Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Born and raised here in America a good decent human being and a reputable one.................... that love helping poor Americans and disabled veterans.
You on the other side is nothing but pure racist and bigotry.
Helping poor Americans and disabled veterans (I am both) doesn't happen by supporting an invasion of America by millions of job stealers, taking jobs away from those poor Americans and disabled veterans, as well as tens of Billions$$$ per year, that could have increased my small Social Security and VA pension. You simply don't know what you're talking about. And your silly race card has nothing to do with all that money leaving the US, and you'd have to be awfully stupid to not know that. It doesn't erase the imperialism, which remains a FACT, year in and year out. (in addition to all the other harms of immigration

Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (ex. ISIS with "Syrian refugees")

Your opinion and your credibility does not mean a didly shit. Based from all your post. You menstruated your racist and hatred to all minorities.
Yes I help poor American people and veterans.
How about I challenge you to visit my charities here in California and Florida? I will pay your round trip ticket. Send me an email here. How about it?
From #1 to # 17........... WTF are you talking about? Are you saying all immigrants are causing all your miserable life?
Do you have link that Syrian refugees are ISIS invaded this country?

I really believe you are debating with Trump's butler......:eek:
"According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ?"

You asked why American Hispanics oppose Trump. If you don't want to hear the answer don't ask the question. An American Hispanic would have to be nuts to vote someone that promises to deport friends, family, and those unlucky enough to be picked up in a raid without proof of citizenship. That would be like the Jews voting for Hilter in 1933
That is so idiotic, I wouldn't even dignify it with a response. Since you're OK with Mexico robbing our economy, can I rob your house ? Since you think it's acceptable.
Just curious, but do you ever read a post before replying.
Like hell he hasn't.'re just like Trump and you don't realize it. Are you saying that Trump let Joan Rivers win?'re just as sexist as Trump.
1. STOP LYING! He hasn't insulted Hispanics, no mater how much you go around pretending that he has. And all this lying about him taking place, will be sorely remembered, when he becomes president, and you all will get the same no mercy you are showing him. I suspect every liberal program in this country is going to be sawdust.

2. Islam is not a religion. It is a vile, ILLEGAL, ideology masquerading as a religion, as it has done for 1400 years. And trump hasn't called every person who calls themself Muslim, a criminal. More lies from you.

3. Yes. I am just like Trump. And no I'm NOT saying he let Joan Rivers win. I never said that, YOU SAID THAT. More deceit from you. Apparently that's what happens when you know you're wrong, and you have no words to speak. You resort to lies out of sheer desperation. :rolleyes-41:

You're so concerned with lying.......why do you support the biggest liar, Trump?

Donald Trump is constantly lying

But it isn't a just don't want to admit that you support a liar, so you accuse everyone of lying and defend him. And if he can survive all the shit that is coming out making him look like a fool.....the whole country will be in shitsville if he does actually become President. First of all, he won't have all that much power to do away with any programs, you and he both are deficit in the way government works. No wonder you like him so much.

Trump Doubles Down on Hispanic Insults—Now, They’re All Rapists

So what was your point about Joan Rivers winning....what were you trying to prove when you mentioned her winning on his program? If she won it only proves that women are strong and smart......but I think you were implying that Trump "allowed" her to win to prove that he is decent to women, only you are too ignorant to figure out that it would be obvious what you were trying to say.
Read it, watch it.

He said "THEY" and he used "THEY" to mean Mexicans every other time. So..... the English language disagrees with you.
No, it does NOT disagree with me. There is nothing in Trump's words to indicate that he is talking about all the Mexican migrants, (YOU read that into his statement). And, to the contrary, there IS SOMETHING in his words to indicate that he is NOT talking about all the migrants. That was where he said >> "And some, I assume, are good people." , which was actually too generous, because,(for the 10th time now), they are NOT good people. They are LAWBREAKERS, disrespecting our laws, and us.
Anyone who can read the English language, knows he said MEXICANS.

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Or, taking away pronouns and replacing them with the actual word

"When Mexico sends its people, Mexicans are not sending their best. Mexicans are not sending you. Mexicans are sending you. Mexicans are sending people that have lots of problems, and Mexicans are bringing those problems with us. Mexicans are bringing drugs. Mexicans are bringing crime. Mexicans are rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

That's what he said.
Yes, he said Mexicans. But he didn't say ALL Mexicans. so to anyone who isn't trying to spin his words into something bigoted, because they think that will be a useful tool for them politically, he obviously was talking about those particular Mexicans who ARE rapists, murderers and bringing drugs. Now stop LYING.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

The media throws Trumps comments in their faces every chance they get. Trump may have said something once or twice but the media repeats his words and their take on his intentions based on those words x 1000. The National Media makes no attempt to make Donald sound reasonable. They do just the opposite.
Bwahahahaha is right......where did you dig out this OAN poll? The Faux News Toilet?

