Arabs get back West Bank land!!!

A day without a Muslim response.

Once again, Hossfly, Kondor3, Roudy, ForeverYoung436 and Hollie take the trophies for this win over Muslims!



Not on our watch! :happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:
Sure they did, they lost their minds from reading the 164 passages promoting Jihad in the Qur'an. Since there is no way to deprogrammed, ending them is the only remaining option.


Only a Right wing wack job would believe that the un-armed Palestinians disappearance would make Israel secure, to wit Iranians nukes...of course a zealot Zionist will think that their nukes will prevent Israel's disappearance by the MAD policy.

Think again, there are suicide bombers everywhere within the Jihadist movement, and the masses support that prevailing ideology in the Arab world and elsewhere...Nuclear Pakistan, the radical Taliban State is a car bomb away from Regime Change. They would gladly nuke Israel and let Allah sort it out. According to some publications Pakistanis right and left hate Israel more than India according to their Polls.

Only a Muslim moron would call me a conservative. It is that damn third world education Muslims have that does not take Muslims that far enough into original thought. Having been a Democrat and a Republican I am an Independent. Muslims make the mistake of thinking the lefties, liberals, and Democrats are on their side based upon human rights. They are wrong, Democrats and Republicans see Muslims as violent, unevolved, murdering, barbarians that must be herded by Western culture.

Here is ultra, ultra, leftie Bill Maher sharing his views on Muslims. Trust me, Republicans and the Tea Party will applaud Bill Maher on this interview.

No one is buying that a murderous, terrorist, Muslim animals have a real religion.

[ame=""]Bill Maher Puts Muslim Apologist on Blast - 4.19.13 - YouTube[/ame]​

Maher really exposes Islam in this video. :lol:
Some of the staunchest supporters of Palestine are Palestinian Christians.
Some of the staunchest supporters of Palestine are KKK and Neo Nazi Christians. Wow. We didn't know that.

While we're at it, let us know who you think the Christian world, would prefer be in charge of the holy sites? Arabs who keep blowing up churches and massacring Christians, or Jews who are the best hosts and caretakers?

In Palestine the Christians and Muslims are on the same side being attacked by the Jews.

Let's hear it for the Palestinian Christians.
Edward Said
Hanan Ashrawi
Ghada Karmi
Noura Erakat
Huwaida Arraf
Rafeef Ziadah
Some of the staunchest supporters of Palestine are Palestinian Christians.
Some of the staunchest supporters of Palestine are KKK and Neo Nazi Christians. Wow. We didn't know that.

While we're at it, let us know who you think the Christian world, would prefer be in charge of the holy sites? Arabs who keep blowing up churches and massacring Christians, or Jews who are the best hosts and caretakers?

In Palestine the Christians and Muslims are on the same side being attacked by the Jews.

Let's hear it for the Palestinian Christians.
Edward Said
Hanan Ashrawi
Ghada Karmi
Noura Erakat
Huwaida Arraf
Rafeef Ziadah

Christians being attacked by Jews ?? lol Your poor feeble mind is contaminated with Palestinian propaganda.

Also, Palestine doesn't mean nothing really. You must be talking about Palestinian Territories
Some of the staunchest supporters of Palestine are Palestinian Christians.
Some of the staunchest supporters of Palestine are KKK and Neo Nazi Christians. Wow. We didn't know that.

While we're at it, let us know who you think the Christian world, would prefer be in charge of the holy sites? Arabs who keep blowing up churches and massacring Christians, or Jews who are the best hosts and caretakers?

In Palestine the Christians and Muslims are on the same side being attacked by the Jews.

Let's hear it for the Palestinian Christians.
Edward Said
Hanan Ashrawi
Ghada Karmi
Noura Erakat
Huwaida Arraf
Rafeef Ziadah
Yeah right, if it weren't for Israel the Palestinian Muslims would slaughter every Christian in sight.
Some of the staunchest supporters of Palestine are KKK and Neo Nazi Christians. Wow. We didn't know that.

