Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?

To what degree are children a part of the gay-marriage conversation?

  • They are THE concern of marriage. Marriage was mainly created for their benefit after all.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Part of the conversation for sure. But in the end the adult civil rights trump them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat part of the conversation, but only a secondary role.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Marriage is for and about adults. Kids will accept what they have to.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.
You may have heard that just recently 32 states are petitioning the SCOTUS for an immediate resolution to the answer of "is gay marriage federally-protected or not"? That's huge news. It's news. It's political and it's as current and big as anything can get.
I simply don't fucking care. And it's only political because Americans are too fucking nosey to mind their own business.
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.
You may have heard that just recently 32 states are petitioning the SCOTUS for an immediate resolution to the answer of "is gay marriage federally-protected or not"? That's huge news. It's news. It's political and it's as current and big as anything can get.
I simply don't fucking care. And it's only political because Americans are too fucking nosey to mind their own business.
Interjecting the word "fucking" means you do care. And it is political. Americans care about the welfare of children. Children's welfare is ALL of our business ALL of the time.
If you can't have children. Why should it??? Marriage suppose to be about the children.

Our society is all about greed anymore.
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.

Good luck to the two dudes trying to get each other pregnant. I'm fine with them thinking that anal homosexual sex is the way to go, but once they figure out that it's not going to work, then they're going to have to go outside of their "marriage" in order to get a child and then it does becomes society's business.
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.
You may have heard that just recently 32 states are petitioning the SCOTUS for an immediate resolution to the answer of "is gay marriage federally-protected or not"? That's huge news. It's news. It's political and it's as current and big as anything can get.
I simply don't fucking care. And it's only political because Americans are too fucking nosey to mind their own business.
Interjecting the word "fucking" means you do care. And it is political. Americans care about the welfare of children. Children's welfare is ALL of our business ALL of the time.
Injecting the word fucking means I'm a vulgur asshole, nothing more. And I guess you're into that "it takes a village" nonsense now?

Too bad
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.

Good luck to the two dudes trying to get each other pregnant. I'm fine with them thinking that anal homosexual sex is the way to go, but once they figure out that it's not going to work, then they're going to have to go outside of their "marriage" in order to get a child and then it does becomes society's business.
People adopt all the time. Do you monitor their choices too?
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.

Good luck to the two dudes trying to get each other pregnant. I'm fine with them thinking that anal homosexual sex is the way to go, but once they figure out that it's not going to work, then they're going to have to go outside of their "marriage" in order to get a child and then it does becomes society's business.
People adopt all the time. Do you monitor their choices too?

Um yeah. Adoption isn't like a U-Pick Farm. You have to be qualified. There is of course the private adoption route but a lot of people believe that to be too mercenary - the buying and selling of kids, but it does get you out from the selection process.

That said, the kid up for adoption is already alive, now the duty of society is to do the best for him going forward. His parents can no longer care for him. Homosexuals can go to the back of the line behind heterosexual parents.
I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.

Good luck to the two dudes trying to get each other pregnant. I'm fine with them thinking that anal homosexual sex is the way to go, but once they figure out that it's not going to work, then they're going to have to go outside of their "marriage" in order to get a child and then it does becomes society's business.
People adopt all the time. Do you monitor their choices too?

Um yeah. Adoption isn't like a U-Pick Farm. You have to be qualified. There is of course the private adoption route but a lot of people believe that to be too mercenary - the buying and selling of kids, but it does get you out from the selection process.

That said, the kid up for adoption is already alive, now the duty of society is to do the best for him going forward. His parents can no longer care for him. Homosexuals can go to the back of the line behind heterosexual parents.
Dude there is no line. There are thousands upon thousands of children that remain unadopted every year. I know, I was one of them. Shuffled from shitty group home to shitty group home.
Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?


It's a red herring contrived by demagogues on the social right who know they've lost the argument.

I don't believe this topic belongs in our political discourse. I am not a fag but at the same time if I were I would have the opinion that it's none of the government's business.

Good luck to the two dudes trying to get each other pregnant. I'm fine with them thinking that anal homosexual sex is the way to go, but once they figure out that it's not going to work, then they're going to have to go outside of their "marriage" in order to get a child and then it does becomes society's business.
People adopt all the time. Do you monitor their choices too?

Um yeah. Adoption isn't like a U-Pick Farm. You have to be qualified. There is of course the private adoption route but a lot of people believe that to be too mercenary - the buying and selling of kids, but it does get you out from the selection process.

That said, the kid up for adoption is already alive, now the duty of society is to do the best for him going forward. His parents can no longer care for him. Homosexuals can go to the back of the line behind heterosexual parents.
Dude there is no line. There are thousands upon thousands of children that remain unadopted every year. I know, I was one of them. Shuffled from shitty group home to shitty group home.

