April is Confederate Revisionist History Month

Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

Blacks killing blacks. Is that what you call a "race war"?

The number one cause of death for young black males is homicide.

Young black males die from gun violence at a rate 2.5 time higher than latino males and eight times higher than white males.

So if you people are at war. You're going to lose.

On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You people killing each other is linked to slavery?


Explain how whites tear down the black family.

The problem with you idiots and the reason your people will forever be at the lowest end of the totem pole is none of you are willing to take any responsibility. It's always the same old bullshit...blame the white man.

None of you idiots are denied anything, you're just too damn lazy to put forth the effort to get things done.

You claim to be educated yet you cannot support anything you have stated with evidence.

Don't you have some crack to sell?
Blacks killing blacks. Is that what you call a "race war"?

The number one cause of death for young black males is homicide.

Young black males die from gun violence at a rate 2.5 time higher than latino males and eight times higher than white males.

So if you people are at war. You're going to lose.

On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You - racist asshole - are every bit the ridiculous clown these other racist assholes are. You are just coming at your little performance from the opposite direction. You and these douchebags like yidnar, lonestar, matthew, et. al. are just two sides of the same shit-coin. You all deserve each other and you're all nothing but a blight on a great nation.

Prove that I'm a racist you punk ass troll.
Blacks killing blacks. Is that what you call a "race war"?

The number one cause of death for young black males is homicide.

Young black males die from gun violence at a rate 2.5 time higher than latino males and eight times higher than white males.

So if you people are at war. You're going to lose.

On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You people killing each other is linked to slavery?


Explain how whites tear down the black family.

The problem with you idiots and the reason your people will forever be at the lowest end of the totem pole is none of you are willing to take any responsibility. It's always the same old bullshit...blame the white man.

None of you idiots are denied anything, you're just too damn lazy to put forth the effort to get things done.

You claim to be educated yet you cannot support anything you have stated with evidence.

Don't you have some crack to sell?

Spoken like the true racist that you are.
On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You - racist asshole - are every bit the ridiculous clown these other racist assholes are. You are just coming at your little performance from the opposite direction. You and these douchebags like yidnar, lonestar, matthew, et. al. are just two sides of the same shit-coin. You all deserve each other and you're all nothing but a blight on a great nation.

Prove that I'm a racist you punk ass troll.

You proved it in your previous post.
Dip shit No republican has said they want to deprive immigrates to right to live here.

What about the high unemployment of blacks have you thought about that? No your racist post is all about attacking whites. How about those African tribes that sold other Africans into slavery? No what you democrats do is behind that big talk of helping other, you think they are incapable of doing things for themselves and that is where your racism begins.

What you're entitled to is your opinion...not your own facts. Republicans have been hating on minorities and immigrants (not "immigrates", you dumb fuck), since the 60's, starting with Barry Goldwater.
High unemployment for blacks? Look around, moron...high unemployment isn't just a problem for blacks...there are a whole bunch of white folks in those employment lines.
Attacking whites? Get over yourself. I haven't been "attacking whites"....I've been pointing out the racism of conservative whites, their demonization of everyone who isn't white (and male), and shoving it back into your faces.
And you're "Johnny-come-lately-to-the-table", as we've dismissed the notion of Africans selling other Africans as "miniscule", in lieu of "whites', who undoubted "stole" and kidnapped more Africans than they bought...and it seems your thoughts "run together" and you can't separate one topic from another...from Africans selling Africans, to Democrats and something about some other, to doing something for someone, and racism beginning....totally confused. You shouldn't smoke pot, and post in the forum at the same time. LOL

You are the worst kind of racist you are a willfully ignorant racist. Their is no help for your kind.

If you think so, then I'm "on track".
Oh, I dunno....we're supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy about Dixie and cotton fields and Camp Town races, doo-dah, and shit?
Fuck slavery. Fuck the South. Fuck racist white people. And fuck that you can't stand minorities living The American Dream, as Hispanics become the new majority up in this bitch. How's that?

Dip shit No republican has said they want to deprive immigrates to right to live here.

