Are any here against contraception? If so, why?

Men can't get pregnant yet you want them to deal with birth control?

Men are the source of the pregnancies. Yes, it takes two to tango. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, the sex was initiated by the man. The man spent a lot of time, money and energy trying to get her in bed.
That's as silly as saying "I forbid you to drive, but if you do, here are the keys, and here is some gas money".

No, it is not even close to that.

It is more like saying "I forbid you to drive. But if you do, always wear your seatbelt".

As I said, my 3 older kids had access to condoms from their early teens. And they got the lecture explaining why. The condoms were in a fishbowl in a kitchen cupboard. And they knew I did not know how many condoms were in the fishbowl. Only 1 of the 3 had sex before they were 20, and he made sure he had condoms. The other two waited until they were in college.
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I think you'd be doing your daughter a great disservice if you did anything to encourage her to have illicit sex, such as getting her contraception. I don't know how any parent can do lasting harm a child in that manner.
Teenage girls intent on having sex are going to have it whether they have contraception provided or not.

As a rule it's girls lacking a father in the home or with an abusive father that are most prone to be promiscuous so the best prevention is a stable, loving, steady two parent family where girls feel loved and aren't afraid to talk to their parents about anything.
There are several posters on this board that think contraception should be banned along with abortion.

I'd love to see their arguments in this thread.

Anyone seen Mashmont?
Hopefully, he is out get a religion transplant.


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Me. I am against it. Artificial birth control removes the sharing and procreative aspects of sex. It turns sex into a purely mechanical act. It also causes women to be uncommitted to, therefore objectified. The notion of the government passing condoms out in middle and high schools is horrifying. It's government encouraging uncommitted sex by minors. Banning artificial birth control is one of the wisest policies of the Catholic Church. The rhythm method is like fasting. Ten days of abstention whets the fires of passion even more. And you're a better person for it. My wife and I have been married 34 years and have never used artificial contraception. Ever.
How is your wife and your 26 kids?
No, it is not even close to that.

It is more like saying "I forbid you to drive. But if you do, always wear your seatbelt".

As I said, my 3 older kids had access to condoms from their early teens. And they got the lecture explaining why. They were in a fishbowl in a kitchen cupboard. And they knew I did not know how many condoms were in the fishbowl. Only one of the 3 had sex before they were 20, and he made sure he had condoms. The other two waited until they were in college.
You kept your kids in a fishbowl? :abgg2q.jpg:
No, it is not even close to that.

It is more like saying "I forbid you to drive. But if you do, always wear your seatbelt".

As I said, my 3 older kids had access to condoms from their early teens. And they got the lecture explaining why. The condoms were in a fishbowl in a kitchen cupboard. And they knew I did not know how many condoms were in the fishbowl. Only 1 of the 3 had sex before they were 20, and he made sure he had condoms. The other two waited until they were in college.
Condoms in their early teens? That's highly irresponsible and immoral if you ask me.
Me. I am against it. Artificial birth control removes the sharing and procreative aspects of sex. It turns sex into a purely mechanical act. It also causes women to be uncommitted to, therefore objectified. The notion of the government passing condoms out in middle and high schools is horrifying. It's government encouraging uncommitted sex by minors. Banning artificial birth control is one of the wisest policies of the Catholic Church. The rhythm method is like fasting. Ten days of abstention whets the fires of passion even more. And you're a better person for it. My wife and I have been married 34 years and have never used artificial contraception. Ever.

Just remember, the rhythm method has one of the highest failure records of any birth control.
Condoms in their early teens? That's highly irresponsible and immoral if you ask me.

Why not answer my question?

I think it was VERY responsible. I made sure my children knew what was right and what was wrong. I also made sure they didn't die or screw up their life over a simple mistake.
Just remember, the rhythm method has one of the highest failure records of any birth control.
I hear that, but it's 100% effective if you do it right. It was for my wife and me. The people it fails for don't do it right. Kind of like those who say abstinence fails.
I hear that, but it's 100% effective if you do it right. It was for my wife and me. The people it fails for don't do it right. Kind of like those who say abstinence fails.

No one says abstinence fails. They abstinence only sex ed fails.

No, I don't believe it is 100% effective. A woman's body is not a clock. The days she is ovulating will vary slightly, just like her period.
Why not answer my question?

I think it was VERY responsible. I made sure my children knew what was right and what was wrong. I also made sure they didn't die or screw up their life over a simple mistake.
Giving young teens condoms is beyond outrageous. It's a tacit blessing for illicit sex. Highly damaging. Condoms in themselves are immoral. Even for married people, much less unmarried young teens.
Me. I am against it. Artificial birth control removes the sharing and procreative aspects of sex. It turns sex into a purely mechanical act. It also causes women to be uncommitted to, therefore objectified. The notion of the government passing condoms out in middle and high schools is horrifying. It's government encouraging uncommitted sex by minors. Banning artificial birth control is one of the wisest policies of the Catholic Church. The rhythm method is like fasting. Ten days of abstention whets the fires of passion even more. And you're a better person for it. My wife and I have been married 34 years and have never used artificial contraception. Ever.

You are against it because your Church is against it the bible doesn't specifically oppose it.

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