guns?

You people never give up on your pathetic justification for guns. Are you all mad?
Not ‘justifying’ anything.

Simply pointing out the fact that 18- to 21-year-olds have always been able to possess firearms, that 18- to 21-year-olds have always been able to acquire firearms via private sales and gifting, and that consequently prohibiting 18- to 21-year-olds from purchasing firearms from FFLs does little to prevent young idiot lunatics from getting access to guns.

Hence the insignificance of this court ruling, it’s a tempest in a teapot, being contrived into something that it isn’t for purely partisan reasons.
No, its not.
You've been saying there's no demonstable need.
You refuse to understand there need not be a demonstrable need.

As if you could do something about it.

You don't get it.
Why would anybody need those weapons?
Because it's their right to have one. It makes you feel powerful . They have no need other than that. Their peers like you advise them to share the testosterone boost when they hold it. It's like a penile extension.
But it's your right to be a gun nut.
You don't get it.
Why would anybody need those weapons?
You refuse to understand there need not be a demonstrable need.
It makes you feel powerful . They have no need other than that. Their peers like you advise them to share the testosterone boost when they hold it. It's like a penile extension.
Infantile nonsense, masquerading as petulance.
But it's your right to be a gun nut.
And there's nothing you can do about it.
You refuse to understand there need not be a demonstrable need.

Infantile nonsense, masquerading as petulance.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

Why would I want to change the greatest opportunity to ridicule the gun nuts, post the mass slaughter your guns cause, use an international forum coaxing you idiots to publicly declare you don't have to have a reason other than we can.

It would appear you have mental constipation when It comes to gun justification. You don't get it.
Here you are attempting to justify it all.

I don't care if you have a hundred guns but don't give me those pathetic excuses.
Get yourself more guns if you like. Kill more innocent people. Buy another of ammo to put with the other just in case a tyrant enters the WH. In the extremely unlikely case a villain invades your house, blows your head off before you decide which gun is appropriate to defend yourself. It must be a helluva decision to decide which gun to take to the supermarket with mum. It must be warm commradery discussing the features of your weapons and have that lityle competition who has the better. Theres so many reasons to keep them and more. If tanks and bazookas were freely available you would get them too. You'd love that big noise wouldn't you? That's like a ballistic orgasm for you freaks.
Why would I want to change the greatest opportunity to ridicule the gun nuts, post the mass slaughter your guns cause, use an international forum coaxing you idiots to publicly declare you don't have to have a reason other than we can.
You enjoy embarrassing yourself.
Go with that you know, I guess.
It would appear you have mental constipation when It comes to gun justification. You don't get it.
Here you are attempting to justify it all.
This is a lie.
I don't care if you have a hundred guns
This is a lie.
Appeals Court Holds 18 to 20-year-olds Have Second Amendment Rights
Actually, this isn’t accurate.

18- to 21-year-olds have always had Second Amendment rights – the right to possess and own firearms.

At issue was the extent to which those rights could be regulated by government, in this case prohibiting 18- to 21-year-olds from purchasing handguns from an FFL; and according to this court, that prohibition is not consistent with the Second Amendment.

The law is invalid both on the grounds that it violates the Second Amendment and that the law does little to prevent 18- to 21-year-olds who are prohibited persons from obtaining firearms.
You enjoy embarrassing yourself.
Go with that you know, I guess.

This is a lie.

This is a lie.

Oh dear. The hypocrisy is dripping from your lips when you mention lies.

The embarrassment is on you how I showed the world just how addicted to guns you are for no reason.
Because I can ay?
You also have the right to accept the reduction of guns could reduce mass slaughters . That itself is a pathetic justification for your expanded ego.

You like the vast majority have never used you guns for which they were made and never will. It's Pure testosterone and ego is the correct reason. It's that powerful feeling. it's the loud noises. Its the sense you are superior to all your inner hatreds.
The only right you have is to be as ignorant as a stump and I think that is work out.

Enjoy your guns Rambo.
To protect his family. To go hunting.
To target shoot. To compete in competition. And the most important reason? It’s none of your business.

The most important thing is that I pointed out the pathetic justifications and I shouldnt be concerned with it. Is it the business of innocent people and kids that were slaughtered to enquire like me?
Maybe they should shut up and let the gun nuts run the country.

As for hunting etc, don't make me laugh. Those excuses failed years ago.
To protect his family? From what? Himself and other lunatics like you?
To compete in competition to be a national lunatic. That doesn't need practice. You're doing it now with no training.

Aren't you pleased you shoved your ignorant nose in? I am.
Oh dear. The hypocrisy is dripping from your lips when you mention lies.

The embarrassment is on you how I showed the world just how addicted to guns you are for no reason.
Because I can ay?
You also have the right to accept the reduction of guns could reduce mass slaughters . That itself is a pathetic justification for your expanded ego.

You like the vast majority have never used you guns for which they were made and never will. It's Pure testosterone and ego is the correct reason. It's that powerful feeling. it's the loud noises. Its the sense you are superior to all your inner hatreds.
The only right you have is to be as ignorant as a stump and I think that is work out.

Enjoy your guns Rambo.

Are you this dumb in real life or just when you post?
Are you this dumb in real life or just when you post?
Is that the best you've got?
You don't like a bit if stick and can't take it so out comes the obligatory childish put down as.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Kerp going.

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