Here's a very up to date poll....and the only place that shows Trump ahead is Rasmussen....and we know how accurate they are....didn't they have Romney beating Obama?
Polling Data
Date Sample MoE
Clinton (D)
Trump (R)

RCP Average 4/17 - 5/10 -- -- 47.3 41.6 Clinton +5.7
Gravis 5/10 - 5/10 1574 RV 2.5 48 46 Clinton +2
PPP (D) 5/6 - 5/9 1222 RV 3.2 47 41 Clinton +6
CNN/ORC 4/28 - 5/1 890 RV 3.5 54 41 Clinton +13
Rasmussen Reports 4/27 - 4/28 1000 LV 3.0 39 41 Trump +2
IBD/TIPP 4/22 - 4/28 814 RV 3.5 47 40 Clinton +7
USA Today/Suffolk 4/20 - 4/24 1000 LV 3.0 50 39 Clinton +11
GWU/Battleground 4/17 - 4/20 1000 LV 3.1 46 43 Clinton +3

All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton!
Your polls FAIL. The only real yardstick is what matches the total primary popular votes. All your polls flunk.
The only poll that matches up with the primary popular votes is the OAN poll. 55% Trump to 45% Hillary.
Matches the primary popular votes to a T. :biggrin:

Total votes >>> 49,013,172

Total Democrat votes >>> 21,951,362 (45%) RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Total GOP votes >>> 27,061,810 (55%) Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Your opinion and your credibility does not mean a didly shit. Based from all your post. You menstruated your racist and hatred to all minorities.
Yes I help poor American people and veterans.
How about I challenge you to visit my charities here in California and Florida? I will pay your round trip ticket. Send me an email here. How about it?
At the same time I want you prove to me that you are helping poor Americans and veterans.
From #1 to # 17........... WTF are you talking about? Are you saying all immigrants are causing all your miserable life?
Do you have link that Syrian refugees are ISIS invaded this country?
I don't purport for my "opinion" to mean a lot. his is not a matter of opinion. It is a matter of FACTS. Like the $22.8 Billion/year remittances ripped out of our economy and pocketed by Mexico. FACT, not opinion. And you can clownishly play your long-ago worn out race card all you like. Nobody buys that BS anymore, Especially when they guy you're saying hates minorities IS A MINORITY. I'm a Hispanic, you dunce, haven't you been reading this thread ? Sheeesh! Try to keep up, OK ?

And you can yammer all you like about what you do. So what ? Nobody said anything about that. And it's obvious you are clueless on all this as you say "From #1 to # 17........... WTF are you talking about?" I'm talking about all these HARMS to the American people coming from immigration, THAT'S what I'm talking about. And in upcoming posts, I'm going to go into detail about these HARMS. So don't go away. You're about to get an education (that your liberal OMISSION media routinely withholds from you, which is why you don't know anything about all this)

Lastly, if you don't know that ISIS (Trojan Horse) is planning to come here, and can/will arrive neatly tucked in with the 185,000 alleged Syrian refugees, you must be incredibly stupid.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012

'Just wait…' Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe
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You're so concerned with lying.......why do you support the biggest liar, Trump?

Donald Trump is constantly lying

But it isn't a just don't want to admit that you support a liar, so you accuse everyone of lying and defend him. And if he can survive all the shit that is coming out making him look like a fool.....the whole country will be in shitsville if he does actually become President. First of all, he won't have all that much power to do away with any programs, you and he both are deficit in the way government works. No wonder you like him so much.

Trump Doubles Down on Hispanic Insults—Now, They’re All Rapists

So what was your point about Joan Rivers winning....what were you trying to prove when you mentioned her winning on his program? If she won it only proves that women are strong and smart......but I think you were implying that Trump "allowed" her to win to prove that he is decent to women, only you are too ignorant to figure out that it would be obvious what you were trying to say.
1. YOU don't want to admit that you are lying, so YOU accuse me of lying. You think we haven't got you Trump-bashers figured out ?

2. You think WRONG. I never imply, insinuate, or infer ANYTHING, ever. If I have something to say, I say it, as this thread amply demonstrates. :biggrin:

3. Obviously, the point about Joan Rivers is that, just like the many women Trump has given high level jobs to, he thought enough of a woman (Joan Rivers) to also declare her the victor on his show. Duh!
The media throws Trumps comments in their faces every chance they get. Trump may have said something once or twice but the media repeats his words and their take on his intentions based on those words x 1000. The National Media makes no attempt to make Donald sound reasonable. They do just the opposite.

Absolutely right! They are the most biased bunch of scoundrels I've ever seen. I could name many instances, but one stands out in my mind. That was when, at the first GOP debate, Jake Tapper set up the candidates AGAINST EACH OTHER (which only helps the Democrats), instead of just asking them to state their positions on issues.
Hispanics: learn this >>>

A recent study by the Center for Immigration Studies showed that welfare is more used by immigrants with kids than by Native-born Americans who have kids.. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing. This study showed that in 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Everyone learn this >>>>
  • The nation’s leading immigration economist, George Borjas of Harvard, has done a number of studies in which he found a negative impact from immigration on wages. A 2003 study by Dr. Borjas, for example, estimated that immigration reduced the wages for natives who had not graduated from high school by 7.4 percent.

