Arctic ice thins dramatically

would someone kindly explain to poor ol' g-string what standard deviation means.

okay mensa man i am now going to have to show how completely ignorant you are.. Again!

+ or - 2 standard deviation is what i was referring to you imbecile. Using that standard we can add or subtract 2 from the graph lines and still be within tolerances. Thats why they have that standard deviation so they have room for error. Using that we can see plainly that there is very little if any difference in the years shown on that graph. My questions were in regards to how they used that standard deviation and its application to the average they use to compare the other two years.

Now i am done explaining this to the self-proclaimed affiliate of mensa, who should in the very least be able to follow a simple analysis of a graph and points raised.

Come on mensa man you should be able to answer my questions if your friends to cowardly to do so...


So then you can't can you MENSA man... yeah thought not, you have nothing to say because first you can't follow what I asked or the points I raised. You know it, I know it and all of your MENSA lies can't hide it... Second, you are well aware by now that when I want to go after a post like that, I double and triple check everything I post, and that means I am going to be in the very least sound in my analysis. You know it, I know it.... Now that we have seen you turn into a sniveling little coward again, I can safely assume that neither you or your pal who posted it, despite all the pretense of a higher intellect can grasp any of what you post.. Got it thanks.. Pretty dam pathetic to cry for science and can't answer anything about the science you cry for...
When I participated in a NASA media conference call on Sept 22, 2008, I learned that NASA was announcing the findings from the satellite Ulysses after its 18 year voyage studying the Sun. The Ulysses passed the Sun three times. The first pass was during a solar minimum (a period of lower activity). The second pass of the Sun was during a solar maximum and the third pass during a less active period similar to the first pass (solar cycle 23). They noticed large differences between the two minimums, that on the third pass the Sun was emitting much less energy than the first pass, and the lowest amount of solar energy ever recorded (since the beginning of modern measurement with the advent of the space program). This only confirms my suspicion that the Sun is the primary driver of the world's temperatures and not mankind. This explains the warming of the 1980's and 1990's and for the last eight years, continuously cooling temperatures


Fucking dumb, Big-Foot-in-Mouth.

UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2011: +0.31 deg. C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Now look at the graph from this site. Does that look like a cooling for the last eight years? Do you practice telling dumb easy pointed out lies?

MENSA man why don't you explain the chart in your own words.. No googling, no going to some scientists explanation, lets see you explain it to us.... After all you are in MENSA, should no problem at all for you genius...:lol:

No seriously do you need a hit?

Ok chris I am tired and want to make this short...

#1 What exactly does the part in parenthesis mean? You know it says this above your chart. "(Area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice)" What exactly does that mean in this context, I am not quite sure on that... Does it mean they only used areas where the ice was 15% of the area by volume of sea water or ice? or what? And if that is indeed what they mean, why not use the whole dam ice area? Wouldn't that be a better way to judge ice extent for the area? And if thats not what they meant please explain to me what in fact they do mean by that.

Yes it means at least 15 percent sea ice. 15 percent in sea ice extent I believe. Maybe it is because the accuracy might go down or anything below 15 percent is not easily picked up.

#2 The third line on the legend text represents 1979 - 2000 average correct? Ok so why did they only do the average to 2000? 10 years are missing and that seems a bit odd to me. I think a continued warming trend would be best represented by a full average up to 2010 if in fact there was drastic warming as they claim... Comparing 2011 ice coverage to 2007 and then comparing them both to an average between 1979 and 2000 while leaving out 9 years between the average and the two years separated by 3 more years between them is incomplete at best and I say a bit suspect...
You need something to compare the change to, so 1979-2000 makes sense. All meteorology institution do this. Giss, noaa, rss, nws, nhc, ect.

#3 The part in the legend that says + or - 2 ... So if that is correct and their is a + - of 2 then by looking at 2007 and 2011 and keeping that + or Minus factor of 2 in mind we can safely say the two years separated by 3 years which we do not see represented here, are within the margin of error to make them nearly identical... Which begs the question how does this + or - factor into the 1979 to 2000 average? Was it taken with an assumption of a - 2 or a + 2? If it were a +2 than the average itself would be suspect as well.

