Are American Voters Stupid?

You might think that given most leftists have zero common sense.
Another one who doesn't know my politics. You sheep don't understand that not everyone is like you.

You don't have a stranglehold on The Truth or on morality or on common sense. I don't care what Hannity and Tucker say.

Such egos, you people.
Ok. Help me out. What plans did the Republicans propose that they would put into effect that would stop inflation? I didn’t see one.

What plans did the Republicans campaign on that would end the recession?

You say it’s common sense. What do you call it when someone promises a miracle? Because the Republicans never explained how they would fix it. Never even a hint of these amazing policy ideas they had. Now. I’m sure that for you the promised behind Doctor Smiths miracle elixir were enough. But the rest of us considered it common sense that a Snake Oil Salesman is selling crap.

If you can be half-way honest, ask yourself this question: why are we in the shape we are in today?

And answer is simple, Dementia set off to reverse everything Trump did. What Trump didn't do yet and had plans on doing, Dementia did just the opposite.

For instance, Trump refused to sign a bill that provided additional unemployment benefits for people still out of work because the covid vaccine came out and the economy started ticking up. Dementia came in while labor was needed, and gave unemployed people the additional federal benefits. In other words, when combined with their state unemployment, many were making the same or even more than they did going back to work. So why go back?

When you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't as Rush Limbaugh used to say. The additional unemployment started in March of last year and didn't run out until September. In order to compete with government, industry had to greatly increase their wage offers to attract applicants. Like always, all costs get transferred to us, the consumer. The definition of inflation is paying more for products and services than we did in the past.

This is one example. I could write a page of examples, but you get the drift. So the short answer to your questions is Dementia just needed to leave things alone and continue what Trump was doing or what have done.
Another one who doesn't know my politics. You sheep don't understand that not everyone is like you.

You don't have a stranglehold on The Truth or on morality or on common sense. I don't care what Hannity and Tucker say.

Such egos, you people.
"The Forward party is ill conceived, based on a faulty idea of how to fix America’s descent into political madness, and likely to collapse under the weight of its own contradictions."

Ouch....That's gotta sting.....
Did you know the Covid vaccine makes you magnetic?

Did you know Bill Gates created Covid so he could put microchips in the vaccine?

Did you know the Jews have a space laser which they use to start wildfires in California?

Did you know that there are schools where kids dress up as kitties and the teachers have placed litter boxes in the classroom for them to use? "I wish I was making this up."

Young Kin. Now that’s an interesting take. Sounds Chinese, doesn’t it?

Did you know Donald Trump won the 2020 election?

You're the epitome of a stupid American voter.

A textbook example.

If you send your picture to Wikipedia you can be famous
Another one who doesn't know my politics. You sheep don't understand that not everyone is like you.

You don't have a stranglehold on The Truth or on morality or on common sense. I don't care what Hannity and Tucker say.

Such egos, you people.

Mac I do know your politics. You are a leftist that can't admit to it, and call yourself an Independent or Libertarian. It's just dumb luck that you side with liberals or liberal policy 95% of the time. And you are not alone, there are several members on this service that do the exact same thing.
Mac I do know your politics. You are a leftist that can't admit to it, and call yourself an Independent or Libertarian. It's just dumb luck that you side with liberals or liberal policy 95% of the time. And you are not alone, there are several members on this service that do the exact same thing.
Enlighten me: What is your definition of "leftist"?

Get specific. Then I'll ask for examples of policy.
If you can be half-way honest, ask yourself this question: why are we in the shape we are in today?

And answer is simple, Dementia set off to reverse everything Trump did. What Trump didn't do yet and had plans on doing, Dementia did just the opposite.

For instance, Trump refused to sign a bill that provided additional unemployment benefits for people still out of work because the covid vaccine came out and the economy started ticking up. Dementia came in while labor was needed, and gave unemployed people the additional federal benefits. In other words, when combined with their state unemployment, many were making the same or even more than they did going back to work. So why go back?

When you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't as Rush Limbaugh used to say. The additional unemployment started in March of last year and didn't run out until September. In order to compete with government, industry had to greatly increase their wage offers to attract applicants. Like always, all costs get transferred to us, the consumer. The definition of inflation is paying more for products and services than we did in the past.

This is one example. I could write a page of examples, but you get the drift. So the short answer to your questions is Dementia just needed to leave things alone and continue what Trump was doing or what have done.

So why didn’t Republicans campaign on cutting Unemployment? Instead of vague promises of something happening in the future. Trust us. They could have campaigned on it. But wait. If it ran out in September then whatever they would have done is already done before they even went to the ballot box.

What you are saying in effect is the Republicans wanted to position themselves to let the problems bottom out and then recover naturally and take credit for it.

Now you can thank me for the sun coming up. If you do, I will promise it will rise again tomorrow. If you don’t, the good Lord alone knows what may happen.
Another one who doesn't know my politics. You sheep don't understand that not everyone is like you.

You don't have a stranglehold on The Truth or on morality or on common sense. I don't care what Hannity and Tucker say.

Such egos, you people.
Mac1958 is solidly leftwing on all but a few issues

The border for instance

He will never join or admit to being part of the far leftwing white replacement crowd

And maybe within the little progressive bubble where he lives mac1958 believes that his open border policy is:

1. Not an open border policy

2. Its good for America

3. And not de facto white replacement

But he’s wrong on all counts

The OP posts a question answered with a resounding yes by simply reviewing the OP's posting history.

The irony is fucking hilarious.

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