April jobs report called "weak"; "big miss"

A lot of words, zero answer.

Lets try again: Where is the "big league" growth that I'm supposedly missing? What can you actually point to?

I can’t spoon feed you everything...turn off CNN and do a little due diligence of your own...think stock market, real estate values and unemployment rate.

Stock market...

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Unemployment rate...holding steady no improvement since Oct.

“For the year”.....hahaha....that’s super clever. Trying hard huh?

Yes, for the year. Trump had a nice bounce after his election and that is now gone and people are realizing what they have, which is not making businesses happy for the most part. Nobody wants a trade war but Trump and you Trump ass lickers.

If you want to go back a little more they are all in the red since the day he signed the tax cut and and massively in the red since the day he kicked off his trade wars with the first tariffs.

If you would like some more historical context, at this point in the Obama term the DJI was up 38% compared to it being up 21.72% for the Trump term.

I realize that math is hard for you, so let me help 38% is better than 22%...

You desperate fool....your framing is pathetic and weak.
November 7, 2016 (On the Hussein Onegro watch)
Dow = 18,259.60
November 7, 2017 (On the Donny T watch)
Dow = 23,548.42

Clearly you’re mathematically challenged....I’ll explain further...23,548.42 is significantly greater than 18,259.60....TA-DA!

BTW....what’s worse, me “licking Donny’s ass” or you swinging from those black Kenyan nuts?

Trump did not take office till 20 Jan 2017, anything prior to that was on the Obama term.

Since Jan 20, 2017 the DJI has gone up 21.72%, which is 16 percentage points less than it went up in the same time frame under the Obama Admin.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I can’t spoon feed you everything...turn off CNN and do a little due diligence of your own...think stock market, real estate values and unemployment rate.

Stock market...

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Unemployment rate...holding steady no improvement since Oct.

“For the year”.....hahaha....that’s super clever. Trying hard huh?

Yes, for the year. Trump had a nice bounce after his election and that is now gone and people are realizing what they have, which is not making businesses happy for the most part. Nobody wants a trade war but Trump and you Trump ass lickers.

If you want to go back a little more they are all in the red since the day he signed the tax cut and and massively in the red since the day he kicked off his trade wars with the first tariffs.

If you would like some more historical context, at this point in the Obama term the DJI was up 38% compared to it being up 21.72% for the Trump term.

I realize that math is hard for you, so let me help 38% is better than 22%...

You desperate fool....your framing is pathetic and weak.
November 7, 2016 (On the Hussein Onegro watch)
Dow = 18,259.60
November 7, 2017 (On the Donny T watch)
Dow = 23,548.42

Clearly you’re mathematically challenged....I’ll explain further...23,548.42 is significantly greater than 18,259.60....TA-DA!

BTW....what’s worse, me “licking Donny’s ass” or you swinging from those black Kenyan nuts?

Trump did not take office till 20 Jan 2017, anything prior to that was on the Obama term.

Since Jan 20, 2017 the DJI has gone up 21.72%, which is 16 percentage points less than it went up in the same time frame under the Obama Admin.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Still working hard to frame it huh?
Onegro inherited a poor economy...there was nowhere for it to go but up. My 14 year old could have set our economy on the same upward trajectory with $10 trillion in taxpayer cash. This is a no-brainer if you allow it to be.
O was adding the burger jobs



Wrong, a cute little memeit doesn't prove anything. The majority of O's jobs were all burger jobs.

Fucking idiot, they don't flip burgers in healthcare, professional and administrative jobs.

It is a waste of time to argue with a zealot, all they know is what they have been fed and no amount of facts will ever change what they view as "reality".

It is a waste of time to argue with people who post memeits as if they were fact .

Why do you keep saying that BLS data is a "meme" and not fact?

Are you out here to make sure people know you are a total fn idiot?
Stock market...

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Unemployment rate...holding steady no improvement since Oct.

“For the year”.....hahaha....that’s super clever. Trying hard huh?

