Are Atheists Delusional?

The ocean is much deeper than 200 feet. You're just making up this nonsense.
not all of it,,,and close to land its only a foot deep,,,now whos makin shit up

The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

The ocean at the Bering Strait averages between 98 and 164 feet deep. So you are still having to have a massive amount of water just disappear.
well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed??

Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

This is a really ignorant opening post. WTF?
not all of it,,,and close to land its only a foot deep,,,now whos makin shit up

The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

The ocean at the Bering Strait averages between 98 and 164 feet deep. So you are still having to have a massive amount of water just disappear.
well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed??

Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.

so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??
The ocean is much deeper than 200 feet. You're just making up this nonsense.
not all of it,,,and close to land its only a foot deep,,,now whos makin shit up

The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

So you are saying that Noah walked all the way across the continent of Asia, crossed at the Bering Strait, then walked all the way down North America, through Central America and into South America? Then caught 2 sloths, and walked all the way back up into Central America, up through North America, back across the Bering Strait, and then across the entire continent of Asia??

Now THAT is delusional. I did a quick look at Google Earth, and mapped the most direct route for the trip to South America via the Bering Strait. It runs just over 12,500 miles. So 25,000 miles round trip. If he makes good time and travels 10 miles a day, and never takes a day off (traveling on the Sabbath ect), it would only take 1,250 days to get there. Then another 1,250 days to get back. It would only take him a little over 68 years to retrieve a pair of sloths.

But there is no shallow water between Asia and Australia.

And this comment "and if you look at underwater between the main continent and Australia its the same thing,,,drop the water level a few hundred feet and they can walk there". Do you have any proof? What is the depth of the water between Asia and Australia? Do you know? And you say "drop the water level a few hundred feet" like its nothing. Do you have any proof the water levels were hundreds of feet lower?

you need to click the googl map I posted,,,all the waters between them is shallow if you stay closer to the land

and wheres your proof noah started in the middle east??

Where else would he have been? That is where the old testament is based.

from: SparkNotes: Bible: The Old Testament: Context

"The setting of the Old Testament is the ancient Near East (or Middle East), extending from Mesopotamia in the northeast (modern-day Iraq) down to the Nile River in Egypt in the southwest. The majority of the events take place in Palestine, the ancient land of Canaan—the eastern Mediterranean region stretching seventy-five miles west from the sea and marked by the Jordan River Valley, which runs down the heart of the mountainous land. Situated between the sprawling Egyptian Empire to the south and the Hittite and Babylonian Empires to the north and east, the area was an important trade route in the second millennium b.c. A variety of peoples, mostly nomadic herding communities, scattered the plains. They established small fortified cities, worshipped various deities, and farmed. The inhospitable region prevented any one nation from dominating the area, but the inhabitants were generally called “Canaanite,” speaking versions of a common Semitic language, including the languages now known as Hebrew and Arabic."
The ocean is much deeper than 200 feet. You're just making up this nonsense.
not all of it,,,and close to land its only a foot deep,,,now whos makin shit up

The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

So you are saying that Noah walked all the way across the continent of Asia, crossed at the Bering Strait, then walked all the way down North America, through Central America and into South America? Then caught 2 sloths, and walked all the way back up into Central America, up through North America, back across the Bering Strait, and then across the entire continent of Asia??

Now THAT is delusional. I did a quick look at Google Earth, and mapped the most direct route for the trip to South America via the Bering Strait. It runs just over 12,500 miles. So 25,000 miles round trip. If he makes good time and travels 10 miles a day, and never takes a day off (traveling on the Sabbath ect), it would only take 1,250 days to get there. Then another 1,250 days to get back. It would only take him a little over 68 years to retrieve a pair of sloths.

But there is no shallow water between Asia and Australia.

And this comment "and if you look at underwater between the main continent and Australia its the same thing,,,drop the water level a few hundred feet and they can walk there". Do you have any proof? What is the depth of the water between Asia and Australia? Do you know? And you say "drop the water level a few hundred feet" like its nothing. Do you have any proof the water levels were hundreds of feet lower?

you need to click the googl map I posted,,,all the waters between them is shallow if you stay closer to the land

and wheres your proof noah started in the middle east??

