Arctic Sea Ice ^UP^ By 60%. Global Warming?

Wow. I just found out that the "global warming" loons are way off of the mark. The Arctic Sea increased sea ice by 60% in 2013. That's huge!!!


About a million more square miles of ocean are covered in ice in 2013 than in 2012, a whopping 60 percent increase -- and a dramatic deviation from predictions of an "ice-free Arctic in 2013," the Daily Mail noted.

"We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming of the 1980s and 1990s has stopped,” Anastasios Tsonis of the University of Wisconsin told London’s Mail on Sunday.

"The absence of any significant change in the global annual average temperature over the past 16 years has become one of the most discussed topics in climate science," wrote David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation in June. "It has certainly focused the debate about the relative importance of greenhouse gas forcing of the climate versus natural variability."

Arctic sea ice up 60 percent in 2013 | Fox News

Okay loons ... time to find a new strawman!!! :lol:

Antarctic glaciers melting 'past point of no return'

sure or we can report facts
We saw it happen with DDT, and instead of finding a way it could be more safely used to reduce the scourge of Malaria, condemned poor brown children around the world to largely preventable death.

Malaria was never banned for mosquito control. You've fallen for yet another conservative urban legend, because it's one of the many mantras that the right-wing-fringe extremist cult requires its acolytes to chant.

Back in the real world, mass agricultural use of DDT was creating DDT-resistant mosquitos, and making DDT useless for malaria control. Fortunately, intelligent people looked at reality, stopped the mass agricultural use, and kept DDT useful for malaria control. Rachel Carlson should be credited with saving millions of lives.

But like the other fake skeptics here, you don't care. You'd see all those millions of brown people killed from malaria, rather than admit you fell for a line of crap from your political cult. Your anti-science cult causes actual harm, the deaths of actual people.

Given where we are at right now, is it smarter to attempt reversing a cycle that seems to have stalled the last 15 years and is largely out of our control (seeing that no matter what America does, the developing world will continue increasing their standard of living), or is it smarter to prepare for inevitable change that would happen whether man was here or not?

First you say the developing nations cause warming, then you say humans don't cause it. When you can get your talking points to not contradict each other, make another attempt.
In comparison, in the 1950s, Arctic ice extent was around 4.25 million square miles and it was much thicker in most places than it is today.

Interesting. I did not realize that in 1950 they had the same technology to measure ice as they do today. It doesn't appear there has been much technological advancement in the ice measuring department.

Another denier cult 'straw-man' argument and a really stupid one at that. Nobody said that they had "the same technology" in the 1950s, moron. But did you imagine that everyone then was blind and stupid? Do you think that there were no records kept in that era? Do you imagine that everything before the beginning of satellite observations is just a featureless blur to scientists? Just how retarded are you?

Dear blithering idiot,

You compared data from 1950 with today.

Not me.

The End.

Interesting. I did not realize that in 1950 they had the same technology to measure ice as they do today. It doesn't appear there has been much technological advancement in the ice measuring department.

Another denier cult 'straw-man' argument and a really stupid one at that. Nobody said that they had "the same technology" in the 1950s, moron. But did you imagine that everyone then was blind and stupid? Do you think that there were no records kept in that era? Do you imagine that everything before the beginning of satellite observations is just a featureless blur to scientists? Just how retarded are you?

Dear blithering idiot, You compared data from 1950 with today. Not me. The End.

One small part of my post compared current data on the Arctic ice from a variety of sources, including satellites, with the data obtained by analyzing the available records from the 1950s, which includes records from shipping in the northern regions, as well as from navel vessels, aerial overflights, scientific studies, and all of the ground station records in Alaska, Canada, Northern Europe, Russia and Siberia. Scientists can say with a fairly high degree of confidence that the Arctic sea ice extent in 1953 only dropped to a summer minimum of about 4.25 million square miles. For comparison, in 2012 it dropped to 1.32 million square miles.

But if you have a problem with the older records, let's look at just what has happened in the last decade or so.

In 2002, the Arctic sea ice dropped in September to a new record low minimum extent of only 2.31 million square miles.

In 2005, Arctic ice extent dropped again to a new record low of only 2.05 million square miles.

Then again in 2007, the ice really dropped in extent to only 1.65 million square miles. This was 23% below the 2005 record low and 39% below the 1979 - 2000 average extent.

In 2012 Arctic ice extent receded to another new record low extent of only 1.32 million square miles. This was another 18% below the record low in 2007 and 49% below the 1979 - 2000 average extent.


Monthly September ice extent for 1979 to 2013 shows a decline of 13.7% per decade. Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center

In that same period, the floating sea ice got radically thinner, thus also reducing the total ice volume, which just measuring ice extent in square miles doesn't capture.


