Are any here against contraception? If so, why?

Yes, it matters a lot whether they are married or not. A 16-y/o getting married at least shows some level of maturity. 99.9% of 16 year olds having sex are not married. They are being damaged. It's sexual assault against a child.
Oh lard, how can a sixteen year old be mature if you still consider the person a child?

You said they were a child and I pointed out consent age in some states and the fact a sixteen year old can marry, so make up your mind please!
Oh lard, how can a sixteen year old be mature if you still consider the person a child?

You said they were a child and I pointed out consent age in some states and the fact a sixteen year old can marry, so make up your mind please!
I did. Some, very few 16 y/olds are mature enough for sex. They demonstrate that by getting married. The huge majority of that age are not mature enough for marriage and have no business having sex.
I did. Some, very few 16 y/olds are mature enough for sex. They demonstrate that by getting married. The huge majority of that age are not mature enough for marriage and have no business having sex.
Either all are children or none are.

As long as they can get married then they should have access to birth control, and my opinion will not change and yes I know girls can get married much younger…
Why is contraception a political issue? If you are against stabbing a full term baby in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out until it looks like a cabbage patch doll, the left seems to expand the concept to be against contraception. It beats talking about the carnage anyway.
Because their desire is to stoke as much fear as possible to keep their people in a panic.
Either all are children or none are.

As long as they can get married then they should have access to birth control, and my opinion will not change and yes I know girls can get married much younger…
Let me ask you this. If you had a 16 y/o daughter who came home from school with condoms in her backpack, would you not be horrified?
Let me ask you this. If you had a 16 y/o daughter who came home from school with condoms in her backpack, would you not be horrified?
Horrified no, disappointed yes and we'd have a long father/daughter talk.

I may not be a teenage boy anymore but I remember what it is like to be one and all your/my daughter is going to get out of such a relationship is a broken heart and possibly a baby she never intended to have that can absolutely have a very limiting effect on her options going forward not to mention the effect on her mental health.
Let me ask you this. If you had a 16 y/o daughter who came home from school with condoms in her backpack, would you not be horrified?
No, and I am being truthful.

Truthfully I would tell her mother to get her the pill, have the sex talk ( because let face it men are not prepared for that with their daughter ) and then tell her if you get pregnant just know my foot and her ass will meet unless she was raped and then I will be in prison for killing the bastard that raped her but not until I see all the evidence…

Why am I like this?

That is how my Aunt raised me…
No, and I am being truthful.

Truthfully I would tell her mother to get her the pill, have the sex talk ( because let face it men are prepared for that with their daughter ) and then tell her if you get pregnant just know my foot and her ass will meet unless she was raped and then I will be in prison for killing the bastard that raped her but not until I see all the evidence…

Why am I like this?

That is how my Aunt raised me…
I think you'd be doing your daughter a great disservice if you did anything to encourage her to have illicit sex, such as getting her contraception. I don't know how any parent can do lasting harm a child in that manner.
I think you'd be doing your daughter a great disservice if you did anything to encourage her to have illicit sex, which was getting her contraception would be.
That is your opinion but you are not her parent, so you have no say.

Sixteen year old girls have sex, so make sure they know what will happen and brace for the hell that might come…
That is your opinion but you are not her parent, so you have no say.

Sixteen year old girls have sex, so make sure they know what will happen and brace for the hell that might come…
Resigning oneself to saying your daughter will inevitably have illicit sex is irresponsible and an abdication of parenting. Plenty of girls in Christian families do NOT have sex before marriage, let alone that young.
You didn't say anything about marriage for these 16 year olds you think should get contraception on demand.

Those 16 year old girls may be children to you. But biologically they are women. They are capable of getting pregnant. They lack the maturity to be a parent, but their hormones are screaming at them to breed.
Let me ask you this. If you had a 16 y/o daughter who came home from school with condoms in her backpack, would you not be horrified?

I would sit her down and talk to her about the ramifications of having sex. I would make sure she knew that I did not want her having sex.

But I would let her keep the condoms. I'd rather she not have sex. I would forbid it. But if she were to disobey me, I want her to make sure she doesn't screw up her life and/or catch something that could kill her. Mistakes do not have to be fatal.

As a matter of fact, my 3 older kids had access to condoms when they were in their early teens. I told them I did not want them having sex and was not encouraging them to do so. But if they were going against my wishes to at least make sure they didn't die from it or ruin their lives.
I think you'd be doing your daughter a great disservice if you did anything to encourage her to have illicit sex, such as getting her contraception. I don't know how any parent can do lasting harm a child in that manner.

You can make it clear that you do not approve of her having sex, and certainly are not encouraging her to have sex. But if she decides to go against your wishes, she can at least survive and not mess up her future.

I told my sons the exact same thing.
Resigning oneself to saying your daughter will inevitably have illicit sex is irresponsible and an abdication of parenting. Plenty of girls in Christian families do NOT have sex before marriage, let alone that young.

And plenty of girls in Christian families have sex before marriage and at young ages.
I would sit her down and talk to her about the ramifications of having sex. I would make sure she knew that I did not want her having sex.

But I would let her keep the condoms. I'd rather she not have sex. I would forbid it. But if she were to disobey me, I want her to make sure she doesn't screw up her life and/or catch something that could kill her. Mistakes do not have to be fatal.

As a matter of fact, my 3 older kids had access to condoms when they were in their early teens. I told them I did not want them having sex and was not encouraging them to do so. But if they were going against my wishes to at least make sure they didn't die from it or ruin their lives.
That's as silly as saying "I forbid you to drive the car, but if you do, here are the keys, and here is some gas money".

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