Are any here against contraception? If so, why?

If a man is refusing to have sex with his wife in favor of masturbation, then maybe what you said is true.

Otherwise, it is absolutely false. And I think you would be surprised how many women enjoy porn too. Helps them take care of what their straight-laced catholic husbands couldn't do.
As I said. I made neither the rules nor the consequences. Arguing against them is as feckless as complaining about gravity.
As I said. I made neither the rules nor the consequences. Arguing against them is as feckless as complaining about gravity.

Hardly. I cannot defy gravity. I can masturbate. I also know from personal experience that your claims about the effects of it are complete bullshit.
Of course not. Just like you think it doesn't harm relationships.

Well, if your spouse complains you want sex too much. Or if your spouse wants a divorce but still wants sex from you. I think it is pretty much a given.

No, my marriage had other issues that I will not discuss here.
Well, if your spouse complains you want sex too much. Or if your spouse wants a divorce but still wants sex from you. I think it is pretty much a given.

No, my marriage had other issues that I will not discuss here.
Disobeying God's laws often has subtle undetected other consequences that cause the whole thing to come tumbling down. People are blind to it.
Disobeying God's laws often has subtle undetected other consequences that cause the whole thing to come tumbling down.

Once again, it had no bearing on the relationship.

Or will this be like my putting condoms in the fishbowl. I said there was no permission to have sex. My kids told me they knew there was no permission to have sex. But you insisted there was permission to have sex?

Or will it be like you insisting I never served in the military?

You have a habit of insisting you are right on topics you know nothing about.
Once again, it had no bearing on the relationship.

Or will this be like my putting condoms in the fishbowl. I said there was no permission to have sex. My kids told me they knew there was no permission to have sex. But you insisted there was permission to have sex?
This fishbowl example is the best example of poor judgment and no clue about what really went on. This is why it's just smart to follow the rules of God. Then you don't have to worry about consequences you haven't thought of that are far worse than you thought possible by something seemingly so innocuous to you.

"Dang. Whoda thought we'd have an AIDS epidemic and millions would die from guys just having a little fun in the bedroom?"
This fishbowl example is the best example that you have poor judgment and no clue about what really went on. Thanks for bringing it up. This is why it's just smart to follow the rules of God. Then you don't have to worry about consequences you haven't thought of.

Really? Because it worked out fine. My kids knew they did not have permission, but that I was protecting them regardless of whether they obeyed me or not.

I used excellent judgement on that. My kids (now in their 30s) and a few of their friends who knew about it agreed. I raised them right, and then trusted their judgement and their willingness to follow my instructions.
Really? Because it worked out fine. My kids knew they did not have permission, but that I was protecting them regardless of whether they obeyed me or not.

I used excellent judgement on that. My kids (now in their 30s) and a few of their friends who knew about it agreed. I raised them right, and then trusted their judgement and their willingness to follow my instructions.
A big D in there? Something went profoundly wrong.
And can I help you out on something else? The current thing will go bad unless you fix it.
In the entire world

Lesh, I don't know if you have been following all this. Mashmont claims he has used the rhythm method of birth control for 40+ years. He says it is safe 10 days out of the months. So when he was a young newlywed he only had sex 10 days out of 28. But he never masturbated. ;)
Lesh, I don't know if you have been following all this. Mashmont claims he has used the rhythm method of birth control for 40+ years. He says it is safe 10 days out of the months. So when he was a young newlywed he only had sex 10 days out of 28. But he never masturbated. ;)
Not 40 years. Only been married 34. And ten days is nothing after many years before marriage. You can train yourself. It's tough, but well worth it.

Yes, I divorced their mother.

Which has no bearing on what we were discussing. If anything, children of divorce tend to be more likely to have sex and get pregnant. Mine did not.

So on the topic we were discussing what I said stands.

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