April is Confederate Revisionist History Month

All the dems I know accept their slavery past, and they happily point out most white racists are pubs.

Of course the dems ignore their own racists among the minorities.
That's right I didn't prove anything. You proved my point for me.

Oh and by the way, I'm not a girl. But I suspect you know that and just call me that as if it's an insult. It's not. It just further goes to show how utterly stupid you are.

And of course you won't leave. I mean you don't have a job and your welfare check isn't due so you have no place to go anyhow.

Uh, you are "a girl", as you hardly act like a man. And I don't know anything of a kind, but what you present, which are feeble, impotent responses and puerile attacks.
And how do you know I don't have a job? You don't know me. Welfare? I'm retired and on a pension, which allows me to pursue my artistic endeavors, writing, music and videography. Haters gonna hate. Aren't they, girl?

You're the first 13 year old that I know who is already retired.

Speaking of hate, you seem to be full of it. It's clear from you're posts that you hate whites. After all, you blame whites for everything.

Blacks living in poverty, whites fault.
Blacks killing blacks, whites fault.
Blacks having abortions three times the rate of whites, whites fault.
Black unemployment twice that of white unemployment, whites fault.
Blacks seven times more likely to commit murder, whites fault.
Blacks eight times more likely to commit robbery, whites fault.
Blacks 15 times more likely to be a gang member, whites fault.
Blacks seven times more likely to go to prison, whites fault.
Blacks eight times more likely to have HIV, whites fault.

Did I miss anything?

Lies and sissy chatter. You cannot speak for me, so stop trying. You have a hard time speaking for yourself.
I absolutely do not hate whites. I hate conservative ideology and Republicans, of any color.
And I hold blacks, as everyone, accountable for themselves...but that is not to say that discrimination, racism and bigotry doesn't account for minorities having greater obstacles to overcome. The racist, "system" is at fault. But who constructed it and holds it in place? Don't everyone raise their hands all at once.
April Is Confederate Revisionist History Month | Addicting Info

"......The problem is not with remembering (or even celebrating) history: the problem lies in misrepresenting history. The slavery culture that thrived in the South, their “peculiar institution,” was neither peaceful nor Christian. Not by the strict definition of those words. How peaceful could it have been for human beings to live in fear? To not know when the whip would fall across their back or for what reason. To be treated as property and traded, bought and sold like so much livestock. It is not a Christian thing to do, at least not in any understanding of that religion that I have. It may have been a peaceful and pastoral life for the slave owners, they may have thought that they were being generous, good masters. They may have told themselves that they were taking care of their slaves. But it is just not true. The cognitive dissonance that covered the South, clouding the Southern mind appears not yet to have dissipated. They still try to tell themselves that they were good and that the slaves were grateful but the reality is far from that. Anyone who tries to say differently is lying or trying to sell something. That something is revisionist history and it is a defective product."

So you're saying that owning slaves is not a Christian thing to do... Well we better tell that to people who own slaves... Oh wait... Nobody does. We get it, your an angry African American... The problem is, your anger should be directed at people who died generations ago, but it isn't... You somehow think people who never committed acts of owning slaves somehow owe you something for events you yourself never were subjected to. Thank you anyway... Misguided lunacy is always so much fun to watch.

Really? And what is it that I think that they owe me, as I have never said that.
Owning slaves was, decidedly, "un-Christian". My anger is directed towards people that exhibit hate, for no valid reason, and who stereotype, as a default, but most of all, my anger is directed toward stupid people.
Let's see. The topic is about history. That may have something to do with talking about the past.

But don't let common sense stop you from making a fool out of yourself.

You really are this stupid, are you not? Their historical record means nothing because what they have become. And the Democrats who voted against it would be Republicans today.

Keep believing that.

Somehow people seem to believe that the Dixiecrats were really Dixiecans and merged into the Republican Party. That is pure bullshit.

Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws all rest with the Democratic party. No matter how much you morons try to spin it, those facts cannot be denied.

