Approval: Obama 48%, W. Bush 33%

Media attacked Bush daily the entire time he was in office. Obama gets praised, and Obama is way more corrupt than Bush.
Bush got a pass for his complicit role in 9/11 as well as for his lies that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. He's a war criminal who is directly responsible for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the ruin of an innocent country and putting the US into the biggest economic decline since the Great Depression.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.
Bush got a pass for his complicit role in 9/11 as well as for his lies that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. He's a war criminal who is directly responsible for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the ruin of an innocent country and putting the US into the biggest economic decline since the Great Depression.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

Yes, it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
At comparable times in their Presidencies in Gallup. Suck on that, conservatives. This puts how much W sucked in perspective.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush Gallup Historical Trends

You wouldn't lie Comrade, would you?

CBS News Poll. Jan. 9-12, 2015. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling foreign policy?"

Approve Disapprove Unsure/
No answer

% --- % --- %


41 --- 44 --- 14}

Obama Administration
Media attacked Bush daily the entire time he was in office.

Except after 9-11-2001. When he had nearly 90% approval rating. He spent that capital on the propaganda build up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. He was still riding high until nearly all the rationale behind the invasion fell apart and the occupation became FUBAR. Then it turned into the ongoing Civil war, and that's when the Media came out of it's coma and started asking questions rather than parroting the WH talking points.
At comparable times in their Presidencies in Gallup. Suck on that, conservatives. This puts how much W sucked in perspective.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush Gallup Historical Trends

Yo, "These illegals, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them illegals voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".
Just the Facts!!!

Yo, I guess the Poll included some illegals?


Media attacked Bush daily the entire time he was in office.

Except after 9-11-2001. When he had nearly 90% approval rating. He spent that capital on the propaganda build up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. He was still riding high until nearly all the rationale behind the invasion fell apart and the occupation became FUBAR. Then it turned into the ongoing Civil war, and that's when the Media came out of it's coma and started asking questions rather than parroting the WH talking points.
Oh bullshit, the media and liberals were nice to him for about a week after 911. Yes Iraq was a quagmire, until the surge. That liberals were against it, and Obama successfully ended it. His own words.
Media attacked Bush daily the entire time he was in office.

Except after 9-11-2001. When he had nearly 90% approval rating. He spent that capital on the propaganda build up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. He was still riding high until nearly all the rationale behind the invasion fell apart and the occupation became FUBAR. Then it turned into the ongoing Civil war, and that's when the Media came out of it's coma and started asking questions rather than parroting the WH talking points.
Oh bullshit, the media and liberals were nice to him for about a week after 911. Yes Iraq was a quagmire, until the surge. That liberals were against it, and Obama successfully ended it. His own words.
Obama has made things worse in Iraq.
Media attacked Bush daily the entire time he was in office.

Except after 9-11-2001. When he had nearly 90% approval rating. He spent that capital on the propaganda build up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. He was still riding high until nearly all the rationale behind the invasion fell apart and the occupation became FUBAR. Then it turned into the ongoing Civil war, and that's when the Media came out of it's coma and started asking questions rather than parroting the WH talking points.
Oh bullshit, the media and liberals were nice to him for about a week after 911. Yes Iraq was a quagmire, until the surge. That liberals were against it, and Obama successfully ended it. His own words.
Obama has made things worse in Iraq.
I agree.

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