Appeals for calm

Those governors and mayors are realistic: They know that any appeal for calm would fall on deaf ears.

Those hooligans regularly commit crimes in their daily lives. They certainly are not going to listen to reason during a riot.
All the more reason to shoot them on sight.

No matter how strong the temptation, we simply cannot shoot people on sight.

This is not China or South Africa (in apartheid times).

The various groups have no choice but to tolerate one another the best that they can.

We have no choice, for no group is going to leave this country. We are stuck with one another.

There will be another orgy of riots in the future, tomorrow or next year or the year after that. That will happen even if the police officer is a non-Caucasian.
Shoot the looters and rioters on sight.
Why do you think they're rioting? Because cops use excessive force! Do you also think fire extinguishers should be filled with gasoline?
I think they are rioting because they are low life criminal scum, a lot like you are.
Maybe you should pay attention
Have been, they are low life criminal scum like you are.
Is it necessary to attack me personally? When have I shown that level of disrespect to you? Or is that level of discourse the only level you and your upbringing are capable of? We're you raised to be so immature?
It comes from decades of of trying to debate fairly with you filth. It's pointless.
"Filth"? How can I listen to and respect your opinion? Perhaps that's why you're so frustrated. Grow up a little more if you want to be heard and regarded as respectable.
You're a lying pos.
Those governors and mayors are realistic: They know that any appeal for calm would fall on deaf ears.

Those hooligans regularly commit crimes in their daily lives. They certainly are not going to listen to reason during a riot.
All the more reason to shoot them on sight.

No matter how strong the temptation, we simply cannot shoot people on sight.

This is not China or South Africa (in apartheid times).

The various groups have no choice but to tolerate one another the best that they can.

We have no choice, for no group is going to leave this country. We are stuck with one another.

There will be another orgy of riots in the future, tomorrow or next year or the year after that. That will happen even if the police officer is a non-Caucasian.
Shoot the looters and rioters on sight.
Why do you think they're rioting? Because cops use excessive force! Do you also think fire extinguishers should be filled with gasoline?
I think they are rioting because they are low life criminal scum, a lot like you are.
Maybe you should pay attention
Have been, they are low life criminal scum like you are.
Is it necessary to attack me personally? When have I shown that level of disrespect to you? Or is that level of discourse the only level you and your upbringing are capable of? We're you raised to be so immature?
It comes from decades of of trying to debate fairly with you filth. It's pointless.
"Filth"? How can I listen to and respect your opinion? Perhaps that's why you're so frustrated. Grow up a little more if you want to be heard and regarded as respectable.
You're a lying pos.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.
This woman loves the only thing obama did for blacks......

Except that program (which at the time, covered land line phones) was started during the Reagan administration. It was expanded to include mobile devices under the GW Bush administration.
I wish you right wingers would stop parroting this lie.
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.
This woman loves the only thing obama did for blacks......

Someone should tell her about the things Obama did for Black people since those phones were for everyone.


Did obama cut unnecessary regulations to help businesses grow so they can offer jobs to people like Angel Adams?....

Nope... he didn’t. Trump did. :)

I baited you to see just how far off topic you would get from your original fuckup regarding Drumpfs lack of leadership. I see you are eager to leave that point behind. :)

I'm still waiting on your explanation why 8 years of dumbo you remained silent over non-leadership?
So what did obama do for black America? racially incite them?

I must have missed your question.
I was silent because Obama stepped up to every situation and provided leadership.
You mean besides give Blacks some hope that working within the system would actually work? Or making sure the Black farmers got their money from the lawsuit against the government?

dumbo did nothing but create a racial divided for that he should be hanged

Its not Obamas fault white racists hated his guts. They reinforced the racial divide not Obama.

You lie like all traitor criminals.

You smell like wet dog like all cave chimps.

Explain one thing to me. How can you smell something on the internet? or are you just protecting the smell that you produce?
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.

Aren't you people supposed to be out stealing and burning shit down?
No. I'm Black. I'm supposed to be figuring out how to keep racist white cops from killing me and mine.
This vid should help.....

No thats just a stop gap. I want to get to the root of the problem. Why are they hiring neo nazi and kkk members on the police force?

Have you ever had a job? Have you ever encountered someone who shouldn’t be working at that job?

I have.

I've never been at a job where someone being a racist would get people killed. Not sure what your point is on that?

At a job? Do you rely on these temporary employment programs for work?
I think they’re called temp agencies.

Yeah a job. Thats what I call those things where you work for someone and they pay you and but then they have the additional power to tell you what days you can be sick and when you can take vacation. I have never seen a racist at any of my jobs that had the ability to kill someone while doing their job.

There’s a reason why people here think you’re an idiot. There’s also a reason why you blindly support a political that has deep roots in slavery.

As a Trump supporter, I can only wish you the best in life.

The people that think I am an idiot are self projecting so yes I understand the reason.

I dont support the repubs so I dont support a political that has deep roots in slavery. I refer you to the Southern Strategy for further enlightenment.

You being a Drumpf supporter prompts me to caution you about injecting into your body Bleach or any other disinfectant that the incompetent fuckup in the white house espouses as a miracle cure.