Oh, the standard divination is the error back in 1979-2000 of 2 million km^2. This could mean that the error for the sea ice extent for that year is within that "area". Today of course is much lower in sea ice extent when you compare the 1979-2000 avg to today...You see this with any scientific graph that has to measure for temperature, sea ice, ocean levels, ect.
You see chris that rather long winded and dull investigation of just the one chart you posted, told me some very basic truths. One; we have a error factor in it of + or -2 which given the fact there is no more than a difference factor of 2 in the years 2007 and 2011, we could very easily say there is no discernible difference in ice coverage between the two years, making the charts implications false in its pretense this years ice is less than 2007. Second, using and average of 21 years, and comparing it to 2 non-consecutive years themselves separated by no less than a total of 9 years after the end point of the average, is unsound scientifically and gives a false impression of the data. And I would say at least a bit dishonest if not by intent, in the very least by misrepresentation.

Dam I went and got all boring and dull again didn't I... LOL ok dude your chart sucks! There now you and olsocks can understand it...:lol:

Of course that error could be on the higher side for 1979-2000 avg to. So you could argue both ways. When you consider that the 1900-1979 ice extent graph I posted somewhere within this thread that shown pretty much 1 million up or down for 79 years before it started dropping in 1979 should tell you that possible 3 million km^2 all downwards is quite a lot. Would you agree?

Who's to say that that 79 years wasn't to low and 2 million km^2 higher then it was measured if some how the past 30 years ever turned out to have been on the top part of that error in 1979, which the trend would be the same or close to it?

Trend my friend.

I hope I quoted right.
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Ok chris I am tired and want to make this short...

#1 What exactly does the part in parenthesis mean? You know it says this above your chart. "(Area of ocean with at least 15% sea ice)" What exactly does that mean in this context, I am not quite sure on that... Does it mean they only used areas where the ice was 15% of the area by volume of sea water or ice? or what? And if that is indeed what they mean, why not use the whole dam ice area? Wouldn't that be a better way to judge ice extent for the area? And if thats not what they meant please explain to me what in fact they do mean by that.

#2 The third line on the legend text represents 1979 - 2000 average correct? Ok so why did they only do the average to 2000? 10 years are missing and that seems a bit odd to me. I think a continued warming trend would be best represented by a full average up to 2010 if in fact there was drastic warming as they claim... Comparing 2011 ice coverage to 2007 and then comparing them both to an average between 1979 and 2000 while leaving out 9 years between the average and the two years separated by 3 more years between them is incomplete at best and I say a bit suspect...

#3 The part in the legend that says + or - 2 ... So if that is correct and their is a + - of 2 then by looking at 2007 and 2011 and keeping that + or Minus factor of 2 in mind we can safely say the two years separated by 3 years which we do not see represented here, are within the margin of error to make them nearly identical... Which begs the question how does this + or - factor into the 1979 to 2000 average? Was it taken with an assumption of a - 2 or a + 2? If it were a +2 than the average itself would be suspect as well.

Oh, the standard divination is the error back in 1979-2000 of 2 million km^2. This could mean that the error for the sea ice extent for that year is within that "area". Today of course is much lower in sea ice extent when you compare the 1979-2000 avg to today...You see this with any scientific graph that has to measure for temperature, sea ice, ocean levels, ect.
You see chris that rather long winded and dull investigation of just the one chart you posted, told me some very basic truths. One; we have a error factor in it of + or -2 which given the fact there is no more than a difference factor of 2 in the years 2007 and 2011, we could very easily say there is no discernible difference in ice coverage between the two years, making the charts implications false in its pretense this years ice is less than 2007. Second, using and average of 21 years, and comparing it to 2 non-consecutive years themselves separated by no less than a total of 9 years after the end point of the average, is unsound scientifically and gives a false impression of the data. And I would say at least a bit dishonest if not by intent, in the very least by misrepresentation.