While we're at it, let us know who you think the Christian world, would prefer be in charge of the holy sites? Arabs who keep blowing up churches and massacring Christians, or Jews who are the best hosts and caretakers?

In Palestine the Christians and Muslims are on the same side being attacked by the Jews.

Let's hear it for the Palestinian Christians.
Edward Said
Hanan Ashrawi
Ghada Karmi
Noura Erakat
Huwaida Arraf
Rafeef Ziadah
Yeah right, if it weren't for Israel the Palestinian Muslims would slaughter every Christian in sight.

That's nice. That and $2.00 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
You must be using GroupOn to get that $2.00 Starbucks. It's $5.00 everywhere I've been.
And that doesn't even even include the tip.
Hmmm... a regular-sized cup of coffee?... really?... I probably go there myself once every 3-4 months, at the drive-thru, and never pay attention to prices (obviously)...

But I seem to recall $1.85 plus tax for a regular-sized plain coffee, when passing thru one a few miles northeast of Joliet, Illinois, back in August.

Mebbe I should have paid closer attention.


My bad.


"That and $5.00 will buy you a cup of Starbucks".

All fixed.
In Palestine the Christians and Muslims are on the same side being attacked by the Jews.

Let's hear it for the Palestinian Christians.
Edward Said
Hanan Ashrawi
Ghada Karmi
Noura Erakat
Huwaida Arraf
Rafeef Ziadah
Yeah right, if it weren't for Israel the Palestinian Muslims would slaughter every Christian in sight.

Link for what? Muslims are murdering and killing Christians all over the world. Jews aren't the only ones they are trying to kill. Palestinian animal invaders in Lebanon were busy killing every Christian in sight, until Israel stepped in to even out the playing field.

Palestinians Killed 40,000 Christians In Lebanon

Arafat's Massacre of Damour
by Joseph Hobeika
Read about Arafat
PLO massacres in Lebanon
Organized by Professor M. Kahl

Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and killings. Out of a population of 3.2 million, some 40,000 or more people had been killed, 100,000 wounded, 5,000 permanently maimed

In January of 1976, the destruction of Damour, a town of some 25,000 was completed by the PLO within two weeks. "The priest of Damour, Father Mansour Labaky desperately trying to save people of the town telephoned Kamal Jumblat [one of the Lebanese leaders], in whose parliamentary constituency Damour lay. 'Father, Jumblat said, 'I can do nothing for you, because it depends on Yasser Arafat' " . All efforts were useless. In the morning following the first night of invasion, when more than fifty people were massacred, Father Labaky "despite the shelling managed to get to the one house, to bring out some corpses. An entire family had been killed, the Canan family, four children all dead, and the mother, the father, and the grandfather. The mother was still hugging one of the children. And she was pregnant

The eyes of the children were gone and their limbs were cut off. No legs and no arms" (123). In total, 582 people were massacred in the storming of Damour. Father Labaky went with the Red Cross to bury them. "Many of the bodies had been dismembered, so they had to count the heads to number the dead. Three of the men they found had had their genitals cut off and stuffed in their mouths"

Azmi Zrayir, the PLO Member, an organizer of the terrorist attack in March, 1975 on the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv in which seven people were killed and eleven wounded, was remembered in Lebanon as "a thief, a murderer, a rapist and a torturer." Being a PLO headquarters commander in Tyre, "he formed a football team into which he conscripted teenage children. The players were forced to gratify Zrayir's sexual appetites. He debauched both girls and boys. At least one child who defied him was shot dead" (144).

