April is Confederate Revisionist History Month

Whites do not vote as a cohesive block for one party, the same party that is a big fan of handing out to them "teh goodies."

As for the cycle of poverty how has all this money democrats spent on these programs elmininated it?
Oh, up until this point, I took you as an honest poster. I now see you're nothing more than a partisan ideologue. White conservatives vote , as a block, for the Republican Party, which both Colin Powell and Lawrence Wilkerson have testified is ”riddled with racists". And what "goodies" are you alluding to?

Just answer me this, what other group votes 90%+ for a single party based on race alone? (Yes gays vote 90%+ democratic as well, but thats not based on race, thats based on who you feel like buggering.)

The only other group with that much cohesiveness are probably public sector union workers, (again democrats) and you have overlap with the above two mentioned groups.

Those are sizable voting blocks for those groups, in particular in local voting.

Also, you have been skimming over my position that our current welfare state does NOTHING to eliminate poverty amongst the poor, and merely continues it for generations. I wonder why that is?

And as far as being an "honest poster" I noticed you ran for the racism rabbit hole already.

If the majority of Blacks vote for a White Democrat, why is that. You cannot prove why people vote. I am sure many Republicans vote for the White guy.
Whites do not vote as a cohesive block for one party, the same party that is a big fan of handing out to them "teh goodies."

As for the cycle of poverty how has all this money democrats spent on these programs elmininated it?
Oh, up until this point, I took you as an honest poster. I now see you're nothing more than a partisan ideologue. White conservatives vote , as a block, for the Republican Party, which both Colin Powell and Lawrence Wilkerson have testified is ”riddled with racists". And what "goodies" are you alluding to?

Just answer me this, what other group votes 90%+ for a single party based on race alone? (Yes gays vote 90%+ democratic as well, but thats not based on race, thats based on who you feel like buggering.)

The only other group with that much cohesiveness are probably public sector union workers, (again democrats) and you have overlap with the above two mentioned groups.

Those are sizable voting blocks for those groups, in particular in local voting.

Also, you have been skimming over my position that our current welfare state does NOTHING to eliminate poverty amongst the poor, and merely continues it for generations. I wonder why that is?

And as far as being an "honest poster" I noticed you ran for the racism rabbit hole already.

Right. Like you ran for the homophobic rabbit hole. "Buggering"??? Really?
Instead of "skimming over" (as you put it) what I detect is "sour grapes" for the various groups' allegiance to the Democratic Party, leaving Republicans, "holding a bag", as to why. Ask yourself why the Republican Party continues to pander to and cover the asses of the wealthy (we all know why), before asking me any asinine questions. But let's stop here, as I hardly relish engaging dishonest posters. Or bigots, homophobes, racists, and the like.
Oh, up until this point, I took you as an honest poster. I now see you're nothing more than a partisan ideologue. White conservatives vote , as a block, for the Republican Party, which both Colin Powell and Lawrence Wilkerson have testified is ”riddled with racists". And what "goodies" are you alluding to?

Just answer me this, what other group votes 90%+ for a single party based on race alone? (Yes gays vote 90%+ democratic as well, but thats not based on race, thats based on who you feel like buggering.)

The only other group with that much cohesiveness are probably public sector union workers, (again democrats) and you have overlap with the above two mentioned groups.

Those are sizable voting blocks for those groups, in particular in local voting.

Also, you have been skimming over my position that our current welfare state does NOTHING to eliminate poverty amongst the poor, and merely continues it for generations. I wonder why that is?

And as far as being an "honest poster" I noticed you ran for the racism rabbit hole already.

If the majority of Blacks vote for a White Democrat, why is that. You cannot prove why people vote. I am sure many Republicans vote for the White guy.

They vote for what they think is in thier interest. Currently thier percieved interest is in continuation of the welfare state, and what they think is security based on government handouts. This is of course, opposite to the belief of most small government libertarians, who see it as a modern form of politically correct enslavement.