Dam I went and got all boring and dull again didn't I... LOL ok dude your chart sucks! There now you and olsocks can understand it...:lol:

Of course that error could be on the higher side for 1979-2000 avg to. So you could argue both ways. When you consider that the 1900-1979 ice extent graph I posted somewhere within this thread that shown pretty much 1 million up or down for 79 years before it started dropping in 1979 should tell you that possible 3 million km^2 all downwards is quite a lot. Would you agree?

Who's to say that that 79 years wasn't to low and 2 million km^2 higher then it was measured if some how the past 30 years ever turned out to have been on the top part of that error in 1979, which the trend would be the same or close to it?

Trend my friend.

I hope I quoted right.

First I want to thank you chris for having the courage the original poster and oldsocks lack and trying to answer my questions and address my points. At least YOU seem to care that not being able answer questions on something you post, shows the poster to be a buffoon trying to play scientist..

Although the quoting inside my quote is a bit confusing, its a lot better than just writing bold face in between the lines like you did before. ..

Now your first answer is exactly the point I was making. IF it represents areas with at least 15% sea ice, what about areas with less than 15%? Is the difference between say 14% and 15% enough to effectively consider the 14% non-existent in a scientific study? I hardly think so...

Again + or - 2 can very easily make the difference between a claim of drastic ice loss and very little. The issue still remains... Roughly 16 at the start of the graph for the average and roughly 14 to 14.5 at the start for 2007 and 2011 respectively taking the + or - 2 into account can make the average 14 as well... See the problem? Its a deceptive piece of PR work and its plain as day..

You didn't address the last point... Why did they choose those particular years? Why separation between 2007 and 2011? Why stop the average at 2000? Come on matt you have to see this is a rather strange way to try and show something that is supposed to be constant. IF it were warming like they claim then it would have been better to have a longer frame to base your average, and showing them all chronologically would be doubly so if their claims are correct.

As far as your question regarding the amount being large or small.. I have no idea. Maybe it is but does that mean it is unprecedented? No it does not especially in the context of a mere 30 years. It sounds like a scary amount but then so did a lot of numbers shown out of context and with no perspective. How much ice loss did we lose before the last 30 years? How much did that ice loss vary year to year? A lot of questions that a simple chart and claim cannot address.

And your question regarding the error could make average lower or higher, why yes it could but given the error could hurt or help them in the context of the chart, and the track record of other similar data I feel pretty sure that the estimates were on the high side of that 2. BUT even IF I am wrong and the average would be higher, (more ice coverage) than the point still remains its an error factor of 2 with the difference not being more than 2. That alone makes the entire chart dubious, but taking all of the rest in context its HIGHLY suspect..

Chris you posted a graphic with marker line around it from Where?

LOL whats the name of the site that graphic came from chris?

Save it chris here is the site you got it from and the site its linked to. NRDC's Save BioGems: The Place to Save Wildlife and Wildlands

They are a site for citizen environmental activists.

And their linked to this activist group in their front page graphic.. The NRDC NRDC: About NRDC

Which as you might have guessed are another enviro/ecomantalist organization.

Way to go the scientific route there bud...LOL:lol:
More important than area, is volume.

Polar Science Center » Arctic Sea Ice Volume Anomaly, version 2

Arctic Sea Ice Volume AnomalySea Ice Volume is calculated using the Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS, Zhang and Rothrock, 2003) developed at APL/PSC. Anomalies for each day are calculated relative to the average over the 1979 -2010 period for that day of the year to remove the annual cycle. The model mean annual cycle of sea ice volume over this period ranges from 28,700 km3 in April to 12,300 km3 in September. The blue line represents the trend calculated from January 1 1979 to the most recent date indicated on the figure. Monthly averaged ice volume for June 2011 was 15,700 km3. This value is 37% lower than the mean over this period, 47% lower than the maximum in 1979, and 2.5 standard deviations below the trend. Shaded areas represent one and two standard deviations of the residuals of the anomaly from the trend. Updates will be generated at approximately one-month intervals.
Another interesting result of the dramitic decline in Arctic sea ice.

