Are any here against contraception? If so, why?

And sadly they are sheltered from learning the nature of men, and are incoraged to marrige early to avoid pre marrige sex. Or marry a man who wears the label of a good christ follower, and end up poor wih 4 to 6 or more childern.
Good Christ following men take responsibility for their families. We had five kids. I took care of them.
Then WHY have condoms available, if they "knew"? You must not have thought they really believed you were serious. I wouldn't have.

Having a fishbowl full of condoms is kind of like telling your kids, you will NOT do drugs, but then having a bong on the kitchen table to remind them of it every single day. It's absolutely absurd.

Going against God's teaching is poor judgment. Every single leftwinger or atheist I have ever known had poor judgment. It just permeated everything they did.

They knew I was serious. I knew that teens do not always do what their parents want.

No, there was no bong on the table. There were condoms in a fishbowl. They knew I did not approve and forbid them from having sex. They also knew I did not want one mistake to see them dying of a disease or ruining their life.

There was no permission, implied or otherwise.
It's fools' gold. It makes one lazy. It makes you not try hard to please her. It turns what is supposed to be a sharing act into a selfish act. It's a contributor to divorce.

Absolutely not. I have no idea why you think it makes one lazy. It is an excellent way to relax and is a way to get to sleep when sleep does not come easy.

As for pleasing her, if it helps you last longer you have better chance of pleasing her if all you are doing is intercourse. If you are waiting almost 3 weeks to have sex, you won't last as long. That is a simple fact.

Contributor to divorce? lol Only if you are masturbating instead of having sex with your wife.
You posted a portion of a video that leaves out key context, which is the topic, abortions done when the fetus has severe birth defects incompatible with life.

Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated.
Yeah, well, the video gives even more context than your snippet. It gives the complete context, in its entirety, in his own words.

He said that it is okay to deny care to a live born infant in need of care, allowing it to die when it might otherwise live. That's a crime in every state in the US.

So, I think it shows beyond a doubt that when you said "no one supports full-term abortions," you were incorrect, as Governor Northam clearly does, even to the extent of purposefully killing a baby after it is naturally born.

Yeah, well, the video gives even more context than your snippet. It gives the complete context, in its entirety, in his own words.

He said that it is okay to deny care to a live born infant in need of care, allowing it to die when it might otherwise live. That's a crime in every state in the US.

So, I think it shows beyond a doubt that when you said "no one supports full-term abortions," you were incorrect, as Governor Northam clearly does, even to the extent of purposefully killing a baby after it is naturally born.

The video snip lacks context, the discussion was about babies born withsevere fetal deformations incompatible with life and how handle it compassionately along with parents. You completely omit that, which creates a false impression of what the discussion is.

Why do you omit that? Simple question.
Yeah, well, the video gives even more context than your snippet. It gives the complete context, in its entirety, in his own words.

He said that it is okay to deny care to a live born infant in need of care, allowing it to die when it might otherwise live. That's a crime in every state in the US.

So, I think it shows beyond a doubt that when you said "no one supports full-term abortions," you were incorrect, as Governor Northam clearly does, even to the extent of purposefully killing a baby after it is naturally born.


Full term abortions are only performed in the gravest of fetal deformity. These are not "convenience abortions". The parents have been preparing to welcome a baby into their lives. They have bought clothes, diapers, strollers and decorated a nursery. It is a tragedy. But it is not a crime.
The video snip lacks context, the discussion was about babies born withsevere fetal deformations incompatible with life and how handle it compassionately along with parents. You completely omit that, which creates a false impression of what the discussion is.

Why do you omit that? Simple question.
I don't think the video omitted anything. It included the full question and answer and it included the point you have been making, virtually verbatim, as well.

I don't think, as Northam describes in detail from experience as a Pediatrician, that deliberately withholding needed care from a delivered baby is humane or consistent with the Hippocratic Oath, and it's also illegal.

So, like I said, there are people who support full-term abortions, which was the subject of my original reply. I think it is indisputable. It seems that you and WinterBorn also support them in circumstances where the life of the mother is not even in jeopardy, as shown by this thread.

Thats's y'all's prerogative. I think it is borderline murder of the most innocent and defenseless among us.

"Danger to the mother" is a bogus argument. Normal birth could easily be achieved if the health of the mother is in jeopardy. It's probably more dangerous and painful to the mother to turn the baby around in the birth canal to artificially cause a breach birth. It has to be done in order to conform to an interpretation of the law that says the baby isn't born yet if a couple of inches of it's head is still inside the mother. How do we deal with the former democrat governor of Va. who said that newborn babies would be made comfortable while the doctor and the parents decide whether or not to let it die from neglect?
Why are you continuing to lie..