What about the high unemployment of blacks have you thought about that? No your racist post is all about attacking whites. How about those African tribes that sold other Africans into slavery? No what you democrats do is behind that big talk of helping other, you think they are incapable of doing things for themselves and that is where your racism begins.

What you're entitled to is your opinion...not your own facts. Republicans have been hating on minorities and immigrants (not "immigrates", you dumb fuck), since the 60's, starting with Barry Goldwater.
High unemployment for blacks? Look around, moron...high unemployment isn't just a problem for blacks...there are a whole bunch of white folks in those employment lines.
Attacking whites? Get over yourself. I haven't been "attacking whites"....I've been pointing out the racism of conservative whites, their demonization of everyone who isn't white (and male), and shoving it back into your faces.
And you're "Johnny-come-lately-to-the-table", as we've dismissed the notion of Africans selling other Africans as "miniscule", in lieu of "whites', who undoubted "stole" and kidnapped more Africans than they bought...and it seems your thoughts "run together" and you can't separate one topic from another...from Africans selling Africans, to Democrats and something about some other, to doing something for someone, and racism beginning....totally confused. You shouldn't smoke pot, and post in the forum at the same time. LOL

You are stupid. It was the Republican party that passed the Civil Rights Act of the '50's and 60's with the greatest percentage.

Where is your evidence that whites "stole and kidnapped more Africans"?

Oh that's right , you don't support your bullshit with evidence because bullshit is all it is.

You're a disgrace to your race.
Blacks killing blacks. Is that what you call a "race war"?

The number one cause of death for young black males is homicide.

Young black males die from gun violence at a rate 2.5 time higher than latino males and eight times higher than white males.

So if you people are at war. You're going to lose.

On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You people killing each other is linked to slavery?


Explain how whites tear down the black family.

The problem with you idiots and the reason your people will forever be at the lowest end of the totem pole is none of you are willing to take any responsibility. It's always the same old bullshit...blame the white man.

None of you idiots are denied anything, you're just too damn lazy to put forth the effort to get things done.

You claim to be educated yet you cannot support anything you have stated with evidence.

Don't you have some crack to sell?

No, I don't.....what happened to your regular dealer?
The faux outrage is palpable. If any of you thinks this is "whitey-bashing" (not my words), then perhaps there is a need for it, long overdue.
More like "racist whitey bashing", from the looks of it.

You're the racist so I guess you should know.

You're a racist and a coward who likes to run and tell on people and quote forum rules like a little bitch

Prove I'm a racist punk!

Yes when you start bringing up family members, I will report your dumbass every fucking time.

And yes I will quote the rules because some of you idiots are too fucking stupid to seek out that information on your own.

Don't cry because I kick your punk all over these boards.
you're the racist so i guess you should know.

you're a racist and a coward who likes to run and tell on people and quote forum rules like a little bitch

prove i'm a racist punk!

Yes when you start bringing up family members, i will report your dumbass every fucking time.

And yes i will quote the rules because some of you idiots are too fucking stupid to seek out that information on your own.

Don't cry because i kick your punk all over these boards.
On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You people killing each other is linked to slavery?


Explain how whites tear down the black family.

The problem with you idiots and the reason your people will forever be at the lowest end of the totem pole is none of you are willing to take any responsibility. It's always the same old bullshit...blame the white man.

None of you idiots are denied anything, you're just too damn lazy to put forth the effort to get things done.

You claim to be educated yet you cannot support anything you have stated with evidence.

Don't you have some crack to sell?

Spoken like the true racist that you are.

If speaking the truth makes me racist then so be it.
On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You people killing each other is linked to slavery?


Explain how whites tear down the black family.

The problem with you idiots and the reason your people will forever be at the lowest end of the totem pole is none of you are willing to take any responsibility. It's always the same old bullshit...blame the white man.

None of you idiots are denied anything, you're just too damn lazy to put forth the effort to get things done.

You claim to be educated yet you cannot support anything you have stated with evidence.

Don't you have some crack to sell?

No, I don't.....what happened to your regular dealer?

That's what I thought. Too damn lazy to answer the challenge.

Thanks for proving my point.

