April jobs report called "weak"; "big miss"

Is there an argument in there somewhere?
Where is the "big league" growth that I'm supposedly missing?

It’s awfully fascinating to watch you elementary minds frame shit like you do....even more fascinating to watch your twisted loonie buddies cheer retarded shit on.....haha.
Okay, here’s your free lesson...use your heads and follow along...you learned this shit in third grade....in 2011 with Hussein Onegro at the helm the unemployment rate was 9% with no place to go but down, he bought his way out of trouble with our $10 trillion. ‘Full employment’ is considered to be around the 5% mark....so what do you fuckin retards think happens once full employment is reached? Do you think growth trajectory tapers off?

A lot of words, zero answer.

Lets try again: Where is the "big league" growth that I'm supposedly missing? What can you actually point to?

I can’t spoon feed you everything...turn off CNN and do a little due diligence of your own...think stock market, real estate values and unemployment rate.

Stock market...

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Unemployment rate...holding steady no improvement since Oct.

“For the year”.....hahaha....that’s super clever. Trying hard huh?

Yes, for the year. Trump had a nice bounce after his election and that is now gone and people are realizing what they have, which is not making businesses happy for the most part. Nobody wants a trade war but Trump and you Trump ass lickers.

If you want to go back a little more they are all in the red since the day he signed the tax cut and and massively in the red since the day he kicked off his trade wars with the first tariffs.

If you would like some more historical context, at this point in the Obama term the DJI was up 38% compared to it being up 21.72% for the Trump term.

I realize that math is hard for you, so let me help 38% is better than 22%...
Actually, all the indicators that were up in 2017 are now starting to reverse. The financial markets are in the red for 2018, first time jobless claims spiked this month, the GDP looks like it went backwards, and now the jobs created are slowing down.

LOL you suck at analytics. :itsok:

Nice try, but you could not be more mistaken.

But, just keep on kissing that big old fat ass of Trump and waiting for the next talking points email to come out.

Stop using your Nancy Pelosi calculator okay.

Ahh, do the big numbers confuse my little Trump zealot.

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Debt added since Jan 1 2018... $ 625,435,132,456

If not for the outlier that is Feb (and it looks like it might be changed) job creation is trending down since Jan 1 2017. And even with that outlier the trend line is almost flat.

My company is having a record setting year, our annual bonus increased by 10% plus a spot bonus at mid year. That's never happened in the past 20 years, Trump is knocking it out of the park :eusa_dance:

Sure they are.

Since there is no way to prove such a thing, let's stick to the facts that can be verified by both sides.
LOL you suck at analytics. :itsok:

Nice try, but you could not be more mistaken.

But, just keep on kissing that big old fat ass of Trump and waiting for the next talking points email to come out.

Stop using your Nancy Pelosi calculator okay.

Ahh, do the big numbers confuse my little Trump zealot.

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Debt added since Jan 1 2018... $ 625,435,132,456

If not for the outlier that is Feb (and it looks like it might be changed) job creation is trending down since Jan 1 2017. And even with that outlier the trend line is almost flat.

My company is having a record setting year, our annual bonus increased by 10% plus a spot bonus at mid year. That's never happened in the past 20 years, Trump is knocking it out of the park :eusa_dance:

Sure they are.

Since there is no way to prove such a thing, let's stick to the facts that can be verified by both sides.

Numerous companies have announced similar, are you a sour grapes Trump hater?
Nice try, but you could not be more mistaken.

But, just keep on kissing that big old fat ass of Trump and waiting for the next talking points email to come out.

Stop using your Nancy Pelosi calculator okay.

Ahh, do the big numbers confuse my little Trump zealot.

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Debt added since Jan 1 2018... $ 625,435,132,456

If not for the outlier that is Feb (and it looks like it might be changed) job creation is trending down since Jan 1 2017. And even with that outlier the trend line is almost flat.

My company is having a record setting year, our annual bonus increased by 10% plus a spot bonus at mid year. That's never happened in the past 20 years, Trump is knocking it out of the park :eusa_dance:

Sure they are.

Since there is no way to prove such a thing, let's stick to the facts that can be verified by both sides.

Numerous companies have announced similar, are you a sour grapes Trump hater?

Nope, I am a realist. I do not care what individual companies are doing.

I look at the big picture, not anecdotal evidence. Facts are all that matter, and numbers are the best facts there are

I got a promotion/raise in Jan of just over 12 grand, but that had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with me.
Stop using your Nancy Pelosi calculator okay.

Ahh, do the big numbers confuse my little Trump zealot.

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Debt added since Jan 1 2018... $ 625,435,132,456

If not for the outlier that is Feb (and it looks like it might be changed) job creation is trending down since Jan 1 2017. And even with that outlier the trend line is almost flat.

