Are American Voters Stupid?

Maybe having a poll quiz before allowing people to vote isn't such a bad idea.

---Are American Voters Stupid?---

---Are American Voters Stupid or Just Ill-Informed?---

Stupid is making the wrong decision with the information at hand.

Ignorant is not knowing the information.

That the information is there, but a lot of people don't even bother, they prefer the information that sounds the best, than that which is right.

But mostly people just don't know stuff. Ignorance is the new black, or something.
Stupid is making the wrong decision with the information at hand.

Ignorant is not knowing the information.

That the information is there, but a lot of people don't even bother, they prefer the information that sounds the best, than that which is right.

But mostly people just don't know stuff. Ignorance is the new black, or something.
wow. You actually spoke some truth there for a second. Except for the racist slur, which we Yankees reject.
It has less to do with stupidity than it does ignorance; they are not the same thing.

We are political junkies. We enjoy this kind of stuff. But we are a minority of Americans. For others, politics takes up too much time, too hard to follow, too depressing, way too complicated.

I have 300 channels on my television set plus movies if I care to pay for them. I have a smart phone, three video game systems, a big screen television set. Why would I waste my time on politics? There isn't enough time in the day for all that.

So when people vote, it's now a popularity contest for them. How do they look, how do they dress, what kind of dog did they buy for the White House, what do the headlines say about them? And more recently, what did they Tweet in the past?

Now if only those informed were allowed to vote, it would eliminate everybody outside of those well versed in politics and issues. The Democrat party would be outraged at such a suggestion, but Republicans should sponsor a bill for a voter test just to watch their heads explode. Without the politically ignorant, the Democrats would stand no chance at ever holding leadership again in this country.
And...that's why they created the bulk-mailed ballot system: even those who don't know anything about current events can cast their ballots based on the latest "news" media broadcast and tweets.

Great work on all your posts here, Ray. I wasn't sure about you at first, but it seems you speak the truth.
And...that's why they created the bulk-mailed ballot system: even those who don't know anything about current events can cast their ballots based on the latest "news" media broadcast and tweets.

Great work on all your posts here, Ray. I wasn't sure about you at first, but it seems you speak the truth.

No offense, nobody is sure about me at first. :auiqs.jpg:

I call these people headline voters. They don't have time to read the story so they just read the headlines which as we both know, are often deceptive.
I don't know. What do you do with people too stupid to understand that "gender" is a social construct having nothing to do with biology, and who think that what bathroom you use is the epitome of social development.

At my house, we only had ONE bathroom so everybody used it. Nobody made a big deal about it. All my life I've seen trannies in the women's washrooms. They don't bother anyone. YOU clowns made a big deal over it.

You had one bathroom but it wasn't open to the public. Big difference unless you actually believe that's what our gripe about bathrooms are.
I don't know. What do you do with people too stupid to understand that "gender" is a social construct having nothing to do with biology, and who think that what bathroom you use is the epitome of social development.

At my house, we only had ONE bathroom so everybody used it. Nobody made a big deal about it. All my life I've seen trannies in the women's washrooms. They don't bother anyone. YOU clowns made a big deal over it.

Go fuck yourself...
I mean literally go fuck yourself since you seem to think it's possible.
Sometimes they are, but then they self-correct, like they've been doing the last 2 elections.
That's not it at all. I have two choices to vote on here:

Choice one is more out of control inflation, higher fuel prices, a virtual open border, more fentnyl OD deaths, more violent crime, anti-police, and anti-military.

Second choice is the exact opposite of the first choice.

It has nothing to do with people that think like me, it has to do with pure old fashioned common sense. When we see people vote the exact opposite of common sense, we speak out about it.

Ok. Help me out. What plans did the Republicans propose that they would put into effect that would stop inflation? I didn’t see one.

What plans did the Republicans campaign on that would end the recession?

You say it’s common sense. What do you call it when someone promises a miracle? Because the Republicans never explained how they would fix it. Never even a hint of these amazing policy ideas they had. Now. I’m sure that for you the promised behind Doctor Smiths miracle elixir were enough. But the rest of us considered it common sense that a Snake Oil Salesman is selling crap.
Glad you're enjoying it because the meltdown of the country is what will follow.

Those who voted for $6 gas will be paying the same as we who didn't.

My mom used to call that "cutting off your nose to spite your face" and I think of her wisdom every time I see one of the vermin driving around in their ratty-ass cars, having paid more for their gas than I did for mine -- it's generally about fifteen or twenty cents more in the city than it is out in the sticks where I live.

Those of us who didn't vote for $6 gas are the ones who have life skills and will survive when the cities are in flames and the leftist vermin are eating one another.

It'll be fun to watch. They are the ones who voted for tent cities and defecating in the streets and being unable to shop and work in the urban cores. I will relish the stories on the news of an idiot in the street being knocked out by a sucker punch from a cowardly thug.

So bring it on, vermin!
They may not be "stupid", but they certainly are intellectually lazy.
American voters re-elected Obama, that's all that's necessary to prove how stupid they are. Add in Biden, and idiots voting for more inflation, higher gas prices, and other lunacy and one might well believe this country is doomed if the madness doesn't end soon.
When he was sworn in, I commented on how I could not believe idiots voted in a man named Hussein as president. So yeah, stupid.
Republican leadership in the House and Senate and Trump need to be tarred and feathered and run out of town.

They KNOW democrats cheat and cheat blatantly and in the tens of millions column, yet they allow it

If you want to save the Republic, replace Republican leadership with people who will secure the elections- oh, and declare the WEF a terrorist organization

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