Arafat was ruthless not only with the Lebanese citizens but with the Palestinian Arabs too. In January, 1976 during the Christians' attack on Tall al Za'tar refugee camp the PLO tried to prevent the people in the camp from leaving. "Conditions within the camp became critical, with acute shortages of food and water, as bombardment continued day after day. The ideal of self sacrifice, imposed on the civilians by a leadership which itself took no risks, was never known to be the choice of the unhappy people themselves. And not all of the fighters who fell with their guns in their hands were cut down by the fire of the Christians. Some who tried to surrender or escape from the camp were shot in the back by their own comrades" (133). The high command in the PLO headquarters in West Beirut "not only refused to let the Palestinians leave the camp, or let the fighters surrender in order to save them all from hell, but insisted that the entire population, including the children, were to be sacrificed"
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Yeah right, if it weren't for Israel the Palestinian Muslims would slaughter every Christian in sight.

Link for what? Muslims are murdering and killing Christians all over the world. Jews aren't the only ones they are trying to kill. Palestinian animal invaders in Lebanon were busy killing every Christian in sight, until Israel stepped in to even out the playing field.

Palestinians Killed 40,000 Christians In Lebanon

Arafat's Massacre of Damour
by Joseph Hobeika
Read about Arafat
PLO massacres in Lebanon
Organized by Professor M. Kahl

Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and killings. Out of a population of 3.2 million, some 40,000 or more people had been killed, 100,000 wounded, 5,000 permanently maimed

In January of 1976, the destruction of Damour, a town of some 25,000 was completed by the PLO within two weeks. "The priest of Damour, Father Mansour Labaky desperately trying to save people of the town telephoned Kamal Jumblat [one of the Lebanese leaders], in whose parliamentary constituency Damour lay. 'Father, Jumblat said, 'I can do nothing for you, because it depends on Yasser Arafat' " . All efforts were useless. In the morning following the first night of invasion, when more than fifty people were massacred, Father Labaky "despite the shelling managed to get to the one house, to bring out some corpses. An entire family had been killed, the Canan family, four children all dead, and the mother, the father, and the grandfather. The mother was still hugging one of the children. And she was pregnant

The eyes of the children were gone and their limbs were cut off. No legs and no arms" (123). In total, 582 people were massacred in the storming of Damour. Father Labaky went with the Red Cross to bury them. "Many of the bodies had been dismembered, so they had to count the heads to number the dead. Three of the men they found had had their genitals cut off and stuffed in their mouths"

Azmi Zrayir, the PLO Member, an organizer of the terrorist attack in March, 1975 on the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv in which seven people were killed and eleven wounded, was remembered in Lebanon as "a thief, a murderer, a rapist and a torturer." Being a PLO headquarters commander in Tyre, "he formed a football team into which he conscripted teenage children. The players were forced to gratify Zrayir's sexual appetites. He debauched both girls and boys. At least one child who defied him was shot dead" (144).

Arafat was ruthless not only with the Lebanese citizens but with the Palestinian Arabs too. In January, 1976 during the Christians' attack on Tall al Za'tar refugee camp the PLO tried to prevent the people in the camp from leaving. "Conditions within the camp became critical, with acute shortages of food and water, as bombardment continued day after day. The ideal of self sacrifice, imposed on the civilians by a leadership which itself took no risks, was never known to be the choice of the unhappy people themselves. And not all of the fighters who fell with their guns in their hands were cut down by the fire of the Christians. Some who tried to surrender or escape from the camp were shot in the back by their own comrades" (133). The high command in the PLO headquarters in West Beirut "not only refused to let the Palestinians leave the camp, or let the fighters surrender in order to save them all from hell, but insisted that the entire population, including the children, were to be sacrificed"

Do you have something that is not from an Israeli hate site?
Never mind the source...

Are the charges true?

Did Palestinians kill 40,000 Christians in Lebanon?
Last edited:
In rare case, Palestinians reclaim settlement land

the land was stolen in the 1970s.

settlements were built there, but removed a few years ago.

..but Israel refused to give back the land to its rightful owners.

Finally, the courts have decided to give the land back to its owners and today they reclaimed their land.


