Are American Voters Stupid?

Weak minds are so easily brainwashed.

A very simple civics & issues testing requirement would disqualify about 80-90% of the public from voting.
Dems would never win a single election anywhere if we could require some measure of basic knowledge to exercise the right to vote

Their goal is to get more politically ignorant to vote. That's why the left push for more mail-in voting. People that won't take the time to vote are generally not interested in politics. Put a ballot on their kitchen table, sure, they'll vote. It's effortless and the only real work is sealing the envelope and sticking it back in your mailbox.

The politically ignorant will vote Democrat every time. When you have no knowledge of politics, vote Democrat. Democrat sounds like democracy, and democracy is a good thing, right?

Are American Voters Stupid?​

Did you know the Covid vaccine makes you magnetic?

Did you know Bill Gates created Covid so he could put microchips in the vaccine?

Did you know the Jews have a space laser which they use to start wildfires in California?

Did you know that there are schools where kids dress up as kitties and the teachers have placed litter boxes in the classroom for them to use? "I wish I was making this up."

Young Kin. Now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese, doesn’t it?

Did you know Donald Trump won the 2020 election?
No they just like bribes and free shit. 3 out of 4 voters age 18-30 voted for the student loan forgiveness BRIBE. We have sunk to selling our vote to the highest bidder apparently.

And that's exactly what happened this past election: If I vote Democrat, I may get 10K knocked off my college loan. If I vote Republican, I will lose that 10K and have to repay it. What's the choice here?
More MAGA elitism.

"They don't think just like me, so they must be stupid".

That's not it at all. I have two choices to vote on here:

Choice one is more out of control inflation, higher fuel prices, a virtual open border, more fentnyl OD deaths, more violent crime, anti-police, and anti-military.

Second choice is the exact opposite of the first choice.

It has nothing to do with people that think like me, it has to do with pure old fashioned common sense. When we see people vote the exact opposite of common sense, we speak out about it.
Maybe having a poll quiz before allowing people to vote isn't such a bad idea.

---Are American Voters Stupid?---

---Are American Voters Stupid or Just Ill-Informed?---

It has less to do with stupidity than it does ignorance; they are not the same thing.

We are political junkies. We enjoy this kind of stuff. But we are a minority of Americans. For others, politics takes up too much time, too hard to follow, too depressing, way too complicated.

I have 300 channels on my television set plus movies if I care to pay for them. I have a smart phone, three video game systems, a big screen television set. Why would I waste my time on politics? There isn't enough time in the day for all that.

So when people vote, it's now a popularity contest for them. How do they look, how do they dress, what kind of dog did they buy for the White House, what do the headlines say about them? And more recently, what did they Tweet in the past?

Now if only those informed were allowed to vote, it would eliminate everybody outside of those well versed in politics and issues. The Democrat party would be outraged at such a suggestion, but Republicans should sponsor a bill for a voter test just to watch their heads explode. Without the politically ignorant, the Democrats would stand no chance at ever holding leadership again in this country.
Americans voters are not stupid.

Those who know how to steal Elections from American voters, like the Progressive Left does, are smarter than the rest.

As simple as that.
Republicans and Republican candidates need to push early voting just like the Democrats did.
Maybe having a poll quiz before allowing people to vote isn't such a bad idea.

---Are American Voters Stupid?---

---Are American Voters Stupid or Just Ill-Informed?---

Americans voters are not stupid.

Those who know how to steal Elections from American voters, like the Progressive Left does, are smarter than the rest.

As simple as that.
I would replace "are smarter" with more EVIL, but otherwise I agree.
About half of them voted for Obama twice, and then for Biden eight years later. You can't do that and claim to be a brain surgeon.

I am a firm believer that votes were stolen too in those elections.
What do we expect with a bunch of idiots who think there's more than two genders and dont know which bathroom to use?

I don't know. What do you do with people too stupid to understand that "gender" is a social construct having nothing to do with biology, and who think that what bathroom you use is the epitome of social development.

At my house, we only had ONE bathroom so everybody used it. Nobody made a big deal about it. All my life I've seen trannies in the women's washrooms. They don't bother anyone. YOU clowns made a big deal over it.

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