Arabs get back West Bank land!!!

"...Looks like life to me..."
Fine... as soon as you can point to a Broadway and Hollywood success along the lines of the one already cited, to agree with your perceived equivalency, you're all set...

Until then, the perceived Life-Trip versus Death-Trip observation stands...

Broadway success' equal celebration of life? Get real.

Perhaps we can blame the media for some of the inaccurate portrayals. I posted pictures of ordinary real life people - not staged. It's called life.
The subtopic at-hand was the simpatico that The West has with Jewish life, as reflected in the Art of The West, and reaching for reasons why this is so...

The Life-Trip versus Death-Trip comparison was served-up as one likely reason...

My grandmama can hunt-down pictures on the Internet of happy little children in just about any culture on the face of the planet...

That's no suitable defense against the Life-Trip-versus-Death-Trip "Perception Gap"...

Especially when we are dealing with a misogynistic culture that buries its women-folk in head-scarves (and, sometimes, full-body suits) as soon as they near puberty...

Wake me up when a Saudi Arabian Muslim woman can have four husbands and walk-about the streets of Saudi Arabia obliged to wear no more head-covering or clothing than the average Saudi Muslim man...

And when Islam bans those Sams' Club burlap sacks that they stuff many of their female folk into...

And that so many of their females do not object to because (1) they don't know any better and (2) because they'll suffer in a hundred different ways if they do speak up...

And until that belief-system forswears the use of violence on a religious basis under any circumstances...

Until then...

Islam is poison to The West and entirely incompatible with it... a Death-Trip... and detrimental to the health and safety of The West.

Our Art has long-since reflected this Wisdom and Truth.
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"...Muslims have never come anywhere near that kind of spending on their story. In fact Americans do not even care about the Muslim story. That is because Muslims are viewed as enemies of America, and Jews are considered a real contribution to America's greatness."

That is because, in The West, the Jews are most commonly associated with Life...


Whereas Muslims strike many Westerners as more like Death Eaters...


Well, liver-and-heart-of-the-enemy eaters, anyway...


Golly-gosh gee-willickers and glorioski... why-oh-why would sane folks lean towards one over the other?


For which the subscriber BecauseIKnow serves up some pussy negative-rep and the following commentary...

"Fucking dumb cocksucker I'm trying to imagine how it would be for you in a debate in a college course. LOL! You're utter fail. Damn. What a horrible education you received."

A little verklempt that I don't play by your rules, and that you can't make any headway against me, my little butt-floss?

And, as an extra-added bonus... looks like I hit a nerve with that post, eh, junior?

Tells me that I'm on the right track after all - to get such a behind-the-scenes rise out of you.

Thanks for the marvelous reinforcing feedback.

Much obliged.
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[ame=]32 sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again with the territorial issues. You must not believe your own IHL Link.

The right to self-determination in Palestine said:
After the 1948 war, Israel was established on a more extensive territory than recommended in the partition plan. By entering into the Armistice Agreement with Egypt in 1949, Israel, demonstrated a sufficient level of stable and effective government of the territory to be recognised as a state by other states and the UN. Israel was effectively and lawfully established as a state, on the armistice territory, by secession from the Mandate of Palestine. A state for the Palestinians living in the Mandate of Palestine was never created and this unrealised goal still constitutes one of the core issues of the conflict.

Where was that territory? When was it transferred to Israel? What are the borders? where is a map?

Again, it is not a real estate deal. There are no such thing for Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, or Egypt, --- and --- it wasn't done that way with respect to Israel. This is Palestinian propaganda subterfuge. You are asking for something that doesn't exist, because it doesn't exist for any of the Regional countries.

Cablegram dated 3 April 1949 from the United Nations Acting Mediator to the Secretary-General transmitting the text of the General Armistice Agreement between the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom and Israel. said:
8. The provisions of this article shall not be interpreted as prejudicing, in any sense, an ultimate political settlement between the Parties to this Agreement.

9. The Armistice Demarcation Lines defined in articles V and VI of this Agreement are agreed upon by the Parties without prejudice to future territorial settlements or boundary lines or to claims of either Party relating thereto.

10. Except where otherwise provided, the Armistice Demarcation Lines shall be established, including such withdrawal of forces as may be necessary for this purpose, within ten days from the date on which this Agreement is signed.

11. The Armistice Demarcation Lines defined in this article and in article V shall be subject to such rectification as may be agreed upon by the Parties to this Agreement, and all such rectifications shall have the same force and effect as if they had been incorporated in full in this General Armistice Agreement.

TEXT SOURCE: S/1302/Rev.1 3 April 1949

Palestine (North & South sheets), Jerusalem, Latrun

As modified by the Treaty:

Article 3 - International Boundary said:
1. The international boundary between Israel and Jordan is delimited with reference to the boundary definition under the Mandate as is shown in Annex I(a), on the mapping materials attached thereto and co-ordinates specified therein.

2. The boundary, as set out in Annex I (a), is the permanent, secure and recognised international boundary between Israel and Jordan, without prejudice to the status of any territories that came under Israeli military government control in 1967.

3. The parties recognise the international boundary, as well as each other's territory, territorial waters and airspace, as inviolable, and will respect and comply with them.

4. The demarcation of the boundary will take place as set forth in Appendix (I) to Annex I and will be concluded not later than nine months after the signing of the Treaty.

