Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

You're playing house.

But it is such a fun game!! We each pay half the bills, do half the chores and enjoy all the benefits.

In fact, we are the same as a married couple except we didn't seek gov't approval. We approve of it. That is what counts.

And, as I said, it only takes a 2/3 majority vote from the people to amend the US Constitution. Christians make up 70% of the US population.
My New Testament philosophy is to judge not. Although the topic takes me back to the Old Testament and has me recalling what King David did.
There have been lots of people having sex outside of marriage for centuries.

If your religion demands no sex except with a marriage, then by all means, follow your religion's edicts.

But as someone who is not a Christian, I will enjoy sex outside of marriage.

"I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills."

I can tell you why. It doesn't. Greed causes far more ills in the world than getting laid.

"All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death." -- 1 John 5:17. What is this sin that does not lead to death (death of the eternal spirit....that animates all flesh)?

We are to pray for everyone that breaks the laws of God.......and ask God to forgive them. Examples: Both Jesus and Stephen prayed to God to forgive those who were killing them (Luke 23:24, Acts 7:60) Thus...........the sin that does not lead to death cannot be physical death (all men are appointed to die.......ONCE -- Heb. 9:27)

The sin that does not lead to spiritual death is the sin that comes with repentance (the turning away from sin.......while asking Jesus to stand as our advocate, standing between the Father and our sin. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin.......if we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." -- 1 John 1:9

There is no one sin greater than another.........the wages of all sin is spiritual death (Rom. 6:23) As long as life exists.......there is the eternal hope that anyone and everyone can find salvation via coming to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:4).

God does not sentence anyone to hell..............hell is based upon the free will choices we make. Are there any that can't be saved........and commit sin leading to death? Of course.......when one freely decides (make a freewill judgement to serve this world instead of this world's creator).

The terms of salvation are simple......Jesus explains in simple and comprehensible text, salvation rests in a realm outside of this physical must be "CALLED OUT" by the WORD which is Jesus Christ (John 1) "If the world hates you, ye know it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of this world (Christianity is Spiritual Realm/Nation maintained by making Spiritual Sacrifices to our Lord -- 1 Peter 2:5), but I have chosen you out of this world.....therefore the world hates you. Remember the Word that I have said unto you. The servant is not greater than His Lord. If they have persecuted Me......they will also persecute you..........." -- John 15:18-20

The only sin that leads to the sin that remains unrepentant. The very word "CHURCH" in the church/kingdom of Christ (originally recorded in Konie Greek, ECCLESIA) means CALLED OUT.........form the world. The Christian is promised nothing extra in this world.......salvation comes at the end of the race (of life).........A Christian is no better than the next person........the only difference? The Christian is CALLED OUT of this world by THE WORD of GOD. If that Word lives within you..........the Holy Spirit of God.....who inspired all scripture (2 Tim. 3:16-17)........lives within you. There is nothing magic about such a statement........its not magic, The Word lives in you because you are commanded to study the Word of God. "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth.
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"All unrighteousness is sin, and there is a sin not leading to death." -- 1 John 5:17. What is this sin that does not lead to death (death of the eternal spirit....that animates all flesh)?

We are to pray for everyone that breaks the laws of God.......and ask God to forgive them. Examples: Both Jesus and Stephen prayed to God to forgive those who were killing them (Luke 23:24, Acts 7:60) Thus...........the sin that does not lead to death cannot be physical death (all men are appointed to die.......ONCE -- Heb. 9:27)

The sin that does not lead to spiritual death is the sin that comes with repentance (the turning away from sin.......while asking Jesus to stand as our advocate, standing between the Father and our sin. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin.......if we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." -- 1 John 1:9

There is no one sin greater than another.........the wages of all sin is spiritual death (Rom. 6:23) As long as life exists.......there is the eternal hope that anyone and everyone can find salvation via coming to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:4).

God does not sentence anyone to hell..............hell is based upon the free will choices we make. Are there any that can't be saved........and commit sin leading to death? Of course.......when one freely decides (make a freewill judgement to serve this world instead of this world's creator).