You have been asked four times to provide links to support anything you say. You have not. That washes away everything you said. Your arguments are empty noise.

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Link for what? Muslims are murdering and killing Christians all over the world. Jews aren't the only ones they are trying to kill. Palestinian animal invaders in Lebanon were busy killing every Christian in sight, until Israel stepped in to even out the playing field.

Palestinians Killed 40,000 Christians In Lebanon

Arafat's Massacre of Damour
by Joseph Hobeika
Read about Arafat
PLO massacres in Lebanon
Organized by Professor M. Kahl

Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and killings. Out of a population of 3.2 million, some 40,000 or more people had been killed, 100,000 wounded, 5,000 permanently maimed

In January of 1976, the destruction of Damour, a town of some 25,000 was completed by the PLO within two weeks. "The priest of Damour, Father Mansour Labaky desperately trying to save people of the town telephoned Kamal Jumblat [one of the Lebanese leaders], in whose parliamentary constituency Damour lay. 'Father, Jumblat said, 'I can do nothing for you, because it depends on Yasser Arafat' " . All efforts were useless. In the morning following the first night of invasion, when more than fifty people were massacred, Father Labaky "despite the shelling managed to get to the one house, to bring out some corpses. An entire family had been killed, the Canan family, four children all dead, and the mother, the father, and the grandfather. The mother was still hugging one of the children. And she was pregnant

The eyes of the children were gone and their limbs were cut off. No legs and no arms" (123). In total, 582 people were massacred in the storming of Damour. Father Labaky went with the Red Cross to bury them. "Many of the bodies had been dismembered, so they had to count the heads to number the dead. Three of the men they found had had their genitals cut off and stuffed in their mouths"

Azmi Zrayir, the PLO Member, an organizer of the terrorist attack in March, 1975 on the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv in which seven people were killed and eleven wounded, was remembered in Lebanon as "a thief, a murderer, a rapist and a torturer." Being a PLO headquarters commander in Tyre, "he formed a football team into which he conscripted teenage children. The players were forced to gratify Zrayir's sexual appetites. He debauched both girls and boys. At least one child who defied him was shot dead" (144).

Arafat was ruthless not only with the Lebanese citizens but with the Palestinian Arabs too. In January, 1976 during the Christians' attack on Tall al Za'tar refugee camp the PLO tried to prevent the people in the camp from leaving. "Conditions within the camp became critical, with acute shortages of food and water, as bombardment continued day after day. The ideal of self sacrifice, imposed on the civilians by a leadership which itself took no risks, was never known to be the choice of the unhappy people themselves. And not all of the fighters who fell with their guns in their hands were cut down by the fire of the Christians. Some who tried to surrender or escape from the camp were shot in the back by their own comrades" (133). The high command in the PLO headquarters in West Beirut "not only refused to let the Palestinians leave the camp, or let the fighters surrender in order to save them all from hell, but insisted that the entire population, including the children, were to be sacrificed"

Do you have something that is not from an Israeli hate site?

Your proof that it is an Israeli hate site ??
In rare case, Palestinians reclaim settlement land

the land was stolen in the 1970s.

settlements were built there, but removed a few years ago.

..but Israel refused to give back the land to its rightful owners.

Finally, the courts have decided to give the land back to its owners and today they reclaimed their land.


You have been asked four times to provide links to support anything you say. You have not. That washes away everything you said. Your arguments are empty noise.


The Associated Press report was linked.
Link for what? Muslims are murdering and killing Christians all over the world. Jews aren't the only ones they are trying to kill. Palestinian animal invaders in Lebanon were busy killing every Christian in sight, until Israel stepped in to even out the playing field.