Shallow? Like 500 feet deep? When the oceans are thousands of feet deep, 500 feet seems shallow. But you have no evidence, let alone proof that the seas were hundreds of feel lower. There are ancient cities at the current coast lines.
The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

The ocean at the Bering Strait averages between 98 and 164 feet deep. So you are still having to have a massive amount of water just disappear.
well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed??

Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.

so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??

I posted an answer.
The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

The ocean at the Bering Strait averages between 98 and 164 feet deep. So you are still having to have a massive amount of water just disappear.
well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed??

Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.

so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??

So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.

not all of it,,,and close to land its only a foot deep,,,now whos makin shit up

The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

So you are saying that Noah walked all the way across the continent of Asia, crossed at the Bering Strait, then walked all the way down North America, through Central America and into South America? Then caught 2 sloths, and walked all the way back up into Central America, up through North America, back across the Bering Strait, and then across the entire continent of Asia??

Now THAT is delusional. I did a quick look at Google Earth, and mapped the most direct route for the trip to South America via the Bering Strait. It runs just over 12,500 miles. So 25,000 miles round trip. If he makes good time and travels 10 miles a day, and never takes a day off (traveling on the Sabbath ect), it would only take 1,250 days to get there. Then another 1,250 days to get back. It would only take him a little over 68 years to retrieve a pair of sloths.

But there is no shallow water between Asia and Australia.

And this comment "and if you look at underwater between the main continent and Australia its the same thing,,,drop the water level a few hundred feet and they can walk there". Do you have any proof? What is the depth of the water between Asia and Australia? Do you know? And you say "drop the water level a few hundred feet" like its nothing. Do you have any proof the water levels were hundreds of feet lower?

you need to click the googl map I posted,,,all the waters between them is shallow if you stay closer to the land

and wheres your proof noah started in the middle east??

Shallow? Like 500 feet deep? When the oceans are thousands of feet deep, 500 feet seems shallow. But you have no evidence, let alone proof that the seas were hundreds of feel lower. There are ancient cities at the current coast lines.
if you are going to claim depths of ocean, please be specific where because they are all deeper depending on where your standing,,,or swimming
not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

The ocean at the Bering Strait averages between 98 and 164 feet deep. So you are still having to have a massive amount of water just disappear.
well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed??

Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.

so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??

So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.

OK going on what I think you are talking about,,,where does it say
1st who said he went and got them??
2nd how do you know they were in australia to start with??
3rd how did they get back there after??
according to you the water was to high,,,

I in no way understand what your talking about with this
The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

So you are saying that Noah walked all the way across the continent of Asia, crossed at the Bering Strait, then walked all the way down North America, through Central America and into South America? Then caught 2 sloths, and walked all the way back up into Central America, up through North America, back across the Bering Strait, and then across the entire continent of Asia??

Now THAT is delusional. I did a quick look at Google Earth, and mapped the most direct route for the trip to South America via the Bering Strait. It runs just over 12,500 miles. So 25,000 miles round trip. If he makes good time and travels 10 miles a day, and never takes a day off (traveling on the Sabbath ect), it would only take 1,250 days to get there. Then another 1,250 days to get back. It would only take him a little over 68 years to retrieve a pair of sloths.

But there is no shallow water between Asia and Australia.

And this comment "and if you look at underwater between the main continent and Australia its the same thing,,,drop the water level a few hundred feet and they can walk there". Do you have any proof? What is the depth of the water between Asia and Australia? Do you know? And you say "drop the water level a few hundred feet" like its nothing. Do you have any proof the water levels were hundreds of feet lower?

you need to click the googl map I posted,,,all the waters between them is shallow if you stay closer to the land

and wheres your proof noah started in the middle east??