Yes, for the year. Trump had a nice bounce after his election and that is now gone and people are realizing what they have, which is not making businesses happy for the most part. Nobody wants a trade war but Trump and you Trump ass lickers.

If you want to go back a little more they are all in the red since the day he signed the tax cut and and massively in the red since the day he kicked off his trade wars with the first tariffs.

If you would like some more historical context, at this point in the Obama term the DJI was up 38% compared to it being up 21.72% for the Trump term.

I realize that math is hard for you, so let me help 38% is better than 22%...

You desperate fool....your framing is pathetic and weak.
November 7, 2016 (On the Hussein Onegro watch)
Dow = 18,259.60
November 7, 2017 (On the Donny T watch)
Dow = 23,548.42

Clearly you’re mathematically challenged....I’ll explain further...23,548.42 is significantly greater than 18,259.60....TA-DA!

BTW....what’s worse, me “licking Donny’s ass” or you swinging from those black Kenyan nuts?

Trump did not take office till 20 Jan 2017, anything prior to that was on the Obama term.

Since Jan 20, 2017 the DJI has gone up 21.72%, which is 16 percentage points less than it went up in the same time frame under the Obama Admin.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Still working hard to frame it huh?
Onegro inherited a poor economy...there was nowhere for it to go but up. My 14 year old could have set our economy on the same upward trajectory with $10 trillion in taxpayer cash. This is a no-brainer if you allow it to be.

I am not giving Obama any credit, I am posting the facts. My views of Obama are about equal to my views of Trump...both suck big time.

My point is not that Obama was great or good, it is that Trump is not any better.

So, if you can refute my numbers I would be happy to see it. Otherwise you are fighting my facts with your opinion and opinion loses every time

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100,000 jobs created last month.......a disgrace

We miss the Great Obama

Of course you do with his failed foreign and domestic policies, disasters in the ME, benghazi, record unemployment, record numbers of welfare, failed ocare, more debt accrued than all the other presidents. Yep, the great O!!

You didnt mention that he inherited a recession from the party you love.

He sure did and then he doubled down with an instant trillion dollar trinket that did nothing for the country. Him and W are stains on this country and the two worst.

You are kind of right, they were not good. But unfortunately we have the worst of the worst President of our lifetime and probably all time right now. Buckle in it is going to be a bumpy ride.

Buckle in it is going to be a bumpy ride.”
So true.
The next 7 years-ish will in fact be a very bumpy ride for illegals, barely legals and unAmericans, feminazi’s and pole puffers, criminals, weirdos, unproductive bottom feeders and the indecent filth in Mexifornia and Loon York. Meanwhile, good quality, hard working, productive REAL Americans will enjoy the shit out of it

If it gets bad, and things are pointing that way. It will get bad for all.
“For the year”.....hahaha....that’s super clever. Trying hard huh?

Yes, for the year. Trump had a nice bounce after his election and that is now gone and people are realizing what they have, which is not making businesses happy for the most part. Nobody wants a trade war but Trump and you Trump ass lickers.

If you want to go back a little more they are all in the red since the day he signed the tax cut and and massively in the red since the day he kicked off his trade wars with the first tariffs.

If you would like some more historical context, at this point in the Obama term the DJI was up 38% compared to it being up 21.72% for the Trump term.

I realize that math is hard for you, so let me help 38% is better than 22%...

You desperate fool....your framing is pathetic and weak.
November 7, 2016 (On the Hussein Onegro watch)
Dow = 18,259.60
November 7, 2017 (On the Donny T watch)
Dow = 23,548.42

Clearly you’re mathematically challenged....I’ll explain further...23,548.42 is significantly greater than 18,259.60....TA-DA!

BTW....what’s worse, me “licking Donny’s ass” or you swinging from those black Kenyan nuts?

Trump did not take office till 20 Jan 2017, anything prior to that was on the Obama term.