You're right, there are plenty of kids awaiting adoption but most of them are black and that's why many parents go overseas to adopt:

Yet even domestic adoptions are a growing challenge, said Jenny Pope of Buckner International, an adoption agency, because as single parenthood becomes more acceptable, "there are just not as many women placing their children for adoption."

As a result, the number of U.S. infant adoptions (about 90,000 in 1971) has fallen from 22,291 in 2002 to 18,078 in 2007, according to the most recent five-year tally from the private National Council for Adoption. The group's president, Chuck Johnson, expects the number has remained fairly stable since 2007, citing efforts to promote adoption.

One positive for children: There are fewer in foster care because more are reunited with birth parents or adopted by relatives and foster parents. The number of them waiting to be adopted fell from 130,637 in 2003 to 104,236 in 2011, according to the Children's Bureau.

"The options are far fewer for families," said Jennifer Doane of Wide Horizons for Children, an adoption agency.​
I believe that, as usual, the poll is skewed and inaccurate.

People have kids. Some people have spouses and some do not. Some people are good parents, some are not.

Yes, of course kids are and should be part of the conversation.

Women who have kids without having a spouse are bad parents. Their kids grow up to inhabit state penitentiaries. They are the main cause of all the social pathologies of this nation.
Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?


It's a red herring contrived by demagogues on the social right who know they've lost the argument.

Yeah, right. The facts of biology are a "red herring."

Only a lib could post something that stupid.
The Europeans got it right. They're protecting the human rights of children. It this sounds outlandish to you then you need to analyze the implications of what is actually taking place. First think about this scenario:

You and your spouse arrive at the maternity ward to have a child. Your baby is born and put in the nursery while the mother recovers. When you leave the hospital you are assigned a random baby, but not your baby. What harm has been done to you or to the baby you gave birth to?​

So we should remove children from the custody of unmarried parents and give them to a married couple who want a child?

In the child's best interest?

Yes. Women who have children out of wedlock that they can't support should have them taken away and put up for adoption.
That said, the kid up for adoption is already alive, now the duty of society is to do the best for him going forward. His parents can no longer care for him. Homosexuals can go to the back of the line behind heterosexual parents.


For the state to seek to delay a same-sex couple to adopt a child solely because they are indeed a same-sex couple, when that couple is otherwise eligible to adopt, would be both unwarranted and un-Constitutional.
That said, the kid up for adoption is already alive, now the duty of society is to do the best for him going forward. His parents can no longer care for him. Homosexuals can go to the back of the line behind heterosexual parents.


For the state to seek to delay a same-sex couple to adopt a child solely because they are indeed a same-sex couple, when that couple is otherwise eligible to adopt, would be both unwarranted and un-Constitutional.

Hardly. There is no Constitutional right to adopt. Adoption exists for the sake of the child, not to make a couple of fuck buddies feel like normal people. Homos belong in the back of the line when it comes to adoption, if they belong in the line at all.
No, kids are not part of the equation of marriage. And your poll is skewed and biased.

If the children are in a bad home, get them out. Whether or not the parent is single or gay doesn't mean anything.
Has anyone pointed out yet that by creating a thread about children being a part of the gay marriage debate... dumbass silhouette is showing that children are part of the gay marriage debate?
No, kids are not part of the equation of marriage. And your poll is skewed and biased.

If the children are in a bad home, get them out. Whether or not the parent is single or gay doesn't mean anything.

Kids are the central focus of marriage. Society subsidizes marriage. I have absolutely zero interest in subsidizing someone's marriage just because they love someone. Love is a personal matter, but social support involves an obligation.

As for pulling kids from homes, we've already gone too far on that front - child social service agents are often causing more family damage than they prevent. Normal parents are better than homosexual parents.
Homosexuals want to play house perverting the intent of nature and nature's God. Then they want to pervert the laws of nature and say they are parents.

I really don't care what they do to each other, but leading Children to hell, and/or using them as props to play Ward and Jude Cleaver is sick.

This is an evil world and I realize that there are things I might not be able to change right now; the redeeming thought is that their children will hate them. :)
Homosexuals want to play house perverting the intent of nature and nature's God. Then they want to pervert the laws of nature and say they are parents.

I really don't care what they do to each other, but leading Children to hell, and/or using them as props to play Ward and Jude Cleaver is sick.

This is an evil world and I realize that there are things I might not be able to change right now; the redeeming thought is that their children will hate them. :)

Can you believe people used to ride around on dinosaurs man?

What a crazy world we live in.

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