Palestinians Killed 40,000 Christians In Lebanon

Arafat's Massacre of Damour
by Joseph Hobeika
Read about Arafat
PLO massacres in Lebanon
Organized by Professor M. Kahl

Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and killings. Out of a population of 3.2 million, some 40,000 or more people had been killed, 100,000 wounded, 5,000 permanently maimed

In January of 1976, the destruction of Damour, a town of some 25,000 was completed by the PLO within two weeks. "The priest of Damour, Father Mansour Labaky desperately trying to save people of the town telephoned Kamal Jumblat [one of the Lebanese leaders], in whose parliamentary constituency Damour lay. 'Father, Jumblat said, 'I can do nothing for you, because it depends on Yasser Arafat' " . All efforts were useless. In the morning following the first night of invasion, when more than fifty people were massacred, Father Labaky "despite the shelling managed to get to the one house, to bring out some corpses. An entire family had been killed, the Canan family, four children all dead, and the mother, the father, and the grandfather. The mother was still hugging one of the children. And she was pregnant

The eyes of the children were gone and their limbs were cut off. No legs and no arms" (123). In total, 582 people were massacred in the storming of Damour. Father Labaky went with the Red Cross to bury them. "Many of the bodies had been dismembered, so they had to count the heads to number the dead. Three of the men they found had had their genitals cut off and stuffed in their mouths"

Azmi Zrayir, the PLO Member, an organizer of the terrorist attack in March, 1975 on the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv in which seven people were killed and eleven wounded, was remembered in Lebanon as "a thief, a murderer, a rapist and a torturer." Being a PLO headquarters commander in Tyre, "he formed a football team into which he conscripted teenage children. The players were forced to gratify Zrayir's sexual appetites. He debauched both girls and boys. At least one child who defied him was shot dead" (144).

Arafat was ruthless not only with the Lebanese citizens but with the Palestinian Arabs too. In January, 1976 during the Christians' attack on Tall al Za'tar refugee camp the PLO tried to prevent the people in the camp from leaving. "Conditions within the camp became critical, with acute shortages of food and water, as bombardment continued day after day. The ideal of self sacrifice, imposed on the civilians by a leadership which itself took no risks, was never known to be the choice of the unhappy people themselves. And not all of the fighters who fell with their guns in their hands were cut down by the fire of the Christians. Some who tried to surrender or escape from the camp were shot in the back by their own comrades" (133). The high command in the PLO headquarters in West Beirut "not only refused to let the Palestinians leave the camp, or let the fighters surrender in order to save them all from hell, but insisted that the entire population, including the children, were to be sacrificed"

Do you have something that is not from an Israeli hate site?
Israel hate site? :cuckoo: Where did the Israel part of this come in? Let's recap you're denying that Palestinians invaded Lebanon and were the worst murderers of Lebanese Christians? You are denying that the Massacre of Damour took place? You can run all you want, but you can't hide from the truth.

Sorry but you're outta luck on this one. Claiming that Palestinians are tolerant of Christians is like claiming that the moon is made of Swiss cheese.

The world will never forget what Palestinians did to the Lebanese Christians!

Last edited:
Never mind the source...

Are the charges true?

Did Palestinians kill 40,000 Christians in Lebanon?
They probably killed three times as much. And maimed much more.

Historical fact: Palestinians invaded Lebanon and joined forces with Syria and Hezbollah to help their Muslim brethren massacre the Lebanese Christians. They were infamous barbarians and the worst killers of the Lebanese Christians. Eh, who knows, maybe in the process of killing every Lebanese Christian man woman and child, they could have stolen a portion of Lebanon and made a Palestine out of it? They would have walked around calling themselves "The Indigenous Palestinian people who have lived in Lebanon since ancient times" <LOL>.
Last edited:
Link for what? Muslims are murdering and killing Christians all over the world. Jews aren't the only ones they are trying to kill. Palestinian animal invaders in Lebanon were busy killing every Christian in sight, until Israel stepped in to even out the playing field.