Shallow? Like 500 feet deep? When the oceans are thousands of feet deep, 500 feet seems shallow. But you have no evidence, let alone proof that the seas were hundreds of feel lower. There are ancient cities at the current coast lines.
if you are going to claim depths of ocean, please be specific where because they are all deeper depending on where your standing,,,or swimming

I have quoted depths. You have not. You are the one making the claim that Noah may have walked to Australia.

How deep is the water between the continent of Asia and Australia?
not all of it,,,and close to land its only a foot deep,,,now whos makin shit up

The fact is, the ocean between continents is greater than 200 feet deep. You can invent all the absurd notions you wish to convince yourself of various absurd notions but those delusions convince no one.

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

So you are saying that Noah walked all the way across the continent of Asia, crossed at the Bering Strait, then walked all the way down North America, through Central America and into South America? Then caught 2 sloths, and walked all the way back up into Central America, up through North America, back across the Bering Strait, and then across the entire continent of Asia??

Now THAT is delusional. I did a quick look at Google Earth, and mapped the most direct route for the trip to South America via the Bering Strait. It runs just over 12,500 miles. So 25,000 miles round trip. If he makes good time and travels 10 miles a day, and never takes a day off (traveling on the Sabbath ect), it would only take 1,250 days to get there. Then another 1,250 days to get back. It would only take him a little over 68 years to retrieve a pair of sloths.

But there is no shallow water between Asia and Australia.

And this comment "and if you look at underwater between the main continent and Australia its the same thing,,,drop the water level a few hundred feet and they can walk there". Do you have any proof? What is the depth of the water between Asia and Australia? Do you know? And you say "drop the water level a few hundred feet" like its nothing. Do you have any proof the water levels were hundreds of feet lower?

you need to click the googl map I posted,,,all the waters between them is shallow if you stay closer to the land

and wheres your proof noah started in the middle east??

Where else would he have been? That is where the old testament is based.

from: SparkNotes: Bible: The Old Testament: Context

"The setting of the Old Testament is the ancient Near East (or Middle East), extending from Mesopotamia in the northeast (modern-day Iraq) down to the Nile River in Egypt in the southwest. The majority of the events take place in Palestine, the ancient land of Canaan—the eastern Mediterranean region stretching seventy-five miles west from the sea and marked by the Jordan River Valley, which runs down the heart of the mountainous land. Situated between the sprawling Egyptian Empire to the south and the Hittite and Babylonian Empires to the north and east, the area was an important trade route in the second millennium b.c. A variety of peoples, mostly nomadic herding communities, scattered the plains. They established small fortified cities, worshipped various deities, and farmed. The inhospitable region prevented any one nation from dominating the area, but the inhabitants were generally called “Canaanite,” speaking versions of a common Semitic language, including the languages now known as Hebrew and Arabic."

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

The ocean at the Bering Strait averages between 98 and 164 feet deep. So you are still having to have a massive amount of water just disappear.
well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed??

Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.

so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??

So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.


you have to prove it to be a myth, even in china it has been reported to have happen around 3,000 years ago.

Ancient Chinese Megaflood May Be Fact, Not Fiction

New research recently published in Science by a group of mostly Chinese researchers led by Qinglong Wu reports geological evidence for an event they propose may be behind China’s story of a great flood. This new research delves into the field of geomythology, which relates oral traditions and folklore to natural phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods.

The story of Emperor Yu, the legendary founder of China’s first dynasty, centers on his ability to drain persistent floodwaters from lowland areas, bringing order to the land. This ancient flood story centers on the triumph of human ingenuity and labor over the chaotic forces of the natural world. It’s strikingly different from other flood traditions in that its hero didn’t survive a world-destroying flood but rather pulled off feats of river engineering that brought order to the land and paved the way for lowland agriculture.

Xia dynasty (20701600 BC) The Xia dynasty of China (from c. 2070 to c. 1600 BC) is the first dynasty to be described in ancient historical records such as Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian and Bamboo Annals.
History of China - Wikipedia

Since Christ is recorded as having referred to Noah’s Flood as a past event it should be obvious that we need data that will take us back beyond 2,000 years.

