Are any here against contraception? If so, why?

Ergo a ten-day window is used.

So 10 out of 28 days? That would work for me now. But certainly not when I was young and a newlywed.

But if it works for you, go for it. But it is one of the reasons, in addition to being unconstitutional, that I would refuse to be ruled by the Xtian laws you proposed.
Like all Catholic teaching, the rule against masturbation makes perfect sense, but it is subtler than most. The damage from violating it is subtle, but sure. It turns one inward, makes one lazy and selfish, takes away one's drive to please a woman, damaging a relationship if there is one, or preventing one if there isn't.

I found it made me relaxed and happy. It also helped a great deal when my libido was higher than my wife's. It is a good way to help refrain from extra-marital affairs.
Jesus supports the teachings of His church through the Magisterium.

This is called a cop out because you already admitted you have no support from the bible and also that the bible is the sole source of support for the Christian.

2 Timothy 3:16-17​

New International Version​

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


Hebrews 1:1-2 NIV

God’s Final Word: His Son​

"1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe."

Catholic Church doesn't derive any authority from the bible at all it was supposed to be a meeting place and nothing more but grew into something Jesus never supports in the NT.

The "body of Christ" are made up of followers not buildings.

I used to be a Deacon over 30 years ago.
No, there was no implied permission. My kids knew this and have said so.
Then WHY have condoms available, if they "knew"? You must not have thought they really believed you were serious. I wouldn't have.

Having a fishbowl full of condoms is kind of like telling your kids, you will NOT do drugs, but then having a bong on the kitchen table to remind them of it every single day. It's absolutely absurd.

Going against God's teaching is poor judgment. Every single leftwinger or atheist I have ever known had poor judgment. It just permeated everything they did.
Hmm. I don't think so. I posted the video where he said it. He said that after a baby is delivered, care can be withheld with the intent to kill it. That's what I heard him say.

And he is a pediatrician, so I think he knows exactly what he was talking about when he carefully described what actually happens, based on his own experience.

Please debunk it for me. I must have missed that, as I focused on his own words and not some political opinion piece.


You posted a portion of a video that leaves out key context, which is the topic, abortions done when the fetus has severe birth defects incompatible with life.

Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated.
How is it gaslighting when that is a legitimate Conservative position....
They have long been against contraception for that very reason....

However, its always more convenient to take issue with my mocking Conservatives than to admit that what I am mocking them for is actually true.....

"Conservatives argued that the Pill was, in fact, responsible for the sexual revolution. The Pill allowed women to separate sex from procreation, was what conservatives feared most."

That is just a straight up lie, and if you really believe that you're an idiot. :cuckoo:
Responsibility, unfortunately, is a foreign concept to our peers in the electorate who have only ever been encouraged to adopt an entitlement mentality.

It's a completely foreign concept. It is a predictable outcome, however, given the gradual erosion of virtue in an increasingly secular progressive society.

This gradual erosion of virtue is without a doubt the biggest threat to Individual liberty in our Republic today.

Absolutely, well said. And I'd go a step further and say that the erosion you speak of is being done intentionally and with malice. They've been at it for 60 years.
I do not oppose Birth Control and believe it should be free and given to anyone who wants it as long as they are sixteen and older.

Under sixteen should have a parent consent.
Learn to pay for your own shit.

I don't oppose contraception. I oppose ME having to pay for YOUR contraception.
Learn to pay for your own shit.

I don't oppose contraception. I oppose ME having to pay for YOUR contraception.
You have never paid for anything of mine and with the name Bruce how many females do you know by that name?

So learn the fact I buy my own condoms and never asked you to pay for anything of mine but I believe if you want to keep unwanted children down and do away with abortion then yeah I will spend to help a female out so she can have the protection…
Waiting until one is in their mid 30s to get married is a good idea. More mature, financially independent, know what one wants. Marriage at a young age is difficult at best. The average marrying age is increasing so that is a positive trend.
You have never paid for anything of mine and with the name Bruce how many females do you know by that name?

So learn the fact I buy my own condoms and never asked you to pay for anything of mine but I believe if you want to keep unwanted children down and do away with abortion then yeah I will spend to help a female out so she can have the protection…
YOUR was a general point, meaning I oppose TAXPAYERS paying for contraception.
I found it made me relaxed and happy. It also helped a great deal when my libido was higher than my wife's. It is a good way to help refrain from extra-marital affairs.
It's fools' gold. It makes one lazy. It makes you not try hard to please her. It turns what is supposed to be a sharing act into a selfish act. It's a contributor to divorce.
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Waiting until one is in their mid 30s to get married is a good idea. More mature, financially independent, know what one wants. Marriage at a young age is difficult at best. The average marrying age is increasing so that is a positive trend.
Marrying at an older age because people cohabit when they are younger is not a positive trend. I say people marry older because they are not grown-up enough. They remain irresponsible children longer. I admire people like the Duggars who were raised with responsibility, who did everything right by abstaining from sex, then married young. They were mature and ready for it. They're moving right ahead with life, not wasting an ounce of it.
Resigning oneself to saying your daughter will inevitably have illicit sex is irresponsible and an abdication of parenting. Plenty of girls in Christian families do NOT have sex before marriage, let alone that young.
And sadly they are sheltered from learning the nature of men, and are incoraged to marrige early to avoid pre marrige sex. Or marry a man who wears the label of a good christ follower, and end up poor wih 4 to 6 or more childern.

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