Palestinians Killed 40,000 Christians In Lebanon

Arafat's Massacre of Damour
by Joseph Hobeika
Read about Arafat
PLO massacres in Lebanon
Organized by Professor M. Kahl

Do you not remember Damour Lebanon. Let me remind you. Arafat and the PLO plunged Lebanon into "massacres, rape, mutilation, rampages of looting and killings. Out of a population of 3.2 million, some 40,000 or more people had been killed, 100,000 wounded, 5,000 permanently maimed

In January of 1976, the destruction of Damour, a town of some 25,000 was completed by the PLO within two weeks. "The priest of Damour, Father Mansour Labaky desperately trying to save people of the town telephoned Kamal Jumblat [one of the Lebanese leaders], in whose parliamentary constituency Damour lay. 'Father, Jumblat said, 'I can do nothing for you, because it depends on Yasser Arafat' " . All efforts were useless. In the morning following the first night of invasion, when more than fifty people were massacred, Father Labaky "despite the shelling managed to get to the one house, to bring out some corpses. An entire family had been killed, the Canan family, four children all dead, and the mother, the father, and the grandfather. The mother was still hugging one of the children. And she was pregnant

The eyes of the children were gone and their limbs were cut off. No legs and no arms" (123). In total, 582 people were massacred in the storming of Damour. Father Labaky went with the Red Cross to bury them. "Many of the bodies had been dismembered, so they had to count the heads to number the dead. Three of the men they found had had their genitals cut off and stuffed in their mouths"

Azmi Zrayir, the PLO Member, an organizer of the terrorist attack in March, 1975 on the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv in which seven people were killed and eleven wounded, was remembered in Lebanon as "a thief, a murderer, a rapist and a torturer." Being a PLO headquarters commander in Tyre, "he formed a football team into which he conscripted teenage children. The players were forced to gratify Zrayir's sexual appetites. He debauched both girls and boys. At least one child who defied him was shot dead" (144).

Arafat was ruthless not only with the Lebanese citizens but with the Palestinian Arabs too. In January, 1976 during the Christians' attack on Tall al Za'tar refugee camp the PLO tried to prevent the people in the camp from leaving. "Conditions within the camp became critical, with acute shortages of food and water, as bombardment continued day after day. The ideal of self sacrifice, imposed on the civilians by a leadership which itself took no risks, was never known to be the choice of the unhappy people themselves. And not all of the fighters who fell with their guns in their hands were cut down by the fire of the Christians. Some who tried to surrender or escape from the camp were shot in the back by their own comrades" (133). The high command in the PLO headquarters in West Beirut "not only refused to let the Palestinians leave the camp, or let the fighters surrender in order to save them all from hell, but insisted that the entire population, including the children, were to be sacrificed"

Do you have something that is not from an Israeli hate site?
Israel hate site? :cuckoo: Where did the Israel part of this come in? Let's recap you're denying that Palestinians invaded Lebanon and were the worst murderers of Lebanese Christians? You are denying that the Massacre of Damour took place? You can run all you want, but you can't hide from the truth.

Sorry but you're outta luck on this one. Claiming that Palestinians are tolerant of Christians is like claiming that the moon is made of Swiss cheese.

The world will never forget what Palestinians did to the Lebanese Christians!

[ame=]Palestinian and PLO crimes in Lebanon the Damour massacre ????? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]

That is only part of the story. Where is the rest of it?
Do you have something that is not from an Israeli hate site?
Israel hate site? :cuckoo: Where did the Israel part of this come in? Let's recap you're denying that Palestinians invaded Lebanon and were the worst murderers of Lebanese Christians? You are denying that the Massacre of Damour took place? You can run all you want, but you can't hide from the truth.

Sorry but you're outta luck on this one. Claiming that Palestinians are tolerant of Christians is like claiming that the moon is made of Swiss cheese.

The world will never forget what Palestinians did to the Lebanese Christians!

[ame=]Palestinian and PLO crimes in Lebanon the Damour massacre ????? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]

That is only part of the story. Where is the rest of it?
Elucidate. And ask questions with a little meat in them.

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