It’s obvious you’re dealing with personal issues I’m not privy to. It wasn’t my intention to make them public.

While you struggle with the demons in your life, I’d like to extend a hand of hope. A hand of hope that Trump has been extending to everyone. A hand of hope that people are finally benefiting from.

he only has TDS which leads to conspiracy theories

His stupidity and ignorance shouldn't stop a Trump supporter from offering a hand of hope.

Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.

Aren't you people supposed to be out stealing and burning shit down?
No. I'm Black. I'm supposed to be figuring out how to keep racist white cops from killing me and mine.
This vid should help.....

No thats just a stop gap. I want to get to the root of the problem. Why are they hiring neo nazi and kkk members on the police force?

Have you ever had a job? Have you ever encountered someone who shouldn’t be working at that job?

I have.

I've never been at a job where someone being a racist would get people killed. Not sure what your point is on that?

At a job? Do you rely on these temporary employment programs for work?
I think they’re called temp agencies.

Yeah a job. Thats what I call those things where you work for someone and they pay you and but then they have the additional power to tell you what days you can be sick and when you can take vacation. I have never seen a racist at any of my jobs that had the ability to kill someone while doing their job.

There’s a reason why people here think you’re an idiot. There’s also a reason why you blindly support a political that has deep roots in slavery.

As a Trump supporter, I can only wish you the best in life.

The people that think I am an idiot are self projecting so yes I understand the reason.

I dont support the repubs so I dont support a political that has deep roots in slavery. I refer you to the Southern Strategy for further enlightenment.

You being a Drumpf supporter prompts me to caution you about injecting into your body Bleach or any other disinfectant that the incompetent fuckup in the white house espouses as a miracle cure.

It’s obvious you’re dealing with personal issues I’m not privy to. It wasn’t my intention to make them public.

While you struggle with the demons in your life, I’d like to extend a hand of hope. A hand of hope that Trump has been extending to everyone. A hand of hope that people are finally benefiting from.

he only has TDS which leads to conspiracy theories

His stupidity and ignorance shouldn't stop a Trump supporter from offering a hand of hope.


because of his TDS, he'll never accept the help so why try?
Just call him ignorant and move on.
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.

Aren't you people supposed to be out stealing and burning shit down?
No. I'm Black. I'm supposed to be figuring out how to keep racist white cops from killing me and mine.
This vid should help.....

No thats just a stop gap. I want to get to the root of the problem. Why are they hiring neo nazi and kkk members on the police force?

Have you ever had a job? Have you ever encountered someone who shouldn’t be working at that job?

I have.

I've never been at a job where someone being a racist would get people killed. Not sure what your point is on that?

At a job? Do you rely on these temporary employment programs for work?
I think they’re called temp agencies.

Yeah a job. Thats what I call those things where you work for someone and they pay you and but then they have the additional power to tell you what days you can be sick and when you can take vacation. I have never seen a racist at any of my jobs that had the ability to kill someone while doing their job.

There’s a reason why people here think you’re an idiot. There’s also a reason why you blindly support a political that has deep roots in slavery.

As a Trump supporter, I can only wish you the best in life.

The people that think I am an idiot are self projecting so yes I understand the reason.

I dont support the repubs so I dont support a political that has deep roots in slavery. I refer you to the Southern Strategy for further enlightenment.

You being a Drumpf supporter prompts me to caution you about injecting into your body Bleach or any other disinfectant that the incompetent fuckup in the white house espouses as a miracle cure.

It’s obvious you’re dealing with personal issues I’m not privy to. It wasn’t my intention to make them public.

While you struggle with the demons in your life, I’d like to extend a hand of hope. A hand of hope that Trump has been extending to everyone. A hand of hope that people are finally benefiting from.

The only thing thats obvious is that you are emotionally distraught.

I have no false hope that Drumpf will be anything other than the fuckup he has already proven himself to be.
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.
This woman loves the only thing obama did for blacks......

Someone should tell her about the things Obama did for Black people since those phones were for everyone.


Did obama cut unnecessary regulations to help businesses grow so they can offer jobs to people like Angel Adams?....

Nope... he didn’t. Trump did. :)

I baited you to see just how far off topic you would get from your original fuckup regarding Drumpfs lack of leadership. I see you are eager to leave that point behind. :)

I'm still waiting on your explanation why 8 years of dumbo you remained silent over non-leadership?
So what did obama do for black America? racially incite them?

I must have missed your question.
I was silent because Obama stepped up to every situation and provided leadership.
You mean besides give Blacks some hope that working within the system would actually work? Or making sure the Black farmers got their money from the lawsuit against the government?

dumbo did nothing but create a racial divided for that he should be hanged

Its not Obamas fault white racists hated his guts. They reinforced the racial divide not Obama.

it's dumbo's fault for creating a racial divide
It's dumbo's fault for trying to Transform the fundamentals of America.
It's dumbo's fault for hating a country he was supposed to be a leader of
It's dumbos fault for trying to influence the election of 2016

Disney has nothing to do with Drumpf being a fuckup. Those cartoons you are making up are just fables.
Look! Trump read what his speech writers wrote for him. Tim Scott takes credit for the change in tone. I think it's more likely Trump's campaign advisor read him the riot act.