Do you lie because your actual arguments are so weak you can't use the truth...
I don't think the video omitted anything. It included the full question and answer and it included the point you have been making, virtually verbatim, as well.

I don't think, as Northam describes in detail from experience as a Pediatrician, that deliberately withholding needed care from a delivered baby is humane or consistent with the Hippocratic Oath, and it's also illegal.

So, like I said, there are people who support full-term abortions, which was the subject of my original reply. I think it is indisputable. It seems that you and WinterBorn also support them in circumstances where the life of the mother is not even in jeopardy, as shown by this thread.

Thats's y'all's prerogative. I think it is borderline murder of the most innocent and defenseless among us.


The ONLY time a full term abortion is allowed is when the mother's life is in danger or the fetus is not viable.
I don't think the video omitted anything. It included the full question and answer and it included the point you have been making, virtually verbatim, as well.

I don't think, as Northam describes in detail from experience as a Pediatrician, that deliberately withholding needed care from a delivered baby is humane or consistent with the Hippocratic Oath, and it's also illegal.

So, like I said, there are people who support full-term abortions, which was the subject of my original reply. I think it is indisputable. It seems that you and WinterBorn also support them in circumstances where the life of the mother is not even in jeopardy, as shown by this thread.

Thats's y'all's prerogative. I think it is borderline murder of the most innocent and defenseless among us.

No one supports “full term abortion”, including Northam. He was talking about babies with severe fetal deformaties. A “full term abortion” doesn’t even make any sense because by then it is a birth not an abortion, and late in pregnancy it is very much a wanted child. So yes, it is very much in dispute because the facts are wrong. In cases where the mother’s health or life is endangered and birth must be induced early, federal law requires doctors to do what they can to save the baby as well as the mother. There is no “prerogative” here.

On Northam, as a pediatrician, he is talking about what they do when a newborn has such severe defects, it isn’t going to survive. It is palliative care. It has nothing to do with abortion.

For example acrania. Babies with this defect usually die soon after birth. Do stick it in ICU stuffed with tubes or keep it as comfortable and loved as possible until it dies? Parent’s prerogative, but the baby will die and tbere is nothing cruel about opting for palliative care.

In terms of supporting later term abortions, post 20 weeks, I support restrictions, limiting it to mother’s health or life or severe fetal defects. Do you object to that?
"Danger to the mother" is a bogus argument. Normal birth could easily be achieved if the health of the mother is in jeopardy. It's probably more dangerous and painful to the mother to turn the baby around in the birth canal to artificially cause a breach birth. It has to be done in order to conform to an interpretation of the law that says the baby isn't born yet if a couple of inches of it's head is still inside the mother. How do we deal with the former democrat governor of Va. who said that newborn babies would be made comfortable while the doctor and the parents decide whether or not to let it die from neglect?
How is it bogus? Maternal mortality is 24 deaths per 100,000 live births. For black women it is 55.

The governor was talking about babies with severe (as in incompatible with life) birth defects.

Surely there are enough legit arguments opposing abortion to be made without making shit up?
That is absolute nonsense.
It's not. It's why women despise what pornography does to men. It takes them away, both emotionally and physically from the woman. Masturbation does the same.
The RCC condemns masturbation. It is a grievous sin. Do it, and suffer real-life consequences, as is the case with any mortal sin, whether you believe it's a sin or not. Fools argue against reality.
It's not. It's why women despise what pornography does to men. It takes them away, both emotionally and physically from the woman. Masturbation does the same.
The RCC condemns masturbation. It is a grievous sin. Do it, and suffer real-life consequences, as is the case with any mortal sin, whether you believe it's a sin or not. Fools argue against reality.

If a man is refusing to have sex with his wife in favor of masturbation, then maybe what you said is true.

Otherwise, it is absolutely false. And I think you would be surprised how many women enjoy porn too. Helps them take care of what their straight-laced catholic husbands couldn't do.
Catholic women won't even listen to their own priests. Making it illegal would serve them right.
Why don't you mind your own goddam business when it comes to what people do in the bedroom instead a siccing the gubmint on people that you hate, ya fuck?

Funny how all of a sudden you right wing assholes want big gubmint to be used against people that you like to torment. Fuck off.

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