Since Jan 20, 2017 the DJI has gone up 21.72%, which is 16 percentage points less than it went up in the same time frame under the Obama Admin.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Still working hard to frame it huh?
Onegro inherited a poor economy...there was nowhere for it to go but up. My 14 year old could have set our economy on the same upward trajectory with $10 trillion in taxpayer cash. This is a no-brainer if you allow it to be.

I am not giving Obama any credit, I am posting the facts. My views of Obama are about equal to my views of Trump...both suck big time.

My point is not that Obama was great or good, it is that Trump is not any better.

So, if you can refute my numbers I would be happy to see it. Otherwise you are fighting my facts with your opinion and opinion loses every time

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Spin it however makes you feel warm and fuzzy...I’m good with that.
The Dow has climbed 30% on Donny’s watch...oddly, you keep leaving that part out....Does that matter to you and your portfolio at all?
Meanwhile, in the real world.

The March jobs report is expected to show the U.S. labor market continues to roll.

Economists expect 185,000 jobs were added to the economy in March, down from the 313,000 jobs that were created in February, but still above what many economists have said is needed for the labor market to sustain the current level of unemployment. Over the last three months, job gains have averaged 242,000.

The unemployment rate is also expected to fall to 4% in March, which would be the lowest level since the financial crisis and break a string of five consecutive months the unemployment rate registered 4.1%.

Wage growth will also be closely tracked, as an increase in worker wages is seen as portending an uptick in inflation. Over the prior month, wages are expected to rise 0.3% and 2.7% over the prior year. Both would be increases from February’s data.
JOBS REPORT — What you need to know in markets on Friday
Yes, for the year. Trump had a nice bounce after his election and that is now gone and people are realizing what they have, which is not making businesses happy for the most part. Nobody wants a trade war but Trump and you Trump ass lickers.

If you want to go back a little more they are all in the red since the day he signed the tax cut and and massively in the red since the day he kicked off his trade wars with the first tariffs.

If you would like some more historical context, at this point in the Obama term the DJI was up 38% compared to it being up 21.72% for the Trump term.

I realize that math is hard for you, so let me help 38% is better than 22%...

You desperate fool....your framing is pathetic and weak.
November 7, 2016 (On the Hussein Onegro watch)
Dow = 18,259.60
November 7, 2017 (On the Donny T watch)
Dow = 23,548.42

Clearly you’re mathematically challenged....I’ll explain further...23,548.42 is significantly greater than 18,259.60....TA-DA!

BTW....what’s worse, me “licking Donny’s ass” or you swinging from those black Kenyan nuts?

Trump did not take office till 20 Jan 2017, anything prior to that was on the Obama term.

Since Jan 20, 2017 the DJI has gone up 21.72%, which is 16 percentage points less than it went up in the same time frame under the Obama Admin.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Still working hard to frame it huh?
Onegro inherited a poor economy...there was nowhere for it to go but up. My 14 year old could have set our economy on the same upward trajectory with $10 trillion in taxpayer cash. This is a no-brainer if you allow it to be.

I am not giving Obama any credit, I am posting the facts. My views of Obama are about equal to my views of Trump...both suck big time.

My point is not that Obama was great or good, it is that Trump is not any better.

So, if you can refute my numbers I would be happy to see it. Otherwise you are fighting my facts with your opinion and opinion loses every time

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Spin it however makes you feel warm and fuzzy...I’m good with that.
The Dow has climbed 30% on Donny’s watch...oddly, you keep leaving that part out....Does that matter to you and your portfolio at all?

I leave it out because it just is not true. Donny's watch started on 20 Jan 2017 and since that day the Dow has climbed 21.72%. Those are the facts. You cannot dispute them.

My portfolio is very happy, though much less so than I was on New Year's day. Just checked it and the gains from the last two days are gone plus some. Not really happy about that.

All Donnie had to do was keep doing nothing, while he was doing nothing but signing EOs, golfing and holding pep rallies the Dow went up 25%. Since the day he signed the tax cut bill the down is down 3%. Since the day he first started his tariff talk it is down 9%..and falling.
I fear it is the start of a trend. .
I hope not!