My company is having a record setting year, our annual bonus increased by 10% plus a spot bonus at mid year. That's never happened in the past 20 years, Trump is knocking it out of the park :eusa_dance:

Sure they are.

Since there is no way to prove such a thing, let's stick to the facts that can be verified by both sides.

Numerous companies have announced similar, are you a sour grapes Trump hater?

Nope, I am a realist. I do not care what individual companies are doing.

I look at the big picture, not anecdotal evidence. Facts are all that matter, and numbers are the best facts there are

I got a promotion/raise in Jan of just over 12 grand, but that had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with me.

LOL okay Unemployment at a 17 year low, Americans rating the economy good to excellent an 18 year high, job growth strongest since 1997.
100,000 jobs created last month.......a disgrace

We miss the Great Obama

Of course you do with his failed foreign and domestic policies, disasters in the ME, benghazi, record unemployment, record numbers of welfare, failed ocare, more debt accrued than all the other presidents. Yep, the great O!!

You didnt mention that he inherited a recession from the party you love.

He sure did and then he doubled down with an instant trillion dollar trinket that did nothing for the country. Him and W are stains on this country and the two worst.

You are kind of right, they were not good. But unfortunately we have the worst of the worst President of our lifetime and probably all time right now. Buckle in it is going to be a bumpy ride.

Buckle in it is going to be a bumpy ride.”
So true.
The next 7 years-ish will in fact be a very bumpy ride for illegals, barely legals and unAmericans, feminazi’s and pole puffers, criminals, weirdos, unproductive bottom feeders and the indecent filth in Mexifornia and Loon York. Meanwhile, good quality, hard working, productive REAL Americans will enjoy the shit out of the “ride”.
Jobs trend still strong after ‘disappointing’ March number, economists say

Mixed news, incomes were up. We'll see.

Those of us who aren't cheering for the worst for political advantage remain hopeful.

I'm with ya there, Mac. Always hopeful.

Mac found that funny? Bet he can't articulate why without lying.
Because I don't believe you for a moment.

There. Pure, unadulterated honesty for you.

If you don't like it, too bad.
Jobs trend still strong after ‘disappointing’ March number, economists say

Mixed news, incomes were up. We'll see.

Those of us who aren't cheering for the worst for political advantage remain hopeful.

I'm with ya there, Mac. Always hopeful.

Mac found that funny? Bet he can't articulate why without lying.
Because I don't believe you for a moment.

There. Pure, unadulterated honesty for you.

If you don't like it, too bad.

I'm rooting for America Mac. Always have. Always will.
Last edited:
Positive news about the Trump economy infuriates the left. They need people to suffer and the economy to suck otherwise they won't win upcoming elections that's why.
Ahh, do the big numbers confuse my little Trump zealot.

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Debt added since Jan 1 2018... $ 625,435,132,456

If not for the outlier that is Feb (and it looks like it might be changed) job creation is trending down since Jan 1 2017. And even with that outlier the trend line is almost flat.

My company is having a record setting year, our annual bonus increased by 10% plus a spot bonus at mid year. That's never happened in the past 20 years, Trump is knocking it out of the park :eusa_dance:

Sure they are.

Since there is no way to prove such a thing, let's stick to the facts that can be verified by both sides.

Numerous companies have announced similar, are you a sour grapes Trump hater?

Nope, I am a realist. I do not care what individual companies are doing.

I look at the big picture, not anecdotal evidence. Facts are all that matter, and numbers are the best facts there are

I got a promotion/raise in Jan of just over 12 grand, but that had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with me.

LOL okay Unemployment at a 17 year low, Americans rating the economy good to excellent an 18 year high, job growth strongest since 1997.

Unemployment is low, but keep in mind it has nowhere to go but up. With the March job numbers I would bet it goes up a point in April

Not sure where you got your job numbers, but they are incorrect.

2017 was the worst job creation year since 2012 and even with the outlier of Feb, 2018 has a worse monthly average than 2014 and 2015.

I look for the Feb number to be revised which will make this year worse than last year on average.

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Barry Hussein's solution for creating crappy low wage jobs was to force employers to pay them more. The "expected" number of jobs created is relative of course. In a booming economy you expect more jobs from the Trump administration and during Barry Hussein's stagnant administration a hundred jobs created in a month would be cause for celebration.
It’s awfully fascinating to watch you elementary minds frame shit like you do....even more fascinating to watch your twisted loonie buddies cheer retarded shit on.....haha.
Okay, here’s your free lesson...use your heads and follow along...you learned this shit in third grade....in 2011 with Hussein Onegro at the helm the unemployment rate was 9% with no place to go but down, he bought his way out of trouble with our $10 trillion. ‘Full employment’ is considered to be around the 5% mark....so what do you fuckin retards think happens once full employment is reached? Do you think growth trajectory tapers off?

A lot of words, zero answer.