You're dismissed.
You people killing each other is linked to slavery?


Explain how whites tear down the black family.

The problem with you idiots and the reason your people will forever be at the lowest end of the totem pole is none of you are willing to take any responsibility. It's always the same old bullshit...blame the white man.

None of you idiots are denied anything, you're just too damn lazy to put forth the effort to get things done.

You claim to be educated yet you cannot support anything you have stated with evidence.

Don't you have some crack to sell?

No, I don't.....what happened to your regular dealer?

That's what I thought. Too damn lazy to answer the challenge.

Thanks for proving my point.

You're dismissed.

Lazy? Try "uppity". Challenge? Girl, please. You are no challenge. You proved no point, and destroyed any semblance of credibility, long ago. Dismissed? LOL. Uh-huh.....watch me go.
EVERY month is Confederate revisionist month on this board.

No, I don't.....what happened to your regular dealer?

That's what I thought. Too damn lazy to answer the challenge.

Thanks for proving my point.

You're dismissed.

Lazy? Try "uppity". Challenge? Girl, please. You are no challenge. You proved no point, and destroyed any semblance of credibility, long ago. Dismissed? LOL. Uh-huh.....watch me go.

That's right I didn't prove anything. You proved my point for me.

Oh and by the way, I'm not a girl. But I suspect you know that and just call me that as if it's an insult. It's not. It just further goes to show how utterly stupid you are.

And of course you won't leave. I mean you don't have a job and your welfare check isn't due so you have no place to go anyhow.
On please. Like that isn't a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow. Divide, mislead and conquer. You (whites) set it up that way. Tearing families apart...emasculating men, and raping women. And after the indoctrination following Emancipation, you now claim "foul", and that the problem is "ours" and you had no hand in it?
Deny folks the opportunity to work and fend for themselves...deny them the right to a comprehensive education....deny them the dignity to live as human beings, and you have frustration, competition, and violence directed within. Brilliant. Well-done. That it bleeds over into your collective communities is something you didn't plan on...not such a good idea (of control), after all. Just like drug use and HIV. Didn't think you'd be affected, did you?

You - racist asshole - are every bit the ridiculous clown these other racist assholes are. You are just coming at your little performance from the opposite direction. You and these douchebags like yidnar, lonestar, matthew, et. al. are just two sides of the same shit-coin. You all deserve each other and you're all nothing but a blight on a great nation.

Prove that I'm a racist you punk ass troll.

You proved it in your previous post.
That's what I thought. Too damn lazy to answer the challenge.

Thanks for proving my point.

You're dismissed.

Lazy? Try "uppity". Challenge? Girl, please. You are no challenge. You proved no point, and destroyed any semblance of credibility, long ago. Dismissed? LOL. Uh-huh.....watch me go.

That's right I didn't prove anything. You proved my point for me.

Oh and by the way, I'm not a girl. But I suspect you know that and just call me that as if it's an insult. It's not. It just further goes to show how utterly stupid you are.

And of course you won't leave. I mean you don't have a job and your welfare check isn't due so you have no place to go anyhow.

Uh, you are "a girl", as you hardly act like a man. And I don't know anything of a kind, but what you present, which are feeble, impotent responses and puerile attacks.
And how do you know I don't have a job? You don't know me. Welfare? I'm retired and on a pension, which allows me to pursue my artistic endeavors, writing, music and videography. Haters gonna hate. Aren't they, girl?
It was the Republican party that passed the Civil Rights Act of the '50's and 60's with the greatest percentage.

The bills were Democratic, the GOP certainly helped in the minority, but the GOP had their southern senators and rep in higher %s voting against it than the southern senators and reps from the South.

The difference was geography (North and West against the South) for both parties.
You - racist asshole - are every bit the ridiculous clown these other racist assholes are. You are just coming at your little performance from the opposite direction. You and these douchebags like yidnar, lonestar, matthew, et. al. are just two sides of the same shit-coin. You all deserve each other and you're all nothing but a blight on a great nation.

Prove that I'm a racist you punk ass troll.

You proved it in your previous post.

That's the only tool you idiots have. And it doesn't work.

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