5. It is agreed that where the boundary follows a river, in the event of natural changes in the course of the flow of the river as described in Annex I (a), the boundary shall follow the new course of the flow. In the event of any other changes the boundary shall not be affected unless otherwise agreed.

6. Immediately upon the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty, each Party will deploy on its side of the international boundary as defined in Annex I (a).

7. The Parties shall, upon the signature of the Treaty, enter into negotiations to conclude, within 9 months, an agreement on the delimitation of their maritime boundary in the Gulf of Aqaba.

8. Taking into account the special circumstances of the Naharayim/Baqura area, which is under Jordanian sovereignty, with Israeli private ownership rights, the Parties agreed to apply the provisions set out in Annex I (b).

9. With respect to the Zofar/Al-Ghamr area, the provisions set out in Annex I (c) will apply.

TEXT SOURCE: A/50/73 S/1995/83 27 January 1995


As I've posted this all several times before, I don't think I'll go through every Armistice Agreement.

Most Respectfully,

In all of your long, verbose posts you have never explained how the Palestinians became exempt from the international laws that apply to everyone else.
In all of your long, verbose posts you have never explained how the Palestinians became exempt from the international laws that apply to everyone else.
That's simple - they mean really nothing to palistanians, of course. But let palistanians despair not! - no real-world refugee has the luxury of having a custom-made premium-service UN agency, the UNRWA, getting by with the discount UNHCR instead.
"...Muslims have never come anywhere near that kind of spending on their story. In fact Americans do not even care about the Muslim story. That is because Muslims are viewed as enemies of America, and Jews are considered a real contribution to America's greatness."

That is because, in The West, the Jews are most commonly associated with Life...


Whereas Muslims strike many Westerners as more like Death Eaters...


Well, liver-and-heart-of-the-enemy eaters, anyway...


Golly-gosh gee-willickers and glorioski... why-oh-why would sane folks lean towards one over the other?


For which the subscriber BecauseIKnow serves up some pussy negative-rep and the following commentary...

"Fucking dumb cocksucker I'm trying to imagine how it would be for you in a debate in a college course. LOL! You're utter fail. Damn. What a horrible education you received."

A little verklempt that I don't play by your rules, and that you can't make any headway against me, my little butt-floss?

And, as an extra-added bonus... looks like I hit a nerve with that post, eh, junior?

Tells me that I'm on the right track after all - to get such a behind-the-scenes rise out of you.

Thanks for the marvelous reinforcing feedback.

Much obliged.

Speaking as a member of my high school and college debate teams, I can assure you that you are correct. I can count the number of fact/links I have seen from the Muslim Herd at USMB on one hand. They can verify nothing they say. Of course those of us who actually read books and news magazines know that Muslims are trying to defend the indefensible, so name-calling and distraction are all they have.

Are you frustrated? Of course you are. So am I. Posting against the stupidity of barbarians is a waste of time. The only thing Muslim animals understand is bomb, bomb, bomb. The time for talk is over.


One would think that after the centuries of Muslims being barbarians they would have
evolved, but they haven't. Same old ignorant barbarians with no growth between their ears.
They vomit the Jihad the Qur'an tells them, avoiding original thought.

Bitchboy is up to his old tricks; pointlessly consuming bandwidth to add idiotic pics to his idiotic posts.
Tinnie, do you have to stay on duty for Hamas all the time? Don't they let you go to bed at a reasonable time once in a while?

I live in another time zone.
That's why we can figure out that you are even on duty around midnight for your beloved Hamas. I hope that Hamas is getting you upgrades for that magic computer which really isn't there. I am sure they don't want you to miss any of their notices and orders. Gee, at times I wonder if Tinnie is actually posting from Gaza.
Tinnie, do you have to stay on duty for Hamas all the time? Don't they let you go to bed at a reasonable time once in a while?

I live in another time zone.
That's why we can figure out that you are even on duty around midnight for your beloved Hamas. I hope that Hamas is getting you upgrades for that magic computer which really isn't there. I am sure they don't want you to miss any of their notices and orders. Gee, at times I wonder if Tinnie is actually posting from Gaza.

And you post this at 11:16 PM.

Who do you work for?
I live in another time zone.
That's why we can figure out that you are even on duty around midnight for your beloved Hamas. I hope that Hamas is getting you upgrades for that magic computer which really isn't there. I am sure they don't want you to miss any of their notices and orders. Gee, at times I wonder if Tinnie is actually posting from Gaza.

And you post this at 11:16 PM.

Who do you work for?
10:16PM CDT and I work for AARP, another Zionist conspiracy organization.
et al,

Original Topic: Arabs get back West Bank land!!!


So what have we heard on the actual negotiations from the talks?

That's why we can figure out that you are even on duty around midnight for your beloved Hamas. I hope that Hamas is getting you upgrades for that magic computer which really isn't there. I am sure they don't want you to miss any of their notices and orders. Gee, at times I wonder if Tinnie is actually posting from Gaza.

And you post this at 11:16 PM.

Who do you work for?
10:16PM CDT and I work for AARP, another Zionist conspiracy organization.
et al,

Original Topic: Arabs get back West Bank land!!!


So what have we heard on the actual negotiations from the talks?

They've been talking up to Oct 9 and have said nothing has been accomplished.
Maybe they should have chaperones to oversee their bar hopping and whore chasing and make them have a curfew. That way they would have time to talk. And I am dead serious.

Israelis, Palestinians 'up the tempo' of peace negotiations - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

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