As Arctic Ice Shrinks, Pacific Species Invade Atlantic, Causing Ecological

The largest species invasion in over 2 million years is now underway as Arctic ice cover melts and shrinks, permitting a freer exchange of species between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans; dire and dramatic consequences for Atlantic biodiversity are predicted.

From microscopic plants and jellyfish to predatory packs of Orcas and soon-to-be-arriving squid…The “alien” invasion of the Atlantic ocean by Pacific Ocean species is fully underway, all made possible by ever-decreasing Arctic sea ice cover.

It is now accepted that oceanic and atmospheric warming is causing the Arctic ice sheet to steadily shrink, accelerated by loss of ice albedo (reflectivity of light off ice); Arctic ice cover has become so fragmented and sparse in some areas that, for the first time in centuries, an “ice-free” Northwest Passage was possible during winter. This summer’s ice-cover is at it smallest extent in centuries, if not millennia.
Just ran across this priceless blog post from climate skeptic, Ian Mott. Published in February, 2007. Of course, by September, 2007, his idiocy was proven for what it was.

Ian Mott: Hard Cover Maps reveal no shinking Arctic Ice Sheet

The map showing the change from 1979 to 2000 appears to show incontrovertable evidence that the ice sheet is shrinking. But, luckily, I was able to check the 1960 edition of the Readers Digest World Atlas, prepared under the direction of Frank Debenham, OBE, MA, DSC(hon) Emeritus Professor of Geography at Cambridge, that has plotted the extent of this ice sheet 20 years prior to the first satellite scan.

And surprise, surprise, the large tongues of ice that in 1979 were protruding between Novaya Zemla and Severnaya Zemla, and on the Eastern side of Severnaya Zemla, that is not there today, were also not there in the 1960's.

The BBC map is not clear enough to be certain but it appears that there may have actually been some minimal expansion in the ice limit between Svalbard and Severnaya Zemla. The only portion that does appear to have receded is a small section in the East Siberian Sea.

So while a short, totally inadequate, sample period may indicate a receding Arctic ice sheet, the evidence over a 40 year interval makes it clear that THERE IS NOT THE SLIGHTEST ROOM FOR DOUBT THAT THIS CLAIMED RECEDING TREND IS INTIRELY WITHIN THE RECENT HISTORICAL RANGE OF VARIATION.

Once again, we have so called "highly respected scientific teams" being caught out making extrapolations from limited data sets. It is not only incompetent but downright lazy to limit one's inquiry to the most convenient data sources. But when this is done in relation to a key evidentiary plank in the "Gullible Warming" debate it is inexcusable.
Another interesting result of the dramitic decline in Arctic sea ice.

As Arctic Ice Shrinks, Pacific Species Invade Atlantic, Causing Ecological

The largest species invasion in over 2 million years is now underway as Arctic ice cover melts and shrinks, permitting a freer exchange of species between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans; dire and dramatic consequences for Atlantic biodiversity are predicted.

From microscopic plants and jellyfish to predatory packs of Orcas and soon-to-be-arriving squid…The “alien” invasion of the Atlantic ocean by Pacific Ocean species is fully underway, all made possible by ever-decreasing Arctic sea ice cover.

It is now accepted that oceanic and atmospheric warming is causing the Arctic ice sheet to steadily shrink, accelerated by loss of ice albedo (reflectivity of light off ice); Arctic ice cover has become so fragmented and sparse in some areas that, for the first time in centuries, an “ice-free” Northwest Passage was possible during winter. This summer’s ice-cover is at it smallest extent in centuries, if not millennia.


As usual, the link supplied by Old Rocks above?

Click and scroll down.......

"reprinted with permission from"


Like most far lefties........these people think they are far smarter than everybody else. Like the president who represents them, will look you in the eye and smile and proceed to tell a tall tale figuring you're too stupid to check the record.
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And with all this hand wringing and whining and predictions of doom.....Boreal still had a chair lift going yesterday! Imagine that, skiing in the middle of SUMMER!

