Are all the federal bureacracies controlled by the Democrat Party?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Is it my imagination or are ALL of our federal bureacracies controlled by the Democratic Party? Look at immigration--it is all about what Democrats want more uneducated poor immigrants who will vote for them. Welfare--who controls welfare?
We can't find out what happens to our money even when it is going to terrorists. What is going on here and why haven't the Republicans put their foot down? Aren't they half of the government? How long have the Democrats owned our national bureaucracy?
Well, we do know that the Director of the FAA was following Obama's orders to hurt the public because of Sequestration.
The Fed is run by bureaucrats.

These burs know who will keep them in place and in power w/o question, and in the end, most people will support who puts money or seems to put money, in their pockets.
The Fed is run by bureaucrats.

These burs know who will keep them in place and in power w/o question, and in the end, most people will support who puts money or seems to put money, in their pockets.

Is that like Lt. Q. Harris' unsolved murder?

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