I am not going to worry about one month, I am looking for trends, not a bunch of doomsayers, just like when there is a good month and people think it's the beginning of a huge economic boom.

What need to do is to chill out, if you aren't looking for work, then the unemployment numbers don't matter. If you aren't buying or selling a home the housing market doesn't matter, if you aren't retiring the stock market doesn't matter.
Meanwhile, in the real world.

The March jobs report is expected to show the U.S. labor market continues to roll.

Economists expect 185,000 jobs were added to the economy in March, down from the 313,000 jobs that were created in February, but still above what many economists have said is needed for the labor market to sustain the current level of unemployment. Over the last three months, job gains have averaged 242,000.

The unemployment rate is also expected to fall to 4% in March, which would be the lowest level since the financial crisis and break a string of five consecutive months the unemployment rate registered 4.1%.

Wage growth will also be closely tracked, as an increase in worker wages is seen as portending an uptick in inflation. Over the prior month, wages are expected to rise 0.3% and 2.7% over the prior year. Both would be increases from February’s data.
JOBS REPORT — What you need to know in markets on Friday


Let me introduce you to the REAL world: There was only 100k jobs instead of expected 185k in the ACTUAL numbers released today.

How is it you Trumpsters fail so often on basic facts?
Last edited:

Wrong, a cute little memeit doesn't prove anything. The majority of O's jobs were all burger jobs.

Fucking idiot, they don't flip burgers in healthcare, professional and administrative jobs.

It is a waste of time to argue with a zealot, all they know is what they have been fed and no amount of facts will ever change what they view as "reality".

It is a waste of time to argue with people who post memeits as if they were fact .

Why do you keep saying that BLS data is a "meme" and not fact?

Are you out here to make sure people know you are a total fn idiot?

Why? You really are that naive that you place all of your faith in a govt that continuously lies to you.....of course you do. Govt is all you have. The cbo lied about the war, stimulus, obamacare, and then you try to hoist up some more lies.
You desperate fool....your framing is pathetic and weak.
November 7, 2016 (On the Hussein Onegro watch)
Dow = 18,259.60
November 7, 2017 (On the Donny T watch)
Dow = 23,548.42

Clearly you’re mathematically challenged....I’ll explain further...23,548.42 is significantly greater than 18,259.60....TA-DA!

BTW....what’s worse, me “licking Donny’s ass” or you swinging from those black Kenyan nuts?

Trump did not take office till 20 Jan 2017, anything prior to that was on the Obama term.

Since Jan 20, 2017 the DJI has gone up 21.72%, which is 16 percentage points less than it went up in the same time frame under the Obama Admin.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Still working hard to frame it huh?
Onegro inherited a poor economy...there was nowhere for it to go but up. My 14 year old could have set our economy on the same upward trajectory with $10 trillion in taxpayer cash. This is a no-brainer if you allow it to be.

I am not giving Obama any credit, I am posting the facts. My views of Obama are about equal to my views of Trump...both suck big time.

My point is not that Obama was great or good, it is that Trump is not any better.

So, if you can refute my numbers I would be happy to see it. Otherwise you are fighting my facts with your opinion and opinion loses every time

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Spin it however makes you feel warm and fuzzy...I’m good with that.
The Dow has climbed 30% on Donny’s watch...oddly, you keep leaving that part out....Does that matter to you and your portfolio at all?

I leave it out because it just is not true. Donny's watch started on 20 Jan 2017 and since that day the Dow has climbed 21.72%. Those are the facts. You cannot dispute them.

My portfolio is very happy, though much less so than I was on New Year's day. Just checked it and the gains from the last two days are gone plus some. Not really happy about that.

All Donnie had to do was keep doing nothing, while he was doing nothing but signing EOs, golfing and holding pep rallies the Dow went up 25%. Since the day he signed the tax cut bill the down is down 3%. Since the day he first started his tariff talk it is down 9%..and falling.