RENO — Skiers and snowboarders enjoyed a final fling on the slopes Saturday as the Sierra Nevada skiing season came to an official close after one of the snowiest winters in more than six decades.

Boreal Mountain Resort atop Donner Summit operated one chairlift for the day, the latest date it has ever operated in the season.

Resort spokesman Jon Slaughter said hundreds of diehards, some wearing bikinis and T-shirts, turned out to enjoy the access to one run and terrain park.

“It's utter excitement. People were real hungry to get out here one more time,” he said.

The resort reported receiving about 66 feet of snow this season, surpassing its record of 55 feet set in 1994-95. Boreal ended its daily operations in April and weekend operations in May.

It's believed to be one of the latest dates a Sierra ski resort has operated in the season. Only a couple of resorts usually stay open through the Fourth of July.

Mammoth Mountain, just east of Yosemite National Park, was able to stay open until Aug. 13, 1995, after a heavy snow year, resort spokesman Daniel Hanson said.

“I think up high on the mountain there's spots that could be open for skiing now, but there's not enough demand for it,” he said.

Don Lane, who has worked for the U.S. Forest Service at Lake Tahoe for the last 40 years, said he can recall only a handful of years with such a dense lingering snow.

The deep snowpack has delayed the start of mountain backpacking and hiking for a month to two months, depending on the elevation, said Lane, a recreation planner for the agency. The popular Desolation Wilderness near Tahoe has seen few visitors so far.

“It's still a white wonderland at the highest passes 8,000 feet elevation and up,” he said. “The lakes at the higher elevations are still covered with snow. From 6,000 feet to 8,000 feet, there's starting to be more brown than white.”

The snowpack at its peak was the fourth deepest since 1946 at the University of California, Berkeley's Central Sierra Snow Laboratory near Donner Summit, and well above normal across the Sierra.

Boreal opened for the day to promote Woodward Tahoe, an indoor action sports training facility scheduled to open at its base next summer.

Skiers enjoy final fling on slopes in Sierra |
Shit, the high was replaced with a low. Kind of like going from a nino to a nina when your talking about global temperatures. Same thing occurred in 2010, but 3 weeks earlier. 2007 is the 1998 of sea ice. Great pattern from July, August, Sept. Strong high pressure with 8-15c above normal temperatures over the sea ice. 2007 is a anomaly people.

The weather over the ice is a huge part of the ground noise around the means of the trend. I'd say as much as a million km^2 either side. You can see this on my max graph from 1900-1979 I'd posted about 10-12 post up thread as that also shows natural weather effects on the arctic sea ice.

I'd expect that if we can't kick back into a favorable pattern like 2007 that we will likely end up as 2nd or maybe 3rd. 4.4-4.6 million km^2 may be a reasonable prediction right now. 3-4 years ago you tried this pattern and that would of been more like 5 million km^2 as the sea ice volume was a lot more then.

We will just have to see what occurs.
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Another interesting result of the dramitic decline in Arctic sea ice.

As Arctic Ice Shrinks, Pacific Species Invade Atlantic, Causing Ecological

The largest species invasion in over 2 million years is now underway as Arctic ice cover melts and shrinks, permitting a freer exchange of species between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans; dire and dramatic consequences for Atlantic biodiversity are predicted.

From microscopic plants and jellyfish to predatory packs of Orcas and soon-to-be-arriving squid…The “alien” invasion of the Atlantic ocean by Pacific Ocean species is fully underway, all made possible by ever-decreasing Arctic sea ice cover.

It is now accepted that oceanic and atmospheric warming is causing the Arctic ice sheet to steadily shrink, accelerated by loss of ice albedo (reflectivity of light off ice); Arctic ice cover has become so fragmented and sparse in some areas that, for the first time in centuries, an “ice-free” Northwest Passage was possible during winter. This summer’s ice-cover is at it smallest extent in centuries, if not millennia.