Arctic sea ice volume anomaly from PIOMAS updated once a month. Daily Sea Ice volume anomalies for each day are computed relative to the 1979 to 2011 average for that day of the year. Tickmarks on time axis refer to 1st day of year. The trend for the period 1979- present is shown in blue. Shaded areas show one and two standard deviations from the trend. Error bars indicate the uncertainty of the monthly anomaly plotted once per year.
(source: University of Washington Polar Science Center PIOMAS)
We saw it happen with DDT, and instead of finding a way it could be more safely used to reduce the scourge of Malaria, condemned poor brown children around the world to largely preventable death.

Malaria was never banned for mosquito control. You've fallen for yet another conservative urban legend, because it's one of the many mantras that the right-wing-fringe extremist cult requires its acolytes to chant.

Back in the real world, mass agricultural use of DDT was creating DDT-resistant mosquitos, and making DDT useless for malaria control. Fortunately, intelligent people looked at reality, stopped the mass agricultural use, and kept DDT useful for malaria control. Rachel Carlson should be credited with saving millions of lives.

But like the other fake skeptics here, you don't care. You'd see all those millions of brown people killed from malaria, rather than admit you fell for a line of crap from your political cult. Your anti-science cult causes actual harm, the deaths of actual people.

Given where we are at right now, is it smarter to attempt reversing a cycle that seems to have stalled the last 15 years and is largely out of our control (seeing that no matter what America does, the developing world will continue increasing their standard of living), or is it smarter to prepare for inevitable change that would happen whether man was here or not?

First you say the developing nations cause warming, then you say humans don't cause it. When you can get your talking points to not contradict each other, make another attempt.

Strangely enough, it was killing the mosquitoes that were biting white people here in this country. No malaria here...but we need not worry about those brown people....right?
The current sea ice extent is the second lowest in history.
Really? Doesn't look like that to me.
That's because you have your head jammed so incredibly far up your ass, SSooooDDuuumb.

The thread topic was Arctic sea ice and that's what we were talking about. As you knew.

Conflating the shrinking Arctic sea ice, which is in a death spiral, with the maximum extent of the much less significant Antarctic sea ice, which shrinks to almost nothing at its minimum every year, is just the usual fossil fuel industry/denier cult deceptive propaganda gimmick.

Arctic sea ice has been rapidly disappearing, shrinking in both extent and volume for decades, but especially fast over the last decade or so where it has declined in extent from 2.31 million square miles in 2002 to only 1.32 million square miles in 2012. This ice loss radically changes the Earth's albedo as highly reflective sea ice vanishes and is replaced by the strongly light-absorbing dark sea water. This is a global warming positive feedback loop where warming causes sea ice loss which increases ocean warming, causing further ice loss, resulting in more warming and then more ice loss, and so on and so on. Most climate scientists think that the Arctic sea ice is in a downward death spiral. The disappearance of this ice is already affecting weather patterns all over the northern latitudes. This Arctic ice loss is ongoing, almost continuous, and very radical.

In contrast, almost all of the ice around the southern pole is resting on the continent of Antarctica. Ice sheets two miles thick and enormous glaciers are now melting and losing ice mass and raising sea levels. Surrounding the continent of Antarctica is a fringe of seasonal sea ice that melts away almost completely very summer and reforms in the winter. For this reason, global sea ice extents are almost meaningless for understanding what is happening to the Earth's ice. Which is why you denier cultists try to cite them so often in your attempt to confuse people with the meaningless numbers you get when you add up the Southern Hemisphere winter maximum ice extents and ignore the enormously smaller SH summer minimum extents.


These images using satellite-derived sea ice concentration data show average minimum and maximum sea ice during March and September for the Arctic and Antarctic from 1979 to 2000. Seasons are opposite between the Southern and Northern Hemispheres; the South reaches its summer minimum in February, while the North reaches its summer minimum in September. (March is shown for both hemispheres for consistency.) The black circles in the center of the Northern Hemisphere images are areas lacking data due to limitations in satellite coverage at the North Pole.

Almost all of the sea ice that forms during the Antarctic winter melts during the summer. During the winter, up to 18 million square kilometers (6.9 million square miles) of ocean is covered by sea ice, but by the end of summer, only about 3 million square kilometers (1.1 million square miles) of sea ice remain.
(source: National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.)
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The current sea ice extent is the second lowest in history.
Really? Doesn't look like that to me.
That's because you have your head jammed so incredibly far up your ass, SSooooDDuuumb.

The thread topic was Arctic sea ice and that's what we were talking about. As you knew.