Republican history is one that freed the slaves, abolished slavery, gave blacks voting rights

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

How Republicans Really Won The South

And then the parties switched ideologies from the late 60's thru the 80's and what we have now is the racist Republican Party and the anti-racist Democratic Party. See?
Never heard of this until I read this nutbags thread. I bet he loves this holiday. Gives him an excuse to hate whitey....

Fuck you poet

Thanks, but I have that base, already covered. And I don't do ol' dried up white men, as a rule. But hey, I heard Me Belle and Ernie are available. And at long last, we've found out who "whitey" is.....It's Grampa Murked U. LOL
Never heard of this until I read this nutbags thread. I bet he loves this holiday. Gives him an excuse to hate whitey....

Fuck you poet

Thanks, but I have that base, already covered. And I don't do ol' dried up white men, as a rule. But hey, I heard Me Belle and Ernie are available. And at long last, we've found out who "whitey" is.....It's Grampa Murked U. LOL

Yup im whitey. Now what? Time to bitch cause I was born privileged I presume
Keep stirring the shit Poet. If we can just keep Blacks and Whites fighting with each other maybe we can get a Race War going.

You've got to just commit yourself totally, I know that's what you want. It's what the Bankers and the Military Industrial Complex wants too.

Actually I do not believe THAT part of your narrative, AC.

The BANSTERS don't care about racism.

To the MASTERS racism is just a tool they use to get one worker to bludgeon another.

But a race war is bad for their business.

They want us to fear, but not ACT on that fear.
You really are this stupid, are you not? Their historical record means nothing because what they have become. And the Democrats who voted against it would be Republicans today.

Keep believing that.

Somehow people seem to believe that the Dixiecrats were really Dixiecans and merged into the Republican Party. That is pure bullshit.

Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws all rest with the Democratic party. No matter how much you morons try to spin it, those facts cannot be denied.

Republican history is one that freed the slaves, abolished slavery, gave blacks voting rights

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

How Republicans Really Won The South

And then the parties switched ideologies from the late 60's thru the 80's and what we have now is the racist Republican Party and the anti-racist Democratic Party. See?

I've already shown your ignorant ass that your full of shit.

Out of the 26 or so Dixiecrats only THREE became Republicans you stupid fuck!

Get your head out of your ass and read a history book!
Don't have to prove what is common knowledge, and, Lonestar, don't be a dip. And if you were one of the '68 crowd, your ticket is almost ready.

That's what I thought.

That's typical of the left when asked to prove their bullshit claims they duck and dodge.

You need to read the history about the Southern Strategy before you make asinine claims about it.
Never heard of this until I read this nutbags thread. I bet he loves this holiday. Gives him an excuse to hate whitey....

Fuck you poet

Thanks, but I have that base, already covered. And I don't do ol' dried up white men, as a rule. But hey, I heard Me Belle and Ernie are available. And at long last, we've found out who "whitey" is.....It's Grampa Murked U. LOL

Yup im whitey. Now what? Time to bitch cause I was born privileged I presume

Nope. Time to leave you in your quandary. See, so many of you, though, having been "born white", are much too stupid to actually make your privilege work in your favor. Then, for your fellow white men, it becomes a matter of "class" and "smarts". Having little or none, you're ostracized, and are actually "on the outside", much like the minorities you despise.....you are essentially, a "white N-word". Now why would I bitch about that....I'm too busy laughing.
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Never heard of this until I read this nutbags thread. I bet he loves this holiday. Gives him an excuse to hate whitey....

Fuck you poet

Thanks, but I have that base, already covered. And I don't do ol' dried up white men, as a rule. But hey, I heard Me Belle and Ernie are available. And at long last, we've found out who "whitey" is.....It's Grampa Murked U. LOL

only a reprobate bum would make a comment such as this ^
Keep believing that.

Somehow people seem to believe that the Dixiecrats were really Dixiecans and merged into the Republican Party. That is pure bullshit.

Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws all rest with the Democratic party. No matter how much you morons try to spin it, those facts cannot be denied.

Republican history is one that freed the slaves, abolished slavery, gave blacks voting rights

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

How Republicans Really Won The South

And then the parties switched ideologies from the late 60's thru the 80's and what we have now is the racist Republican Party and the anti-racist Democratic Party. See?

