Are any here against contraception? If so, why?

I see we have another liberal without morals who has to have sex.


Sex... right... sex, dogs do it, flowers do it, I mean EVERY ANIMAL DOES IT.

It was designed so we could REPRODUCE. You don't get those fetuses you want to protect without FUCKING.

Jeez. It's NATURAL.

When you come across gay people and you said "that isn't natural", then you attack natural things, it's like.... consistency anyone?
In some ways, yes. I think we should be able to control our desire to have sex, to a point. Which is why I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that masturbation is harmful.
I've never seen a dog put a paw on his dick and masturbate. If they don't need to masturbate then neither do we.
Lol, move to Iran and you can have that. Meanwhile duck your values. You follow them. Leave us the he'll out of it.
So we should sit back and let your side impose your own "values" on the rest of us?

That isn't how it works in our republic.
No one is for killing full term babies, do you have to lie?

Ultimately that is what it comes down to. Men have always enjoyed sex for fun, while women are expected to be modest, chaste and respectable. Those cultural undercurrents run deep and are reflected in comments I see routinely here:

Yea, well, just cause you see a couple of morons post please don't ascribe your take to us Fathers.

”don’t spread your legs”
”hold an aspirin between your knees” (in lieu of birth control)
whore, slut…

Good for you, you found a couple of azzholes. By far most women like men, most men like women. Most of us get together and we make babies. Day in and day out. We love it, we love our children, together we raise them, Dad brings a thing, Mom brings a thing, it's different, yes I can Splain it. I don't doubt two(2) Dads or two(2) Moms don't love baby. There is no way when baby sits between Mom and Dad that Mom and Dad made don't have a thing going on that no one else has. Sumpin to do with loins.

Instead of “keep your trousers zipped”. It is abstinance only for women.

That's just stupid. Takes two(2) to Tango. Here's a question I ask a lot at this moment, Coyote. Do you have children? More questions. How much boss are you? Now that we've met, how do?

The most effective birth control measures like the pill and it’s variants or IUD’s will be targeted by some Republican legislatures because it can prevent implantation in the uterus and, though not openly said as much, encourages “promiscuity” in women.

Say it! For sure the far right Christian zealots damn sure desire that Mother government impose their take. Same as the far left does. You would be the far left.

Women are deemed incapable of making their own decisions about their bodies, the state must make it for them.

When the state is again you you hate it. When the state is with you, like the Disinformation Governance Board you are all for it.

Choose one and stand to.


You are who now? Coyote? Your site can go fu(k yourself. Your mods are hither and yon. If you are admin you either foster this or it's gone astray. We all know the deal. Why is my "... and the horse you rode in on." in the General Discussion sub-forum shut down? Seems to me I should be told why this is. Or is this site afeared of transparency?

Your turn.
Contraception is a God-send for prostitutes. They can sell their bodies to men for $$$$ without worry of conception or aborting an inconvenient fetus. If your girl friend is using contraceptives, chances are this ain't her first rodeo.....Just sayin.'
No one is for killing full term babies, do you have to lie?
Really? About 13% of Americans favor abortion right up to the moment they are born naturally and some even support letting a full term baby die after it is born for lack of care.

Why is the subject of contraception on the political forum? Because of Roe v Wade. What is Roe v Wade about? Among other things it's about the murder of full term babies and a grotesque way that nobody on the left wants to talk about.
It may take a year or so to hash out but common sense will rule in the end and abortion will remain legal in the US within limits which is what 90% of Americans favor.

The argument is over exactly where those limits should be.


I hope in the end that in most states abortion on demand is eliminated and it remains legal to save the live of the mother and in cases of rape or incest.

The baby is not responsible for the conditions under which it was created but if the woman's right to consent is taken from her or she's too young to consent I can't judge her harshly for choosing an abortion.

My hope would be that they will be convinced however that the only possible positive outcome from a rape is the birth of a live, healthy baby that if she can't or won't raise in a loving home can be adopted by a loving couple to raise.
It may take a year or so to hash out but common sense will rule in the end and abortion will remain legal in the US within limits which is what 90% of Americans favor.

The argument is over exactly where those limits should be.

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I hope in the end that in most states abortion on demand is eliminated and it remains legal to save the live of the mother and in cases of rape or incest.

The baby is not responsible for the conditions under which it was created but if the woman's right to consent is taken from her or she's too young to consent I can't judge her harshly for choosing an abortion.

My hope would be that they will be convinced however that the only possible positive outcome from a rape is the birth of a live, healthy baby that if she can't or won't raise in a loving home can be adopted by a loving couple to raise.
This SCOTUS leak reveals that Federal Government has no right to supercede the rights of States. Roe denied States rights in favor of central Government control of womens's bodies.
Contraception is a God-send for prostitutes. They can sell their bodies to men for $$$$ without worry of conception or aborting an inconvenient fetus. If your girl friend is using contraceptives, chances are this ain't her first rodeo.....Just sayin.'

You've never been laid.
So we should sit back and let your side impose your own "values" on the rest of us?

That isn't how it works in our republic.
Lol, no oneia impos
So we should sit back and let your side impose your own "values" on the rest of us?

That isn't how it works in our republic.
Lol you or he or what ever the that idiot is that I replied to are the ones subjecting their morals by wanting the codify them. Dumb duck. Ya don't like it here move to Iran where they have sharia law. You are free to follow your morals. Leave the rest of us out of it.

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