No one has answered my question yet. With all the effort we have put into social programs, why havent they worked yet?
Keep stirring the shit Poet. If we can just keep Blacks and Whites fighting with each other maybe we can get a Race War going.

You've got to just commit yourself totally, I know that's what you want. It's what the Bankers and the Military Industrial Complex wants too.

Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

well, if it's we who can't get over it why is it ewe who keeps bringing it up doyathink?
He won't answer questions. He replies, calling you racist and or homophobic which he thinks puts him in a rhetorically superior position where an answer would be below his dignity.
And then the parties switched ideologies from the late 60's thru the 80's and what we have now is the racist Republican Party and the anti-racist Democratic Party. See?

I've already shown your ignorant ass that your full of shit.

Out of the 26 or so Dixiecrats only THREE became Republicans you stupid fuck!

Get your head out of your ass and read a history book!
Are you insane? You've shown nothing. First of all, why would I take the opinion of a racist white fuck from Texas, as "gospel"? Second, as many posts as I've said that statistics, compiled by "whites", can't be trusted, because they serve a particular agenda, that is "to demonize minorities, in order to make themselves look good or blameless", should give you pause. Third, one only needs to look at the reality of the Republican and Democratic Parties, to get a gist of "who's who and what's what". Today's Republican Party is no longer the "Party of Lincoln", nor the party that fought for civil rights. That would be today's Democratic Party. And I wouldn't trust Rick Perry's "revised" history books, as far as I could throw one, "aiming for your head".

Stay stuck on stupid.
I've already shown your ignorant ass that your full of shit.

Out of the 26 or so Dixiecrats only THREE became Republicans you stupid fuck!

Get your head out of your ass and read a history book!
Are you insane? You've shown nothing. First of all, why would I take the opinion of a racist white fuck from Texas, as "gospel"? Second, as many posts as I've said that statistics, compiled by "whites", can't be trusted, because they serve a particular agenda, that is "to demonize minorities, in order to make themselves look good or blameless", should give you pause. Third, one only needs to look at the reality of the Republican and Democratic Parties, to get a gist of "who's who and what's what". Today's Republican Party is no longer the "Party of Lincoln", nor the party that fought for civil rights. That would be today's Democratic Party. And I wouldn't trust Rick Perry's "revised" history books, as far as I could throw one, "aiming for your head".

Stay stuck on stupid.

his brains were thrown out along with the douchebag
Keep stirring the shit Poet. If we can just keep Blacks and Whites fighting with each other maybe we can get a Race War going.

You've got to just commit yourself totally, I know that's what you want. It's what the Bankers and the Military Industrial Complex wants too.

Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

well, if it's we who can't get over it why is it ewe who keeps bringing it up doyathink?

in fact every demographic group is ahead of African Americans when it come s to IQ, SAT scores, grades, socioeconomic status etc.

that is not only whites, but Asians, Hispanics and American Indians.

Who is blamed all the time. That's right, whitey.

how long will African Americans blame whitey and slavery?

Why not blame Asians, Hispanics and American Indians too?

seems like whitey and slavery are the convenient excuses. Afraid of looking in the mirror?
Just answer me this, what other group votes 90%+ for a single party based on race alone? (Yes gays vote 90%+ democratic as well, but thats not based on race, thats based on who you feel like buggering.)

The only other group with that much cohesiveness are probably public sector union workers, (again democrats) and you have overlap with the above two mentioned groups.

Those are sizable voting blocks for those groups, in particular in local voting.

Also, you have been skimming over my position that our current welfare state does NOTHING to eliminate poverty amongst the poor, and merely continues it for generations. I wonder why that is?

And as far as being an "honest poster" I noticed you ran for the racism rabbit hole already.