The terms of salvation are simple......Jesus explains in simple and comprehensible text, salvation rests in a realm outside of this physical must be "CALLED OUT" by the WORD which is Jesus Christ (John 1) "If the world hates you, ye know it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of this world (Christianity is Spiritual Realm/Nation maintained by making Spiritual Sacrifices to our Lord -- 1 Peter 2:5), but I have chosen you out of this world.....therefore the world hates you. Remember the Word that I have said unto you. The servant is not greater than His Lord. If they have persecuted Me......they will also persecute you..........." -- John 15:18-20

The only sin that leads to the sin that remains unrepentant. The very word "CHURCH" in the church/kingdom of Christ (originally recorded in Konie Greek, ECCLESIA) means CALLED OUT.........form the world. The Christian is promised nothing extra in this world.......salvation comes at the end of the race (of life).........A Christian is no better than the next person........the only difference? The Christian is CALLED OUT of this world by THE WORD of GOD. If that Word lives within you..........the Holy Spirit of God.....who inspired all scripture (2 Tim. 3:16-17)........lives within you. There is nothing magic about such a statement........its not magic, The Word lives in you because you are commanded to study the Word of God. "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth.

The problem is that you, and others, are trying to make your point by quoting the Bible.

Since I am not a Christian, that book holds no great influence on me. I have read it, cover to cover. And there are some absolutely beautiful parts.
The problem is that you, and others, are trying to make your point by quoting the Bible.

Since I am not a Christian, that book holds no great influence on me. I have read it, cover to cover. And there are some absolutely beautiful parts.
And? A Christian is not allowed to state the reason as to why hope rests in his/her heart via use of the Word of God? The Christian is commanded to defend the faith and upon request state the reason for the hope that rests within his/her heart. "But sanctify the Lord in your hearts, and be ready always to give an answer to every man who asketh you a reason for the hope within you.........." -- 1 Peter 3:15

If you don't want the answer........don't ask the question.

The first amendment is a grand Everyone is allowed to speak and defend their quest for personal happiness. Everyone has the right of speech and freedom to the religion of their choice.

You are allowed to make accusations that are to go unchallenged because the Word of God offends your world view? That's mighty fascist of you. If this subject actually offends you when you are measured against the Words of God........why post on such a dedicated thread subject?:dunno: The math does not add up........

That's some logic. That is the The very source and foundation to the faith of Christianity........the Word of God is called the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17) for a reason, its used by God to separate the wheat from the chaff (Matt. 13:22-30) "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Rom. 10:17

You are the quint essential lesson in confirming the Words of Jesus Christ as truth. Why the world hates Christianity (John 15:18-20) You will never be subject to salvation based upon your world hatred of the are the perfect example of a sin that leads to death (unbelief).

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must (first) believe that He is (exists) and He is a rewarder of them diligently seek Him." -- Heb. 11:16
The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you, right off the top.
Look anywhere in history. Mankind has always been polygamous. The idea of monogamy isn't even a workable model. Even in the Victorian Age men had their mistresses. It's just human nature. Religion idealizes many situations it can't live up to. Get over it already. The Crusades weren't successful. No one is listening.
The problem is that you, and others, are trying to make your point by quoting the Bible.

Since I am not a Christian, that book holds no great influence on me. I have read it, cover to cover. And there are some absolutely beautiful parts.
As well as parts that are terrible and should have been thrown out.
And? A Christian is not allowed to state the reason as to why hope rests in his/her heart via use of the Word of God? The Christian is commanded to defend the faith and upon request state the reason for the hope that rests within his/her heart. "But sanctify the Lord in your hearts, and be ready always to give an answer to every man who asketh you a reason for the hope within you.........." -- 1 Peter 3:15

If you don't want the answer........don't ask the question.

The first amendment is a grand Everyone is allowed to speak and defend their quest for personal happiness. Everyone has the right of speech and freedom to the religion of their choice.

You are allowed to make accusations that are to go unchallenged because the Word of God offends your world view? That's mighty fascist of you. If this subject actually offends you when you are measured against the Words of God........why post on such a dedicated thread subject?:dunno: The math does not add up........

