Appears The Montery Park Shooter is Dead

Huu Can Tran, the insane killer, was 72 years old.
News reports said police were looking for an "Asian 30 to 50."

You can trust the newsies. Really.

May he rot in hell, alongside many other dead Democrats.

On another note, Tran was disarmed in a second location, no doubt saving lives.
Compare this with the New York City cowards who stood by in a train and watched as 6 teenagers beat and kicked
Fox News weatherman, Adam Klotz, after he ever so gently told one of the thugs he should NOT set an elderly man's hair
on fire after lighting his joint. No mention was made of the race of the six thugs. Any wagers that this was a black on white
hate crime? Anyone? Cowardly media said not a word about races.
^ the fragility ^
You didn't get the memo?
You can say the most vile shit ever as long as you direct it at "Democrats" -- if you dehumanize Democrat voters enough, then its fun to cheer for their mass execution.. step is actually killing Democrats and believing it isn't murder because Dems are not people..
They've been convinced by voices they choose to trust that they're at "war" with "evil".

Evidently it's much easier to wage such a war when you believe your target is subhuman.
Biff Poindexter: "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Frank Wilhoit

Says the Biden lackey whose *leader* has admitted on television bribing the Ukraine to stop investigating his criminal, pedophile son or else Biden would withhold $1.5 billion tax dollars of foreign aid; whose *leader* said it was "irresponsible" for Trump to have classified documents at Trump's residence; who committed statutory rape and got away with it; who dodged income taxes on millions of dollars of kickbacks to "The Big Guy" from Communist China and Ukraine; who boasted that he has the most criminal vote cheaters in American history; who cuddles up to little girls at every opportunity, in front of cameras.

"Biff" was the name of the goon in Back to the Future.
"Poindexter" is an epithet used to categorize fools for their follies.

See how stupid you really are.

ciao brutto
I can't stomach reading another idiotic word from you.
Evidently it's much easier to wage such a war when you believe your target is subhuman.

Like unborn babies.... murdered by the scores of millions because Democrats call them "garbage".


```6 month old baby aborted.jpg
To thunderous applause from the left...


Well done, M14. Very well done.
You say "vile shit" about Democrat homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, crooks, shysters, and they brand you with their usual list of epithets. YOU'RE a "hater." They're gentile and oh so sweet, like the RUNT above.
NY Post
Letter for Publication

In the Lai Lai Ballroom in Alhambra, California, Brandon Tsay saw Huu Can Tran brandishing a rifle and quickly tackled and disarmed Tran before he could murder again.

Contrast this with the violent assaults by six teenagers on a New York City train. After they lit the hair of an elderly man on fire, Adam Klotz challenged them only verbally. For this, they brutally assaulted Adam while many other New Yorkers on the train simply looked on, like cowards. Far from an isolated event, I recall a few months ago when a lady told a subway gate-jumper, "We don't do that in New York." That thug followed her to the up escalator, walked quickly past her and when they were near the top, he turned around and put his hands on both rails so he could kick her backwards down the escalator with both feet. A bystander far downstairs saw the helpless woman tumbling down and instead of catching her as any decent human would do, he stepped aside so she could continue her long, painful tumble down metal escalator stairs.

"There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent." - Holocaust Survivor, Elie Wiesel

Lawless New York City needs to pass a law making it a crime to ignore people being harmed or threatened, when intervention is reasonable. This cowardice has been going on since Kitty Genovese was brutally murdered while twenty or more New Yorkers simply watched, and did nothing.


Link added

Murder of Kitty Genovese - Wikipedia

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