Right. Like you ran for the homophobic rabbit hole. "Buggering"??? Really?
Instead of "skimming over" (as you put it) what I detect is "sour grapes" for the various groups' allegiance to the Democratic Party, leaving Republicans, "holding a bag", as to why. Ask yourself why the Republican Party continues to pander to and cover the asses of the wealthy (we all know why), before asking me any asinine questions. But let's stop here, as I hardly relish engaging dishonest posters. Or bigots, homophobes, racists, and the like.

Straights can "bugger" as well, it was not meant to be an insult, but as most progressives, your level of resistance to "butthurt" is painfully low.

And you still havent answered the question, and again go for the attack of the "ists."

If you can't deal with posters who have differing opinions than yourself, I suggest the Echo Chamber over at DU.

Right. Remind me not to stick my hand out, so that you can bite it again. It has nothing to do with my tolerance level of pain, but your inclination to dole it out. Differing opinions? Ha! Try "ill-conceived" premise. I'm not answering any questions that are insulting to begin with.
Keep stirring the shit Poet. If we can just keep Blacks and Whites fighting with each other maybe we can get a Race War going.

You've got to just commit yourself totally, I know that's what you want. It's what the Bankers and the Military Industrial Complex wants too.

Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

well, if it's we who can't get over it why is it ewe who keeps bringing it up doyathink?

I'm just holding up the mirror...because you obviously are enamored with your reflection.
Thread Cleaned. Let's try to keep on topic.

2. Political Forum / Israel and Palestine / Race Relations/Racism: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking threads.

This is an effort to clean up this Forum and provide for more constructive discourse. We will try to make the transition positive.

The rules apply as equally as we can make them. We are not here to run cover for spam, or propaganda, Left or Right. You have a point, make it, back it up, and move on. Each post needs to contain relevant on topic content, flames are optional, relevant content is not. It's not rocket science. If you can chew gum and walk at the same time, you should have no difficulty meeting that standard. You see something posted that you don't like, challenge it with sound reason. Something unrelated to the thread gets brought up, that is relevant to you, start your own thread on it, rather than hi-jack the current thread. We are focused on communication skills here, not Left or Right. Impartiality is the goal, on the administrative end. We maintain the playing field, we don't stack the deck, choose winners or losers, we try to maintain fairness.
The Reason for the change in Rules regarding This Forum, is the level of Abuse this Forum is too well known for.

Right. Like you ran for the homophobic rabbit hole. "Buggering"??? Really?
Instead of "skimming over" (as you put it) what I detect is "sour grapes" for the various groups' allegiance to the Democratic Party, leaving Republicans, "holding a bag", as to why. Ask yourself why the Republican Party continues to pander to and cover the asses of the wealthy (we all know why), before asking me any asinine questions. But let's stop here, as I hardly relish engaging dishonest posters. Or bigots, homophobes, racists, and the like.

Straights can "bugger" as well, it was not meant to be an insult, but as most progressives, your level of resistance to "butthurt" is painfully low.

And you still havent answered the question, and again go for the attack of the "ists."

If you can't deal with posters who have differing opinions than yourself, I suggest the Echo Chamber over at DU.

Right. Remind me not to stick my hand out, so that you can bite it again. It has nothing to do with my tolerance level of pain, but your inclination to dole it out. Differing opinions? Ha! Try "ill-conceived" premise. I'm not answering any questions that are insulting to begin with.

And here we have the typical progressive inability to even consider a differing opinion to ones own.
That's typical of the left when asked to prove their bullshit claims they duck and dodge.
The Southern Strategy is being taught in mainstream American institutions of higher ed and the great majority of high schools, despite the wack reactionaries' nonsense. They are demonstrating how strong the mainstream of America is to their attempt to change the stroy.

Excellent article below detailing what happens to the extremists when they refuse to accept the real narrative of America.