Speaking that afternoon, Trump said he stands "before you as a friend and ally to every American seeking justice and peace."
"Healing, not hatred, justice, not chaos are the mission at hand," he added.

Those were some pretty words. Now take away his phone privileges and don't allow a reporter within a hundred yards of him until the riots end.

There was trouble again yesterday in D.C., the protesters were back in force at the WH. No one died and as far as I can tell, no businesses burned or looted. But cars burned, windows broken and the protesters persisted, even after being tear gassed out of the area once. An Atlantic correspondent said the atmosphere in the WH was tense, with lots of locked and loaded security.

Trump was there; it's got to be eating him to keep quiet. I give him until tomorrow morning before it comes exploding out of him.
Its sad we have to lower the bar for this fuckup. I guess we can at least applaud him for sticking to the words on the teleprompter.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: i dont mean to get political, but cities run by progressives dont know how to police. this is a poorly trained police department and weak mayor. i'm not gonna get political, but i lay it all at the Democrat's feet

even people on FOX News who used to be cops, Kerik, Bongino, Geraldo, Gutfeld, they're all disgusted by this, and rightly so my friends
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts
Asclepias hates presidents who achieve goals like lowest unemployment for blacks. lol
Nope. I love the effect of what Obama did for Black unemployment. The problem is that rate is still higher than the white unemployment rate.
This woman loves the only thing obama did for blacks......

Someone should tell her about the things Obama did for Black people since those phones were for everyone.


Did obama cut unnecessary regulations to help businesses grow so they can offer jobs to people like Angel Adams?....

Nope... he didn’t. Trump did. :)

I baited you to see just how far off topic you would get from your original fuckup regarding Drumpfs lack of leadership. I see you are eager to leave that point behind. :)

I'm still waiting on your explanation why 8 years of dumbo you remained silent over non-leadership?
So what did obama do for black America? racially incite them?

I must have missed your question.
I was silent because Obama stepped up to every situation and provided leadership.
You mean besides give Blacks some hope that working within the system would actually work? Or making sure the Black farmers got their money from the lawsuit against the government?

dumbo did nothing but create a racial divided for that he should be hanged

Its not Obamas fault white racists hated his guts. They reinforced the racial divide not Obama.

You lie like all traitor criminals.

You smell like wet dog like all cave chimps.

Explain one thing to me. How can you smell something on the internet? or are you just protecting the smell that you produce?

Who told you that you could smell something on the internet? Are you retarded?
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: i dont mean to get political, but cities run by progressives dont know how to police. this is a poorly trained police department and weak mayor. i'm not gonna get political, but i lay it all at the Democrat's feet

even people on FOX News who used to be cops, Kerik, Bongino, Geraldo, Gutfeld, they're all disgusted by this, and rightly so my friends
I was trained there are ways to keep a person down without putting your foot on their neck. There are pressure points on the body that when touched with the correct amount of force that will keep a hostile person down on the ground until you get the handcuffs on them
Drumpf is unable to provide leadership. He is an incompetent fuckup and the reason for the vacuum. Leadership is top down and he is not a leader. He is a talented divider though.
when dumbo was president what leadership did he provide?
Call the cops stupid
if I had a son he would be just like Trayvon
We must give them space to destroy

I do remember Obama's 8 years. And what I remember first and foremost is the fact that we had competent leadership. His statements and responses always measured, and always exuding leadership and confidence. Did he have his blunders? Yes. Especially in the foreign policy department. But unlike the current occupant, did he ever sound like the loudest drunk at the bar screaming at the television set? Never. And I don't remember Obama ever blowing up social media with lies, misinformation, and flat out gaslighting. And you righties can bring up Obama's few gaffes that you always do. It's cute. But again, unlike the current occupant, the gaffes didn't come at a clip of at least one or two a day. :) And I never heard Obama say that maybe the light could be brought into the body "some other way". LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
If you remember that you're a lying sack of shit. Like I've known while Obama was president he the most corrupt president America has ever had and that includes Nixon
And if the media would have not protected obama like it did you would have seen the corruption a lot sooner

Corruption that only exists in the minds of the alt-right. That started the day he was elected and everyone on the right collectively lost their shit. And I give you guys credit that you came up with some of the best non-scandal material that I've seen in my lifetime. What I remember (and still see to this day) is, 8 years, no grand juries convened, no indictments issued, no prison sentences handed down. A man that will be remembered as a good President. Not great..but better than his predecessor and head and shoulders above the train wreck we have now. Stop blaming the media for everything. They didn't have to protect Obama. Why? Because he had nothing to be protected from. Something I was hoping your savior would learn after he backed into the office...but...alas, all the current occupant has done is live up to my admittedly low expectations.
The last three years was the completion of obama's corruption
the media will not be able to protect him much longer
obama trying to influence the 2016 election by using the DOJ is one of him many criminal acts
Criminal acts? Where are the charges for these supposed criminal acts? Drumpf has the most corrupt administration in the history of politics.

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