Lets try again: Where is the "big league" growth that I'm supposedly missing? What can you actually point to?

I can’t spoon feed you everything...turn off CNN and do a little due diligence of your own...think stock market, real estate values and unemployment rate.

Stock market...

DJI...in the red for the year.
S&P....in the red for the year.
NASDAQ...in the red for the year.
Russell 2000...in the red for the year.

Unemployment rate...holding steady no improvement since Oct.

“For the year”.....hahaha....that’s super clever. Trying hard huh?

Yes, for the year. Trump had a nice bounce after his election and that is now gone and people are realizing what they have, which is not making businesses happy for the most part. Nobody wants a trade war but Trump and you Trump ass lickers.

If you want to go back a little more they are all in the red since the day he signed the tax cut and and massively in the red since the day he kicked off his trade wars with the first tariffs.

If you would like some more historical context, at this point in the Obama term the DJI was up 38% compared to it being up 21.72% for the Trump term.

I realize that math is hard for you, so let me help 38% is better than 22%...

You desperate fool....your framing is pathetic and weak.
November 7, 2016 (On the Hussein Onegro watch)
Dow = 18,259.60
November 7, 2017 (On the Donny T watch)
Dow = 23,548.42

Clearly you’re mathematically challenged....I’ll explain further...23,548.42 is significantly greater than 18,259.60....TA-DA!

BTW....what’s worse, me “licking Donny’s ass” or you swinging from those black Kenyan nuts?
My company is having a record setting year, our annual bonus increased by 10% plus a spot bonus at mid year. That's never happened in the past 20 years, Trump is knocking it out of the park :eusa_dance:

Sure they are.

Since there is no way to prove such a thing, let's stick to the facts that can be verified by both sides.

Numerous companies have announced similar, are you a sour grapes Trump hater?

Nope, I am a realist. I do not care what individual companies are doing.

I look at the big picture, not anecdotal evidence. Facts are all that matter, and numbers are the best facts there are

I got a promotion/raise in Jan of just over 12 grand, but that had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with me.

LOL okay Unemployment at a 17 year low, Americans rating the economy good to excellent an 18 year high, job growth strongest since 1997.

Unemployment is low, but keep in mind it has nowhere to go but up. With the March job numbers I would bet it goes up a point in April

Not sure where you got your job numbers, but they are incorrect.

2017 was the worst job creation year since 2012 and even with the outlier of Feb, 2018 has a worse monthly average than 2014 and 2015.

I look for the Feb number to be revised which will make this year worse than last year on average.

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And we are back to how you suck at analytics. Just leave the big thinking to team Trump okay.
"I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. 5.3 percent unemployment -- that is the biggest joke there is in this country." - Donald J. Trump
Burger Flipping Jobs

O was adding the burger jobs



Wrong, a cute little memeit doesn't prove anything. The majority of O's jobs were all burger jobs.

Fucking idiot, they don't flip burgers in healthcare, professional and administrative jobs.

It is a waste of time to argue with a zealot, all they know is what they have been fed and no amount of facts will ever change what they view as "reality".

It is a waste of time to argue with people who post memeits as if they were fact .
Mac will now proceed to not show us one post of mine that expressed a desire that America fails or that Americans suffer.
Sure they are.

Since there is no way to prove such a thing, let's stick to the facts that can be verified by both sides.

Numerous companies have announced similar, are you a sour grapes Trump hater?

Nope, I am a realist. I do not care what individual companies are doing.

I look at the big picture, not anecdotal evidence. Facts are all that matter, and numbers are the best facts there are

I got a promotion/raise in Jan of just over 12 grand, but that had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with me.

LOL okay Unemployment at a 17 year low, Americans rating the economy good to excellent an 18 year high, job growth strongest since 1997.

Unemployment is low, but keep in mind it has nowhere to go but up. With the March job numbers I would bet it goes up a point in April

Not sure where you got your job numbers, but they are incorrect.

2017 was the worst job creation year since 2012 and even with the outlier of Feb, 2018 has a worse monthly average than 2014 and 2015.

I look for the Feb number to be revised which will make this year worse than last year on average.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

And we are back to how you suck at analytics. Just leave the big thinking to team Trump okay.

My poor little zealot, you cannot dispute the numbers so you insult me.

The problem with your insult is that I am a data analyst by trade and education to include a MS in Applied Analytics.

On top of that my employer disagrees with you to extent they gave me a promotion and in excess of 12 grand year a more in salary.

So, I think I will just care more about them and their view of me than that of a zealot that cannot dispute my facts.

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April jobs report called "weak"; "big miss"

It was the weather....
or three months of consumers not buying much since debt is the number one commodity that consumers have bought...

No, no that was during O's terms. Remember, the excuses were snowstorms, rain, tornadoes so the numbers always had to be revised downwards .

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