Conflating the shrinking Arctic sea ice, which is in a death spiral, with the maximum extent of the much less significant Antarctic sea ice, which shrinks to almost nothing at its minimum every year, is just the usual fossil fuel industry/denier cult deceptive propaganda gimmick.

Arctic sea ice has been rapidly disappearing, shrinking in both extent and volume for decades, but especially fast over the last decade or so where it has declined in extent from 2.31 million square miles in 2002 to only 1.32 million square miles in 2012. This ice loss radically changes the Earth's albedo as highly reflective sea ice vanishes and is replaced by the strongly light-absorbing dark sea water. This is a global warming positive feedback loop where warming causes sea ice loss which increases ocean warming, causing further ice loss, resulting in more warming and then more ice loss, and so on and so on. Most climate scientists think that the Arctic sea ice is in a downward death spiral. The disappearance of this ice is already affecting weather patterns all over the northern latitudes. This Arctic ice loss is ongoing, almost continuous, and very radical.

In contrast, almost all of the ice around the southern pole is resting on the continent of Antarctica. Ice sheets two miles thick and enormous glaciers are now melting and losing ice mass and raising sea levels. Surrounding the continent of Antarctica is a fringe of seasonal sea ice that melts away almost completely very summer and reforms in the winter. For this reason, global sea ice extents are almost meaningless for understanding what is happening to the Earth's ice. Which is why you denier cultists try to cite them so often in your attempt to confuse people with the meaningless numbers you get when you add up the Southern Hemisphere winter maximum ice extents and ignore the enormously smaller SH summer minimum extents.


These images using satellite-derived sea ice concentration data show average minimum and maximum sea ice during March and September for the Arctic and Antarctic from 1979 to 2000. Seasons are opposite between the Southern and Northern Hemispheres; the South reaches its summer minimum in February, while the North reaches its summer minimum in September. (March is shown for both hemispheres for consistency.) The black circles in the center of the Northern Hemisphere images are areas lacking data due to limitations in satellite coverage at the North Pole.

Almost all of the sea ice that forms during the Antarctic winter melts during the summer. During the winter, up to 18 million square kilometers (6.9 million square miles) of ocean is covered by sea ice, but by the end of summer, only about 3 million square kilometers (1.1 million square miles) of sea ice remain.
(source: National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.)

He said sea ice. I provide a graph of sea ice and how often does a thread stay on topic around here corporal ass wipe?
Really? Doesn't look like that to me.
That's because you have your head jammed so incredibly far up your ass, SSooooDDuuumb.

The thread topic was Arctic sea ice and that's what we were talking about. As you knew.

Conflating the shrinking Arctic sea ice, which is in a death spiral, with the maximum extent of the much less significant Antarctic sea ice, which shrinks to almost nothing at its minimum every year, is just the usual fossil fuel industry/denier cult deceptive propaganda gimmick.

Arctic sea ice has been rapidly disappearing, shrinking in both extent and volume for decades, but especially fast over the last decade or so where it has declined in extent from 2.31 million square miles in 2002 to only 1.32 million square miles in 2012. This ice loss radically changes the Earth's albedo as highly reflective sea ice vanishes and is replaced by the strongly light-absorbing dark sea water. This is a global warming positive feedback loop where warming causes sea ice loss which increases ocean warming, causing further ice loss, resulting in more warming and then more ice loss, and so on and so on. Most climate scientists think that the Arctic sea ice is in a downward death spiral. The disappearance of this ice is already affecting weather patterns all over the northern latitudes. This Arctic ice loss is ongoing, almost continuous, and very radical.

In contrast, almost all of the ice around the southern pole is resting on the continent of Antarctica. Ice sheets two miles thick and enormous glaciers are now melting and losing ice mass and raising sea levels. Surrounding the continent of Antarctica is a fringe of seasonal sea ice that melts away almost completely very summer and reforms in the winter. For this reason, global sea ice extents are almost meaningless for understanding what is happening to the Earth's ice. Which is why you denier cultists try to cite them so often in your attempt to confuse people with the meaningless numbers you get when you add up the Southern Hemisphere winter maximum ice extents and ignore the enormously smaller SH summer minimum extents.


These images using satellite-derived sea ice concentration data show average minimum and maximum sea ice during March and September for the Arctic and Antarctic from 1979 to 2000. Seasons are opposite between the Southern and Northern Hemispheres; the South reaches its summer minimum in February, while the North reaches its summer minimum in September. (March is shown for both hemispheres for consistency.) The black circles in the center of the Northern Hemisphere images are areas lacking data due to limitations in satellite coverage at the North Pole.

Almost all of the sea ice that forms during the Antarctic winter melts during the summer. During the winter, up to 18 million square kilometers (6.9 million square miles) of ocean is covered by sea ice, but by the end of summer, only about 3 million square kilometers (1.1 million square miles) of sea ice remain.
(source: National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.)

