Are any here against contraception? If so, why?

Yea, well, just cause you see a couple of morons post please don't ascribe your take to us Fathers.

Good lord, another moronic attempt (because that is the only thing you lot have) to try and claim someone supports infanticide when Northam is specifically addressing the tragedy of babies born with fatal birth defects.

Good for you, you found a couple of azzholes. By far most women like men, most men like women. Most of us get together and we make babies. Day in and day out. We love it, we love our children, together we raise them, Dad brings a thing, Mom brings a thing, it's different, yes I can Splain it. I don't doubt two(2) Dads or two(2) Moms don't love baby. There is no way when baby sits between Mom and Dad that Mom and Dad made don't have a thing going on that no one else has. Sumpin to do with loins.

Parents, same sex or different should love their children….don’t think that is in dispute.

That's just stupid. Takes two(2) to Tango. Here's a question I ask a lot at this moment, Coyote. Do you have children? More questions. How much boss are you? Now that we've met, how do?

Yup. It takes two. But the promiscuity is all put on the woman.

How much of a boss am I? Depends who you ask I guess…

Say it! For sure the far right Christian zealots damn sure desire that Mother government impose their take. Same as the far left does. You would be the far left.

What makes me “far” left?

When the state is again you you hate it. When the state is with you, like the Disinformation Governance Board you are all for it.

Choose one and stand to.

Depends on the issues involved, like anyone, but I don’t regard the “state” as the “enemy” as much as an expression of the peoples will when a democratic system is working properly.
You are who now? Coyote? Your site can go fu(k yourself. Your mods are hither and yon. If you are admin you either foster this or it's gone astray. We all know the deal. Why is my "... and the horse you rode in on." in the General Discussion sub-forum shut down? Seems to me I should be told why this is. Or is this site afeared of transparency?

Huh? I guess you can pm a mod and find out.
Your turn.

Do you want butter or jam with it?
Really? About 13% of Americans favor abortion right up to the moment they are born naturally and some even support letting a full term baby die after it is born for lack of care.

First, can the Northam quote, that has been debunked. That is talking specifically about babies born with fatal birth defects, a tragedy for the parents. This should not be a political football. Wanna discuss the ethics of it? First, try being honest instead of political.

The article you posted is a good poll and a good article, because unlike others, which ask questions broadly in terms of do you support abortion in x trimester and don’t list reasons. Yes…that 20% that would support an elective abortion in the third trimester is dismaying and I don’t agree with it. But did you notice the other disturbing statistic? 25% would NOT support a third trimester abortion if the woman’s life was endanger.

Realistically, I suspect few if any late trimester elective abortions occur, they would be at that point a birth and federal law has long required physicians to provide life saving support for the baby. I really don’t know the facts or numbers in this regard and most states strictly regulate third trimester abortions.
This SCOTUS leak reveals that Federal Government has no right to supercede the rights of States. Roe denied States rights in favor of central Government control of womens's bodies.
The overturning of Roe sends abortion back to the states, that's the opposite of centralized control. That's where it always should have remained.

They are merely correcting a wrong that has stood for almost 50 years.

The pro abortion crowd has lost their collective minds and are proving conclusively that in spite of all their cries of "Democracy", they actually fear Democracy.
Sure i would there was a Catholic school just a few blocks from my high school
There was a Medical Clinic right across the street from my house growing up, that doesn't make me an MD.

There was a Catholic Church 20 miles away and I dated several of the girls though. Very fine young ladies and they certainly weren't putting out.
So you believe all that Darwin crap.

I'm confused.... Why did you bring up Darwin? I said "We ARE animals".

Do you know what the word "animal" means?

"any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (such as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (such as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation"

You might not meet this classification, but I do.
The overturning of Roe sends abortion back to the states, that's the opposite of centralized control. That's where it always should have remained.

They are merely correcting a wrong that has stood for almost 50 years.

The pro abortion crowd has lost their collective minds and are proving conclusively that in spite of all their cries of "Democracy", they actually fear Democracy.
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him. Let Him Mumble in His Bubble.

We are so misled by media that no one realizes that Congress can't mandate national abortion rights. That is the whole point of overturning Roe v. Wade; the Supreme Court will rule that the legality of abortion is under state jurisdiction, not federal. It is typical of the stupidity we are told to believe in that none of these opinionaters bring up this obvious point.

The only power I would grant to the Supreme Court is determining jurisdiction. That is all we need it for; its own self-declared right to interpret the Constitution must be nullified.
I'm confused.... Why did you bring up Darwin? I said "We ARE animals".

Do you know what the word "animal" means?

"any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (such as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (such as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation"

You might not meet this classification, but I do.
Your Flower Children

Man is no more of an animal than an animal is a plant.
I am in favor of everyone here using contraceptives. Based on everything I've read over the years, none of you should reproduce.

Too late! I have 4 people with half my genetics and all the fun of being raised by me. And another one that has none of my genes, but was raised by me for 14 years.
Your Flower Children

Man is no more of an animal than an animal is a plant.

What? Humans are ANIMALS. "Animal" is a classification, and humans fit perfectly into that classification.

This is basic science. If you don't know this, then what's the point in talking to you? You're literally just going to make shit up all the time to fit your warped view of things.
What? Humans are ANIMALS. "Animal" is a classification, and humans fit perfectly into that classification.

This is basic science. If you don't know this, then what's the point in talking to you? You're literally just going to make shit up all the time to fit your warped view of things.

Humans are animals. That is a simple fact.
What? Humans are ANIMALS. "Animal" is a classification, and humans fit perfectly into that classification.

This is basic science. If you don't know this, then what's the point in talking to you?
Motto of Postmodern Science: IF IT'S WEIRD, IT'S WISE

Today's scientists are bitter and vindictive nerd misfits who want to pigeonhole real people into some impersonal biological category. The phrase that most offends them in the Bible Is Genesis 1:27, "God created man in His own image."

These sterile humanoid geeks also resent the passage about Man having absolute authority over nature and its animals, to do with them as we please. Instead, in a view that shows how frightened they are of the real world and real people, they escape to a comforting fantasy of man being the lowest and most evil animal—an enemy of Nature, which they deify.
Motto of Postmodern Science: IF IT'S WEIRD, IT'S WISE

Today's scientists are bitter and vindictive nerd misfits who want to pigeonhole real people into some impersonal biological category. The phrase that most offends them in the Bible Is Genesis 1:27, "God created man in His own image."

These sterile humanoid geeks also resent the passage about Man having absolute authority over nature and its animals, to do with them as we please. Instead, in a view that shows how frightened they are of the real world and real people, they escape to a comforting fantasy of man being the lowest and most evil animal—an enemy of Nature, which they deify.

"Animal" is a CLASSIFICATION. Do you understand what this is?

No! I don't understand why you're here? You're not interested in talking with people who think different things to you. Go find some kookie religious site somewhere where everyone agrees with you. You might be happier.

Motto of Postmodern Science: IF IT'S WEIRD, IT'S WISE

Today's scientists are bitter and vindictive nerd misfits who want to pigeonhole real people into some impersonal biological category. The phrase that most offends them in the Bible Is Genesis 1:27, "God created man in His own image."

These sterile humanoid geeks also resent the passage about Man having absolute authority over nature and its animals, to do with them as we please. Instead, in a view that shows how frightened they are of the real world and real people, they escape to a comforting fantasy of man being the lowest and most evil animal—an enemy of Nature, which they deify.

And the scientific nomenclature and categorization of the various flora and fauna does nothing to contradict what the Bible says. The methods of getting, perhaps, but not the classifications.

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