The next date we can put down with reliable certainty is 967 BC or 2,948 years ago. This is the date at which Solomon laid the foundation of the Temple ([URL='']1 Kings 6:1
). For those who are interested in the detailed evidence as to why this event can be placed in 967 BC I would refer you to Professor Edwin Thiele’s work The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings. His work can be summarized by the statement that both the chronology of the Ancient Assyrian Culture and the Biblical record point to this date. The first verse of Kings chapter 6 is also useful in that it tells us there was a time span of 480 years Appendix 1) from the time Israel left Egypt (the Exodus) until Solomon began to build the Temple.

The Exodus occurred therefore roughly 1,981 + 967 + 480 years ago Appendix 2) or 3,428 years ago or 1447 BC ± 1 year. Why do I say +/- 1 year?

not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,

So you are saying that Noah walked all the way across the continent of Asia, crossed at the Bering Strait, then walked all the way down North America, through Central America and into South America? Then caught 2 sloths, and walked all the way back up into Central America, up through North America, back across the Bering Strait, and then across the entire continent of Asia??

Now THAT is delusional. I did a quick look at Google Earth, and mapped the most direct route for the trip to South America via the Bering Strait. It runs just over 12,500 miles. So 25,000 miles round trip. If he makes good time and travels 10 miles a day, and never takes a day off (traveling on the Sabbath ect), it would only take 1,250 days to get there. Then another 1,250 days to get back. It would only take him a little over 68 years to retrieve a pair of sloths.

But there is no shallow water between Asia and Australia.

And this comment "and if you look at underwater between the main continent and Australia its the same thing,,,drop the water level a few hundred feet and they can walk there". Do you have any proof? What is the depth of the water between Asia and Australia? Do you know? And you say "drop the water level a few hundred feet" like its nothing. Do you have any proof the water levels were hundreds of feet lower?

you need to click the googl map I posted,,,all the waters between them is shallow if you stay closer to the land

and wheres your proof noah started in the middle east??

Shallow? Like 500 feet deep? When the oceans are thousands of feet deep, 500 feet seems shallow. But you have no evidence, let alone proof that the seas were hundreds of feel lower. There are ancient cities at the current coast lines.
if you are going to claim depths of ocean, please be specific where because they are all deeper depending on where your standing,,,or swimming

I have quoted depths. You have not. You are the one making the claim that Noah may have walked to Australia.

How deep is the water between the continent of Asia and Australia?
The ocean at the Bering Strait averages between 98 and 164 feet deep. So you are still having to have a massive amount of water just disappear.
well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed??

Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.

so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??

So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.

OK going on what I think you are talking about,,,where does it say
1st who said he went and got them??
2nd how do you know they were in australia to start with??
3rd how did they get back there after??
according to you the water was to high,,,

I in no way understand what your talking about with this

Kangaroos have only ever existed in the places they are now. No sightings of animals or fossils of them elsewhere. If your answer is that they may have been from somewhere else, you will need to offer proof.
Now James Bond, what do you imagine your "God" to be?
well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed??

Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.

so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??

So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.

OK going on what I think you are talking about,,,where does it say
1st who said he went and got them??
2nd how do you know they were in australia to start with??
3rd how did they get back there after??
according to you the water was to high,,,

I in no way understand what your talking about with this

Kangaroos have only ever existed in the places they are now. No sightings of animals or fossils of them elsewhere. If your answer is that they may have been from somewhere else, you will need to offer proof.

So you are saying that Noah walked all the way across the continent of Asia, crossed at the Bering Strait, then walked all the way down North America, through Central America and into South America? Then caught 2 sloths, and walked all the way back up into Central America, up through North America, back across the Bering Strait, and then across the entire continent of Asia??

Now THAT is delusional. I did a quick look at Google Earth, and mapped the most direct route for the trip to South America via the Bering Strait. It runs just over 12,500 miles. So 25,000 miles round trip. If he makes good time and travels 10 miles a day, and never takes a day off (traveling on the Sabbath ect), it would only take 1,250 days to get there. Then another 1,250 days to get back. It would only take him a little over 68 years to retrieve a pair of sloths.