He said sea ice. I provide a graph of sea ice and how often does a thread stay on topic around here corporal ass wipe?

When Matthew said "The current sea ice extent is the second lowest in history.", he was obviously talking about the Arctic sea ice and responding to the previous post about the Arctic ice extent and volume. You saw a chance to insert the meaningless but deliberately deceptive conflation of both the Arctic and the maximum Antarctic sea ice extents that you scraped off Goddard's denier cult blog. As the material I just posted clearly showed, this conflation has no bearing on the severe and continuing loss of the Arctic ice cap and is meant only to confuse people into thinking that there is no problem with the Arctic sea ice when, in fact, there is a huge problem.

What is it about this fact that still confuses you? (probably everything, given how retarded you are!)
Almost all of the sea ice that forms during the Antarctic winter melts during the summer. During the winter, up to 18 million square kilometers (6.9 million square miles) of ocean is covered by sea ice, but by the end of summer, only about 3 million square kilometers (1.1 million square miles) of sea ice remain.
(source: National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.)[/SIZE][/B][/I]
Strangely enough, it was killing the mosquitoes that were biting white people here in this country. No malaria here...but we need not worry about those brown people....right?

Malaria was already nearly gone in the USA before DDT was invented. Those darn socialist government health programs did the trick. Window screens, sanitation, isolating the sick people from the mosquitoes and breaking the transmission chain. In areas without such health programs, DDT didn't do much against Malaria. Knocked it back temporarily, until the resistance kicked in, then it came roaring back.

DDT was mainly used here in vast quantities to kill Boll Weevils and other agricultural pests. And then it was concentrating in the ecosystem and causing big problems. The Boll Weevils became resistant to it as well. Hence why agriculture didn't put up a fight against the DDT ban in the USA, being DDT was becoming useless to agriculture anyways.
The current sea ice extent is the second lowest in history.

Really? Doesn't look like that to me.


The discussion is concerning Arctic Sea Ice. As you well knew. You posted the World Sea Ice table. And you did so knowingly. You are a liar and a fraud. You purposely posted a misleading post when you well knew that what the previous poster said was accurate. You are a dishonorable cretin.
THis is another reason I don't do ice.. It's OK to make EVERYTHING about Global Warming a Global variable, except when it's inconvieniently not helping the warmer side. NO GLOBAL sea ice, but we can have ONE GLOBAL CLIMATE SENSITIVITY number from the IPCC and that's GREAT science..

I'm out.. Hate chilly places anyway...
The current sea ice extent is the second lowest in history.

Well that depends. Who was keeping track of climate history is 6000 B.C. or 3000 B.C., etc.?

There are actually a number of things in nature that respond to various kinds of temperature and climate changes and leave a record that scientists can read.

Arctic Temperatures Warmest In More Than 40,000 Years
By: Douglas Main
October 25, 2013
Plenty of studies have shown that the Arctic is warming and that the ice caps are melting, but how does it compare to the past, and how serious is it?

New research shows that average summer temperatures in the Canadian Arctic over the last century are the highest in the last 44,000 years, and perhaps the highest in 120,000 years.

"The key piece here is just how unprecedented the warming of Arctic Canada is," Gifford Miller, a researcher at the University of Colorado, Boulder, said in a joint statement from the school and the publisher of the journal Geophysical Researcher Letters, in which the study by Miller and his colleagues was published online this week.

"This study really says the warming we are seeing is outside any kind of known natural variability, and it has to be due to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."

The study is the first to show that current Arctic warmth exceeds peak heat there in the early Holocene, the name for the current geological period, which began about 11,700 years ago. During this "peak" Arctic warmth, solar radiation was about 9 percent greater than today, according to the study.

Miller and his colleagues gauged Arctic temperatures by looking at gas bubbles trapped in ice cores (cylinders drilled from the ice that show layers of snow laid down over time) taken from the region, which allows scientists to reconstruct past temperature and levels of precipitation.

They paired this with radiocarbon dating of clumps of moss taken from a melting ice cap on Canada's Baffin Island. Their analysis shows that these plants have been trapped in the ice for at least 44,000 years, and perhaps as long as 120,000 years. Taken together, that data suggest temperatures in the region haven't been this high since perhaps as long as 120,000 years ago, according to the study.

The Arctic has been heating up for about a century, but the most significant warming didn't start until the 1970s, Miller said in the statement. "And it is really in the past 20 years that the warming signal from that region has been just stunning," he added. "All of Baffin Island is melting, and we expect all of the ice caps to eventually disappear, even if there is no additional warming."
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