Donny’s watch began on November 8, 2016. The moment he was pronounced POTUS and given the keys to the Oval Office the market started its climb...look it up. If you know the market you know this.
Again, you’re free to believe otherwise...I hate it when truth makes me look bad as well.
Wrong, a cute little memeit doesn't prove anything. The majority of O's jobs were all burger jobs.

Fucking idiot, they don't flip burgers in healthcare, professional and administrative jobs.

It is a waste of time to argue with a zealot, all they know is what they have been fed and no amount of facts will ever change what they view as "reality".

It is a waste of time to argue with people who post memeits as if they were fact .

Why do you keep saying that BLS data is a "meme" and not fact?

Are you out here to make sure people know you are a total fn idiot?

Why? You really are that naive that you place all of your faith in a govt that continuously lies to you.....of course you do. Govt is all you have. The cbo lied about the war, stimulus, obamacare, and then you try to hoist up some more lies.

BLS not good enough for you snowflake? You've got a better, more reliable source of data than foremost labor statistics source in America?

Ok, then why don't you show us this amazing jobs data, which I'm sure you carefully researched before you made your curious claims that jobs under Obama were mostly "burger flipping". When you are done with that also explain how come average and median income also grew, while supposedly we were creating only low paying jobs.

Good luck moron.
Last edited:
I fear it is the start of a trend. .
I hope not!

I am not going to worry about one month, I am looking for trends, not a bunch of doomsayers, just like when there is a good month and people think it's the beginning of a huge economic boom.

What need to do is to chill out, if you aren't looking for work, then the unemployment numbers don't matter. If you aren't buying or selling a home the housing market doesn't matter, if you aren't retiring the stock market doesn't matter.

If you take out the outlier that was Feb, there is a downward trend.

Just as there is a downward trend in the financial markets over the last quarter.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump did not take office till 20 Jan 2017, anything prior to that was on the Obama term.

Since Jan 20, 2017 the DJI has gone up 21.72%, which is 16 percentage points less than it went up in the same time frame under the Obama Admin.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Still working hard to frame it huh?
Onegro inherited a poor economy...there was nowhere for it to go but up. My 14 year old could have set our economy on the same upward trajectory with $10 trillion in taxpayer cash. This is a no-brainer if you allow it to be.

I am not giving Obama any credit, I am posting the facts. My views of Obama are about equal to my views of Trump...both suck big time.

My point is not that Obama was great or good, it is that Trump is not any better.

So, if you can refute my numbers I would be happy to see it. Otherwise you are fighting my facts with your opinion and opinion loses every time

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Spin it however makes you feel warm and fuzzy...I’m good with that.
The Dow has climbed 30% on Donny’s watch...oddly, you keep leaving that part out....Does that matter to you and your portfolio at all?

I leave it out because it just is not true. Donny's watch started on 20 Jan 2017 and since that day the Dow has climbed 21.72%. Those are the facts. You cannot dispute them.

My portfolio is very happy, though much less so than I was on New Year's day. Just checked it and the gains from the last two days are gone plus some. Not really happy about that.

All Donnie had to do was keep doing nothing, while he was doing nothing but signing EOs, golfing and holding pep rallies the Dow went up 25%. Since the day he signed the tax cut bill the down is down 3%. Since the day he first started his tariff talk it is down 9%..and falling.

Donny’s watch began on November 8, 2016. The moment he was pronounced POTUS and given the keys to the Oval Office the market started its climb...look it up. If you know the market you know this.
Again, you’re free to believe otherwise...I hate it when truth makes me look bad as well.

Donnie did not get the keys to the Oval Office till 20 Jan 2017. This is a fact that you cannot dispute.

He was not pronounced POTUS till 20 Jan 2017 when he swore in.