Psychologist Proclaims Modern Political Polarization ?Dangerous? For America | Mediaite

Psychologist Proclaims Modern Political Polarization ‘Dangerous’ For America
by Frances Martel | 11:48 am, May 28th, 2012 » 70 comments

University of Virginia psychologist Jonathan Haidt is concerned about the level of “tribalism” in modern American politics. According to journal LiveScience, Haidt and his team gave a lecture recently on his study “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion,” where he argued that “when politics are tied inextricably to morals, everything becomes sacred, from guns to flags to race. And when sacred values are threatened, people lash out.”

RELATED: Report: Societies That Get Drunk Together Actually Practice Monogamy

According to Haidt, polarization beginning in the 1980s has reached something of a peak, which is “troubling, because people tend to cluser around their moral in-group and view outsiders with only suspicion, not understanding.” The report breaks down what issues are most important to liberals and conservatives (the results are not shocking– for one, liberals care more about “inequality for its own sake”– and Haidt argues that “the good news is that the House is now so polarized that it can’t get any worse.”

Ultimately, his claim of danger comes from a threat of tribalism that would permanently hinder the government’s ability to get things done:

The danger, Haidt said, comes from humans’ innate tendency toward tribalism. In the days of the Civil Rights movement and the Vietnam war, there were liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats. Today, that’s hardly so. [...]

But being as polarized as America is now is dangerous, he said. When politics are tied inextricably to morals, everything becomes sacred, from guns to flags to race. And when sacred values are threatened, people lash out. Debates are no longer disagreement, they’re treason. And political opponents aren’t just people with a different point of view.

“The worst person in the world is not your enemy,” Haidt said. “It’s the apostate or the traitor on your own team.”
Straights can "bugger" as well, it was not meant to be an insult, but as most progressives, your level of resistance to "butthurt" is painfully low.

And you still havent answered the question, and again go for the attack of the "ists."

If you can't deal with posters who have differing opinions than yourself, I suggest the Echo Chamber over at DU.

Right. Remind me not to stick my hand out, so that you can bite it again. It has nothing to do with my tolerance level of pain, but your inclination to dole it out. Differing opinions? Ha! Try "ill-conceived" premise. I'm not answering any questions that are insulting to begin with.

And here we have the typical progressive inability to even consider a differing opinion to ones own.
I considered it....and summarily, dismissed it, out-of-hand.
We have all noticed over the years of the reactionaries' inability "to even consider a differing opinion to ones own." The last set of elections nationally and in some state and local contents have demonstrated the electorates' awareness of that disability as well.
Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

well, if it's we who can't get over it why is it ewe who keeps bringing it up doyathink?

in fact every demographic group is ahead of African Americans when it come s to IQ, SAT scores, grades, socioeconomic status etc.

that is not only whites, but Asians, Hispanics and American Indians.

Who is blamed all the time. That's right, whitey.

how long will African Americans blame whitey and slavery?

Why not blame Asians, Hispanics and American Indians too?

seems like whitey and slavery are the convenient excuses. Afraid of looking in the mirror?

Whats wrong "greyboy" you not getting enough attention.Blacks dont pay white's no attention.I've never heard of the race card except on message boards.This boards small amount of Blacks posting only blamed greyboys once or twice.They greyboys are always worrying about the welfare of Blacks,why dont you pay more attention to your own communities and leave the Black communities alone.
Excuse me? Do I know you? Do you know me? I think not. I tell you what, though. You won't run over me, without a fight.
There is already a race war, in effect. It's been going on since slavery. You people can't seem to get over it, or get along.

well, if it's we who can't get over it why is it ewe who keeps bringing it up doyathink?

in fact every demographic group is ahead of African Americans when it come s to IQ, SAT scores, grades, socioeconomic status etc.

that is not only whites, but Asians, Hispanics and American Indians.

Who is blamed all the time. That's right, whitey.

how long will African Americans blame whitey and slavery?

Why not blame Asians, Hispanics and American Indians too?

seems like whitey and slavery are the convenient excuses. Afraid of looking in the mirror?


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