I've already shown your ignorant ass that your full of shit.

Out of the 26 or so Dixiecrats only THREE became Republicans you stupid fuck!

Get your head out of your ass and read a history book!
Are you insane? You've shown nothing. First of all, why would I take the opinion of a racist white fuck from Texas, as "gospel"? Second, as many posts as I've said that statistics, compiled by "whites", can't be trusted, because they serve a particular agenda, that is "to demonize minorities, in order to make themselves look good or blameless", should give you pause. Third, one only needs to look at the reality of the Republican and Democratic Parties, to get a gist of "who's who and what's what". Today's Republican Party is no longer the "Party of Lincoln", nor the party that fought for civil rights. That would be today's Democratic Party. And I wouldn't trust Rick Perry's "revised" history books, as far as I could throw one, "aiming for your head".
You really are this stupid, are you not? Their historical record means nothing because what they have become. And the Democrats who voted against it would be Republicans today.

Keep believing that.

Somehow people seem to believe that the Dixiecrats were really Dixiecans and merged into the Republican Party. That is pure bullshit.

Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws all rest with the Democratic party. No matter how much you morons try to spin it, those facts cannot be denied.

Republican history is one that freed the slaves, abolished slavery, gave blacks voting rights

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

How Republicans Really Won The South

And then the parties switched ideologies from the late 60's thru the 80's and what we have now is the racist Republican Party and the anti-racist Democratic Party. See?

What actually happened that the republicans at the time of the 60's got what they wanted, legal equality, and removal of the Jim Crow laws that permeated the South. What then happened is that welfare state democrats realized that poor minorities are a sizable voting block, and then went to pander to them with social programs that basically string them along for generations, and do nothing to get them out of poverty. Thus creating the perfect political group, cohesive and totally reliant on one parties' ability to bring home the bacon.
Never heard of this until I read this nutbags thread. I bet he loves this holiday. Gives him an excuse to hate whitey....

Fuck you poet

Thanks, but I have that base, already covered. And I don't do ol' dried up white men, as a rule. But hey, I heard Me Belle and Ernie are available. And at long last, we've found out who "whitey" is.....It's Grampa Murked U. LOL

only a reprobate bum would make a comment such as this ^

Reprobate? There you go, mixing politics and religion again. Grannie told me to fuck myself. I clarified the reality for her, is all. A bum?? You're confused.
Thanks, but I have that base, already covered. And I don't do ol' dried up white men, as a rule. But hey, I heard Me Belle and Ernie are available. And at long last, we've found out who "whitey" is.....It's Grampa Murked U. LOL

only a reprobate bum would make a comment such as this ^

Reprobate? There you go, mixing politics and religion again. Grannie told me to fuck myself. I clarified the reality for her, is all. A bum?? You're confused.

OK then

slimy little arrogant fag

is that better now?
Keep believing that.

Somehow people seem to believe that the Dixiecrats were really Dixiecans and merged into the Republican Party. That is pure bullshit.

Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws all rest with the Democratic party. No matter how much you morons try to spin it, those facts cannot be denied.

Republican history is one that freed the slaves, abolished slavery, gave blacks voting rights

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

How Republicans Really Won The South

And then the parties switched ideologies from the late 60's thru the 80's and what we have now is the racist Republican Party and the anti-racist Democratic Party. See?

What actually happened that the republicans at the time of the 60's got what they wanted, legal equality, and removal of the Jim Crow laws that permeated the South. What then happened is that welfare state democrats realized that poor minorities are a sizable voting block, and then went to pander to them with social programs that basically string them along for generations, and do nothing to get them out of poverty. Thus creating the perfect political group, cohesive and totally reliant on one parties' ability to bring home the bacon.

Way too simplistic and limited in scope. You're suggesting that the bulk of minorities voters are, one, dependent and, therefore, unwilling or unable to "work", and two, that social programs have solved the problems facing minority communities, which are far more complex, and intrinsic to society, at large.

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