That's some logic. That is the The very source and foundation to the faith of Christianity........the Word of God is called the Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17) for a reason, its used by God to separate the wheat from the chaff (Matt. 13:22-30) "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." -- Rom. 10:17

You are the quint essential lesson in confirming the Words of Jesus Christ as truth. Why the world hates Christianity (John 15:18-20) You will never be subject to salvation based upon your world hatred of the are the perfect example of a sin that leads to death (unbelief).

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must (first) believe that He is (exists) and He is a rewarder of them diligently seek Him." -- Heb. 11:16
Prostelzing much.
Look anywhere in history. Mankind has always been polygamous. The idea of monogamy isn't even a workable model. Even in the Victorian Age men had their mistresses. It's just human nature. Religion idealizes many situations it can't live up to. Get over it already. The Crusades weren't successful. No one is listening.
Mankind has always been murderous. Is that also human nature? Should we give up on discouraging murder because it is a fact of life? The fact is human nature is sinful, and since we are above the animals, we trying to overcome the evil aspects of our nature.
Mankind has always been murderous. Is that also human nature? Should we give up on discouraging murder because it is a fact of life? The fact is human nature is sinful, and since we are above the animals, we trying to overcome the evil aspects of our nature.
How could you even equate human sexuality to a criminal act. Oh , I forgot, you consider many forms of love making a sin. Sorry to be you.
How could you even equate human sexuality to a criminal act. Oh , I forgot, you consider many forms of love making a sin. Sorry to be you.
There is a way for human sexuality to be good and moral; that within a heterosexual marriage. Anything else is immoral and leads to damaging results. While I am sympathetic with those of another orientation, that does not justify an immoral act.
There have been lots of people having sex outside of marriage for centuries.

If your religion demands no sex except with a marriage, then by all means, follow your religion's edicts.

But as someone who is not a Christian, I will enjoy sex outside of marriage.

"I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills."

I can tell you why. It doesn't. Greed causes far more ills in the world than getting laid.
God condemns sex out of marriage-1Cor 6:9-11--In revelation it says fornicators will go to the place of fire and brimstone.= Sheol= Hades= the grave= eternal death( lake of fire)
If emotions are God's gift then their effect must be valued:

But if emotions evolve (such as in evolution) then maybe our faith in God is misplaced.
There is a way for human sexuality to be good and moral; that within a heterosexual marriage. Anything else is immoral and leads to damaging results. While I am sympathetic with those of another orientation, that does not justify an immoral act.
LOL , keep on believing anyone who doesn't fit you grand design for the human race is going to hell. That type of thinking , or I should say lack of thinking, is what's probably going to land you in a hell of your own making. Good luck with that.
God condemns sex out of marriage-1Cor 6:9-11--In revelation it says fornicators will go to the place of fire and brimstone.= Sheol= Hades= the grave= eternal death( lake of fire)
Thank GOD I'm not a Christian. What a horrible belief system.

Thank GOD I'm not a Christian. What a horrible belief system.
It's hard to fathom people who think they are immune to consequences because they say they don't believe. It would be like thinking if they jumped off a building they would be spared from the laws of gravity.
LOL , keep on believing anyone who doesn't fit you grand design for the human race is going to hell. That type of thinking , or I should say lack of thinking, is what's probably going to land you in a hell of your own making. Good luck with that.
lo. You act like I made up natural laws of God that have been around for millennia That's as absurd as saying I invented gravity. Don't get mad at the messenger.
It's hard to fathom people who think they are immune to consequences because they say they don't believe. It would be like thinking if they jumped off a building they would be spared from the laws of gravity.
Gravity exists. We can prove it. God, so it seems, might not and more than likely does not.
But it is such a fun game!! We each pay half the bills, do half the chores and enjoy all the benefits.

In fact, we are the same as a married couple except we didn't seek gov't approval. We approve of it. That is what counts.
Fools think they know better than the Creator of the universe and everything in it.

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