Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

And you think more laws will help?

If a single judge overrules a law that was enacted by the people (or their representatives), take it to a higher court. Eventually 9 judges will rule on it.
All it takes is 5 lib judges to fulfill the dreams of lib groomers

And the people will say “what happened to us?”
This is the odd fellow that says he thinks atheists should be banned by law.

Of course these threads are total bullshit designed to get attention.

Yeah, he also wants Christian dogma to be used to make laws. I am pretty sure he wants a theorcracy so premarital sex, contraceptives, homosexuality and other thing to be banned by law.
But that said, to @Mashmont: how can you expect non-Christians to live according to a standard that they consider absurd, and be obedient to a God that many of them don't believe in?
While I mostly agree with this, if you REALLY believe God sets a choice before us, WITH CONSEQUENCES, how could that NOT enter into the message?

Christ spoke to non-believers and that message was always a part of the mix

Repent or Perish​

13 Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. 2 Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? 3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. 4 Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”
Yeah, he also wants Christian dogma to be used to make laws. I am pretty sure he wants a theorcracy so premarital sex, contraceptives, homosexuality and other thing to be banned by law.
Sounds great. America would be much improved.
In all the years humans have been around, nothing has prevented sex outside marriage. Teaching them will not work.
Teaching them will reduce the occurrence of it. Blatant society permissiveness certainly doesn't.
See, guys, thanks to the atheist leftist media promoting this immoral junk, there are many people who have no idea sex outside of marriage is wrong and leads to disaster. I'm sure many in the black community have never heard that. That's why societal teaching come in. To inform first. Then change hearts and minds.

Frankly, it sounds like this is first many of the leftwingers in here have ever heard it. I know for a fact many people have never considered that birth control or IVF are immoral. Society needs educated fast. It needs to present Catholic moral teaching from an early grade.
Teaching them will reduce the occurrence of it. Blatant society permissiveness certainly doesn't.
1) Did you yourself have sex outside of marriage?

May have already been asked and answered, but I'm not searching for that answer. So, If Mashmont has answered this, someone, anyone, post the Post#.
Sounds great. America would be much improved.

No, it would not be improved.

Increasing unwanted pregnancies is not a good thing.

Trying to force homosexuals back into the closet is not going to happen and should never be the goal of a government.

And even in the strictest, most repressed countries, premarital sex still happens.

Your dreams of a theocracy are just fantasy.
See, guys, thanks to the atheist leftist media promoting this immoral junk, there are many people who have no idea sex outside of marriage is wrong and leads to disaster. I'm sure many in the black community have never heard that. That's why societal teaching come in. To inform first. Then change hearts and minds.

Frankly, it sounds like this is first many of the leftwingers in here have ever heard it. I know for a fact many people have never considered that birth control or IVF are immoral. Society needs educated fast. It needs to present Catholic moral teaching from an early grade.

I doubt there is anyone who has not heard that sex outside marriage is bad. It is not that haven't heard it. They just don't believe it.
Every irreligious person I know thinks sex outside marriage is fine. Funny how that works.

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