Arab world may benefit from Israel's war in Gaza.

They've been saying they'd defend themselves...since modern Iran has existed, it has made clear it's stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth...prior to 1979, Irael and Iran got a long fine.

She's Muslim... waste of time.

A stupid people
She's Muslim... waste of time.

A stupid people
Yet Bibi's govt is taking land in the west bank today because it has the most guns.

So, I'm actually with the Bern on this one. We have to help Israel defend itself, and Oct 7 was simply a terrorist attack to incite Israel into attacking Gaza. But, if we're going more into debt, we should be able to tell Israel what it cannot do to incite more violence. And Bibi requires more violence to have any hope in staying in power.
Yet Bibi's govt is taking land in the west bank today because it has the most guns.

So, I'm actually with the Bern on this one. We have to help Israel defend itself, and Oct 7 was simply a terrorist attack to incite Israel into attacking Gaza. But, if we're going more into debt, we should be able to tell Israel what it cannot do to incite more violence. And Bibi requires more violence to have any hope in staying in power.

Whatever, Toad
Grab a stance and stand , Spineless
They've been saying they'd defend themselves...since modern Iran has existed, it has made clear it's stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth...prior to 1979, Irael and Iran got a long fine.
Israel started threatening them after they finally paid off their oil debts about 1992.
I don't expect you to, why educate yourself on the topic? You support Hamas when you parrot terrorist talking points, and are uneducated on the topic
Not a chance. Hamas makes things worse for the Palestinians right on time. I have always wondered if they were taking orders from Israel.
Not a chance. Hamas makes things worse for the Palestinians right on time. I have always wondered if they were taking orders from Israel.
It reminds me more of a chess game, in which both players don't attempt to win, but merely keep the game going as long as possible, while being paid by onlookers to keep it going.

I have no idea if this article is factually correct.,

It reminds me more of a chess game, in which both players don't attempt to win, but merely keep the game going as long as possible, while being paid by onlookers to keep it going.

I have no idea if this article is factually correct.,

Well, the Saudis and others seem to be talking of official recognition and trade ties .... all while consigning the Palestinians to more decades of misery.

And the US squandered whatever credibility with Arab states that we still had when W decided nation building in Iraq sounded swell. The Saudis payed Javanka a couple of billion to not get in their way.

All that is on hold until Israel resolves the current situation.

Iraq was at the top of the list for Clean Break Strategy. We won't do that again. Too bad Dubya didn't listen to the Arabs, oilmen or diplomats.
All that is on hold until Israel resolves the current situation.

Iraq was at the top of the list for Clean Break Strategy. We won't do that again. Too bad Dubya didn't listen to the Arabs, oilmen or diplomats.
I doubt it's really on hold. And the Palestinians who would like to not be killed by either Hamas or the IDF will pay the price.

“Hamas’ goal is not to run Gaza and to bring it water and electricity and such,” said al-Hayya, the politburo member. “Hamas, the Qassam and the resistance woke the world up from its deep sleep and showed that this issue must remain on the table.”

“This battle was not because we wanted fuel or laborers,” he added. “It did not seek to improve the situation in Gaza. This battle is to completely overthrow the situation.”

c.2023 The New York Times Company

In a nutshell, Hamas saw both Israel, and its negotiating partners in Arab states, simply wanting the issue of a Palestinian state to go away. But I think Hamas actually created a political/military environment that now not only is a Pale State not happening, but anyone calling for Israel to stop stealing land and killing Palestinians without consequence, will be badgered into obscurity.
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Not a chance. Hamas makes things worse for the Palestinians right on time. I have always wondered if they were taking orders from Israel.
Nope Iran.

If you really cared about the people of Palestine you’d support Israel destroying Hamas

The fact you don’t, highlights you really don’t care about them
Not a chance. Hamas makes things worse for the Palestinians right on time. I have always wondered if they were taking orders from Israel.
an idea lifted from the annals of islamo-
nazi propaganda----it could have been
written by the great islamic SHAHID--Josef
All that is on hold until Israel resolves the current situation.

Iraq was at the top of the list for Clean Break Strategy. We won't do that again. Too bad Dubya didn't listen to the Arabs, oilmen or diplomats.
anyone know to what "current situation"
Surada alludes?

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