But there is no shallow water between Asia and Australia.

And this comment "and if you look at underwater between the main continent and Australia its the same thing,,,drop the water level a few hundred feet and they can walk there". Do you have any proof? What is the depth of the water between Asia and Australia? Do you know? And you say "drop the water level a few hundred feet" like its nothing. Do you have any proof the water levels were hundreds of feet lower?

you need to click the googl map I posted,,,all the waters between them is shallow if you stay closer to the land

and wheres your proof noah started in the middle east??

Shallow? Like 500 feet deep? When the oceans are thousands of feet deep, 500 feet seems shallow. But you have no evidence, let alone proof that the seas were hundreds of feel lower. There are ancient cities at the current coast lines.
if you are going to claim depths of ocean, please be specific where because they are all deeper depending on where your standing,,,or swimming

I have quoted depths. You have not. You are the one making the claim that Noah may have walked to Australia.

How deep is the water between the continent of Asia and Australia?

Then how did kangaroos survive the great flood? You have said that the great flood was how fossil graveyards were formed. It was a big enough flood to cover Colorado, since you claim the water flowing out after the flood is what cut the Grand Canyon. And it did so in a matter or weeks, if not days.

So how did kangaroos survive the great flood?

And if you weren't speaking in favor of someone walking to Australia and to South America, what was all that talk about shallow waters close to land and the Bering Strait?
Yes, the native Americans came over the Bering Strait. But they weren't coming to collect a pair of animals and go back.

Also, we know they came over that route because of the evidence that we found and dated via the methods you ridiculed earlier in this thread.

so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??

So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.

OK going on what I think you are talking about,,,where does it say
1st who said he went and got them??
2nd how do you know they were in australia to start with??
3rd how did they get back there after??
according to you the water was to high,,,

I in no way understand what your talking about with this

Kangaroos have only ever existed in the places they are now. No sightings of animals or fossils of them elsewhere. If your answer is that they may have been from somewhere else, you will need to offer proof.


You want a link showing there have never been sightings else where? Link a news story that someone did not see a kangaroo? Or maybe a scientific paper about not finding kangaroo fossils? lol

You show proof they existed somewhere else.
so theres 100 ft in known history

what about the noah thing???

what makes you think he started from the middle east??

So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.

OK going on what I think you are talking about,,,where does it say
1st who said he went and got them??
2nd how do you know they were in australia to start with??
3rd how did they get back there after??
according to you the water was to high,,,

I in no way understand what your talking about with this

Kangaroos have only ever existed in the places they are now. No sightings of animals or fossils of them elsewhere. If your answer is that they may have been from somewhere else, you will need to offer proof.


You want a link showing there have never been sightings else where? Link a news story that someone did not see a kangaroo? Or maybe a scientific paper about not finding kangaroo fossils? lol

You show proof they existed somewhere else.
WHY???I made no claims about it
So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.

OK going on what I think you are talking about,,,where does it say
1st who said he went and got them??
2nd how do you know they were in australia to start with??
3rd how did they get back there after??
according to you the water was to high,,,

I in no way understand what your talking about with this

Kangaroos have only ever existed in the places they are now. No sightings of animals or fossils of them elsewhere. If your answer is that they may have been from somewhere else, you will need to offer proof.


You want a link showing there have never been sightings else where? Link a news story that someone did not see a kangaroo? Or maybe a scientific paper about not finding kangaroo fossils? lol

You show proof they existed somewhere else.
WHY???I made no claims about it

No? So you are not claiming kangaroos ever lived elsewhere?

So you posted this as actual questions?
"1st who said he went and got them??
2nd how do you know they were in australia to start with??
3rd how did they get back there after??"

Either Noah went and got them, or there was no great flood for them to survive. Pick one.

But remember, if you pick "No great flood", several of your other arguments fold up.

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