These are the cold, hard facts.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
With multiple massive storms on both coasts why is anyone surprised by what happened in the employment numbers?
Still working hard to frame it huh?
Onegro inherited a poor economy...there was nowhere for it to go but up. My 14 year old could have set our economy on the same upward trajectory with $10 trillion in taxpayer cash. This is a no-brainer if you allow it to be.

I am not giving Obama any credit, I am posting the facts. My views of Obama are about equal to my views of Trump...both suck big time.

My point is not that Obama was great or good, it is that Trump is not any better.

So, if you can refute my numbers I would be happy to see it. Otherwise you are fighting my facts with your opinion and opinion loses every time

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Spin it however makes you feel warm and fuzzy...I’m good with that.
The Dow has climbed 30% on Donny’s watch...oddly, you keep leaving that part out....Does that matter to you and your portfolio at all?

I leave it out because it just is not true. Donny's watch started on 20 Jan 2017 and since that day the Dow has climbed 21.72%. Those are the facts. You cannot dispute them.

My portfolio is very happy, though much less so than I was on New Year's day. Just checked it and the gains from the last two days are gone plus some. Not really happy about that.

All Donnie had to do was keep doing nothing, while he was doing nothing but signing EOs, golfing and holding pep rallies the Dow went up 25%. Since the day he signed the tax cut bill the down is down 3%. Since the day he first started his tariff talk it is down 9%..and falling.

Donny’s watch began on November 8, 2016. The moment he was pronounced POTUS and given the keys to the Oval Office the market started its climb...look it up. If you know the market you know this.
Again, you’re free to believe otherwise...I hate it when truth makes me look bad as well.

Donnie did not get the keys to the Oval Office till 20 Jan 2017. This is a fact that you cannot dispute.

He was not pronounced POTUS till 20 Jan 2017 when he swore in.

These are the cold, hard facts.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always find myself playing semantics with you...I like semantics. Sane people with the courage to be truthful know exactly what happened and why it did. Argue with the pros...here you go.
Dow hits closing record high in wild rally after Trump's win

Dow’s 1-year gain since Trump’s win is its biggest post-Election Day rise since 1945
By the way the laborforce reading that the professionals use is ADP not BLS. That is why I am busy selling puts today
I am not giving Obama any credit, I am posting the facts. My views of Obama are about equal to my views of Trump...both suck big time.

My point is not that Obama was great or good, it is that Trump is not any better.

So, if you can refute my numbers I would be happy to see it. Otherwise you are fighting my facts with your opinion and opinion loses every time

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Spin it however makes you feel warm and fuzzy...I’m good with that.
The Dow has climbed 30% on Donny’s watch...oddly, you keep leaving that part out....Does that matter to you and your portfolio at all?

I leave it out because it just is not true. Donny's watch started on 20 Jan 2017 and since that day the Dow has climbed 21.72%. Those are the facts. You cannot dispute them.

My portfolio is very happy, though much less so than I was on New Year's day. Just checked it and the gains from the last two days are gone plus some. Not really happy about that.

All Donnie had to do was keep doing nothing, while he was doing nothing but signing EOs, golfing and holding pep rallies the Dow went up 25%. Since the day he signed the tax cut bill the down is down 3%. Since the day he first started his tariff talk it is down 9%..and falling.

Donny’s watch began on November 8, 2016. The moment he was pronounced POTUS and given the keys to the Oval Office the market started its climb...look it up. If you know the market you know this.
Again, you’re free to believe otherwise...I hate it when truth makes me look bad as well.

Donnie did not get the keys to the Oval Office till 20 Jan 2017. This is a fact that you cannot dispute.

He was not pronounced POTUS till 20 Jan 2017 when he swore in.

These are the cold, hard facts.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always find myself playing semantics with you...I like semantics. Sane people with the courage to be truthful know exactly what happened and why it did. Argue with the pros...here you go.
Dow hits closing record high in wild rally after Trump's win

Dow’s 1-year gain since Trump’s win is its biggest post-Election Day rise since 1945

You post a lie and then accuse me of playing semantics, that is pretty damn funny!

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