A 2006 paper by Borjas, Grogger, and Hanson found that immigration significantly reduced both the wages and employment of less-educated, native-born. Furthermore, through this study, the researchers (as scholarly as it gets), using data drawn from the 1960-2000 U.S. Censuses, found a strong correlation between immigration, black wages, black employment rates, and black incarceration rates. As immigrants disproportionately increased the supply of workers in a particular skill group, the wage of black workers in that group fell, their employment rate declined, and their incarceration rate rose. The analysis shows that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.

Immigration and African-American Employment Opportunities: The Response of Wages, Employment, and Incarceration to Labor Supply Shocks

Immigration’s Impact on U.S. Workers
My list of HARMS of immigration (posted a few times in this thread) are talking about harms TO PEOPLE that occur because of immigration (both legal and illegal). I advocate imposing and enforcing restrictions that will RELIEVE the suffering of millions of Americans who are going unemployed because of immigration. Whose wages are being reduced. Whose businesses are losing sales$$. Who are becoming crime victims to immigrants. Who are losing govt services (due to reduced taxes). Whose roads, hospitals, schools, govt offices and recreational facilities are being more and more overcrowded. Whose environment is becoming more spoiled. Who are becoming more prone to foreign introduced diseases. Whose culture is being eroded. And whose scarce resources are being used up at an ever increasing rate.
Read it, watch it.

He said "THEY" and he used "THEY" to mean Mexicans every other time. So..... the English language disagrees with you.
No, it does NOT disagree with me. There is nothing in Trump's words to indicate that he is talking about all the Mexican migrants, (YOU read that into his statement). And, to the contrary, there IS SOMETHING in his words to indicate that he is NOT talking about all the migrants. That was where he said >> "And some, I assume, are good people." , which was actually too generous, because,(for the 10th time now), they are NOT good people. They are LAWBREAKERS, disrespecting our laws, and us.

Nothing other than the fact that when you start writing a sentence or paragraph, you first name the subject, and there after you can use pronouns to refer back to the subject.

The subject is Mexico. The pronouns used are "they" which clearly refers back to "Mexico", or in this case he uses the third person plural "they" meaning "Mexicans" rather than just "Mexico" which would be "it".

So you tell me which word in what Trump said you think "they" refers back to.
Anyone who can read the English language, knows he said MEXICANS.

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Or, taking away pronouns and replacing them with the actual word

"When Mexico sends its people, Mexicans are not sending their best. Mexicans are not sending you. Mexicans are sending you. Mexicans are sending people that have lots of problems, and Mexicans are bringing those problems with us. Mexicans are bringing drugs. Mexicans are bringing crime. Mexicans are rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

That's what he said.
Yes, he said Mexicans. But he didn't say ALL Mexicans. so to anyone who isn't trying to spin his words into something bigoted, because they think that will be a useful tool for them politically, he obviously was talking about those particular Mexicans who ARE rapists, murderers and bringing drugs. Now stop LYING.

No, he didn't say "ALL Mexicans". Nor did he say "some Mexicans" or "Many Mexicans". He said "Mexico" and then referred to Mexico in the third person plural. So "they" would be the people from "Mexico", and people from "Mexico" happen to be what?

What you're trying to do is pretend he didn't say what he said, and that he meant something else. He may well have meant something else. But get this. A politician who can't say what he thinks should not be worshiped. He should be seen for what he is, someone who will open his mouth before thinking and get himself into trouble.

So, what he ACTUALLY SAID was that "Mexicans are rapists", now, this might not be considered to be all, but a generalization at best, but even so, even as a generalization, Mexicans aren't rapists. Some are. Most aren't.

But again, the worrying thing is that mouth on Trump.
Illegal immigration is now especially a major concern as a harm to the American people. Every migrant who crosses the Mexican border without inspection, is a criminal COMMITTING A CRIME.
TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER II > Part VIII > § 1325 - Improper Entry By Alien.

But many also commit other much more serious crimes (like the creep who killed Kate Steinle). These add on to the crime rate (as if we don't have enough crime already)


FNCIC-VOIACM Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial
Everyone learn this >>>>
  • The nation’s leading immigration economist, George Borjas of Harvard, has done a number of studies in which he found a negative impact from immigration on wages. A 2003 study by Dr. Borjas, for example, estimated that immigration reduced the wages for natives who had not graduated from high school by 7.4 percent.

A 2006 paper by Borjas, Grogger, and Hanson found that immigration significantly reduced both the wages and employment of less-educated, native-born. Furthermore, through this study, the researchers (as scholarly as it gets), using data drawn from the 1960-2000 U.S. Censuses, found a strong correlation between immigration, black wages, black employment rates, and black incarceration rates. As immigrants disproportionately increased the supply of workers in a particular skill group, the wage of black workers in that group fell, their employment rate declined, and their incarceration rate rose. The analysis shows that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.

Immigration and African-American Employment Opportunities: The Response of Wages, Employment, and Incarceration to Labor Supply Shocks

Immigration’s Impact on U.S. Workers

Do native people deserve to be paid more for working less hard than other people?

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