Gasp! You mean a stronger species may prevail, like how the planet ran for eons before we were even an idea?
The super pattern that made 2007 possible has made the difference and by a few thousand 2007 is yet again king.



8,438 behind 2007...I think this year did really fucking good being that it never had even close to the pattern, about like 2010 with global temperature. As soon as we get into a marginal high pattern watch this year regain the title.

Getting people to understand what a anomally 1998 to 2010 is. Is very much like trying to get people to understand the 2007 compared to 2011 sea ice.

Compare volume. You will find 2011 has far less ice volume=easier to beat 2007, but 2007 had a super impressive melting pattern that still over comes the advantage 2011 has. Also now that we're getting a poor period of clouds=low pressure you can see why we're starting to fall.

You can have the best horse at the horse track, but if the horse is sick(worst weather pattern) and you still run it then it will likely lose. 2007 could of been the best horse to race in the past 100 years and one of the best of all times.
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Here is a chart I made. This has nothing to with real numbers, but as a tool to show people what I'm talking about. It starts at 02, which is the earlier season and ends at 08. More or less you can say this is 6 peak to base cycles. This shows whats really going on within the arctic.

What you can see 02 had a lower maximum in the spring(March-April time period) then 03 as more of a polar vortex was likely over the sea ice in 03 then 02, but this pattern breaks down as you head into May, while May-Sept in 02 has a cooler set up. Most likely more clouds.

Now lets compare 03 to 04----

04 starts out lower, could be either 1# a warmer winter, or 2# the world is warmer that makes 04 start out lower then 02 and 03. As you head into the melt season you see about the same pattern as 03, but lower. Could be because the earth has warmed slightly? Maybe. Lower volume helps the same equal pattern melt more ice. Why you'll say??? Because 5 year thick ice of 4-5 meters is hard to melt then 2 year ice that might be 2-3 meters.

Now lets compare 04 to 05

05 starts out higher then 04 most likely because it had a pattern like winter(Feb, march) of 03 then 02, 04 had, but 05 develops a huge arctic high pressure alot like 03 and with less volume and the ice being less thick or old it blows through 02, 03, 04 records for a new minimal record.

Now lets compare 05 to 06

After a great year in 05, 06 doesn't recover as good so it starts out near 05 started, but the pattern goes to hell. Even through we got lower ice volume and thickness the whole melt season has a large low pressure system with -4 to -5c below avg arctic temperatures. Below avg. The season heads up a lot like 04.

Now onto 06 compared to 07

Now 07 starts out with low volume and ice extent(this is of course a ice extent model) poor winter like 02, 04, but most important like 04 a large high pressure over the arctic with 4-6c above normal through the means of the melt season=record melt season. Unlike 06.

Compare 07 to 08

08 starts out much alike 07 and even for a time has a great melt around April and May, but the pattern turns into the shitter much alike 2009 and August 2010---Melting is very slow up until September time frame, but has a nice ending to get us within 500 thousand km^2 of 07.

2007 more or less had a record low season ice throughout the year and then what would be explained only as a arctic heat wave with a strong ridge over the arctic for late June through Sept for that year. It would be alike 07, while you can compare this year and last to 05 or 08. The difference is that 2010 had lower volume, but the pattern broke down in mid July and never really came back for it. Same could happen for 2011 or a short period of poor ice melting weather with a shape like 08, but not for months, but for weeks before we get back to a 07 or 2007 like pattern. Of course with the less sea ice volume this could mean a new record.

The trend is still downwards, but the natural variability is around a million km^2...What that is of course is weather patterns and what ever other natural internal pattern like the enso, pdo, nao, ect. The climate system is very complex.


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As one can see from the graph, we started, in 1979, with a winter area of 15 million kilometers, and a summer area of 5.5 million kilometers. This years winter high was 13 million kilometers, and the last four years lows have been from 3 to 3.5 million kilometers. That is about a 50% reduction for the summer low.

For the volume, the reduction is even more significant.

Polar Science Center » Arctic Sea Ice Volume Anomaly, version 2

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